I am new to this, so please give me any suggestions if I am saying anything wrong or inaccurate (except for nukes) please send me a pm. I always found it interesting if Earth found it's way into Star Wars.

Star Wars is owned by Lucasfilm/Disney. Any similarities to other fanfictions is unintentional.

NASA, Houston, Texas, USA, North America, Earth, Sol, Milky Way

"So Kevin, how's that Coffee?" Asked Justin.

"It's pretty good, I've had better though".

"I'll have you know that coffee has ingredients from The Philippines" Justin said.

In front of Kevin was a computer that had the Sol system, and in the far right corner, around where Neptune was, a red dot appeared.

"Hey, what's that?" Justin asked while pointing at the red dot on Kevin's computer.

"Probably just a Comet, though it seems to be going pretty fast. It's heading towards Jupiter, nothing serious."

"Wait, is it turning?" Justin asked?

"What's happening over here?" Asked the person to the left of Kevin.

"Get the president on the line!" Kevin said louder than normal, surprising the closest three people in the room.

1 minute later

"Is this of any importance, I have things to do" Said the President through the phone.

"Sir, we have found an artificial object that is heading towards earth".

"Are you sure?"

"Yes Mr. President, I am positive".

"When will it get here?" Asked the president.

"If it stays on its course, it may get here in 5 hours".

"Send the Pentagon all the information you have".

"Thank you Mr. President".

Situation Room, Pentagon, Arlington, Virginia, USA, Earth, Sol, Milky Way

1 hour later

"Now, I assume you have all been informed of the situation?" Said the President

The other people in the room nodded their head.

"Are they sure what they are seeing is true? Today is April 1st".

"I have no doubt about it, no one would cause this much of a crisis over aliens". The president answered.

"Have we tried to get in contact with the Aliens?" Asked person.

"If these are actually aliens, have they tried to contact us? Asked another person

Immediately, a phone call, from an office phone, was heard, and a General next to the phone picked it up. His face turned white.

"The aliens are due to arrive here in 30 minutes". Said the General.

"This is very unfortunate". The president noted. "Try to contact them".

One of the officers stood up"But sir" he said. "First contact protocols say that the United Nations are supposed to do first contact".

"Officer, what is your name?"

"Officer Shephard".

"Thank you Officer Shephard, your concerns are noted, but at the moment, there is not time to get the president of the UN. Put the ET's through".

The TV in the room turned on, and the president was given a headset to communicate with the Aliens.

"One last thing" the President asked. "Get the nukes ready just in case".

Malevolence Command Deck, Near Luna, Earth area, Sol system, Unknown Regions

Next to a B1 battle droid, missing a head, General Grievous looks angrily at the viewport.

"You droids said there was no life in this system!" As he knocked the head off of another B1 battle droid.

"Yet their are spacecrafts littered all around this system. We need this system as a base in the Unknown Regions".

A B1 Battle droid looked at the General. "They are trying to contact us".

"From where?" Grievous responds.

"This planet we are over right now. They are transmitting from coordinate 38.8709873,-77.0…". That droid got a lightsaber through its mechanical heart.

"Alert Count Dooku" Grievous told the nearest droid, followed by some coughs. "Tell him we can't do a base…"

"General, they are trying to contact us again".

"Let them through" Grievous said angrily.

He knew this was going to be a bad day .

Situation Room, Pentagon, Alexandria, Virginia, USA, Earth, Sol, Milky Way

The screen lit with life, then quickly replaced by a large droid.

Shock filled the room. Aliens were expected, but not droids.

"Hello, this is President of the USA, representing NATO, who am I speaking to?"

"I am General Grievous of the Separatist Navy. Are you affiliated in any way with The Republic?"

Surprise filled the room, first Aliens that were droids, then Droids that spoke English!

After a few seconds, the President responded "If you are asking, our government is a Republic".

"If you are with The Republic, then so be it!"

The TV changed to Static. The transmission was cut.

A knock was heard from the door.

"Let him in". The president said.

"Sir" the person from out of the room said. "Multiple plasma blasts are heading towards us!"

"Send 100 Nuclear weapons towards their Spaceship. Quickly!"

Ten seconds later, nuclear weapons from Guam all the way New York were launched towards the Spaceship, within 30 seconds, the shield on the spacecraft was gone, and the ten final nukes hit the Spacecraft itself, splitting it up, send most of it to the West Coast of the United States, most chunks heading in the direction of New Mexico, while some landed in Arizona, and a few in the Gulf of Mexico, causing waves to be a couple inches taller.

"Did anyone record the conversation?" Asked the president.

"Yes, sir" Officer Sheppard said.

"Send it to the Head of the UN. Let them know we have First Contact, and make sure they know we were only defending ourselves" Under his breath, he then said "I did not want to be in New York this weekend".

The President ran out of the Situation Room, and said the the nearest person, "Keep an eye on where all those chunks are, and send soldiers to guard that area".

Command Deck, Upper part of Malevolence, New Mexico, Earth, Sol, Unknown Regions

This was definitely a bad day. First the system they found was meant to be a secret base of operations to attack the Republic from the back, and it happened to have a Republic presence. After he learned about this new branch of the Republic called NATO. They were definitely trained, but they didn't look like clones. They sent a hundred Missiles towards his Ship, The Malevolence, and within ten seconds it was destroyed. The pinnacle of Separatist engineering, destroyed in ten seconds. Dooku will not be happy at all. As far as he knew, he was the last person on board that was alive. It seems that happens when you are with only droids.

'I must contact Dooku' Grievous thought. He took out his transmitter, and holocalled Dooku.

"Yes General". A figure appeared from the transmitter.

"I have to report some, unexpected news. The Malevolence was destroyed by the Republic in the system I'm at right now. The Republic may have been using this as a base, under a part of the military called NATO. The sub group that attacked me was known as the USA. Once I realized they were the Republic, I fired upon their planet, but they retaliated quickly with unusual missiles".

"That is some very… unexpected news. How long did it take for their missiles to destroy the Malevolence?"

"In less than 15 seconds".

"I will send a fleet to retrieve you, though I sense that these people in NATO are not what they seem".

Area 51, Nevada, USA, Earth, Sol, Milky Way

A officer is walking in front of some soldiers in tan clothes. "You are the best of the best, Your chance is here to prove yourselves. Actual Aliens. Living ones for that matter, and Robots too. Our objective is to capture them, and only kill them in defense. We must learn everything we can from them. For the robots, we have stored a set of armor piercing rounds, we do not know how powerful they are. Use them wisely. Soldiers are keeping civilians away from the site, so there will be no people in the way. Let's go!"

Twenty of the best soldiers hopped into a group of Jeeps, starting to drive out into the desert.

30 Minutes Later, at the crash site

Twenty soldiers hopped out of the Jeeps, walking toward the Alien Spaceship.

The officer talked into his Radio "I have Visual on the Crash, over".

"Get closer, over". Said the person on the other side.

Ten seconds later, a figure walked out of the spaceship, one with four arms.

"ET sighted!" The officer yelled "Aim at its arms, don't fire". The officer then grabbed his radio. "I have visual on one ET. It has four arms, it is walking toward us, over".

"We read you, over".

General Grievous point of view

Walking out of the shattered glass on the Malevolence command deck, General Grievous noticed around twenty troopers with slugthrowers, all pointing at him!

He quickly took out his four lightsabers and started running toward the troopers, preparing to block the slugthrowers. But there was no light coming from the weapons. All he heard was a bang, then another, then, without looking down, he could tell something was amiss. Something he had never felt before, worse than death, something that an organic could only live if it was a cyborg. The loss of four arms.

'Who were these Republic Troopers' Grievous thought, as he fell, noticing a missing leg too. Then fear overtook him, as a trooper stood over him, weapon aimed at him, but did not fire. The trooper then through a holo communicator, which oddly had no hologram, that "The ET is down, I repeat, the ET is down".

Human's point of view

The Alien, or robot, or whatever you call it had finally fallen, it took over 40 shots to knock off its armor.

"Is it alive?" Asked one of the soldiers.

"It seems to be, if it's a living creature that is".

The officer walked up to the creature, and turned to face the soldiers.

"Go in teams of three, and search out the ship. Bring everything you find back, interesting or not. If there is any resistance, inform me on the radio".