A/N: Thank you so much for all the reviews! Hoping this next part doesn't disappoint. I'm coming at Dick's disappearance from multiple angles - mostly to cover Slade's ass and give Batman more of a headache. Anyhow, let me know what you think! I love feedback and suggestions.

Chapter Four

Slade released Grayson's jaw and turned back to the pile of cloth he had unceremoniously dropped to the floor. Dick glanced down and noticed a flash of blue amongst the black — it was his Nightwing uniform.

The mercenary placed the small black mask over the bridge of Dick's nose and the adhesive from the night before was still strong enough to hold it securely in place. The top of his uniform was tossed aside as Slade knelt down to undo the restraints trapping the kid's legs. Once the manacles were removed, Dick's body swung and twirled slightly in the air. Dick urged his muscles to bend so he could strike out at the mercenary, but found that his limbs were completely unresponsive. He was confused by this since he could still feel Slade's hands on his skin.

As if answering his thoughts, Wilson stated, "can't lash out can you?" He took a quick glance at his watch and continued, "by now I doubt you could even twitch a finger. Since this next part could take a bit longer, it wouldn't hurt to give you another dose, just to be safe."

He strode back to the bench and took a syringe from the top shelf. He made his way back to Grayson and plunged the need into the vein of his tightly bound arm.

Dick's head swam for a moment and he didn't really think it was possible, but he felt weaker than before.

As the drug invaded Grayson's body, Slade took the pants of the Nightwing suit and began working them up his captive's legs. Having the mercenary this close had Dick feeling even more on edge and borderline violated, especially when Slade adjusted the waistband.

"So," Slade started while ripping the tank top off from behind Dick, "my touch bothers you does it?" Once the article of clothing was gone and to further prove his new insight - and amuse himself -, Slade slowly ran his gloved fingers down Grayson's back, taking a moment to feel out each muscle. When this motion started, Dick made an attempt to squirm away but had no luck with two doses of sedative holding him hostage. He just dangled, enduring this new form of torture.

Slade leaned in, uncomfortably close, and Dick felt the mercenary's breath move the hairs against his ear as he whispered, "We will have to revisit this interesting reaction later."

Dick shuddered involuntary at the thought and closed his eyes to block out the entire situation. The reprieve was not to last long though as Slade made his next motive clear.

"Open your eyes boy, I want you alert for this. I need some extra insurance. No doubt, your disappearance will not go unnoticed, and I need some assurance or evidence to lead the hero community away from myself should they discover that it was I who completed the contract. There is a particular villain who is very interested in receiving credit for your death, so he can further torment your previous mentor."

Dick's mind was moving sluggishly from the second dose of the drug, but he was slowly piecing the plot together. His death could very possibly destroy Bruce, and if no one knew he was alive, there would be no one looking for him and no rescue. Slade would win; even if Dick never gave in to the apprenticeship, he would be trapped in this Hell until he actually did die.

Another figure appeared in the doorway with a demented cackle. Dick knew who it was before the madman stepped into the room; Joker.

"Mmm mmph," Dick's eyes flashed wider in surprise with a brief hint of what Slade easily recognized as fear.

The mercenary replaced the straps and manacles around Nightwing's legs as the Joker circled the shadows like a wild predator preparing to strike.

Slade stepped back as soon as the hero's legs were re-secured and stated, "He's all yours for the time being, make it brutal." The mercenary stepped back behind the flood light and a small red dot suddenly appeared on the video camera.

Joker moved in with a sadistic madness in his eyes, and the first thing Nightwing saw in the light was the rust covered crowbar.

"Hello Bird-Boy, fancy meeting you here. Heheheh Ahahahaha. This is gonna be so much fun. I'm even making a family video for the cherished memories we'll have. I can't wait to share it with Batsy. Hahahaha."

Slade watched as the crazy clown started to swing the crow bar. Although most people would not even consider this scenario due to the villain's unpredictability, Slade did not feel threatened or out of control. He also felt confident that even if the Joker beat Grayson within an inch of his life, the wounds would not be anything the mercenary couldn't treat. Despite his conviction that the situation would not get out of hand, he couldn't help but cringe as the kid's blood splattered about the room. He almost felt bad about footage Bruce would be watching, almost.

Beep Beep … Beep Beep … Beep Beep

The noise was annoying, but not her typical alarm sound to indicate danger — this was a sound to indicate a signal issue with one of her many computer connections. Barbara Gordon pulled herself out of her cozy warm bed to find out just what the Hell was wrong with her equipment.

She rolled into the kitchen to grab a mug of warm tea to help awaken the trouble-shooting, techy part of her mind before heading into Oracle's main room of operations.

Babs took in the familiar warm glow of her monitors before flipping on the main light. She unlocked the screen saver and entered the command to shut down the alarm. All her clock tower perimeters were secure and her network systems were running fine. Great — that meant the trigger had come from one of her Bat-Boys.

Babs immediately opened her programming for Dick's network; he was the most well-known for screwing up his equipment and this would be just another of several occurrences he sparked in the last year. It was most commonly a result of him throwing his Nightwing gear across the room as he rushed into bed. One item would always catch the receiver. And sure enough this was another one of those times.

"Dammit Grayson." Babs grumbled as she gripped the bridge of her nose. The red light flashing on the screen was just as irritating as the noise proceeding it. Now if only she could wake the Man-Wonder up — unlikely, knowing what he had been through this past week.

She considered just turning off the screen and going back to her awaiting covers, but she decided to at least try to get a response.

"Dick are you still up?" She said loudly, hoping his communicator was within hearing distance.

She sat a moment and received no reply, only silence — not entirely surprising.

Barbara let out a tired sigh and wheeled herself back to the bedroom and dreamland.