I am honestly a little let down at the lack of lost planet fanfiction, so i shall try to remedy this now, with the over used "take a character from one place and plop him down in another world with some lame excuse", usually involving an explosion of some sort and some advanced tech. Convenient then that Lost planet 2 ends with a huge explosion caused by a super advanced space station dropped from orbit with a randomly generated group of people fighting close to it, Hmmm?
In this case i am going with just one guy getting dragged through the dimensions.
So let the adventure begin:
The Osprey shook heavily from the shock wave of a huge train slamming into the barricade that the Over-G had started to form over itself. The occupants of the flying Vital Suit were shaken from their seats and thrown to the deck of its troop transport pod. The collection of people, now groaning in pain from the throw, could be described as rather random all things considered. A couple of men in patchwork armor and thick clothes or overcoats, a couple of men in weathered military style armor and uniforms, even a couple men wearing light clothes and chains. The only odd one out was one wearing a heavy parka and military style boots, with a gas mask over his face.
As the varied men got to their feet they checked over their gear again. Once again a large variety were present, including firearms, plasma rifles, laser rifles and an equally varied array of grenades. These men were loaded for war and carried themselves as veterans of many conflicts. The Parka wearing one checked himself over. Gun sword? Check. Hand cannon? Check. Grenades? Check. Content that he was loaded for bear the man stepped over to the aircraft's door and used the controls to check out the external view.
Outside it was chaos. An extremely powerful blizzard was raging outside, continuing to shake the craft lightly here and there, and in the midst of this blizzard a fleet of other Osprey were flying loaded with men and women itching to get to the fight. Their target was dead ahead. What was once a city was now a ruin overflowing with rivers of Thermal energy, all heading towards the largest creature any one on the planet had ever seen.
It was called the Over-G. An Akrid, a race of insectoid/reptile creatures native the planet of E.D.N lll, of such huge size that it had defied the planets earlier classifications of Akrid by size. It was hard to see where it started and where it ended. It seemed less a living creature and more like a volcano of thermal energy that was constantly restructuring the landscape around it. It had thrown up a ever growing layer of chitinous armor that had totally blocked any ground access.
The small army of men and women that had assembled here were here for one reason. To Kill the damn thing. It was sucking up the planets underground reserves of thermal energy, the only thing preventing the entire planet from being an unlivable ice ball in space, in what they had been told was the Akrids damnedest attempt to finally rid the planet of Humanity.
Almost the entire human population of E.D.N lll were what the planets supposed owners liked to call "Snow Pirates", rebels, mercenary's, scum and people just trying to make a living on one of the most inhospitable planets humanity had ever encountered, at least that they tried to colonize. The owners of the planet were a corporation called NEVEC. That for the past almost 150 years had been trying to kill everything on the planet in an attempt to strip it of every bit of thermal energy, a mysterious fuel like liquid created naturally by the native Akrid.
It was used for every part of living on E.D.N. lll, running the Vital Suits, powering the machines that were used across the planet and even in the Harmonizers. They are arm mounted devices and purified Thermal energy on the spot into energy used to keep the population of the planet safe from its extremely cold temperatures and could be consumed in larger quantity's to quickly heal wounds. This included broken bones and gunshot wounds.
Before now the only things the snow pirates had in common were an intense hatred for NEVEC and an equally intense will to survive here. This environment had forged even the weakest of the population into hardy survivors, experienced combat veterans and skilled scavengers.
Deserters from NEVEC had called the snow pirates of the planet together to save it from the Over-G that was going to gather all the thermal energy together, where NEVEC would use their orbital space station/ space laser,NEOS, to destroy it and take all the energy at once, leaving the planet an ice ball like when they had come here in the first place.
For the first time in the planets history the disparate factions of the planet united to strike at the Over-G before it could finish gathering energy. An elite team of EX-NEVEC were waiting in position outside the shell of the Akrid waiting to deliver the device that would, if everything went right, allow them to kill the Over-G. Which is when the train came in.
A massive cannon pulled by a pair of trains on parallel tracks had assaulted the shell head on. The train was going well above anything considered "safe" in its rush to punch through the shell. Piloted by a band of men that originated in the now destroyed city had stolen the massive cannon and had attempted to fight through a swarm of Category G Akrid, formerly thought among the largest on the planet, to deliver a shot on the shell. The Train had been de-railed at top speed and thrown airborne by the massive worm like Akrid that had attacked it. But with the reflexes of the hardy survivors they were, the crew managed to load, aim and fire the cannon shell on mark. But as the smoke cleared the Akrid carapace was barely scratched. However the train itself, no longer able to brake, proved much like its occupants, far more durable then the Akrid could handle.
The train shattered the shell like glass and opened the way for the EX-NEVEC. The crew of the train started to use the cannons thunderous power to provide covering fire for the assault to begin in full. Ospreys began landing all over the Akrid. Squads of elite snow pirates began engaging the Akrid guarding the Over-G in an all out assault. Quickly clearing the way with brutal efficiency they began the uphill march towards the top of creature where the Akrid guardians were the thickest and preliminary scans seemed to indicate the giant creature was the most vulnerable.
The second wave of reinforcements, of which the Parka wearer was a part of, began unloading the snow pirates signature weapons. The ground based Vital suits, Mechanized walkers designed by both NEVEC and the snow pirates to combat the Akrid in direct combat. The suits were loaded for bear, even the most lightly armored and armed VS was armed with massive mini-guns. The most heavily armored were loaded with target seeking missile or laser arrays and and could bring even the largest normal akrid down with a skilled pilot.
"Alright Everyone out!" came the Ospreys pilot over the intercom of the troop transport. "I have more guys to bring in before i can give fire support, so hurry the hell up!"
With that the troop transport of experienced VS pilots dis-embarked and started to run to where other ospreys were unloading their suits for them. The parka wearer ran for his VS suit. It was a fairly good model, not cutting edge or anything, but well equipped and well cared for, and it was also slightly modded. It was a GTF-11 Drio Model, a mobile and well balanced bipedal VS with a pair of weapon mounts, it could jump into the air, hover there and even use its booster to gain a good bit of speed. The suits armaments were a pair of small auto cannons, a mounted VS sized shotgun and a VS Mini gun. The only mods the thing had really, that was different then normal, was that the pilots seat had been totally enclosed.
On the exterior of the Suit it had emblazoned on it the words "Crimsons Return" and then in smaller words it said "Property of Giles Flynn, if you are close enough to read this you should start running."
Grinning at his own joke, Giles the parka wearing snow pirate, Checked his Thermal energy tank, a large backpack on his back, and read off its gauge. "4592 units and dropping. That should be more then enough for this." With that Giles pulled open the cockpit and clambered into it, plugging his tank into the VS and starting it up. With a quick dignostic of its systems and a mechanized voice stating "Initializing. Ready." The VS started up without issue.
Giles quickly connected his Suits radio to the one being shared by the strike force of Pirates and with a quick check in he started advancing up the hill towards the front lines.
The landings had gone smoothly and efficiently, but now that the Akrid had time to rally the front lines were quickly becoming a slaughter on both sides as the Akrid, normally at least partially aware of survival instincts, threw themselves at the intruders with completely reckless abandon. Large spawning pods that constantly produced fully grown Akrid grew from the ground all over the ruins of the city and above it all large tentacles that seemed to be made of thermal energy raised to the sky and started throwing balls of molten rock at the Ospreys and the ground assault forces.
Giles was swept up into the chaos of the battle, the dead left where they lay and all around him was a constant sound of gunfire and explosions. His VS led the assault at the vanguard once he reached the front. His shotgun making quick work of most Akrid that dared to get close and his chain gun chewing up the spawning pods when he could get a shot on them.
The battle had ground to a halt until suddenly the buildings behind the assault force gave way and a massive NEVEC overland Battleship burst through. He heard over the radio an excited voice declare loudly that the Vagabundos had our back. The battleships massive thermal energy powered laser cannon started making sweeps over the battlefield, incinerating every thing in its path.
With the battle ship and the rail cannon both covering their advance up the hill, they started making much faster progress up the hill towards the Over-Gs core.
Giles, ever the consummate scavenger, found that within this city his tank was constantly refilled off the amount of thermal energy in the air and when he had stopped advancing to re-arm and repair his VS decided it was time to scavenge some. He quickly found some intact thermal energy tanks on the dead snow pirates that had fallen in the first wave and thew them into his VS's storage unit when they were full.
With his looting done and his VS in tip-top shape he dived into the fray again. The band of snow pirates, once a force to be reckoned with, had dwindled to about half strength when it had finally crested the hill to a most surreal scene. A lake of Thermal energy so thick you could walk on it with four massive tentacles made of the stuff rising out of the middle were whipping around at the EX-NEVEC commandos as they desperately avoided the things blows and rained ordinance into the black heads at the end of each limb.
The radio crackled to life and the EX-NEVEC commander came over it. "We need to attach four GPS trackers that are hooked up to NEOS to the Tentacles heads. Bring them Down!"
Snapping out of it the remaining snow pirates quickly set up a perimiter along the edge of the lake to keep out Akrid reinforcements and poured all fire they could spare into the tentacles to get them to drop. Giles still manning his VS took to the crater edge with his VS, His systems were bugging out just being close to the sea of energy.
He hadn't had time to spare a look back at how the battle was going behind him, but he certainly heard the warnings and sudden blast behind him. Apparently the plan had worked. The crater was hit with a massive laser blast from NEOS, that slammed dead center into the creatures glowing core. And as the dust settled the Akrid broke off the attack, every remaining snow pirate looked back into the crater and waited.
Over the Radio a message was relayed. "Direct hit! All super core activity has ceased!"
The Snow pirates broke into a cheer! They had done it! The beast was dead!
When Suddenly the ground suddenly shook. The shake was severe and totally unexpected. Giles and his VS stumbled back into the crater. The VS still stood but the legs were quickly fried. After a couple seconds the radio crackled again and in a panicked voice the EX-NEVEC radio operator said "I've got thermal energy readings going off the charts! And it looks like... like the barrier is being reconstituted! Shoot it! Destroy the barrier! Hit it with everything you've got!"
With that every snow pirate in the crater and every VS as well turned and as one started to unload everything in the chitinous shell that was rapidly growing up over the sides in a protective shell.
Unfortanatly the shell, while being chipped by the firepower, was growing quicker then it could be smashed. After a couple seconds of this a new voice came over the radio that said in a calm and determined voice. "It's now or never. Bring this thing down on the GPS coordinates!"
Everyone was already looking to the sky when the clouds parted and the giant space station NEOS broke through already burning red in reentry. Quickly every single VS and pirate that could move was making a run for it as the radio said. "We're out of time! It's gonna hit! Everybody, get outta here! Get outta here now!"
Giles tried to move his VS but all the systems were locked up. The door was fused shut in the heat of the crater and his legs wouldn't move. He Had no choice but look up through the closing barrier as a space station hurtled through the atmosphere at his face.
With a deep sigh of acceptance Giles closed his eyes and waited for the end. A short while later he heard a massive explosion and his vision faded to white.
And that should be good enough to set things up on our good friend Giles's side.