Harry's departure and return.

Summary key points:


-Mid level god Harry

-Slytherin Harry

-heir of many houses Harry

-all types of magic Harry

-DGAF Harry



Voldermort shows up at Godrics Hollow while James and Lily are away leaving the twin boys Harry and Chris with the house elves, Chris looks like he deflected the curse but it was Harry. Dumbledore shows up with parents and declares Chris the BWL yada yada.

Now on with the not repeatedly used part ;)...

8 years later:

Harry lay on his bed looking intently at the ceiling of his bedroom thinking how nice it would be for all the people downstairs to sing Happy Birthday to him for a change but nah they were singing it to Chris as they had done for the last 8 years. Harry wasn't abused by any stretch of the imagination he was fed had his own room and had company, granted it was the company of the house elves who ever now and again got repetitive with all their 'young master' this and that. The exception of this was the matron house elf Wippy who would mother Harry scolding's and all.

The Potter family as a whole just ignored Harry as if he was invisible just going on like he wasn't there not going out of their way to shout at him or talk just walked past like he was part of the furniture. Which Harry had to admit was somewhat true the chair he used in the family library had a permanent imprint of his butt dented into its cushion. Harry learnt not to let this bother him he had become able to shut out his emotions and become cold to the facts his family brought to his life and worked on self improvement not for anyone else's benefit but to remind Harry that he was worthy of life and would make a name for himself one day without his name being a factor.

Since Harry could remember he loved magic from the everyday charms the elves used to the ability of legendary wizards he read about like the founders of Hogwarts and Merlin. Harry saw magic as a gift a power that put wizards above others and had dedicated his time to learning everything he could, that's where the family library came in since Harry could read from the age of four thanks to the efforts of Wippy he had spent most of his time in the library absorbing all the books in there had to offer whether it was on magical plants, magical theory or duelling Harry loved every word. The books of the library where only partly responsible for Harry's knowledge of magic because inside the library was also a portrait of Charlus Potter Harry's grandfather who would help Harry if he didn't understand a phrase or how a piece of magic worked. The man himself had fought against the previous dark lord Grindlewald a fact he slipped into about every time he spoke to Harry and a master of runes.

The first time Harry met the magical painting he had learned many cuss words when he had told the painting of his treatment a fact to this day the boy found hilarious and if the painting of his grandmother Dorea Potter nee Black was there would've 'given him a tongue lashing' as his grandfather said which made Harry wonder how long his Grandmother's tongue was.

Over the years Harry had spent in the library he had finished almost all the books about magical theory and had learnt how to theoretically cast most spells a third year at Hogwarts could do but without a wand he couldn't test his power for real. Also thanks to his Grandfathers rather rude comment about Harry's hair he had learnt that he must be a Metamorphmagus otherwise his hair would've been feet length and the fact the Black bloodline was known for having Metamorphmagus in their family which his Grandmother was from, though Harry was only able to turn his hair a light shade of red.

Back to the present Harry got up from his bed and looked at himself in the body long mirror on his cupboards door, he looked like James Potter with the glasses and messy hair but with the exception of his eyes with were green like his mothers. To Harry this was only another thing that linked him to this family not something that made him special. Whilst on the bed Harry had theorised that he would always live in the shadow of his family name and had come up with a plan of fixing that problem. Sighing he picked up a packed backpack from under his bed and left his room and made his way to the library, once in he stood before the painting of Charlus

"Hello Granddad" Harry spoke causing the painting to become sentient

"my beloved Grandson here for another story about how I your Grandfather bested the forces of Grindlewald?" the man asked with a twinkle in his painted eyes (magic it's a hell of hack in painting huh?)

"no Granddad I've come so say goodbye" Harry replied looking down

The light in the old man's eyes died and a saddened look took over his face

"so you've decided to go along with it huh?" he asked the boy

"ye I must cut away my past to grow into my own man I can't let the chains of my name stop me from my destiny" the boy said

"yes though I wish it had not been my family name, I'll miss you"

Harry turned round and headed for the door

"me too old man" and closed the library's door for the last time

When Harry had closed the door he had to reel in his emotions thanks to all the tutoring Charlus had given him in the art of occlumency he achieved this with relative ease, he then made his way down the winding set of stairs to the empty living room of the manor

'makes things easier' Harry thought then he looked out of the window looking over the garden where he saw his parents playing with Chris laughing while doing so. Harry undeterred grabbed and hand full of floo powder and threw it into the large fireplace calling

"the leaky cauldron"

Turning back for a second he looked at his surroundings "goodbye Potter manor and thank you" then stepping into the green flames he disappeared in a flash. When Harry stepped out of the flames he found himself in a darkly lit pub but knowing it was just a front for the entrance of diagon alley he made his way to the brick wall which separated the alley from the pub and waited until a witch who seemed in a rush opened up a whole in the wall by tapping her wand in a pattern on the bricks, then Harry simply slid in behind her and for the first time took in the sight of diagon alley both sides of the alley were lined with shops for every need imaginable and the pavement was full of people with shopping bags hanging of their arms. Then Harry spotted his goal at the end of the alley was a large white marble building Gringotts the wizarding bank. It took Harry 10 minutes before he reached the entrance of the bank thanks to all the people crowding the alley but he made it. Once inside Harry was lucky enough to find an free till and walked up to it and ask the goblin for an audience with the Potters family accountant Sharptooth, after the goblins identified him they sent him into Sharptooths office where the old Goblin was waiting for him

"Mr Potter I was surprised that you wished to see me without your parents" the Goblin said looking up from his book to look at Harry

"yes well my parents don't really know I'm here" Harry said slowly

"ah intriguing" the goblin said more interested than worried

"I've come to remove myself from the Potter line" Harry stated wanting to get to the point

This made the goblins long grey eyebrows to rise

"you understand that this is only possible if your parents consent to it?"

"usually yes but the law states if an heir has multiple names to inherit they may choose to use that name instead of their birth name" Harry replied rather smugly

"young one besides your claim to the Black name which isn't useful in this case as there is a Lord Black alive and your claim could be contested I'm not aware of any other names if any you can use" the goblin said somewhat impressed that this boy knew this information

"well there is a way to find out a blood test and before you tell me you don't know what it is I know Gringotts does it, the way you identify if a wizard says who they say they are gives it away" Harry finished by folding his arms

The old Goblin gave a heavy sigh this boy was too smart for his own good and from his desk pulled out a piece of parchment and a small silver dagger and placed them on the table in front of Harry

"I think you know what to do" he said to the boy

Harry picked up the knife a used it to make a small cut on his index finger and then pressed it onto the paper making sure his blood fell onto the parchment. When Harry lifted his finger off the parchment lines of ink started to appear. More precisely a list of names formed on the paper that listed

Potter (heir)

Black (heir contestant)

Peverell (heir)

Le Fey (heir)

Slytherin (heir via conquest)

Harry looked up from the list to see the goblin accountant looking at it with the same amount of interest and shock at the names on the parchment

"well looks like you have what you need for your plans Mr Potter, just tell me which name you wish to take and then I'll file for your disownment from the house Potter" the goblin said getting over his shock

"indeed" Harry answered he had wished that there had been names of lost families that had no living relatives and had no noticeable fame but all other names that had been showed all had that and if taken would result in people coming to look for him. The most problematic would be the Black name as if he took that he would first have to fight for his claim against the other competitors and if even he won Sirius Black the current head of the house and Harry's godfather would be alerted and as consequence his father Blacks long time school friend. If he took the Peverell name which he was sure was from his Potter heritage his family would be alerted to his plans. Leaving two options Le Fay which Harry had no idea how that came to be and had no idea of if there were any other relatives. If Harry had to be smart about this because if he wasn't all his plans could come crumbling down

"Slytherin, that should give me the least trouble" Harry finally said to the goblin

The goblin then pulled some files out and sorted them into Harry's existing file and called a lower ranking goblin to take the file and process it

"now onto the final pieces of business your new family ring and list of estates you now own due to the...lack of other family members" the goblin laughed the last part

Smiling at the goblins antics Harry first took the ring which was a silver snake coiled around a green gem stone, Harry slipped it on his right middle finger and then picked up the list of his Slytherin belongings

"well then Mr Po...Lord Slytherin you're free to go but as for the other names you lay claim to you will have to come back here to take the lordship of them when you feel appropriate" the goblin said before standing and leaving the room

Harry left the room and the bank a few moments after, stopping on the buildings steps to look at the Slytherin accounts:

Galleons-2,000,000,000 (10% interest yearly)

Artefacts- numerous

Estates- Slytherin Castle Edinburgh, Slytherin manor (Conway),Slytherin Holiday manor(Valencia)

Harry thought that the holiday manor seemed fun, the climate would be much nicer than here in Britain and Harry spoke a little Spanish. Harry took out the page on the Spanish Manor and was informed that it was under the fidelius charm and the only copy of the address was on that page in parseltounge meaning that only a family member could know its location. Harry read the address and then noticed he could remember it even after a few moments, after reading on he realised that as the heir he was now in charge of the wards and charms around the property. Making his way to the fireplace in the leaky cauldron he whispered the address of the manor and threw the floo powder at his feet and went up in a burst of green flames and then found himself tumbling out of a white marble fireplace onto a mahogany floor

"ouch" Harry mumbled still flat on the floor

Still muttering Harry lifted himself off the floor and look around him finding a typical aristocratic manor but kept in perfect condition no piles of dust nor cobwebs there must be house elves somewhere Harry thought. Walking through the manor he found a large dining hall, a cluster of guest rooms and one large master bedroom, a balcony overlooking the sea the manor was set right on the coast of Valencia creating wonderful views out of every window of the manor. After half an hour of exploring Harry found the last door at the end of a long corridor, when he opened it he found the biggest library he had ever seen even bigger than the Potter library. Every section was organised into subjects such as potions, runes and the dark arts to name a few. Harry wondered around the library the shelves were as tall as him some of the shelves at the back needed ladders to reach. Harry walked by his fingers grazing every book he passed imagining all the knowledge and power that was hidden in here and how it will all be his to use in his quest for greatness. Harry then found a corner that was arranged to be a study with a small desk and chair in the middle, Harry saw a painting frame behind the chair and half expected to see Charlus to pop out but nothing happened so Harry took a seat in the plush green leather chair it had been a long day for the boy. On the table was a small pile of books and Harry picked up the first one and opened it up, the book itself was a small black leather bound diary and when Harry looked at the name on the other side of the cover his eyes nearly popped out of his head the name was Salazar Slytherin and the whole diary was written in Parseltounge

"Merlin" Harry hissed not realising he had reverted to Parseltounge and also didn't notice that the painting now had a figure in it a figure in green robes and had a long white beard.

"who are you?" a voice hissed behind Harry.