First Off: Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays everyone!
A/N: this is my new story. I always wanted to try my hand at a really dark Harry story, but I could never get any good ideas (most of them ended up with Harry being grey). I don't even remember how this idea came about, but it did and the bunny bit me and wouldn't stop bugging until more ideas started growing and I had to write. So, I really hope you guys like it. Before you continue though, please read the story note below; DO NOT proceed until you read it.
Story Note:
First: this story features a very Dark!Harry; not grey as he was in Rise of the Dark Angel, but dark; in this story, not even Voldemort will compare to him. Harry will be dark and twisted, and he'll have little to no mercy; he won't really care who gets hurt by what he does. All he'll care about is the pleasure he gets from seeing them in pain.
Second: this story is an AU; that means ALTERNATE UNIVERSE, as in, it does not strictly follow canon. The tagline for this website is Unleash Your Imagination so that is what I did; I unleased my imagination and as such there will be moments of OOC-ness and there will be things that probably doesn't happen in real life. But again, ALTERNATE UNIVERSE, and FANFICTION.
So, please, don't read something and then leave a review saying that it is wrong because it didn't happen that way in the book or that isn't the way the person would've acted or nothing like that would've happened in real life.
Seriously, I wrote a little one-shot, Payback, and I made sure to say that the story was a crack-fic and that there would probably be things that made no sense and I still got reviews asking why this happened this way, and why were they in court if it was a divorce? (because they don't understand that divorce courts exist and are used if one side decides to fight *eye roll*) and people telling me the story made no sense and was not what someone would do, or things along those lines.
It's like people forget that fanfiction is literally fan fiction. So, if you want canon, go read the books or watch the movies.
Third: the chapters will contain warnings depending on the content, so please, take heed of the warnings as you go along; if they are not your cup of tea, then hit the back button/exit ASAP! If any reviewer ignores this message and then leaves me a review saying either they disliked something or they criticized me for something that I already warned against, not to be rude, but this will be my response: a very polite, but firm FUCK OFF! Along with the reviewer getting called out (i.e. their review will be shown in the next chapter). I swear, I'm not a rude person, I'm actually really nice and polite, but I just had to get that out there.
Fourth: you guys know me, so you know, this will eventually end up containing SLASH, more specifically of the Harry/Draco type (I seriously believe I can't write an HP story without it including Drarry in some form or another )
Now…on with the story.
Setting: book verse; movie verse; AU; some canon
Story Summary: Years of abuse and neglect takes its toll on a young Harry, leaving in its wake something dark and dangerous that will bring about changes that no one, least of all The British Wizarding World, will be prepared for.
HP Disclaimer: this story is based on characters and situations created and owned by JK Rowling, Warner Bros. Studios and Bloomsbury/Scholastic Books. No copyright or trademark infringement is intended, and no money is being made from this.
General Disclaimer: anything recognizable, unless stated otherwise, is not mine. Whatever it is, it belongs to whoever it belongs to and no copyright or trademark infringement is intended, and no money is being made from it.
A/N 2: In regards to an update schedule, there really isn't one; I will try to update as frequently as I can, but please bear in mind that I do have a personal life, and I am also currently in what is technically my sophomore year of grad school. With that in mind, updates may be sporadic, but they will come