(A/N Hey guys me again, and I just want to apologize again for all of these delays. I know most of you were expecting me to continue on with A buneary heart and Dual natures, and I am going to eventually. But I've been going through some hard times recently, and its been hard for me to write anything as of late. I'll be sure to get right back to work with my main stories, but not until I feel like I've fully recovered. I don't think I'll put them on hiatus or anything, but it MAY be a while before those stories get their chance in the spotlight again. Sorry, everyone.

Oh and before I forget, here are a few things you should know about this mini-series;

1. this project won't be much longer than seven chapters, so don't expect me to have three different series up and running at once. That kind of pressure is a bit much for me.

The reason for this is I feel like if I try to have all of these different things going on at once, I'm never going to finish any of them. The reason why I feel like this is because it had happened to me before on multiple occasions.

2. This story is meant to be a retelling of the prologue of kingdom hearts II and would make a lot more sense if you already have played the games and understand what has and hasn't happened yet.

I assume that if you chose this story, you at least have played one of the games in general and if not, DO SO RIGHT AWAY! it is an AMAZING game franchise and I cannot recommend it enough. Not just for my sake, but for your own as well.

3. While not necessary, The characters are meant to be imagined as Pokemon.

...okay so...story time.

As you all probably have guessed by now, Pokemon is one of my favorite game franchises of all time. I loved it for many reasons, but one, in particular, was how different the species were from each other it was as if they all represented a personality of some kind. Eventually whenever I would see any character...ever really, I would always try to guess what species of Pokemon they would be if they were a Pokemon. I thought that maybe I could work that into one of my fics and, while it's not required for you to do so, these characters are meant to be thought of like Pokemon.

4. Some of the events you will see are not from the game and are original to me. you'll most likely know them when you see them.

And that should cover it! Now, let's get on with my first Christmas gift to you guys ^_^

(the slumbering labyrinth – fire emblem echoes)

The air in the room was still, untouched by life for had been abandoned for years, long forgotten by its creators and devoid of any influence by nature, machine, or time...yet in that room, an entity stood alone in the darkness… It was not of the realm this room was located in that was for sure yet here it was, standing in that room all alone...staring blankly ahead.


it whispered the same words to itself over and over again…there was no door to leave the room or window, it was just four walls of darkness...the creature was trapped.

Meanwhile, in a different place surrounded in light, a figure wearing a grey jacket stared at the being through a small square of light. "...man, that guy creeps me out sometimes." it said to itself in a sarcastic tone as the screen vanished in his hand... He was standing in a place of light, thousands upon thousands of numbers filled the empty space around him. Darting up and down as if on elevators to some unknowable destination… "...then again...he DOES serve a purpose, as do all creatures."

Some of the lines of numbers started to draw closer to him as he beckoned them forward with his hand. They waited in front of him, inches away from his face...they then started to spin around rapidly, as if struck with a sledgehammer around an invisible pole. They grew in speed for some time, until eventually, they formed into a strange shape, a 3-D hexagon of sorts.

The being clutched the shape in his hand and stared at it...eventually, he saw a string of data collect in the crystal-like structure...this was that text:

UNIVERSE: 12002122212









PASSWORD: *********














(A/N also yes, the text above is meant to be read in Arial font.)

He looked at the string of data for a while, as if he were pondering some kind of decision he had made. "...should I really do this?…..no, I lost too much, THIS. Is. NOTHING." as he said this last part, he slammed his open palm on the 'yes' option on the screen. It then flickered, as a new string of text appeared.




There was a bright light, brighter than any flashlight could replicate...and then he was gone...like a whisper on the wind he left the area, as the army of numbers continued on with their tasks unfazed by the sudden disappearance of the strange visitor, as if he had never existed at all. And why should they? He had nothing to do with them.

The only sign that he ever was there at all, was a small mark he left on the ground. It had three streaks, grey, white, and black. The two colors of balance stood opposite of each other, while the color in between joined them together. This combination of colors and shapes formed a single letter on the ground that could be read by anyone…

the letter was an H.

(end song)


It would seem the struggle has ended...the boy who never should have been had just lost to the unrestrained power of the darkness.

He was placed on the tile underneath the machine, where he would live out the last of his days inside a lie. Perhaps it was an act of mercy, that now he would gain what he always wanted; his own life...now that he was destined to lose it. The machine whirred to life, preparing to perform its task...the figure in black robes looked on at him. "...poor thing.." he said under his breath.

"It's the fate of a nobody." said his companion as he pressed a few buttons to activate the machine...


The small mouse slept alone in the room...it was the color of brown mostly and had various decorations scattered around it. It was a nice place to live in, and yet it's sole occupant seemed...troubled. He was alone in the room, staring at the ceiling lost in his own thoughts. he felt...hollow inside for some reason as if he had no purpose left to fulfill. "...is there nothing I can do?...the entire town has gone silent...almost death-like...maybe... I should..." He shut his eyes in agony. "NO!...that's what he WANTS me to do...but I can't yet...not until I find a way..." he then looked out the window. "...or at the very least, I find the missing pieces of my memory..."

He was so close, almost everything lined up...but there was one thing that was missing. He didn't know their name but he knew they existed, it was a gut feeling. And the one thing he had to do before he yielded to the plans of this dastard...one person, that he knew existed yet couldn't remember...he was going to learn. He was going to do everything he could to discover who they were and how they fit into his puzzle of an existence before he would let himself fade away...to become someone else... He longed for those days when he could live in blissful ignorance. When everything made sense...when he had his own life...he closed his eyes again and smiled. "...what I wouldn't give...to go back...

He turned to the book on his window sill. It was small, and had a leather cover on it...in that book held his entire story. Everything he had ever experienced in his life...in a way, that book was more real than he was. "...actually...yeah, maybe I should just have a moment to myself." he thought as he opened the first pages of the book. He skipped over a couple, before finding the one marked 'June 24th, Monday' seven days before the end of summer vacation...and then he read his entire story once more, allowing him to go back in time to when nothing mattered, and everything was okay.

"what I wouldn't give..." was his last thought before he drifted off into the past to reminisce...before it all went wrong.

And that's all for today my friends! Again, I know that this is kind of short, but this was only meant to be a prologue to a much longer story I have planned for later and this was more so to remind everyone that i am not dead...that's kind of a concern of mine you could say.

And with that, this is riolulover97, and by the time this fic is relesed it will be the most wonderfull time of the year! so with that in mind, i wish you all a merry Christmas! ^_^