Chapter 7: Paradise
A/N: Long awaited, but finally I can deliver another chapter and give this couple it's first story i've done. Hopefully it wasn't too bad, though I surmise the few dozens that got this far actually came for the story and not the beginning chapters. Well I hope you all enjoy.
A light snore escaped his nose, but his trained ears after two whole decades of constant training and torment still picked up on the slightest of noises. Even in a dead sleep Broly could awaken with a sharp jolt, but it had been something that happened less and less since finding peace - a true calm that he had never once been able to find.
It was where the day to day life had become less about eating, fighting, and constantly struggling to look around and cover your own ass. Instead, it became a life filled with eating, sex, fighting occasionally, and struggling to find the time to sleep.
Though used to long hours and periods without rest, there were few times in the recent months that had allowed him that time of true deep slumber. There was always some work to be done here, some things to be done there, but as of it late it was the infant cries that came from his, one and half year old daughter.
Which was primarily why he stirred now. His eye lids heavily crusted with sleep began to open. His face was covered by his large palm which rubbed the orange gunk from his face. A deep low grunt came as he pushed off the thick heavy covers that had once been such a warm invitation.
Awoken by the same source like clockwork day after day, Broly looked to a small wooden bassinet that had large Capsule Corporation logo marked on it. A special design for half saiyan children, who knew there would ever be such a thing. Groaning he sat up on his bed and looked down into the small crib.
Chise, was lightly whimpering, bearing a combination of both his, and her mother's traits. Bringing in traditional caramel saiyan skin, except her mother's bright white hair, trumped his dark black locks and coated her tail white. But with dark purple eyes, she could pass for an Earthling, save her tail. Her eyes were flushed with small tears coming from her whimpering.
He reached down and plucked her from the small confines of light pink and purple colored hell - but he kept that thought to himself - the saiyan knew by smell alone what was the problem.
Muttering low curses Broly carried her to the changing spot just in their room. Having done this far more times than he wanted, he plucked off her foul smelling diaper, dropping it into a smell resistant waste bin. FInding some relief to his poor nose as his daughter's cries lessened. Grabbing one of the sanitary wipes he cleaned up, taking care as to not touch her very sensitive tail and provoke a heavy crying fit.
He pulled her back up once she was powdered and covered with another ridiculous unicorn diaper that his mate/wife had found while shopping. He probably should've been thinking more when she said these were elastic and good for stretching. Damn minx for playing that card again. She loved to show of all sorts of things that stretched and fit so well over her breasts… even more so now that they had swollen up to full D cups.
Before he gave himself a hard on Broly tucked his daughter into his chest and walked back to his bed. Knowing full well he'd have to get up in a couple hours. He'd much rather just have the little demon spawn sleep next to him so that he wouldn't have to spend another twenty minutes settling her back down.
She was as many of the Earthlings had put it, a daddy's girl, not understanding the meaning until later. His little girl would be forever attached to him, and he would do anything for her.
Releasing a grunt, hehe slipped into bed, doing his best to make sure she did not slip from her perch against him as he kept her cradled against his chest. Finding her tail had moved and slipped around his bicep as he laid down and snuggled contendly against him with her own tired yawn. It was about as peaceful a morning as he could get and let himself fall back to the soft bed and dream.
It all had been a blur, his harsh confinement, his brutal captivity finally ended as he gave into the butcher's nail. Arriving on Earth all semblance of his control evaporated, back to nothing but a simple dog with a leash.
Frieza had intended on using him as a weapon for revenge against the other saiyans back on Earth. However, he had been overwhelmed despite using every single drop of his power. Broly had been bested a fused saiyan warrior.
But before that final death bell had tolled, Cheelai had found him along with Lemo, gotten their hands on the dragon balls and wished for him to go back to the world they had found him on…
They had found peace, but also, each other. Free from the incredible pain that had consumed him for several months, Broly was able to wrap his arms around his green vixen again. They both had been able to smother each other in affection during those few passive months. Living quietly, though not as safe as one would believe, considering the circumstances of the world he had been raised on - ut it was still better than being under Frieza's control and knowledge.
So they had scraped together a decent little life, the three of them. It had all gone to plan until… well until Cheelai had a fairly large baby bump protruding from her stomach and the summary announcing that 'Well Broly i'm not getting fat! You and me are going to be a mother and a father!' Mostly unphased by the news herself.
'What do you mean? Did you find another child on this planet?' He hadn't really understood the idea of pregnancy, he knew that males impregnanted females but most were raised inside growth pods that allowed a child to be developed. He had never seen an actual live birth, and there was no reason for him understand the more natural flow of things.
'Nope, this one is currently baking in my oven!' She had laughed teasingly at him, the analogy even more confusing to him.
'You are cooking the child? Have you lost your mind! They will die!'
Cheelai released a frustrated groan, bringing both hands over her face. 'No you big lummox, they are right here!' Pointing at her exposed belly for emphasis. 'Our baby is growing inside of me right now.'
His head cocked like a dog's looking at the sight before him - his mind rapidly trying to process what he was being told.
Getting up from where he was he walked over to her, trying to get a better understanding. 'Give me your hand,' She told him taking one of his large palms and placing it over her stomach. 'Do you feel that,'
He was about to say what he was supposed to feel, only to really feel it. A small burning source of energy was just beneath his palm. Cheelai gave him a big grin, 'Yep you do.' Because it had been the same one she had felt that morning, when the little growing bundle inside was ready to announce:
'Here I am!'
Dropping down to his knees Broly let his head rest against her swollen tummy. Allowing him to not only feel his growing child, but also its heart, taking in everything that he was feeling right now. In this moment there was nothing to compare to that news. He was silent.
His ear pressed against Cheelai as he welcomed the idea of having a child with her, this woman.
'Before you get lost on me down there, we have got! Got to make some drastic changes before we have this baby.' The soon to be mother announced, getting Broly's attention his black eyes looking back up at her.
'First things first, we are leaving this planet. I'm not having a baby growing up on bug slime, and on a desert. I'm thinking a different world… something blue… green. Preferably filled with people who know something about hybrid saiyan babies?' Her voice trailing off hinting that she already had a planet in mind.
'So Earth?'
'Earth… Earth… hmm' She tapped at her chin as she looked up at the ceiling. Missing the smirk she had on her face. 'Yes, I think that will do nicely and since you suggested it. You should start packing! Toodles!' Abruptly she pulled away from him and walked back into their capsule house leaving Broly there stunned.
Lemo who had been sitting in earshot heard everything, 'The thing about women is Broly, they are really crazy when they're pregnant. So I'd do my best to not do anything too crazy or she's liable to rip your head off oh and, congratulations on becoming a dad.' Ripping into a hoarse laugh as he coughed at the bewildered stare he was receiving from Broly. 'Also, she's always right, don't argue with em, don't complain, don't say anything. Hell don't even compliment them when they are asking dumb things like 'Does this make me look fat?' and get her something if she asks for it. I promise you, from prior experience, hell hath no fury than a woman carrying a kid. They are emotional time bombs I promise you.'
Still he didn't know what he was getting in to. But he did learn, quite quickly as he set about packing up the ship with everything they would need, as the idea of Earth while not perfect, was better, considering they weren't mortal enemies, and the one saiyan who called himself Goku was always eager to find a powerful sparring partner. Which had created a relationship of sorts, and there was a small level of trust, more so than anything having to do with Frieza.
So. They made their way towards Earth with the intent on finding some help for their new baby.
Broly was awoken again by another sound from his child, though it wasn't any sort of crying whimper signalling she had soiled herself. Nope, it was the rough and eager cries of a saiyan child looking to eat.
"Fwood. Fwood!" Her words rousing him from his sleep. "Papa Fooowd!" Her voice calling out to him as she simultaneously tugged on his arm with her tail and patted against his chest with her tiny hands.
"Yes, yes, I heard you." He muttered sitting up, moving her up to his shoulder, as to allow her to hold onto him better. If only tearing out the roots of his hair in the process sometimes. Happily giggling as she kept her tail locked around his arm and held onto a handful of her father's hair, waving the other one around as he walked out from his room. Though only slightly larger than the capsule house, this place was still a three bedroom apartment with two baths.
Not what he would call adequate for his space and that of his small family, that and Lemo still resided with them as Chise's defacto Uncle. But both Cheelai and her partner were currently out of the house leaving Broly to walk to the kitchen. His eyes gaining some focus back as he began to really wake up, though still he would've like at least another hour of sleep.
Yet nothing was going to stop his little girl from her pounding and demanding of food as he dropped her off in her high chair. He first grabbed a banana and peeled that so she could occupy herself with something soft while he dug around for something filling.
But if he had counted on having to make breakfast alone, he was surprised as the door to their apartment was opened up. Walking in, came Cheelai, her business casual suit and navy blue sunglasses covering her eyes along with the slight clack of her killer heels as she came in. Her hair unbound and hanging below her shoulders now, as the usual scout role and army short hair look had fallen out of favor for awhile. The pearl white hair was a welcome sight, "Mommy's home!" She announced as Chise had polished off her first sample, the happy girl squealing with delight as her mother came over. "Oh my, someone looks delicious!"
The green skinned mother always captivated their daughter. "I wuv you mommy!" the girl cried out as she felt the feathery kiss against her cheek. It was an absolute heart melter, the pair nuzzling each other. "Oh mommy loves you too!"
It was in these quiet isolated moments where he could sit back and let the world itself play out. There were so many details that he'd never truly paid any attention to while growing up that he did not realize until a year or so prior. His entire life had never been anything close to this. His daughter always found his neutral and dull personality highly amusing. Taking every chance to embarrass or get his face to flush red when out in public - a setting he had never been accustomed too.
Living as a warrior yes, as a normal parent. No. not in the slightest.
"How are you doing sugar?" Cheelai's teasing voice, giving him one of his many pet names. Revolving around sweets, his achilles heel. She pulled out one of the small apple juice sippy cups for her little girl.
"Tired, why are you home so early?" He replied annoyed at her teasing, grabbing one of the gallon jugs of milk before proceeding to drink like a starved whale calf.
Cheelai gave him a grin as she scooped up some of the breakfast set aside for her daughter, giving the small child a stroking of her hair as she looked towards Broly. "Well as you know, there are few private investigators like myself. I just finished up my job early, with a bonus." She smiled with self confidence.
Broly wiped his mouth with the back of his hand. His eyes flicking to the infant child who was busy chewing away on toast with jam and peanut butter, though she'd eat anything that was put in front of her at this point. "Just how'd you finish early?"
Before she could answer, "Because I didn't come home last night." It was Lemo, looking exactly as he said. Shuffling into the room with thick bags under his eyes. "Either listen to Chise cry or stay out on a job. I just did the former, now if you excuse me I'm going to pass out for the rest of the day." He announced walking past the two of them and falling into a heap in a room.
He was already snoring before he hit the sheets.
"You were saying?" Broly said looking at Cheelai who just grinned back at him.
"Well… At least it'll be the three of us for the day. Isn't that right my little gum drop?" She cooed to their daughter who bounced in her high chair almost falling over as she excitedly bounced around. "We need some proper family time!"
Their journey had gone off the rails before it had been given a few days to breathe. The trio, excluding the unborn child, had taken off from the quiet recesses without any flair or bang. They moved as they could between the worlds as their resources were not infinite. Jumping from the first solar system into the next without the faintest clue as to what to expect as they began their dangerous trek back to Earth.
They were immediately greeted by a harrowing sight.
Several imperial flagships were sitting, as if they were waiting for them, and worst of all was that they were greeted by the power that was…
The idea that he would be prepared for their flight was shocking, but apparently anything that involved saiyans was never forgotten. His vengeance that had been only hardened, like the iron grip of a black hole upon a planet. There among the stars Broly was unable to truly act. Were he alone he would not share any fear, any measure of worry about the upcoming battle.
But this was different, he had Cheelai, a woman, and one carrying his own offspring. Making him find unease, and shocking him into a position where his normal aggressiveness would prove fatal. They could not survive the vacuum of space, their ship would not allow Broly to blast his way out of this mess and he did not know where Frieza was. If he guessed wrong they could be slain and that would break him.
It was a situation that had been flipped upon him, and he was forced to tell her to leave him behind. Telling his green lover that she must go on without him. For her sake, and that of which growed inside of her.
She wanted to yell at him, to say that he could not venture out there alone, but as a soldier herself she knew that for them to survive… Sacrifices had to be made. He would go out alone, draw their attention, be their focus so that the three of them would escape.
"Do not look back," Broly told her his eyes flaring with a green light as he raised his own power, that control he had been practicing day after day to master. "I will not stop until one of us is dead." Before he took that step outside and drew their lord's attention away Cheelai pulled his spiked locks down and kissed him, letting these possible final moments of him be one that they could share without regret.
Even with his powers, unrivaled as they were, there was always the possibility that Frieza had planned on it, imagined some creative measure to even bring him to his knees. Yet to lay down his life, so that his child would live… well he couldn't argue with his own instincts.
"You better not die…" She told him, with a bit of resentment as tears shined in her eyes, wanting to cry but refusing to break in front of him. "I won't wait around for you forever."
Her hands left his chest, seeing the uncertainty in her expression. His ears fading out as Lemo yelled something from the command seat, but as he left he saw her hands fold over her stomach.
He was ready.
To die like a man.
"Don't stay mad at me too long then." He told her his eyes scrolling back up to her purple ones. "I love you…"
"I love you too…" Cheelai said one of her eyes leaking a crystal tear down her face as Broly's hair rose up into its golden spikes, swallowing the last memory of her as he was consumed by a single drive.
Protecting her, he blasted out into space and flared his power to blind and cripple the imperial flagships and draw them away as Lemo and Cheelai did what they were good at.
Becoming scarce and quiet.
In his ascended state Broly lost his memory to the events that unfolded once he jumped into space, the thousands to tens of thousands of cannon fodder sent out by the emperor charged him with no clue as to what they were getting in too.
He grabbed one of the massive flagships in his hands and threw it into another, his white eyes boiling with power as his ki rolled out from them, sustaining his body with nothing but raw power. His strength on full display as he threw open his mouth and released a massive green energy inferno that blasted apart an entire cone of soldiers in a searing flash of green light before erupting into another devastating shockwave.
Without warning, Broly was hit from behind. The distraction playing its part as to get him off balance.
Having been humiliated so many times, the golden skinned emperor was in no mood for playing the calculating schemer. He had never truly earned this warrior's loyalty, and squandered whatever possible agreements he could muster with the horrific tortures that had been set upon him.
The two engaged in a titanic battle, Broly's body balancing the power of an Oozaru in this compact form with that of a super saiyan on top. He'd gotten much stronger and gained even more control, finding himself in the advantage as one would expect. He pummeled Frieza towards the nearby world of Xaphan.
A blunder on his part in hindsight.
He was not privy to all that the emperor knew, and his plans and cold calculating nature had been to catch them in this spot and push Broly in a way that would send him down to the planet where an Ice-ling, would not be affected.
Attempting to breathe had been the first mistake, instead of trying to seal himself inside of his power and negate the atmosphere around him, he had been blinded by his power. Quickly everything began to fall apart. The noxious vapors with lethal doses of poison and horrendous fumes that filled his nose could never be forgotten.
The taste lingered on his tongue as he was beaten by the unaffected lizard. Having no need to breathe the precious oxygen that someone like him had. His golden hair faded to black as Frieza's tail wrapped around his throat.
'Best me monkey? I am Lord Frieza and I will flay every single monkey alive for eternity to repay the hell I've had to endure because of you-!' Flung downwards into the mouth of a billowing volcano, the gases choking him, causing blood to leak from his eyes as his eyes began to bulge, his fingers clawing at his throat in an effort to breathe.
As the clouds had swallowed him, the figure of the lizard appeared blackened by the outline around him.
Yet having the chance to gloat, to ridicule and mock his foe who struggled on the verge of death in that final burning humiliation. 'Just so you know, I plan on taking those two little fools and give them a just punishment.' Frieza's overconfident tone just dripping with his putrid arrogance. 'And maybe if that little whore gives birth I'll treat that next monkey to a more proper education that you monkeys need. I can only imagine how fun it'll be to set loose a monkey I get from birth.'
Yet before Broly finally released a pathetic gasp, his final crescendo that would've been his last battle, here was a friendly humming noise that echoed in his mind.
Oh no, Lord Beerus can't have this… How about we try this again, and don't try and be so rash this time okay?
The clock… reset, five minutes in the past. An Angel had come and given him another shot.
His mind wasn't dissolved as he was back up in space. Having just taken the massive blow from Frieza. The battle began from its infancy yet again.
However, Broly hadn't been sent back alone.
Frieza gasped as he too had been reset. His moment of victory stolen back by the jaws of defeat, the vacuum of space surrounding both of them. The galactic tyrant found an even greater enraged saiyan, the burning fury that had been building inside of him exploding into even higher levels.
'Now, now… Broly…' The emperor's tone slightly panicked as he sensed the crackling power that was snapping light a warp storm that could consume an entire planet in its wake. Holding up his hands in an effort to placate him into a way that he might have just a chance of escaping this.
Broly's hair began to twist and pull itself up higher, green hue around him began to glow brighter. He was unable to speak as there was no oxygen to breathe and even if he could his voice would not pass through. Yet that did not matter, there was a savageness raging through him that dwarfed any measure of calm reason.
His hand shot towards the planet and with the force pushing outwards the entire world was crushed and exploded. The blinding flash billowed upwards and over them as the almighty ruler felt the cold fear wash over him.
'Look… I can have you leave, no problems. I swear this will-'
Broly punched him full force across the jaw. The blow blasted him through one of his ships and out the other side as Broly tore after him. The galaxy itself felt the shattering force as each heavy blow crushed its way through his defenses, ripping away at his golden form as if it were chunks of iron.
Grabbing the lizard in his fists, Broly began to squeeze, his massive paws nearly able to encompass his foe's entire waist as he forced upon him the unbearable agony of feeling all of the ice-ling's organs compress and squeeze in a way that was not natural.
The Gods must've revealed in this pain as Broly could feel the strain of bone and muscle nearing that breaking point. A cruel smile spread over his face as he used every single ounce of his power to break this pathetic creature in half.
A heavy slap of a tail smacked him just enough so that the tyrant could shove a finger laced with his dark purple ki into his chest and blast everything he had into a needle point straight into Broly's chest.
Broly's hand covered a gouge carved into his chest with the burning pain of fresh blood and screaming nerves. It was a pain not lost on him, but the effect had been put onto both of them.
Frieza was nearly convulsing as his body was barely able to straighten itself without putting the tyrant in unbelievable pain. Broly while not as injured could feel the wound pouring his blood out and in the depths of zero space become small floating particles as the wound oozed free.
'Damn you monkey…' Was all the fuss the once vaunted ruler of the universe could muster. 'You might kill me… but who will save your friend and that green whore.' The saiyan retaliated by backhanding him with his good arm causing him to spin several times over and over in the air.
Rushing upon him, ki in hand, the saiyan slammed it directly into his face. It burned, blowing apart the skin there. Grabbing him by the back of the neck with his bicep Broly began to squeeze, his thick arm cutting off the blood flow rapidly, leaving the monarch's claws and tail to flap and scrape at everything available in order to get him off.
'Kill-Kill me… and they… men will kill HER!' He gurgled, causing the saiyan's arm to loosen, the pure misery on the once overconfident lizard was showing, breaking away from Broly at full speed to scream. 'Chase after me if you dare monkey, but she will die!'
He wanted too, by the god's he would've loved to rip him apart. Yet the lingering threat he would not ignore. He raised up both of his hands and began to channel his power from his chest, a small green orb formed just in front of him. A ripple of ki flowed all around him, his eyes turning a deep green as he threw both of his hands forward. The small basketball sized ki orb, exploded in size, growing from the size of their house to a mountain to a small moon.
With a burst of his chest it sailed after the Frieza, catching up with the golden trail being left behind as he looked away and went back to pursue Cheelai and Lemo.
No matter how faint the possibility, their survival meant more to him than anything.
It had all been a lie, a desperate gamble that Frieza had spoken to save his own wretched skin. But there was no way he would be able to pursue them afterwards.
They had come to find a place that was welcoming to them, although it took time for both sides to get used to each other. However this world was nothing like anything the two of them had ever experienced. There was no worrying about massive insects attempting to eat them on a daily basis, scrounging the minimal amount of water and edible food one could on a wasteland hell.
Now he was greeted to a world of convenience and capitalism. Just work a little here and there, make money for this and that, it was yours. The occasional spar with the other saiyans on the world was another benefit. But for this warrior, he found something that he had never experienced.
Love, A woman, and a real family.
A hand caressed his shoulder, "Hey there honey," Cheelai purred. "We've got no work today, how about we go out?"
"Feh…" He wasn't ever a fan of public outings, but as she smoothed her other hand over his stomach, he knew there was not point arguing. "Whatever…"
"Aren't you just sweet." She teased, "Don't worry I'll change and get the baby carrier, and yes you won't have to wear it." She had totally embarrassed the hell out of him, making a man like Broly wear a pink baby carrier for their daughter Chise. Oh it had been totally hilarious, as a mom, as her saiyan's mate/wife… well. She felt some sympathy for her big guy.
"Just let me eat something." He muttered leaving her with a big smile on her face.
Looking to Chise who put her large plastic spoon into her mouth, more than happy to keep eating as she wolfed down her frosted cereal with fervor. "It's gonna be family time today baby girl." Giving her a peck on the top of her head, deciding to grab herself something to eat knowing that her daughter would need another ten minutes to finish, giving her plenty of time to get into something… nice.
Wearing his green fur waist covering, black pants, and against his will a matching green tank top. Because this world had something against males exposing their chests. Yet he just remained outside, the small studio apartment they now owned, the bustle of a busy day never ending all around him. People going on throughout their daily lives not even noticing him, paying him not a second thought. Humans seemed far to caught up in their small plastic screens to even look towards him.
The excited cries of his daughter caught his attention though as he turned back, seeing Cheelai with their baby strapped to her chest in a carrier. The little girl's tail coiled around her mother's waist as she partially tugged at the straps, but couldn't exactly break herself free. Cheelai wearing a snug purple top, that stretched, with white shorts. Her hair bound in a scrunchy behind her neck but free flowing as she walked with the breeze.
"All set to go?" She asked as Broly nodded. To which she laughed as she found his uncomfortable behavior, oh so adorable. Coming up and sliding her one arm around his, winding her fingers between his. "Any thoughts on where we should go?"
Squeezing her hand lightly Broly turned his head looking down the sidewalk and gestured with his chin. "The beach, Chise likes it there."
"Perfect!" She said lifting herself up to give him a peck on the cheek before walking beside him. Their little girl pointing at everything and everything as if she'd never seen it before in her life. Though as they walked Cheelai leaned her head against his shoulder. "Thanks for taking care of her this morning,"
"Hn, it's fine." He replied, sure he was tired but he wasn't angry about looking after their child. "I didn't think I would've liked this so much."
"Liked what?"
He exhaled slightly, both of their heads still looking forward. "This… world, this life… I never knew that this was… possible." It surprised him truthfully. The idea of waking up to a place like this. Where Cheelai could be found sleeping next to him, or having a child's cries be the only thing that disturbed him. No worrying about fighting giant insects, or living of garbage, this was… it was nice.
He had never been a person with words, so this was a rare time for him to express himself.
"Not bad isn't it, kinda reminds me of my home world, except way nicer!" Their short walk ended as Broly's feet touched the sand with Cheelai. The couple's toes and bodies warmed by the sun's rays but also cooled by the gentle breeze rolling in from the ocean. Of course, there were plenty of regular people running around by the beach.
To them it was paradise. Broly held her hand and brought the other to touch their daughter's face while looking at her. "I'm happy you teased me all those years ago." Giving her a broad smile to which she blushed.
"Ah well, thanks for inviting me."
"Hn," He chuckled before leaning down and taking her lips gently with hers. Indeed… he was happy he had invited her.
The End