A/N: Hi everyone. I've been a DCU, BatFam, and, specifically, Grayson fanatic since age 9 (my God, thats been more than two decades… so old… lol). And in all that long time of collecting comics and watching the related movies and cartoons, I've never once attempted to write any fanfiction about my favorite story character of all time: Dick Grayson. So here is my first stab at it.

Typical tags for my stories include: kidnapping, drugging, bondage, non-con (implied and descriptive), emotional manipulation and physical torture w/graphic violence.

I really am not sure which tags I'm hitting with the tale yet. I'd like to just get this first part posted and see how the audience responds. So if there is a specific tag you're into, be sure to comment/message me about it; and I will try to work it into upcoming chapters… as long as it makes sense with the story line of course.

This first chapter is somewhat short - just getting a feel for the interest out there. Also do not have a beta on this yet so let me know if you find any errors.

Reviews are love, please leave some. Xoxo.

Chapter One

Dick Grayson was having one of the worst weeks of his life. After being on patrol the weekend prior as both Officer Grayson and Nightwing, in the pouring rain, he had picked up a sore throat and slight fever. The illness had carried with him throughout the week and the impact it had on both his jobs had been steadily increasing. The few hours of sleep he'd been able to squeeze in throughout the week had not been enough to recoup from the illness he'd picked up - at best he was just postponing the full effects of the cold until he had a chance to deal with it. He trudged through the week by continually reminding himself that he had a full week of vacation from the Bludhaven Police Department coming up in just a few days. If he could just make it through Friday...

Oddly enough, the crime rate for the city seemed to be on a drastic up-rise this week which was all the more alarming since Bludhaven had one of the most escalated crime rates in the country on any regular day. Gang activity had almost tripled with no apparent cause and some of the deadlier masked villains had been making nightly appearances, one after another, as if conspiring against the exhausted hero. Dick had done some thorough investigation concerning both the gang issues and his masked adversaries, but could find no correlating reason behind the increased activity. His first thoughts had naturally gone to his current nemesis, Blockbuster, but Desmond had been out of the country on business - shady dealings in Russia - for the past couple weeks and the compound was quiet. Even his more common associates had chosen to take a sabbatical while their crime lord was away. With this being the case, Dick was at a loss to explain the increase of criminal activity.

Slade Wilson, also known as Deathstroke the Terminator, was a very patient man - especially when it came to obtaining items that he really wanted. His patience for this particular possession had been growing thin over the past few years and he was ready to assert ownership over his apprentice. He had claimed Robin, the original Boy Wonder, a decade prior and through a stroke of luck favoring the Bat, his Bird had managed to slip away.

Ever since Grayson's lucky escape, Deathstroke had been keeping a distant eye on his chosen protege, waiting for the perfect moment to reclaim the boy. During the years, Grayson's skills had increased and honed to each new type of violence he encountered — the peak being now... his time dealing with Bludhaven's degradation and the villain known as Blockbuster.

Although not a boy anymore, Slade believed he still had a little time left to force Grayson into his crusade as a willing participant; and his experience in Bludhaven would only strengthen the ease in which he could assimilate to the criminal society. Deathstroke's distant watch on Grayson had steadily grown closer as the boy reached adulthood and Slade knew that if he was to win Grayson's loyalty through persuasion alone, he would need to act quickly. Although this was Slade's preferred weapon for submission, his plans did extend further as he toyed with other ideas to force Dick into obedience — drugs and mind control being the most likely methods to employ.

In Slade's mind, failure was never an option — losing a battle now and then, although embarrassing, was tolerable; but he would always be victorious when the war ended.

By mid-week, the full effect of Grayson's exhaustion had become visibly evident. Slade watched the hero's progress intently and had noticed that in addition to the nightly injuries, he also seemed to be suppressing a cold. Slade had been initiating riots between gangs and correlating with the city's masked villains to push Nightwing into exhaustion — most of whom were more than willing to oblige, not just for the enticing payment Slade was offering, but also for the potential that the hero would be permanently removed from their affairs.

Slade's plan had progressed much quicker than he had planned and he knew that the boy would not be able to remain on his feet much longer. Per Dick Grayson's usual behavior, he would continue to push his limits, unable to ignore his desire to save everyone. It was this personality trait that Slade was counting on and the mercenary was prepared to take the boy this weekend — expecting little to no resistance from his apprentice based on his weakened state.

Batman was certainly a concern, but there was no way the overprotective mentor would be notified of Nightwing's disappearance until the boy was far out of reach. Dick Grayson was extremely stubborn when it came to admitting weakness or requesting assistance; and Slade knew this would prevent the boy from contacting his friends and family to inform them of his current situation. The mercenary had noted several episodes in the past when the young man would sooner black out from exhaustion than go crawling back to the Batman. And this week would be no different — moderately injured, sick, and pushed well beyond his physical limits Grayson would hardly put up a struggle when Slade struck.