This is my first time actualy doing the whole aging down concept. Ive seen it done tons of time, and i don't usually go with it, but ive seen some ones recently that have been done prety well, so i figured i give it a shot. Hope you all enjoy. Review if you want, im always open to criticism

"Sasuke, I always lied to you. I asked you to forgive me, even as i kept pushing you away. I didn't pull you in. But now i think of it this way, Maybe you could have changed Father, Mother,... the Uchiha clan. If I'd faced you honestly from the very beginning...If we'd told each other the truth as equals...I failed, I won't put myself above you an tell you this and that. It's too late. So this time, for once, let me tell you one small truth...Its alright if you never forgive me, But no matter what you become...I will always love you." Itachi told his younger brother, as he was face to face with him, foreheads touching.

Sasuke watched as his brother rose into the air, in a brilliant light as the Edo-Tensei was undoing itself. Itachi shed a tear before dissolving completely. Itachi wandered through an empty abyss, unsure of what to do next.

'Is this my afterlife? A fitting end for me I suppose. At least the fighting has come to an end for me' Itachi thought to himself, looking at the emptiness surronding him. Quiet, Tranquil nothingness. Though the peace was soon disturbed by and unknown voice.

Although voice was used loosly, as it was all incoherent mumbling to Itachi. Everything around Itachi started to rumble and turned from black to blinding white. All of his senses were assaulted, as everything around him was morphing and changing. Too much stuff was happening around him, and he fell unconscious.

Itachi woke up in a snowy field, in his Akasutki Robe. Though when we went to stand up, he tripped, as his cloak was ridiculously long on him. That's when it dawned on him, his headband around his neck and long cloak, He was shorter, much shorter. Not just shorter, but as he looked at his body, he was younger, around 7 if he wagered a guess. Itachi didn't know what to make of his current situation, but before he could give very much thought to his plight, He heard growling.

He quickly drew a kunai from his pocket without thinking and took his stance. He looked around him as he saw a couple of Black and White wolves creeping up on him. One of the wolves lunged at him, he managed to dodge and stab it through with his kunai, killing it. As the second wolf attacked, Itachi quickly weaved the signs for a Great Fireball Jutsu, but to his surprise, the fire ball was not nearly as powerful as it should've..

The wolf stumbled back a bit, singed, but not dead. Itachi was prepared to strike, but tripped again as the wolf pounced on him. But before the wolf got him, it was struck by a giant Scythe, slicing it in half.

"Your welcome kid, I don't know why you are out here in the middle of nowhere, but go home, This isnt a place for kids." The Scythe wielder said to Itachi. Itachi spoke up stopping the man from walking away.

"Excuse me sir, im afraid I don't know where I am," Itachi told him. He noticed the man hesitate a bit. but Ultimately, the man simply sighed, he knew he couldn't just leave this kid out here alone.

"Alright kid, follow me. I know someone who can help you out." The man told him, as he started walking, prompting Itachi to follow him.

"What's your name kid, I gotta call you something," The man asked him as they walked along.

"Itachi, My name's Itachi, What should I call you though?" Itachi replied, ending with his oen question.

"Name's Qrow, Why are you out here in the woods anyways. Its much to dangerous for someone your age." Qrow asked him.

"Im not sure, as I just woke up a few minutes ago. Im not sure how I got here." Itachi replied, as he was also curious about the circumstances.

"Well, lucky for you I was there to save you. Anyways, im bringing you to an old friend of mine's place. Maybe he can help you find your family or something," Qrow said, before taking out a flask and taking a sip.

"I don't have a family," Itachi stated bluntly, This made Qrow pause for a second. He had seen may orphans in his time, and it was saddening every time.

"Sorry to hear that kid, Im sure you can figure something out." Qrow said to comfort him, trying to at least.

"Don't be, It happened a long time ago," Itachi said coldly.

They walked through the cold for about another hour or so before reaching a small cabin on the outskirts of a town. Qrow went up to the cabin and knocked on the door. A blonde, tattoo'd man opened the door, and frowned when he saw Qrow.

"What do you want, Qrow, I thought you were off on another mission." The blond man spoke to Qrow, a hint of anger in his voice.

"I am, but I found this kid in the forest being attacked by grimm. I couldn't just leave him there, So I brought him here." Qrow said, as he moved to side, revaling Itachi behind him.

"You just 'found' this kid in the woods? What about his family, Why didn't you bring him to them?" He asked Qrow, who simply let Itachi speak instead.

"I don't have a family, I have nowhere to go." Itachi clarified. The man sighed a bit but finally seemed to come around.

"Alright..." He paused.

"Itatchi" he said to give his name.

"Alright Itachi, come in and make yourself comfortable, Im sure we can figure something out after I finish talking to Qrow here," The man said to him, as Itachi went and sat down on the couch inside.

"Qrow, I know what you are thinking, I cant just take care of some random Orphan you find." The man says to his friend.

"Something is different about this kid, right when he saw the the two beowolves, He wasn't scared and instead pulled a knife and faced them head on. After he got the first one, he did some weird hand movements and shot a fire ball from his mouth." Qrow said to him. He was a little shocked to hear that, especially how young he was.

"And you expect me to just take him in on a Whim, I mean, we know nothing about him." He said trying to defend his position, however the look on Qrow's face said it all. "Okay, look ill look after him for a while, but You can't expect me to just take him in right away, okay? Look the girls are asleep right now, you should go before you wake them up, Its hard enough to get them to go to sleep as it is." He said before closing the door on him. Qrow sighed a bit before heading back out. He went over to Itachi, and sat down across from him in order to speak to him easier.

"Hey kid, My names Taiyang Xiao-Long, you can just call me Tai. It is a bit late so you can sleep in our spare room. if you really have nowhere to stay, You can stay here with us for now, At least until you figure something out." Taiyang said to Itachi, who stood up and bowed to him.

"I appreciate it very much Sir," Itachi respectfully said.

"Please, you are going to make sound old speaking like that. You can meet my daughters tomorrow, but for now, you should get some sleep, Ill show you to the room." Taiyang told as he brought him to the extra room.

Itachi was in fact pretty tired and decided to go straight to bed. As tomorrow, he would have to figure out where he was, and why.

Itachi woke up early, roughly 5am, But as he figured no one else was awake, he decided to go and get some exercise. Assuming his body was about as strong as he was at his age, he would have to take that fact into consideration. So some normal physical warm ups would suffice for now. Of course normal being reletive to the people around him. Most people on Remnant wouldn't think of 1 hundred push ups and sit ups, for a seven year old is anywhere close to normal.

After his work out, he needed to try a few more things. He gathered some logs and placed them around outside as targets, around 8 targets surrounding him, and in blind spots. He was going to hit them all. He took some kunai from his hidden pockets on his robe, which he cut short so he could actually wear it. Once he was ready, he jumped up into the air, threw his kunai, bouncing them off of each other, and each on finding its intended target as he landed gracefully on the ground.

From inside the house, Taiyang, watched the spectacle, in awe of the child. 'How could someone so young be so skilled' That thought ran through his mind. Now he knew what Qrow meant about this kid. He was a prodigy. however his thoughts were interrupted by the sound of his Yang opening her door, and yawning.

"Hey dad, what's for breakfast?" A young Yang asked, while wiping her eyes of sleep.

"Ill make some pancakes soon, alright. But first, I need to introduce you to someone." Taiyang said, as he opened the front door, "Itachi, come inside would you, id like you to meet someone. Itachi, meet my daughter Yang, her sister is still asleep, but she should wake up here shortly." Taiyang said, introducing the two.

"A pleasure to meet you," Itachi said, while bowing politely.

"Uhh, hi? Dad, who is this?" Yang said, slightly unsure of what was going on.

"He's going to be staying with us for a while, I found him last night in the forest, he doesn't have a place to stay." Taiyang explained, noticbly leaving out the part with Qrow. Itachi could tell that there was some issues between the two of them. Yang seemed a bit confused, but otherwise didn't think to much about it.

"So, how old are you Itachi?" Yang asked, as she sat at the table, waiting fro Her dad to make some pancakes. Itachi thought about it for a second, but ultimately assumed that his body age was about 7.

"Im, 7, how old are you?" Itachi asked in return.

"Im also 7, im going to go to combat school in a 3 years, and im gonna become a huntress, like my dad." Yang said, while smiling widlly.

"Hey, im a Huntsman, Huntresses are girls, remember?" Tai spoke up, defending his manly title.

"What's are Huntsman, and Combat schools?" Itachi asked about the unfamiliar terms.

"Everyone knows what the schools are, unless, where did you live, what kingdom are you from?" Tai asked Itachi.

"Im not sure," Itachi said, not particualary lying, but still not the whole truth.

"Well, anyways, with what skills you already have, im sure you could enroll too." Tai said, trying to cheer him up.

"You know how to fight? Dad won't teach me yet, can you show me a few things?" Yang said, practically jumping up and down in her seat. Itachi pokes her forehead and smiled.

"Maybe some day," Was all Itachi said. Yang was busy pouting while Tai finished the pancakes, as he set them down on the table, Yang instantly perked up again. Ruby finally came out of room, looking super tired still, holding a teddy bear.

"There's my little rose, come on pancakes are ready, honey." He said, as he helped sit at the table. "I put some strawberries on for you, I know how much you love them." Ruby was instantly awake after hearing that as she happily started eating her pancakes.

"Ruby, this is Itachi, He's going to stay with us for a while alright, Say hi." Tai told her, as she looked up at the boy sitting at the table.

"Hi, Itashi." She said, while her mouth full of pancakes. She was too busy eating to talk more.

"Here you go, hope you like my cooking, seeing as im the only one around here who knows how." Tai said, as he handed him his plate. Itachi was pretty hungry, so he happily obliged.

After everyone had eaten their breakfast, Taiyang was preparing to go to work, being a teacher at signal academy. "Itachi, since you are here now, I want you to watch over Yang and Ruby for me alright?" Tai said, his tone of voice a bot more serious than usual. Itachi nodded his head in agreement.

"Alright girls, im off, be good now, ya hear." Tai said, as he waved goodbye.

"So Itachi, you play Ninja fighters 5?" Yang asked, Itachi of course didn't know what she was talking about but she led him over to the tv, and they played games until Tai came back. This was the start of Itachi's new life, and it seemed alright to him. However, there were still challenges to come.