"Shota Aizawa," a voice says from behind the third year student at UA.

Shota stops walkings and he turns towards the person. He raises an eyebrow as All Might walks over him.

"All Might huh? What do you want," the 18-year-old ask the pro hero.

"This is important. We need your help," All Might says as he leads him towards a private area to talk.

"With what," Shota ask him.

"We are going to be raiding a facility that is suppose to hold children who are being experimented on. We need your Quirk to make sure everything goes smoothly," All Might explains.

"Is that is," Aizawa ask him.

"Yes. So Eraserhead, are you in," All Might ask him.

It's in the dead of night when the plan to attack the facility goes down. Eraserhead stands next to All Might as they wait for the sign to go ahead. An explosion suddenly happens and they then leap towards the facility.

"Remember Eraserhead. Our goal is to find the children and get them out of here," All Might says as he punches the door off.

"Right. We've been over this a couple of times. Though why are you with me and not with the distraction," Eraserhead ask the number 1 Pro Hero.

"Because we don't know what will happen with this rescue mission," All Might explains as he punched a guard into the wall. "I am here to protect you and the children."

Eraserhead looks at All Might as they enter the cells where the children should be held.

"Do we know how many children should be here or no," Eraserhead ask All Might.

"Hold on," All Might says as he listens to the other Pro Heros on his earpiece. "From what the others have gathered, there should be one in cell number 04."

Eraserhead nods his head and he hurries over to cell number 04. He reaches the cell and he opens to door to see a little girl there. Her black hair is in the air and her red eyes are glaring at him with fear written in them. Eraserhead slowly removed his goggles as he looks at the girl. He then activates his Quirk. The girl's eyes widen in shock as she blinks. Her hair falls down and her eyes are now a dark purple color. Eraserhead blinks and squats to her height.

"I'm not going to hurt you. I'm here to save you. What's your name," Eraserhead ask the little girl.

"I-I don't have one. Are you the man who they used his DNA to make me," she asks Eraserhead.

"Probably. The name's Shota Aizawa, though my hero name is Eraserhead," Shota explains as he holds his hand out to the little girl.

She slowly reaches for his outstretched hand. Once her hand is in his, Eraserhead slowly brings her over to him.

"Well it stinks to not have a name. So I'm going to give you a name alright," Eraserhead says as she nods her head. "Your name is now Mika."

"I-I like it," she mutters as Shota smiles.

"Good. Now let's get out of here," Eraserhead says as he place his goggles back on.

Mika smiles and nods her head. Eraserhead picks her up and leaves the cell.

"Mika, where are the other children? And how old are you?"

"They are dead. Failed cloning they were," Mika says as she looks at Shota. "I'm three. I'm the only one that survived."

"Alright. Once we get out of here, you will have a wonderful life," Eraserhead tells Mika.

"Ok. I believe you."

"Looks like you have a daughter Shota. Congrats," the school nurse tells him after she looks at the results of the DNA test.

"Ok. Soo can I adopt Mika or not," Shota ask Recovery Girl.

"I'm sure you can. You just have to fill out a lot of paperwork. I will be willing to help you with them," Recovery Girl tells him.

"Ok. So does she have a birthday?"

"February 6th. That's what it says on her paper," Recovery Girl says as she hands the paper to Shotta.

"Alright. I better get the adoption papers done. Thanks," Shota says as he leaves the nurse's office.

He reads the paper over as he walks to the teacher's lounge. The UA teachers where kind enough to watch over Mika after her rescue. He opens the door and Mika looks over. She smiles as she notice the student at the door.

"Shota," she says as she runs over to him.

"Hey Mika. Everything going well," he ask her.


"So what is the result of the DNA test," Shota's English Teacher, Shooting Star, ask him.

"Recovery Girl confirmed what we suspected," Shota says.

"So you are my Daddy," Mika says as she looks up at him.

"Biologically, yes. Though the authorities don't," Shota says as Mika pouts. "But, once I finish filling and handing the adoption papers in, then I will legally be your Daddy too."

"Yeah," Mika says as she smiles.

"You sure you want to do that," Shooting Star ask her student.

"Of course. I'm the only one who can handle and teach her about her Quirk. Plus I don't think she would be fine if anyone else except me be her legal guardian," Shota explains as Shotting Star sighs.

"Alright. If you say so. You know it's going to be tough raising her," she says.

"I know. I'm going to go and do the papers now. Come on Mika," Shota says as Mika gets all of her toys and puts them in her backpack.

"Bye-bye Miss Star," Mika says as she smiles.

"Bye Mika. I'll see you tomorrow," Shooting Star says as she smiles at the young girl.

Shota nods his head at Shooting Star as they leave.

Hello my wonderful readers! I hope you liked the chapter! I forget how I came up with this idea, but I like it so, I'm going to write this book! The idea is basically some evil organization made a clone of Shota Aizawa, aka Eraserhead. The heroes find her and rescue her from them. Shota then decides to be her legal father and raiser her. That's basically what this story is going to be about. I'm going to have a chapter or two of Aizawa adjusting to being a father of a 3-year-old, then we will do a time skip to when she is in UA. Enjoy!

Also, if you don't like this story, please no hate comments. Thanks!