Adrien must have been about three when he first saw the movie.

It had been a rainy afternoon when his mother had insisted on watching it. "It's a classic! Every child should!" She had declared with that smile of hers. God, that smile. Adrien missed his mother's smile. He could vaguely remember her perfume (Channel No5) and her natural warmth as he snuggled close to her on the sofa.

It was then when he fell in love the first time. With a pair of blue eyes framed by midnight hair and skin as white as snow. She was sweet, and kind, but hard-working and determined, and she will always be Adrien's first love no matter what.

For years he had been obsessed with the film. In fact, looking back, it was an embarrassingly long time as he had no other peers to scoff him into a humiliated secrecy. Chloe was eleven before she decided princesses were no longer cool and tormented Adrien into hiding his own posters as well.

But for many, many, many years he had thought this was his ideal woman.

And then he met Ladybug.

And yes, she had fair skin, big blue eyes, and midnight hair but she was also fierce in a way that he never considered attractive before.

But then he thinks about the latest reboots and adaptations based on that long ago film and the character had been reforged as a fierce bow wielding warrior bandit akin to Robin Hood, and he considers that maybe he had always been attracted to that sort of woman.

Kagami confirmed that he was definitely attracted to that sort of woman.

Her skin was a perfect, translucent, white that made it hard for him to drag his eyes away from her and her hair was a perfect shade of the night sky at midnight. Her eyes might not be big and blue but they were intriguing in their own right and she was so strong, and fierce, and incredible that his breath was taken away.

But she lacked the sweetness and softness he coveted most. Ladybug for all of her professionalism and harshness in her rejections was softer and kinder, and had the sweetest smile in comparison to Kagami.

So his heart remained faithful to Ladybug.

Until he woke up and saw Marinette for the first, real, time.

Saw her big, wide, blue eyes that sparkled like stars, her fair skin that so desperately needed to be marked, and her midnight hair style just the way he liked. He saw that she was both fierce and strong (her temper was both terrifying and breath-taking) and sweet and kind. Her compassion, bravery, and hard-working determination drew him in further and further.

He really wouldn't be surprised if he saw woodland animals flock around her as she sang.

Her voice was just as sweet as the rest of her after all.

Still, Adrien didn't admit that this was a thing until the day Nino went to look in his wardrobe (to borrow a shirt or something for his date, Adrien honestly couldn't remember as what happened next embarrassed him so much he repressed the memory as much as possible) and opened the door to reveal a poster displaying Adrien's first ever crush and all of her lovely assets for the whole to see.

"Seriously, dude?" Nino raised a sceptical eyebrow. "Snow White?!"

What could Adrien say?

He had a type.