AimlesslyGera: yeah I'm lucky to have friends/family like that.

Joanne Frances Tiano Cajilig: oh yes it has. Lol all of that is a definite and a must have, especially the groveling part. I might just make a part two to this.

Guest (1): glad you enjoyed it. 😊

phillynz: yeah poor her. Lol oh yes I'm thinking a sequel is on the way.

klrowe4: that's good. 😊 I'm glad that I'm able to make others happy through this as I'm happy to write them.

5 reviews, nice, lets see where this one gets us, please read and review!

Future verbal bitch slap

Drabble 284

Neo Queen Serenity POV

When Venus told me what Malachite told her about Prince Diamond and HOW he got as far as he did I was livid. That maid had no right to do what she did. She violated my trust in her as a maid and violated the privacy I hold dear for my family in here. We may be in the public eye but that doesn't give ANYONE, ESPECIALLY those that work for us the right to enact their own petty revenge on us just because my husband was being faithful to me. He's MY husband damn it, that's how it goes.

I sat in my room as Venus encouraged, sitting by my side as I stewed in my anger over this. I even felt a sense of betrayal by this since I trusted her and only a few others to have access to our private chambers for cleaning. I still preferred to do many things myself and taking care of our children on our floor in our wing was something I felt compelled to do myself. Queen I maybe but I was also a mother, a wife, I had many other titles.

This woman acted as though my husband telling her 'no' meant 'screw your privacy' and…grr, a big 'screw you!'. Venus was already ready to tell the young woman she was fired and to be escorted off the property. At this rate she would not only have her clearance to the palace revoked but she would never be given this back. She was in fact lucky to NOT be jailed for giving an enemy of ours access to the private floors where he could have attacked myself or anyone else there at the time.

All over petty jealousy. Once I had taken an hour to think things over and calm down, I nodded to Venus who looked on with anticipation in her eyes to as to what I would do to the woman. I knew where she was at to. I made it a habit to know everyone who worked for us so that I could show that I to at one point did work like this and that I did to understand the level of hard labor that went into cleaning up after people.

I did do my own fair share of laundry, and cleaning before I became Queen. Its one of the reasons why I thought I had the understanding and respect of the staff here but apparently there are still some, even if only one that feels the need to do something like this. I leave out of my chambers and go down to where she's at. I find her not in the laundry room though. Another maid looking at me as if she doesn't want to be in the middle of this says, "She said she was requested to work in the king's study so she left half an hour ago."

I nodded, "Thank you." And walked away as I headed to my husband's study. Once I was inside I saw she had now gone so far as to alter her uniform to give it a more sexy appeal. I pursed my lips as I heard Endymion say once more to her, "I think it would be best if you were to do to the rest of your cleaning elsewhere." I know my Endymion was a strong man, but he never was one to like it when a woman threw herself at him.

So when she did it made him feel uncomfortable and made him want to leave a room. With Venus by my side I strode in and shut the door hard behind me. I knew Venus was holding back her own smile as she watched the show, "Did you really think that I wouldn't find out about your deception to us?" I asked her as Endymion walked away from her and out of the metaphorical firing range.

She fumbled a bit, "Sorry your majesty?" she asked trying to sound unaware to what was going on, "You really didn't think we wouldn't find out about what you told Diamond did you?" I told her as I could visibly see her gulp. "I have no idea what he told you, but I can assure you…" I held up my hand, "As much as I'd love to watch you dig yourself further into a hole of lies, I'm not really in the mood for that."

She stops talking then as she sees and realizing that I caught her and wasn't relenting on this. I simply say, "Just answer me one question before I have you escorted out." Venus steps up, looking a tad victorious to be able to do this. More than likely since her husband was the one who got to torture Diamond, so this is her small opportunity to get a taste of it herself. "Why?" I asked her.

It was then that the maid sneered at me. It was so hateful that I nearly stepped back from it. It was only thanks to my years as a senshi that I didn't even flinch a muscle. "You really don't remember me do you?" I looked at her curiously and wracked my brain to figure out what she meant form when. "Fill in the blanks, I've met with a lot of people over the years." Which was very true, but I also knew of nearly every dignitary and lord with the misses around, and the staff here were selected due to their professional business backgrounds.

Her name wasn't to familiar to me. She bristled, "We were in class together with Ms. Haruna." I remembered her classes well and she DIDN'T look familiar. "I don't remember you from them." I told her, "Well you wouldn't since I steered clear of the losers group you were in with that nerd Ami and that giant Makoto." She certainly remembered us from the past. That was quiet clear, "I was in my own little group of superiority." She smirked.

Well she did till that smirk turned to anger, "So years later, when I get married and my husband leaves me for a blonde, cause I'm 'to hard to live with'…" she puts in quotes, "Then to lose my job cause I 'can't be on the same grounding as customers', bitch I'm better than them! I grew up in a NICE neighborhood, not my fault that my husband wasn't good enough. This is where I should be!" she motions to the palace.

"This place was fit for me and my tastes. So what happens, I manage to get a job here as a maid and after reading up on the royals who live here I find out low and behold that you're the same loser Usagi that was in that class with me." while I never considered myself a loser, I also never considered myself better than others. Had more important things in life going on. "So to find out that THIS is where you are and THIS is where I am…" she points around.

She steps forward near me as Venus steps up only to have me put a hand up to let her have her little rant, "I was the cheerleader, you were NOTHING. So yeah when I saw the king here, I knew he couldn't resist me, no man ever has…then he did…many times, so yeah I let the prince have a little something." She cocked out as Venus stepped forward more as I myself clenched my fists. "Oh what your body guard gonna do your dirty work for you?" she noticed the movement but that was good.

Venus actually laughs a bit, "Oh I wasn't stepping forward to protect her, I was stepping forward to protect you." That makes her stop short and look to me, "Now that your finished with your self-absorbed rant you might want to perk up your ears and listen, "Yeah I have this…we have this…" I indicate around a bit, "AFTER constantly fighting off enemies from other planets for YEARS!" I started as she gulped.

Good. "I've been in battles with my fellow senshi since I was 14." She backed up a step, "So while you were waved pom-pom's in the air and judging me for being a loser I was fighting for my life, the lives of those around me and the number of innocents who got caught up the plans by the enemies who wanted to use them to either take over the world or simply destroy it." I was definitely upset by this woman's behavior so for her to try to justify it only made it worse in the end to hear.

"I was going into battle with NO former training and getting my ass beat down around by enemies who wanted us all DEAD cause we were in the way! I mean you act like I was doing nothing but playing around all the time. I was out there with them saving ass's like yours time and time again!" I stepped forward as she stepped back once more, well aware of the fact that she was in deep shit now.

"I was fighting for this planet, for our world and many others while you were too busy dicking around thinking your better than everybody else! I was fighting to survive as we still do every time we encounter a new enemy. One of which you purposely let into our PRIVATE chambers cause you were jealous and petty and thought it was acceptable! Our children were up there!" I blasted my voice at her.

I was right up in her face by now. She may have been a few inches taller than me but with my heels on we were toe to toe. "Had he been like any other enemy we've had he would have attacked us. He could have attacked our kids!" to this I felt Endymion bristle a bit as he loved our kids just as dearly as I did. "Your petty jealous put my family in danger, don't think I'm ever getting past that." I told her.

She didn't so much as blink let alone nod her head in acceptance, "I knew he wouldn't hurt you cause he has this stupid crush on you." She choked out past what I'm assuming was either fear or perhaps as an auto-defense mechanism. "That doesn't mean anything." I got up closer to her, "Having a crush simply meant that he felt more at ease to touch something that wasn't his rather than step away from it."

I could tell she didn't think about that, and only then did she seem to appear a little regretful, time to drive my point home. "I will always fight for our freedoms and our lives, the very ones you are obviously taking for granted. I will continue to do so cause I was and still AM a DAMNED, senshi!" I could tell she was fighting for words herself now as she realized she hadn't done as much research as she thought she had as she just pissed off not just the Queen but the leader of the senshi.

"So don't you dare look down your damn nose at me!" I barely looked back at Venus before Endymion comes forward, "For future reference…" she looks over at him, "You NEVER had a shot with me." Her features blanch, "She always was and always will be the only woman for me. Your blatant disregard for our families safety is obvious and if you decide to be stupid as to come back here you will be met with the full force as if YOU YOURSELF were an enemy." Her eyes widened on that.

I ordered in low tones to Venus, "Get her out of here before I decide to jail her for this after all right now." I see her eyes widen at the prospect of it when I tell her, "And if I ever hear tell that you came back here for ANY reason, then you will be jailed on site." She gasps in shock to stunned to even retort back as Venus takes her out of the study. Endymion locks it back up, "To be honest I'm shocked you didn't put her in jail right now. Kinda wish I'd come back sooner so I could have had some words with her."

I breath in and sigh, "No its better done this way." I turn around and feel myself lightening up a bit from getting that out. "Sorry I jumped in here the way I did. I was just so upset and I wanted a few words with her before she left." We both heard her try to argue with Venus before a sharp slap was heard, "I'm thinking Venus decided to give her a slap for good measure." I smiled, "I'm shocked you didn't." he tells me.

I look up to him, "I wanted to believe me I did, but hitting her would have only added fuel to the fire." He looks at me oddly, "I wanted to tear her down, to show her who I was without bitch slapping her. Dignity over force. Mercy over wrath." I tell him as he smiles, "How did I ever get so lucky as to get you in my life…in three lifetimes now…?" he asks as he kisses me. I kiss him back passionately.

"Funny I was gonna say the same thing about you." I tell him breaking the kiss as he backs me up into the desk in the study. Seeing the dark couch nearby he hauls me up into his arms and sits me in his lap while he sits down. My dress hikes up as he pulls down the top half, exposing my breasts to his hungry mouth and begins to lick, kiss and nip at them as I hold his head in place. I can't help but sigh in bliss as he does this.

I begin to rub up against him, my center grinding happily into his growing erection as he happily thrusts himself up against me. "Oh Serenity…" he mutters as he pulls and gropes at my form. I tug on his jacket as I pull at it to be off. He shucks it off as I start to unbutton his dress shirt, "We really should do this more often." I tell him as he slips a hand into my underwear. I can't help but moan as his fingers find purchase within me.

I'm already slick with want and need for him. "So wet already…" he moans, "You know it was hot for me to see you be all in charge and commanding." He finishes as I reach down and feel how hot and hard he's already gotten. "I can tell…I like getting you all revved up." I tell him as I pull down the zipper to his pants. Only then does he pull away from me long enough as his long member pops out.

Like its waiting for me to take him home again. I slid up and arch my back as I take him in. Inch by slow inch I savor the feeling of MY husband inside of me. I feel him hit the very end of me as he opens his mouth in a near O effect. Much like my own mouth was as I sunk down on him once more. With his hands on my hips we created a shallow and slow pace. One that hit the places as needed and yet still made the pleasure last long. I used my legs to power my thrusts downward as he used his to thrust upward.

The rhythm was beginning to build but it would take us a minute to get there. We were in no rush right now. "Oh Endymion…" I couldn't help but call out his name. As often as had sex in various rooms of the palace, and the few places at my parents place, not that they knew, we didn't very often do it in here since the walls were a tad thinner in here than elsewhere. I think it was because of where it was located at.

I bite my lip to keep my moans contained down but it was so hard when Endymion did this thing with his hips. Corkscrewing them into me as I plunged down onto him. Each thrust sending him slightly deeper than before as his hands pulled me in. I held onto him as well as we began to set a slightly faster pace than before. "Oh Serenity…what you do to me…" he grunted as he leaned back against the couch.

I sat back to, my hands on his knees as I used them for support. His hands going to my breasts and playing with them as I continued to ride him. Even though I was gain pleasure from this I could feel that he was to. His length got harder within me, starting to expand a bit to as I felt him begin to thrust harder and slightly faster within me. His hands tweaking my nipples as I cried out from the pleasure of it.

It was a equal pull of give and take as we both took pleasure from the other, deriving it from the other as he thrust up and I pushed down, and what we gave to each other was insurmountable pleasure that as I rode him and used his knees to support myself, that I knew at any moment the second I lost my grip he'd be there to pick me up. "Serenity…Usagi…" I couldn't help but look at him as he said my former name.

The one I rarely went by these days but still enjoyed to be called, I smiled. "Endymion…my Mamoru…" I spoke as he pulled me in closer to him, "I will always love you." I whispers so lovingly into my ears that I can't speak for a moment. Its only when he stands himself up on wobbly legs that I gasp in the sudden shock of it all. "What?!" I begin to ask as he walks the few feet over to the desk, scatters the contents and puts me down on it.

Before I can even begin to ask what's going on he takes commanding control and powers a new set of fierce thrusts into me. I nearly have trouble grasping on at first before I wrap my legs around his waist and pull him in. He groans at the power move but doesn't relent as he continues on the same pace as before. Only this time he feels deeper in me, faster than before. "Please!" I call out as he grunts.

"Of course…" he nearly chuckles as he starts up a faster pace. Not one to let the chuckle slide I thrust back up at him and match his speed with my own. He looks stunned for a moment at first then relents and powers hard and faster thrust into me that feel like he's about ready to drive right through me. We come together harder than before, our bodies slapping together as I can feel the orgasm burning through me, ready to be released as I'm sure his does as well. "Yes!" I can hear him say as before either of us know it our orgasms hit.

Their fast and welcoming and linger for a few moments as we come down from the high were on, "Holy…wow…" I admit as I'm glad I'm already half laying down on the desk. He grunts something in agreement as he pulls out but not before smiling and giving me one last gentle kiss, "I love you." He tells me, "I love you to…and all of those battles together, they were all worth it for beautiful moments like these." He smiles and kisses me, "More than worth it." He agrees as I smile at him.