Can you believe it! A fourth chapter!
It sucks cos I have this story pretty much thought out I just never write :/
Anyway enjoy seven followers of mine, love you

The next Friday was the first Quidditch training after Christmas break. It was safe to say Liz ruined it. Her mind was in a completely different place, she hadn't had more than 2 hours of sleep per night and being one of two girls on the team didn't help.

'Rivers, what the hell is going on with you?' Davies, the Ravenclaw captain, screamed at Liz after the umpteenth time she missed the Quaffle.

Liz rubbed her eyes. 'Sorry, I'm just really tired.'

'Well, you better get your act together before the match against Slytherin. You're no use to us now so you might as well leave.'

While her other teammates snickered, Liz sighed and left to change. She didn't even try to stop her tears as she changed, no one was there anyway. Liz left in a rush back to the castle. Technically, no one was supposed to be out this late on their own, with the Dementors and all, but Liz sure as hell wasn't waiting for training to end. She pushed the door to the entrance hall open without thinking.

'Ouch,' Oliver Wood exclaimed as the door hit him hard.

'Oh my god, I'm so sorry.' Liz could've slapped herself. Of course she'd run into Oliver.

Oliver chuckled. 'Don't worry about it. Are-are you okay?' he said after seeing her crying face.

Fuck. 'Yeah, I'm fine.' Liz quickly wiped her eyes with her hands.

'What are you doing out here anyway, don't you have practice?' Oliver cocked his head, and Liz had to stop herself from drooling.

'Yeah, I stopped earlier.'

Oliver raised an eyebrow inquisitively.

'So, what are you doing here?' Liz evaded the question.

'Oh, I was just going for a stroll. D'you wanna join me? You shouldn't be alone with the Dementors swarming the castle.'

Liz thought she might faint. 'Sure.'

Together, they walked out of the castle again. Liz was searching for something to say. Anything would be good right now. Really anything… Come on, Liz, say something!

'It's really beautiful at night, don't you think?' Oliver said, seemingly mesmerized by the lake.

'Yeah, I guess. Haven't been out at night often. Have you?'

'Oh yeah, insomnia, you know,' Oliver smiled.

'Maybe if you stopped thinking about Quidditch so much, you could get to sleep better,' Liz retorted.

Oliver knit his brow. 'Now why would I do that? I got coffee to help with the sleeplessness, and Quidditch is more important anyway.'

'You know, coffee isn't great for your health.'

Oliver shrugged and Liz chuckled. The things this boy did to her head, honestly.

'Hey, can I ask you something?' Oliver deepened his voice.

'Is it about Quidditch?'


Liz chuckled again. 'Go ahead.'

'D'you think we have a chance? To win the cup, I mean?' His voice sounded timid and small, and Liz wanted to hug him.

'Of course!'

'D'you really think so? You're not just saying that to stop me from killing myself?'

'Oliver, you have the best team by far, and if Harry gets his firebolt back, then there's no chance you'll lose. You know that, don't worry.'

Oliver snorted. 'A day not worried about the Quidditch Cup is a day not lived, I like to say.'

Liz shook her head smiling. 'Also, how is any team gonna sign you if you never won?'

'Oh god, don't remind me,' Oliver groaned.

'What team do you want to go to?'

'Whatever team is willing to sign me,' Oliver said simply. Then, after a small bit of silence, 'Puddlemere United. Imagine working with Benjy Williams,' Oliver sighed.

'Don't their robes look just like the Ravenclaw robes?' Liz teased.

'Yeah, maybe I should've been a Ravenclaw…' Oliver mused.

'I'd earlier say you should've been a Slytherin.'

'What?' Oliver stopped walking.

Liz looked at him with a raised eyebrow. 'Because of the ambition I mean.'

'Oh, yeah I suppose.' Oliver continued walking.

'Do you really hate Slytherin that much?'




'They're not all like Flint, you know,' Liz reasoned.

'Don't care. They're in his house.'

Liz grinned. 'Oh lord, you're unbelievable.'

'Thank you.' Oliver sounded perfectly pleased.

They got back to the castle and parted ways on the stairs. 'Goodnight, don't let Filch catch you,' Oliver smiled at Liz.

Liz took a short-cut up to the Ravenclaw tower with a huge smile on her face.

'Feed me and I live; yet give me a drink and I die. What am I?' The Eagle Door Knocker asked Liz as she walked up to the door.

'Fire, you've asked that one already.'

'Yes, after 9 p.m., I always ask the easier ones. Can't have another one of you smartarses blast me to bits with a jinx, now can I?'

Liz laughed slightly while walking in. The common room was completely deserted. Liz checker her watch: 11 p.m.! Still, there were almost always a few Ravenclaws in the common room at all times of the day. Liz walked up the stairs and changed into her pyjamas, still thinking about Oliver Wood. She closed her curtain drawings and fell asleep almost immediately for the first time in weeks.

'You look happy,' Stella noted the next morning at breakfast, her brows knit.

Liz smiled mysteriously back at her. 'I'll tell you later.'

'Hey, Rivers,' Davies put a hand on Liz' shoulder, 'there's an extra training today at 4. Are you up for it?'

'Yeah, I'm good, Davies, see you then.'

Stella raised an eyebrow. 'What was that hand doing there?'

'Oh, you know Davies,' Liz sighed, 'he's always has a fetish for Quidditch players.'

'Well, you better win next week. Pucey's been boasting about his team for ages, your winning will shut him up, I hope,' Ashley muttered, slowly sipping her coffee.

'I thought you had other ways of shutting him up.' Lucas poked Ashley's side with his elbow.

'Oh, fuck off.' We all smiled.

And that was all for now, there's school tomorrow
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