Disclaimer: I own nothing from the Mummy franchise but this plot and my OC. EDITED.
In the year 3067 B.C, the Scorpion King; a large man with long back hair that stretches to his mid back, muscles bulging against the leather arm wrappings, an leopard animal skin codpiece, and a scorpion shaped chest piece as well as a scorpion bodied shield; he's a fearsome warrior who led a vicious campaign to conquer ancient Egypt, as he marches to the city of Thebes with the intention to rule. After a violent war between the Scorpion King's army and the army of Thebes: that which had lasted for seven years, the bloody battle then goes to the army of Thebes, who cast out the invaders into the desert of Ahm Shere. The Scorpion King soon finds that he himself is the last living member of his army of thousands; all the others having died from the desert heat, exhaustion, and lack of food or water. It was at that point, the Scorpion King found that himself is on the cusp of death, and in his last moments, he prays to the god Anubis, the jackal headed protector of the gates to the underworld, pleading for the chance to win one last battle and conquer his enemies in exchange for his soul. In response to his prayers, the god sends out a large black scorpion, whose stinger is as red as the blood of man, from the sands; which the warrior chews up, despite its many successful attempts to sting him, which results in a great oasis with a golden pyramid in the center sprouting from the desert. It was then named the Oasis of Ahm Shere, and he gave a triumphant yell. Anubis gave the Scorpion King command of his army, and like an evil flood, they washed away all that lay before them. The Scorpion King, now an anthropomorphic chief warrior of invincible hordes of two-legged, jackal-headed demonic fighters, led Anubis' army that swept across Egypt and defeated Thebes in military victory. When his task was done, Anubis forced the Scorpion King to serve him for all time. The Scorpion King dropped his Anubis Bracelet into the sand at his feet, the bracelet that the Scorpion King had once worn is left in the sands and Anubis claimed his soul and took it to the Underworld where he was frozen in time for five thousand years along with his army. His army was returned to the sands from whence they came where they wait, silently to be awakened once again. Whomever found his magic bracelet could revive him, kill him and take control of his fearsome fighters.
5,000 years later, in 1933, Rick and Evelyn O'Connell and their son, Alex; along with Evy's sister Rose and her son Keane find themselves traversing into an unknown temple that is along the banks of the Nile where Evy seeks a treasure; how she knew about the temple and the way to access the object inside from the visions that she has been having. In a hallway leading deeper into the temple Rick has a gun out ready to shoot anything, when he hears a sound, turning quickly he comes fact to face with his son and nephew. "Alex? Keane?" He scolded the boys, putting his gun back into its holster.
"What were you thinking, a mummy had come back to life?" Alex, a average 8 year old with blonde hair and light brown eyes; teased while Keane, a tall boy of 8 years, with mid length black hair and dark brown eyes that border on black, smirks at Alex's comment.
Rick recounted, shaking his head. "I'll tell you a story sometime. What are you doing down here? I told you both to wait for us in the temple. It's dangerous down here."
"But I saw your tattoo."
"You saw what?" He questions.
"On a wall by the entrance. There's a cartouche just like it. With the pyramid and the eye and the two kings and everything." Alex explains while Keane nods along to what Alex is saying.
"Really?" Rick says placidly.
"Yeah." Both say in an excited tone.
"Okay. Well, I'll be up to take a look at that in a minute. In the meantime, I want you two to wait for us up there. Pick up your stuff, and I'll see you up in the temple. Go on." He says.
"And what should I do?" Alex questions, Keane already picking up what he and is younger cousin dropped when they ran into Rick.
"I don't know. Surprise me. Build a better mousetrap." Rick suggests evenly. Keane snickers knowing that the first trap that they made was completely useless.
"Okay." Both boys leave as Rick walks in the other direction down the hallway.
"While your mothers goes and desecrate another tomb." Rick mutters under his breath. As Rose and Evelyn look at some carvings on a wall, Evy upon hearing the sound of slithering looks down to see a coral snake at her feet, "Go away." she says while kicking the reptile away from her towards Rick who just entered the room.
"Those are poisonous, you know." He says while dodging the flying snake.
With a smile Evy says, "Only if they bite you."
Rose turns to her brother in-law, "Maybe she is trying to poison you and that is why she kicked it in your general direction, have you been a bad boy?" Rose tease.
Rick and Evy give their sister a look,"What was all that about?" Evy asks after a moment.
"Nothing. Alex wanted to show me something. I swear the kid gets more and more like you every day. Keane tagged along with him, of course." Rose smiles a little at the mention of her son.
Evy turns from the carved wall, "You mean more attractive, sweet and devilishly charming?" She says smiling while leaning into Rick for a kiss. Rose turns her head from the happy couple, an impassive look in her face.
"No, he's driving me crazy. Now, where were we?"
"Hammer and chisel." Evy passes Rick a small version of the two, Rose giggles at the look on Ricks face, "All right, all right! Let's do it your way." She says passing him a crowbar.
"Thank you." With one hard hit to the wall, it falls down with a THUNK. The room that is now on display is filled with rows upon rows of mummified bodies.
"Ever since I had that dream this place is all I can think about." Evy says to Rick while avoiding the vast number of spiders and scorpions that litter the floor while Rose calmly walks through the plethora of arachnids, they skitter to the side avoiding being under her feet.
"Ever since you had that dream, I haven't had a decent night of sleep." Rick replies while stomping into the room crushing as many arachnids as possible. Rose laughs to herself wondering what else he has been missing at night since Evy's visions started.
"I feel like I've been here before. I know I've been here before." Rose smiles knowing what it is that her sister is having visions of.
"Evy, nobody's been here before, not in at least 3,000 years. Except for these guys." Rose looks at Rick wondering if he forgot that she also, at one point, had vision of the past. Evy says while pulling a lever that opens a secret door. "Then how do I seem to know exactly where I'm going?"
A little while later, three thieves, Spivey, a tall gangly blonde who is a simple minded man, Red, a stout and balding man who demands attention, and Jacques, a large intimidating dark skinned man, arrive at the temple to retrieve the bracelet. Both boys who were setting mouse traps to catch rodents when they was accosted by the three grungy, unscrupulous thieves, when hearing people entering the temple they climb up the ladder to the top of the rickety scaffold to get away from the other people coming. Red the leader of the group says, "Lets go." As they walk into the entrance of the temple. Spivey chuckles "Knock, knock. Anybody home?"
"You two check out that stuff, see if it's there. I'll sort out the O'Connells." Red says while pulling out his gun from its holster. Both boys widen their eyes at the threat to their parents. While Red goes after Rose, Rick and Evelyn, Spivey and Jacques stay behind to look for other artifacts.
Meanwhile, Rick, Evy and Rose find and enter the chamber where the bracelet is kept. Evy upon entering the room finds herself developing a golden hue around her eyes that when she blinks she is in ancient Egypt she sees a golden door that opens, looking past the door inside the room she sees a chest guarded by armed warriors a finely dressed woman leaves the room, she then watches the familiar woman enter a combination into the door lock, after the vision had concluded she started to wave her torch around to try and bring the memory back. "If you move that fast enough,you can almost write your name." Rick says while she waves her torch around, Rose looks at her sister knowing that she had seen something.
"I just had a vision. It was like my dream, but it was real. It was like I was actually here in ancient times."
"Well, if you actually were here could you show me how to open this thing?" Rick asks while trying to open the door with a crowbar. Evy passes her torch to Rick with a quiet, "Hold this" and grabs the lock putting in the combination that she had seen.
"Now you're starting to scare me." "I'm starting to scare myself." Evy says while looking at Rick due to the door opening. Rose looks at the two of them wondering when the truth will dawn on them.
Back at the main chamber, the two others are ransacking the O'Connells things. "What is this? Look at the state of this rubbish. The Egyptians never had a clue. Look at that stuff. It's all chintz and stuff. Look at that. Cheap pottery, this. Ancient rubbish." Spivey says while grabbing and throwing things around, "Jacques,somethings hit me head!" Alex and Keane begin to secretly harass Spivey by sling shooting rocks at him from on top of the wooden platform. "Shut up, Spivey. This place is cursed. We do not want to wake the gods."
Red having followed the trail the O'Connells left reaches the stone wall that Rick knocked over, as he walks into the room he hears the crunching sound of crushed arachnid, looking down he sees spiders and scorpions crawling up his shoes and legs; he shakes them off and runs out of the room. Evy after opening the door discovers a scepter with a circular golden symbol of the Scorpion King on top, she wipes away dust and cobwebs then turns to Rose and Rick eyes widening with surprise, "That's the emblem of the Scorpion King. He's supposed to be pure myth… No artifacts, no archival evidence." Red walks up behind them hiding out of view ready to shot them and grab the bracelet.
"Evy, I don't know. I don't have a good feeling about this." Rick said to her in the hope that she would leave it alone. "Evy, Evelyn, sister oh sister of mine. Don't, just don't. Remember last time… I almost had my soul exchanged for an older version. I also ended up pregnant." Rose's eyes bore into Evys. Evy said fearlessly even though the look that Rose was giving her made her unsettled, "It's only a chest. No harm ever came from opening a chest." Rick and Rose share a look. "Right, and no harm ever came from reading a book. Remember how that one went?" "Come on. We can't stop now." Evy said in the hope that would convince them all was okay. "Yes, we can… You can lock the door and we can leave, go back to the boys and then home. Why must you be adventurous?" She says imploring Evelyn to listen to her. "Just remember, I was the voice of reason here. For once." Rick said looking at both woman.
Keane and Alex from the top of the scaffold fling rocks at Spivey both rocks hit him in his ass, Alexs rock hits his right butt cheek while Keanes hits the left causing him to grab his ass in pain. Alex lets out a little giggle while Keane broadly grins at the hit, both duck out of sight after they see that their shots hit the target. They do not realize that Jacques had heard Alexs giggle.
Red peaks around the corner watching as Evy struggles to open the chest with a crowbar when Rick notices that around the neck of one of the mummified guards was an amulet, it looks like that same key that was used to open the books and unlock Imhotep's sarcophagus eight years earlier, this must be the key to unlocking the chest. He takes it off of the skeleton and passes it to Evy, "Hon? Lets do it your way." Inside was the golden, scorpion-shaped Bracelet of Anubis, "The bracelet of Anubis." Evy says breathlessly. Rose stares at them both wondering why the family she has is prone to making bad decisions when it comes to dangerous ancient artifacts.
Alex and Keane take aim once more not caring that Jacques ha moved to be beside Spivey, as they pull back the elastic of their slingshots and release rocks once more only to have Jacques catch the rock that Alex released and get hit in the neck with the rock that Keane released. After being subjected to a rocky torture Spivey makes his way towards the boys threateningly only for Jacques to stop him an go in his place, "I'll take care of this."
Red takes aim getting ready to shot all three of them when the halls start to quake, "Oh My God" Evy says throwing the bracelet back into its chest. Rose looks at Evy knowing that it was the bracelet that triggered whatever was about to kill them this time. "It's a bit late for that!" Rick says to Evy knowing as well that the bracelet is to blame. "Put it in your rucksack." She says to him passing the bracelet to Rick. "I have a better idea. Lets leave it here." He says responding to Evy's demands. "It's a bit late for that!" At that moment Evy notices a warning on top of the chest. Rose shakes her head wondering why now of all moments do the two of them have to banter. Red at that point notices that the temple is becoming dangerous runs back towards the entrance. "What's it say?" Rick asks. "He who disturbs this bracelet shall drink from the Nile. Oh, that doesn't sound too bad." Evy says with a smile. The tremors immediately cause mass flooding into the chambers. All three run out of the room to see a tsunami coming towards them cutting of the path back to the entrance and their children.
In the main hall Jacques is climbing the ladder to the boys with a wicked dagger between his teeth when Red comes running from one of the corridors (and where he had pursued the O'Connells and was ready to kill them) and urged his cohorts to flee from the rising waters. Jacques slides down the ladder and kicks away the wooden blocks holding the scaffolding upright. Rose, Evy and Rick run from the raging water taking twists and turns only to run into a dead end. Alex and Keane jump from the collapsing scaffolding to a temple column, accidentally causing a domino effect from one column to the next, "Whoa!" "Ahhh!" Rick and Evy embrace each other as the water hits them, as the water rages against them, pushing the tree of them up to a barred vent; "This is bad, Evy." "We've had bad before." "This is worse." "We are going to die, and once again Evy you are to blame." Rose says glaring at her sister as the water threatens to crush her. The boys yell as they fall. Alex tries to stop the last column from falling because it would destroy the image that is identical to the one on his fathers wrist, Keane pulls Alex away knowing that it is pointless to try and hold up a stone column by himself, Keane holds Alex hugging his cousin close as the final column broke through the wall, it had inadvertently saved both his parents and aunt from drowning, while they slide through the water and finally stop at Alexs feet he claims to them: "I can explain everything." "It seems that we all had extra adventures going on today, Mum was right, adventures in this family is deadly." Keane states in a monotone voice.