Back again ladies and gents! Had more trouble with this one than I thought, but I think this one's good enough.

Review answering!

Guest: I'm not sure, and I'll rather not feature more SCPs. Also, regarding Cain, there's...actually Darkness lore on Cain, so...*shrugs* maybe he died that way, maybe WCS got him, I honestly don't care much.

Artyom-Dreizehn: I try to skip past the being a kid part, but yeah it's definitely pretty adorable. regarding 9S and his body, I guess it just boils down to personal choice. I'm not certain if he likes his appearance or not, but yeah, I just think a society where you could change your appearance as long as you've got the money would be a huge pain.

Peanuckle: Sent the PM already, but yeah, White's somewhat like a mother too, although I don't think too hard on these issues, because it gets...weird.

Alright! Now, time to get started with Afterstory: Just a scratch. I hope you all enjoy this as much as I have making it!

Have fun!

It was only a tiny incident. Really.

Nova was just driving back from an event in Denmark, when some idiot couldn't figure out how to park a flight unit ended up hitting the car in front of her, and that car ended up smashing into her car.

She and basically everyone involved was dragged to the hospital right after that, and rushed into an emergency scan to see if there's any major damage.

It's only a scratch, Nova thought. Her car, the one that dad built for her was in far worse a shape, but she's pretty much just suffered a minor bump. She wasn't even going to press any charges with that idiot that caused the crash, a newly recruited YoRHa soldier, who is clearly terrified out of her mind right now.

The first to show up, was luckily, Devola and Popola, who was also nearby. They quickly go over the injuries and damages Nova got, the most serious being a malfunctioned chip due to hitting her head on the dashboard and some hampered processes, and just some aesthetic wounds. They gave Nova a quick repair to lessen her raging headache, and told her to rest until they get the parts to properly repair her.

If only Nova could.

When the word "Nova" and "accident" is put together, people apparently lose their shit. And these people are supposed to be the ones NOT losing their shit, being at...rather high positions in this society.

First to contact was of course, her worrywart overprotective mother. A2 was in South America, on a quick trip to collect some material she and Jack needed.

To say that the hospital room slowly descended into madness understatement.

Before Nova could even properly calm her dearest mother and assure she was fine, and that she'll only need to be in the hospital for two days at most, and that dad was nearby, and that nobody needs to find out how sharp the Treacherous Blade's sword was, she was flooded with calls.

Uncle 9S had basically no chill as he and aunt 2B were about to get on a flight to Denmark from their place in England, even bringing an embarrassing amount of android physicians and even a legal team along with them over.

Councilman Anemone called over to check, and while she's one of the reasonable ones, she's still insisting on making sure everything was alright, which IT WAS, yelled Nova in her migraine. Then uncle Pascal called, sickly uncle Pascal with his cranky delicate parts, who clearly needs rest until the new batch of limited machine parts arrive, had to call her.

At this point, the other victim of the accident was just staring incredulously at her, while the YoRHa member that caused the crash was maybe a few more calls away from overloading her circuits.

So Nova then had to reassure the poor girl that no, nobody is going to decommission her, nor put a large debt on her or anything.

No one was hanging up goddamn it! She just wanted to do as Devola and Popola say and get some rest, but if she ignore any calls, it's likely that things will go way, way way WAY out of hand when she wakes up. Even the hospital staff was feeling the pressure from all the calls they're receiving.

Then the most terrifying call arrived.

Nova was sure that YoRHa girl was trying to unplug her OS chip when she saw who was on the screen.

Supreme Commander of all YoRHa Operations, Commander Lilly White was on the line.

And she was pissed that her baby girl had been hurt.

Poor, poor White just started her work with the Mars shipyard and settlement, and she had to hear that Nova was in an accident.

Needless to say, the YoRHa Supreme Commander was keen on tearing out some OS chips, and hearing that it was a YoRHa soldier only made it worse.

By the time that the only calm and responsible person of this group of super powerful figures had arrived, Nova was practically begging White to not initiate a warp jump back to Earth and find out just who hurt her cherished girl, on top of everyone else's worries and concerns.

To the other people in the hospital room, it was a surreal experience. Here they have basically some of the most powerful people on Earth and Mars right now, and just the sight of this man on the screen silenced them.

"Mom, family and friends are on the line."-Nova pushed Pod 079 at him-"Devola and Popola says I need rest. I need you to calm them down before an armada shows up in this room."

Silently, he acknowledged, signaling one of the twin doctors to follow him outside, that Pod following him, and along with it, all the commotion.

And he did just that. He quickly reassured all these people that no, a legal team wasn't needed, a sword definitely isn't needed, and no spaceship is initiating a warp jump back to Earth that day, and he did all that without so much as speaking louder than the hospital allowed him to.

Half an hour later, he returned inside, Pod floating back at Nova's side.

"I got the gist of it from Popola. Feeling better?"

"I feel like shit."-Nova cussed out, before embarrassingly apologized after seeing her father's slightly stern gaze-"Sorry dad. It's just...everyone was going crazy or something."

Oh. That's her father.

"I don't blame them."-He shrugs as he sat down on a stool next to her bed.-"I understand the feeling they get. Although it is very much overblown."

"Will...she be alright?"-Nova gestured towards the poor YoRHa girl sitting in the corner, face flushed, probably ready to prostrate herself at any given moment. At this point, Nova is past just dismissal of the girl and full on worried about her.

"Well, your mother, 9S and 2B is still coming over, but I got 2B to leave the legal team behind, and Nines to drop the extra doctors. They should be here in a few hours."

"And mom's not bringing a sword?"

"She always bring a sword."-He shrugged-"Bigger problem is to convince your auntie White to drop the whole thing."

"She will, right?"

"Well, I...hope. She's still coming back first chance she gets though."

"Everyone's so busy, and yet..."-They're all ready to drop everything they're doing to rush over here. That's a bit too protective.

"Don't worry about it. Family does that."

"I'm...sorry about your car."

"Well, it's yours now, isn't it? And it's not like it was your fault."-He softly patted her head.

It's been a long time since he did that. She's a grown up now, after all, not a child anymore.


"...It's good that you're fine, baby girl."-He suddenly just held her in close and hugged her for a small while.

Nova haven't got a big hug from him for a long while now. The sound of his heartbeat reminded her again, who he was, although it was thumping loudly, much more than she remembered.

The last time he hugged her this tightly, it was when she had that nightmare...

Finally letting go, her father sighed as he looked around.

"Well, you should rest, before mother and everyone shows up. I'll just be outside."

"Can you get me some orange juice?"

"Yeah, sure. I need a coffee anyway. Just rest up, I'll have it brought in for you. For now, guess I have to talk with that girl and make sure she's not about to despair over nothing."

"You're the best, dad."-Nova relaxed into her bed and soft pillow.

Finally, some proper rest...

When Nova woke up from sleep mode, she felt marginally better, the wound on her head hurts less, and her cognitive functions are back to normal with no abnormalities.

It's...quiet. As expected. Dad's not in the room, but he did leave this carton of orange juice on the bedside for her.

"Your dad's just left. He went to have a smoke, I think."-Nova turned to the other patient in the room, the guy that was also involved in the accident.

"O-oh. I see. Everyone's going to chew him up about smoking again."

"Cut him some slack, his dearest daughter just got hospitalized."

"For 2 days at most!"-Nova chuckled-"I can stand up just fine."

"Wouldn't recommend it though. Sound like your inertia system's slightly off. Just wait until the repairs starts."

"...Ugh, I have to be here even longer?"

" is surprising that someone like you didn't immediately get replacement parts for repairs. I're like a princess or something."

"I'm not that big on red carpets, no. Kind of my family's thing."

"That so? Well, you sure still got friends in high places."

"How about you? What's your injuries like? Is it bad?"

"Well, I'm a little worse off, but nothing critical."

"I can tell."-Nova smirked.

"Name's Wright, by the way. You are Nova, right?"

"I'm famous?"

"Daughter of the Treacherous Blade, kind of famous, yeah."

"What's a title like that means in peaceful times anyway..."-Nova pursed her lips.

"Well, you're kind of like royalty."

"Don't feel like so. Go to work like everyone else."

"Oh? You work?"

"Yeah, event planner and organizer. You?"

"I'm a mechanic and engineer. Worked in YoRHa for a good while, but eventually just go open up a shop here. Repairing cars and all that stuff."


"Hey, your car, she's a beauty. A custom, right?"

"Dad built it for me."

"Ah, right. Your father's 9C, right? The craftsman. Man what I'd give to see what's under the hood of that car."

"...Well."-Nova smiled as she turned to see him-"I'll need the car repaired, about this. I'll pay the hospital bill for you, and you fix my car for me?"

"Really? Not leaving it to your dad or something?"

"I'm sure he wouldn't mind. Unless you completely fail at fixing it."

"Pfft. You're on. After I fix up your ride, we'll go for a spin, and see if it breaks."

"And if it does?"-Of course, Nova wasn't going to do anything, but she just wanted to see what witty reply he'll give her.

"I repaired spaceships, Miss. I'm confident. But just in case. If it fails, I'll...bow down to your father's expertise. Like, actually, bowing."

"That's it?"

"I mean, I'll dance like a chicken if you want, but I don't think your father would appreciate that."

"...He would. Everyone else wouldn't though, yeah.

"..."-Suddenly, Pod 079 rises up from it's position, on idle at the table.

"Hm? What is it Pod?"-Nova have somewhat learned how to read Pod's...thinking. As strange as it sounds.

"This Pod...would like to formulate a proper apology."

"Huh? Why?"

"This Pod has been assigned to provide support and protect android unit Nova. Despite of that, this Pod has failed to protect Nova during the crash."


"Among many Pod Programs, this Pod is installed with Program A110: Slow. Usage of such program would have greatly helped to reduce the chance of Nova getting injured by 93%."

"It all happened too fast, Pod."-Nova gestured Pod 079 in and petted it.-"Maybe mom would have been able to react. Or Aunt 2B. But that doesn't mean you have to."

"I'm...sorry, Nova. I could have done better."

"There, there."-Nova squeeze hugged her companion, who had been with her since her first day in this world.-"I'm perfectly fine. Repairs' are coming in a few moments, and after that I'm good as new."


"If you feel that bad, will you tell me what are all those locked files you have in your data storage?"

"...That is strictly classified information."-Pod 079 responded.

From the side, Wright chuckled.


"No, nothing. It's just...I always find it nice. Pods, that is. It's like a helper, a pet, and a walking arsenal at the same time. It's kind of nice. Though, your Pod is rather special. Different programming?"

"Negative."-Pod 079 replied-"This Pod is programmed to the same standards as all other Pods."

"Huh. Pods I've seen are, a bit more uptight."

"They can formulate will and emotions with enough data. I knew that much."-Nova heard that Aunt 2B and Uncle 9S wouldn't have survived if their Pods didn't do that.

"I'd believe that. They have a lot of data compiled and analyzed. Through living daily lives with you it got attached to you."


"...Having a family feels nice, huh..."-Wright smiled.

"You don't have any?"

"I've got friends, sure, close buds and everything, but family...many androids don't get that. End of the day, most of us know, go back to our own space, by ourselves. It does get lonely, yeah."


"Oh, what am I talking about, totally killed the mood. Didn't mean to sound jealous or anything."

"Don't worry. It's better than sitting here in silence, staring at each other."

"Pfft, staring at you isn't that bad."

"Was that a flirt?"-Nova chuckled.

"Hey, well-deserved compliment. Your parents designed you really well."

"Thanks I guess. You don't look terrible either."-Androids are modeled rather idealistically compared to the average human, so looking around, there aren't exactly an abundance of unattractive androids. Still, Wright was slightly above most, at least in her eyes.

And just like so, the conversation flowed, until they heard a commotion outside, sounds of shuffling high heels and hurried conversations.

"...Seems like your family's here."-Wright smiled sheepishly.

That only earned a heavy sigh from Nova.