Published: 25/12/2018

"Talking / Talking (flashback)"
'Thoughts / Thoughts (flashback)'
- Flashback –
(**Author's Note)

A/N: It's great to be back in the writing game my dear readers! After weeks of no updates, I am proud to reveal the first chapter of Love of Flowers' sequel; Changes of Fate.

I am also happy to say that I have updated Goddess of the Rainbow and posted another new story of mine. I hope that you enjoy my holiday gifts to you and please comment or review if you have any ideas or questions. Thank you and enjoy!

Rated T for Bakugo's dirty mouth.

I do not own Harry Potter or My Hero Academia, I just own the story idea and the cover art.

"Every journey begins with a single step. We just have to have patience."
— Milly Thompson (Trigun)

Chapter One

Since Izuku was four, he's had an interesting life.

After he was diagnosed as Quirkless, his life was turned upside down.

The few friends he made in kindergarten became his tormentors; for years he was mocked, bullied, and pushed around by everyone. With the exception of a few, most of his teachers never stopped the violence, one teacher even saw the violence happen and didn't try to stop it.

But his main tormentor was someone Izuku knew personally. After all, their mothers were best friends and they grew up together.

Katsuki Bakugo or Kacchan.

Ever since the day Kacchan got his quirk, he…changed.

Gone was the rowdy and adventurous boy he once knew, replaced by a volatile bully who tormented him for years.

Until They came into his life.

At the time, his mom was looking for a job after she kept getting harassed by her former boss when she stumbled upon an apothecary looking for hire. It didn't take even an hour before she got hired, which started a new path for Izuku.

After school, Izuku would always come to the shop to visit his mother and work on his homework. The atmosphere was nice, and his mom's boss Hisana-okaasan was always fun to be around. It wasn't until one day that the shopkeeper and friends of hers found out he was being bullied.

- Flashback -

On his way home from school, Izuku had gotten beaten up by Bakugo and his friends. He knew that when he got home, his mother would ask questions about his injuries. However, he knew that Hisana kept several ointments and vials in the store backroom for emergencies and work injuries. So, Izuku decided to quietly sneak into the backroom and tend to his wounds.

Until he got caught.

"Izuku?" Hisana-san asked as she came down the stairs, "What are you doing here? Isn't today Inko's day off."

Izuku froze in fear, like a deer caught in the headlights as Hisana turned on the backroom lights. Light flooded the entire room, revealing the burn marks and dark bruising on his face and visible parts of his body.

"Sweet Merlin! What the bloody hell happened to you?!" Hisana exclaimed as she dashed over to investigate.

"It—it's nothing!" Izuku stammered, "I—I fell down the stairs at school, that's all!" he lied.

Hisana's eyes narrowed in suspicion.

"Then what about the burn marks, because I'm pretty sure you can't get burn marks from falling down stair, or be shaped like handprints," she bluntly stated, blowing any other excuses out of the water.

Izuku knew he couldn't lie to Hisana-san.

So, while Hisana patched him up, he told her what happened.

By the time he was finished, Hisana was fuming. Her eyes were narrowed in anger and the puff she took from her pipe was a harsh one.

"So, let me get this straight," she started, "Your childhood friend did this to you, along with his friends?" she asked him.

Izuku quietly nodded.

"And judging by the older markings on your skin, this isn't the first time he's done this," Hisana inquired.

"It wasn't Kacchan's fault!" Izuku defended, "He was just being himself. He may have had trouble controlling his quirk."

"Bull. Shit," Hisana stated, stopping Izuku.

"Izuku," she said, "What 'Kacchan' did was wrong, even if you are childhood friends. Friends don't hurt their friends, they don't verbally abuse them, bully them, or even use their quirks on them. What makes him so special that you allow yourself to be bullied by him?"

So Izuku told her. About finding out he was quirkless, how Bakugo was always praised for having an amazing quirk and being mocked for his dream of becoming a hero. By the time he stopped talking, the poor boy was in tears, relieved to having told someone about this.

"Izuku," Hisana said as she gently hugged the boy, "Why didn't you tell your mother?"

"Mom was always worried about me, and with her old job causing her stress, I didn't want to be a burden," Izuku answered.

"You're not a burden Izuku," Hisana comforted, "Parents have a right to know if something is bothering their children. I'm sure your mother would fight tooth and nail against anyone that tried to hurt you."

"And I know what it's like to be bullied," she told him, "When I was a kid, I was bullied by my cousin and his friends because I was smarter than them in school."

"Really?" he asked.

"Really," Hisana confirmed, "Whenever I was around, they would always try to hunt me down and torment me. It stopped after I went to boarding school. But even then, I faced some bullies there that tormented other students."

"What did you do?" Izuku asked, curious on how his mother's boss handled it.

"I stood up to them," she told Izuku, "I stood up for those that couldn't defend themselves, like you did for some of those kids. In my opinion, you are a hero, for doing what was right," Hisana stated, shocking Izuku.

Other than his mother, no one had ever said he acted like a true hero.

- End of Flashback -

After that day, Hisana-okaasan had her friends Miya-obaasan and Tsuki-obaasan come over and talked with his mother about the situation. Izuku was officially withdrawn from school one week later, and Miya-san became his teacher. As a thank you, Izuku started working at Hisana-san's apothecary, helping his mother and her boss with anything he could.

It wasn't until later that Izuku started training in different martial arts, under the watchful of Hisana-okaasan, her friends and Hisana-okaasan's then boyfriend, Toshinori Yagi.

The man had learned about his desire to be a hero from his girlfriend and had decided to help Izuku further his goals, to the boy's surprise. To Izuku's amazement, Yagi-san was also a pro hero, so he was able to teach things Izuku needed to know about being a Professional Hero.

Things like detection, observation, planning, etc., such lessons Izuku took to heart. It was thanks to Hisana-okaasan and these people that Izuku's life changed.

After finding out that Yagi-sensei was actually All Might and fainting, Izuku started to address the Kurome-Yagi couple as Okaasan and Dad. Since meeting them, Hisana and Toshinori had always felt like second parents to him. When he called him 'Dad' the first time, Yagi-sensei actually cried, before quickly accepting the honour. Life had changed for the better.

His mother also changed. Because of the stress she endured as Izuku was growing up, his mother Inko had started gaining weight and formed a guilt-ridden conscious during his childhood.

But now, after meeting Hisana and her friends, his mother started losing that weight and was positively thriving in her new work environment. She looked more like a mature version of his mother when Izuku was 4.

Not only that, but his mother started seeing two people and going on dates. Izuku was later surprised to learn that they were the 18+ Only Hero: Midnight and the Lonestar Hero: Snipe, both pro heroes and teachers at Izuku's dream school, UA.

But at the moment, Izuku was on his way to Arudera Middle School, his former middle school. Toshinori-sensei, or Dad, gave Izuku a two-month reprieve from cleaning Dagobah Beach, to prepare for final exams.

Even though he's been attending online classes, his online tutors had stated that he must attend his finals at the closest middle school, so he could graduate.

Unfortunately, Arudera was also the same school that Kacchan attended, and most of his bullies.

But after being away from them for a while, Izuku felt like he could handle them.

"SHITTY DEKU! WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING HERE ASSHOLE?!" a voice cried out as Izuku went past the gates.

Speak of the devil. (AN: Oh! Did I actually say that? *sarcastic*)

"Hi Kacchan," Izuku greeted as he ventured inside the building.

As he walked past, he noticed that some of the students had seen he wasn't wearing a school uniform and started whispering. Focusing his eyes forward, he vaguely heard loud bangs as Bakugo sauntered after him.

"What's Deku doing here?"

"Didn't he get expelled?"

"I heard that he transferred schools!"

"What a Quirkless loser."

Izuku ignored them as he entered the staff room and got his papers. He would be temporary placed in class 3-B for the time being. The principal and staff knew that Izuku would only be attending for the exams, so in the meantime he got away with not wearing the gakuran.

He waited outside as the teacher brought the class to a quiet.

"Now class, today we'll be introducing an old face to our class. He has been taking online classes and was asked to attend Arudera to take his final exams. Please treat him well," the teacher said as Izuku opened the sliding door.

"It's been a while, my name is Izuku Midoriya. Yoroshiku," he said, giving a small bow in greeting.

The class couldn't help but stare at the transformed Deku (excluding Bakugo, who stared angrily out the window). Gone was the spineless, stuttering loser from first year. In his place was a calm, focused stranger.

It was going to be an interesting few months, that's for sure.

To be continued…

Author's Note: That's the end for Chapter 1! I hope everyone enjoyed the intro for this story. Most of it will be the same as canon with some changes. Just wait and see for further updates.