"Ok so I wasn't completely honest with you. There is a good bit of treasure still on this island. There is around 300million Berry in silver and gold and a devil fruit." Z shouted out as i was dodging his detached hand. His devil fruit allowed him to turn people into zombies when they die, raise dead and he is a zombie. He can still control his limbs even while they were detached.


"Yeah I was waiting to surprise you but you'd find it eventually. Plus the fruit could probably benefit you greatly"

"how so"

"its known as the mimic-mimic fruit, apparently you can mimic everything. Hold a stone and you can mimic it and turn your body to stone, that's as much as i know anyway. My cousin was the last user of it. But id like you to carry on his power."

"Theres is a problem though, my power I can use multiple powers of multiple devil fruits. It's not as powerful and i can only use it on one piece of me at a time. So if you still want to take a bite out of it and I will gain its power and we can find someone else who can carry on your cousin's power."

"I want you to take a bit from it, we can give it to another crew member in the future." he pulls the fruit out of the chest he was beside, the hand making its way towards him like the thing from the adams family.

I take the fruit in my hand,thinking of all the possibilities that could come from eating this fruit. I can turn my arm into iron, hell im pretty sure i could just turn my skin into iron or even my bones and become a shitty version of wolverine.

"ok, I will." I look at the rainbow coloured fruit, its shaped like a bunch of grapes. I pick of a handful of grapes and toss them in my mouth. The disgusting taste of the devil fruit tastes like shit, my gag reflex threatening to rear its head and the vomit burning the back of my throat. I swallow as best as I can and feel the power of the radiation flow through me.

I then picked up a broken branch off the ground around me, focusing on the radiation to turn my skin to wood. Expecting the skin on my right arm to turn to wood, however it turned all my skin to wood.

"Huh cool, the fruit is whole again." Z remarks as he looks over the devil fruit in his hand.

"God i hate the taste of these... I didn't expect all of my skin to turn but oh well. I guess the actual power turns the full body into wood or iron or stone or whatever." I flex my fingers hearing them clink against each other as I tense them into a fist.

"yeah why do they taste so damn bad..."

"Guess it's another one of the prices for their power."

I pull out one of the knives from my boot and turn my skin into the iron it was made from. I could feel the extra weight pushing down on me, my feet intent into the ground from the extra pressure.

"Cool, who needs tekkai when i can literally turn to iron."

"What's Tekkai?" Z asks me, looking at my new metal figure.

"One of the 6 powers or Rokushiki, you tense your muscles to such a degree that makes them as stronger than iron. You can deflect bullets and shit so it's cool. Then there is Shigan, you can pierce through concrete like and people like a bullet from a gun. Geppo, which is so cool, being able to run through the air.."

"We need these, maybe not all of them but at least a select few in which we master."

"True, i know that nearly all high ranking marines know these techniques. "

It's been 2 weeks since i docked on this island, me and Zack have been training with each other and fishing for food. There is literally no other living thing on this island, not even grass. There are a few trees but mostly dead and hollow husks.

Both of us use our fists as weapons, I sometimes switch and use my guns or knives but prefer my fists. Oh and I use my devil fruit, I still can't believe how the captain could turn the air into blocks. I've tried it myself and lets just say I failed miserably.

I hate to even think of it but it's possible he awakened it.

"So what can we use this gold and silver for?" I ask my sworn brother.

"We could use it to buy a ship, supplies or even weapons and ammo."

"True, we'll figure it out at a later time."

"hey v i never asked, what will we be expecting at Comoni island?"

"Well it depends on when we are in the story. We could run into nothing apart from villagers, or a crew of grandline fishmen. "

"Oh fan-fucking-tastic. Fishmen?!"

"Yup...They enslave this island and charge the humans basically rent per person, 100,000 berri per adult 50,000 berri per child per fucking month. SO yeah it's fucked up."

"Ok we are going tomorrow, fuck trainign right now we need to save those people from these guys" Zack's outburst took me by surprise, im glad to hear it though.

"They're fishmen! Do you really think we'll be enough to take out a crew of fishmen? Not only that depending on when we are they could be stronger because they haven't gotten lazy yet."

"We don't have to take out the crew, just kill the captain. Crush their spirit and send them on their way."

He brings up a good point, however i could appeal to those who still have their humanity so to speak. Hachi, he regretted what he did. What if we recruit him and those who would follow him, they could be a division under my fleet and help us free the slaves of the world. Fishmen are one of the most suppressed races after all.

"We leave tomorrow, but we take our time getting there and try to gain strength on the way."

"Alright... We need a crew too, if we can gather anyone on the way that would be great."




I sat there high up on one of the dead trees, surprised by the branch holding up my weight, I watched the stars shimmer up in the sky and realise just how bigger the world seemed. I noticed the different sizes of the stars and the brightness of them, they all seemed so different compared to my old world. I look at the big bright moon and marvel at how live actually exists up there, or rather will, or had... It's confusing.

My fingers traced over the thick black marks that stained my skin. Its only on my right forearm, the thick black lines that spell out one word that will forever brand me as different.


"So gods exist and i'm the host of one... Weird. Not only that im in a world of one of my favourite works of fiction, but on top of that other characters or at least people based on other people from other fictions exist here. I'm the son of a dickheaded marine who I don't know who they are alls I know is they are tall and have black hair. And i am now brothers with a zombie." the silence of zero nature encompass me. I take a deep breath and let out a sigh.

"What has become of my life? I was supposed to get married. Why couldn't this have happened before the good things that have happened in my life, why couldn't it happen during my 6 years of constant bullying. Oh well, the best I can do now is to attempt to prevent other people's lives from being as shit as mine was."

I stand up on the weak wooden material, look to the stars and smile.

"This is my life now and im happy about it"





"Ok we should fix up this ship before we set off."

We look to the shitty pirate ship that i sailed in on, looking at it from a distance it doesn't look too bad but honestly it was a bit of a wreck.

"Ok Z you can move any of the shit you want from the island onto the ship, take one of the rooms as yours for now. This is only a temporary ship. I'll make any repairs I can for now."

We split up, I took some planks of wood and sheets of metal from the brig and a handful of nails. Turning my right arm to the same material as the nails I hammered the nails into the wood to cover any holes there were.

After covering any holes i could find i decided to make some breakfast. Thankfully in one piece there is fridges, and this ship has one stocked with some steak.

Sure it was around 3 oclock but who cares, im hungry im sure Z is too. Im making steak.

"Hey Z! How do you like your steak?" I call my new brother as he carried a large sack of random crap onto the ship.

"Very rare! Pretty much raw!"

"Dude the fu- Oh right... Zombie.." 'Does he eat brains?'

I literally just warmed Z's steak up along with some fried onions, that's the extent of my cooking ability... We need a cook... And a doctor, and a shipwright, and a navigator... And more.

"Thanks V, so are we heading out when we finish?" My Zombified crew mate asked.

"Yeah, I think it'll take around 2-3 weeks to get there so while we're on the ship we are to train. I want to start learning both the six powers and haki."

"And they are?"

"Six powers is a martial art form that is used by government higher ups, some people have different variants of them. There is Soru, Tekkai, Shigan, Geppo, Ryankyaku and Kami-e. And haki is a must for when we get to grandline or new world. It's the manifestation of will power, and it bypasses devil fruit powers. "

"What like logia's?"

"Yup, we need to learn this Asap. Maybe not the six powers, i want to learn it though. It'll be a good skillset to have."

"Alright... Want my onions? Im a zombie... Pretty much a meat only diet, everything else kinda just tastes bad."

"There is lots of things wrong with you but ok."

Sitting there in silence, we finished the food and Z cleaned the dishes. I made a quick plan on how we could train our haki. I only really know the blind fold and stick for observation and then putting ourselves in danger for armament but hopefully we can make something of it.

*Time skip* (5days)

I sat cross legged on the main deck, a blind fold around my eyes and struggling to focus.


"Argh, you're really not holding back are you?" I know for a fact there is a massive lump on my head from the many many hits ive taken today.

"You won't learn properly if it doesn't hurt." Asshole sounds so smug... I can't wait for his turn.

*Whack whack!*

Two hits either side of my head, damn i was smiling wasn't I.

*Timeskip 3 days later*

"We should arrive there in the next few days." Z said while attempting to plot out our course on the map. "I think"

"I hope so... Right we'll anchor up for the night, i'll take watch for a few hours and wake you for your watch."

"Night then!"


The time passed by slowly, neither of us really need sleep but it's more so for our mental states that we do sleep. I take out my notebook and start to continue on my drawing i was doing, a ship three times the size of sunny. I was going for a classical pirate ship design, the main mast in the middle displaying my design for a jolly roger.

A skull and crossbones, except the skull is a cube like shape and there is a permanent black V on the wrist of the right bone, as well as this there is a radiation symbol in the left eye.

I finished the shading of the right eye, as I heard a slight tump against the side of the ship. Peering out from the crowsnest that i was sitting in and spotted a small rowboat tied to the ship. The waves jostled it into the boat, seeing it I jumped down from the crowsnest and prepared myself to fight somebody.

I turned my skin to wood, blending into the walls as I passed through the halls to the storeroom. I slowly opened the door and spotted a woman with platinum blonde hair practically glowing from the moonlight peering through the porthole. She wore a skin tight black suit, with cat like ears poking from her hair. Her hands were covered in black gloves that seemed to have small claw like blades on each finger, similar to Kuro's cat claws but much shorter.

I watch her silently as she eyed up the two devil fruits i had in a display case, she extended a finger to cut through the glass when I cleared my throat. Her head whipped around, her emerald green eyes peer into my soul. Her fingers tense, each finger glinting dangerously in the nightlight.

"Looks like we picked up a stray cat..." I say aloud, the wood no longer covering my skin. But a block is floating in my hand.

"Damn, was hoping to get in and out without spilling blood." the woman spoke with slight venom in her words.

"I'm sorry kitty cat, but I can't just let you go easily." I toss the block up and down in my hand, each time it hit my palm another one sprouted out and flew into the air.

"So there's no chance you'll let me escape with these two gems? I mean it looks like you don't need them..." She eyed the blocks as they went up and down in the air.

"Sorry kitty, but you're not escaping at all." With that a chain made of cubes snake their way around her legs and arms. Tying themselves tightly around her form, making it difficult for her to escape.

"You managed to get the drop on me... I'm impressed, not many men are able to." A small smirk graced her beautiful face.

"Hmm, why's that i wonder?"

"I wonder as well."

"Well it's time for my watch to end, i need to wake up Z... Eh you can stay in the girls quarters for tonight, ill wake you for breakfast." I pick her up and throw her over my shoulder, taking the two fruits with me.

"Wait, you're not going to kill me or like throw me overboard?" Surprise rippled through her body, she didn't even struggle to escape from the chains.

"No what am i a savage?" Amusement raised in my voice as i began to chuckle.

"But youre a pirate! What will your captain say?" she raised her voice a little.

"Just because i'm a pirate doesn't make me a murderer, yes i've killed people but i don't kill innocents unless I have no other choice... It's my dream to help people, being a pirate gives me the freedom to do that."

"But what about your captain..."

"Hahah let me deal with the captain." I walk through the corridor and open the women's quarters, i sit her down on the bed. " Are you going to try and escape?"

"I..I.. Probably..." she answers honestly.

"Thanks for not lying to me, ill unchain you but i'll lock the door. Please don't try and run, please trust me. If you are trying to steal money for whatever the reason, ill see how much we can spare for you tomorrow. But please just stay here..." I slightly plead with the very beautiful woman, one of my crushes from my younger days.

"Ok , ill stay here. Just don't try anything funny" She glares at me.

"Haha ok, i promise i wont. I dont have any clothes that are for women, but you can take some of mine if you want to change from the body suit."


I walk outside the room, locked the door and make my way to my quarters. As I pass by Z's room, well the men's quarters but there's only him so its his, I shout in to him.

"Yo Z, get up. It's your watch!" I get a groan in response. "Oh and we have a prisoner, so keep an eye out for any possible thieves in the night!"

I continue on my way to my room, as i hear a panicked tumble from the room. I root through my wardrobe, seeing my very little amount of clothing. I grabbed my black hoodie, very comfy, and a loose pair of red and white lounge pants.

"Here you go... Eh"

"Felica..." the young woman says, as I realize she's standing there in her underwear. My eyes burn her figure into my mind, as I rip my sight from her body a blush covering my face.

"Here you go F..Felicia." my voice breaks and stutters.

"Thanks em..."

"Virgil... Hope they fit, I'm going to go to bed now. Don't worry nobody else will disturb you, we are a small crew. I'll be back in the morning to take you to breakfast. Goodnight Felicia." I waved over my head, willing myself to not peek behind me at her halfnaked form. "Phew... Ok even if im young rn, i have the hormones of a teenager. Well fuck." I say looking down at the obvious bulge in my pants.

"Right shower then sleep."

*The next morning*

Im woken up by the sun peering through my window/porthole. I watch the sun rise for around 10 to 15 minutes before getting up, putting on some clothes (Yes I sleep naked) and making my way to the deck.

"Mornin' Z!" I shouted to the crowsnest.

"Morning Cap!"

"Any other surprises during the night?"

"Nothing, all quiet."

"Good, i'll get started on breakfast. You can do whatever you want." I make my way towards the kitchen, passing the women's quarters. *Knock knock* I knock and open the door to see felicia still half asleep in my clothes, well my hoodie. She's only wearing that and a small black thong...

"Eh Felicia? Thought id wake you and take you to the kitchen for breakfast." I say quietly to the sleepy woman.

"Oh right, forgot where i was for a second.. You sure about this?" She said with slight fear in her eyes, not for her sake but for mine?

"Of course I am, put some pants on you'll give the crew the wrong impression."

I weakly speak, while hiding my lower half with the door.

I close the door and leaned on the door frame while she gets changed. She opens the door and follows me towards the kitchen. She seems to be holding something in her pocket while we walk. A weapon?

"Right take a seat, sorry about the mess. I'll get started on breakfast. Hope you like pancakes because that's all i can cook.`` I rub my head sheepishly, i'm not a great cook either. I learned how to make pancakes from my Ex, damn hers were amazing oh so was her pizza but i don't have the ingredients for that.

"Are you the crews cook or something?" Felicia asks.

"Eh not exactl-"

"Whatcha cookin captain?" Z pops out of nowhere looking for food.

"You're the captain?!" Felicia seems to retreat a little.

"Whos she?" Z questions me with a slight glare. "Whys she wearing your clothes?"

"Oh yeah that looks bad doesnt it?" I chuckle to myself. "She's the little thief in the night I was talking about, and yes i'm the captain sorry I didn't tell you. Thought you wouldn't trust me if I said." i explained to the two confused people in the room.

"Huh fair enough, My names Zack. You can call me Z, i'm the ... What am i again?"

"Haha you're the first mate."

"Right... I'm the first mate, and consumer of the Zombie zombie no mi."

"A devil fruit user? Um my name is Felicia, and I guess im a prisoner."

"Nah you're a guest now felicia. Hell if you wanted you can join, we could do with a thief on the crew. Need someone to sneak in to get the treasure."

"Haha ain't that right, we end up sinking the ship before we loot it" Z laughs to himself at the constant mistakes we make.

"Its annoying but hey i don't mind swimming that much."

"Um i don't know, i kinda hate pirates."

"That's ok, believe me i used to think of that but i remember something my mother told me before she died. ""I have no problem with pirates but these men arent proper pirates, real ones are only in it for adventure, not for the money and for raping and pillaging. "" In other words, im aiming to be a real pirate. To adventure and be free, i want to help people along the way, I want every man woman and child of every and any race or species to be free to follow their dreams."

"Captain here wants to build a fleet bigger and stronger than whitebeards and free all the slaves." Z explains to the skeptical to the beautiful woman.

"Do you have a dream Zack?"

"I want to rebuild my island, it was destroyed by peoples greed for treasure. V said he'd help find a way to regrow all the plants and re-inhabit it with animals and eventually rebuild some sort of civilisation on it."

"And i meant it... So what about you felicia? Do you have a dream?" I start dishing up the stacks of pancakes, 5 each with more made if anyone wants more.

"Yeah... See i steal from pirates and other people to feed the poor and homeless because my parents sold me so I wouldn't have to live on the streets with them because they lost the house. I ended up escaping after like 2 months, found them starving to death in the freezing cold winter. So i stole, pickpocketed mainly. Whatever I could spare i gave it to them, and eventually got so good that i had enough to buy back our house. But I was afraid of what they would think of me. So i left and kept stealing to help people..." She gained a somber look.

"But i couldn't help everyone. " She pulls out a tattered looking doll made of straw. It looked like a smaller version of a scarecrow. "There was this little girl, Dorothy, she made this little guy to protect her and scare away her fears at night... Unfortunately she was taken or something, because I found him alone in the spot she usually sleeps at the next day."

We both stopped eating, Z looked beyond angry and me well i don't know what i looked like but the wooden fork i was eaten with broke to splinters in my hand.

"So my dream is to help those in need, especially children..." Felicia finished while staring at the scarecrow. "Sometimes I think this little guy is out there helping me. It's nice."




"Hey brother, you know that fruit we have... The mimic fruit. Is there away to give it to objects?" Z questions me, considering my vast future knowledge.

"I have my own theories on it, I know it's possible but im not entirely sure how its done. But i could try something, If thats ok with you Felicia?"

"I mean yeah, then if it works it would really be helping me." She looked excited about the idea, a little sceptical but excited.

"Ok Z go get the fruit and i'll do some preparations." I make my way over to the kitchen area, get a chopping board and a knife out. I then reach above me and pull out a juicer.

"So what's the plan captain?" Z places the fruit down in front of me looking confused.

"Honestly, im not sure this will work at all. But hey it's worth a shot. I'm going to cut it into slices, and blend it up. Pour it into a basin and have the scarecrow soak in it. Hopefully it will absorb the juice into itself and become the new container for the devil fruit power. In theory it should work, the previous container, the fruit, is destroyed and the scarecrow becomes the new container. So yeah here it goes." And with that shitty explanation out of the way the juicer turns on and i toss the chopped fruit in.

My hopes are, in destroying the previous container, the scarecrow can become the next container.

The fruits liquid seemed to slowly change colours, like a chameleon it was mimicking it surroundings. I poured it into a small basin, and submerged the scarecrow in it.

"So how long do you think this will take?" Z asks me.

"I have no idea, this is just a guess. If it doesn't work however, we have a fruit there so it should become the container if the scarecrow doesn't."

"So now we wait?" Felicia asks me.

"It's all we can do... Felicia i have a question I would like to ask you."

"Of course, ask anything."

"Would you like to join our crew, in doing so I will set aside 10% of all treasure and money we make for the poor and homeless. As well as another 5% to eventually build orphanages and homeless shelters. I want to help all my crew members achieve their dream, I want to see there's come true and be the person to help them through the tough journey. If you don't want to join the crew it's ok, i won't push you. If this process doesn't work, ill give you my other devil fruit to sell. You should fetch a high price for it."

"Can I have some time to think about it?"

"Of course. Well we have to wait for this little guy to absorb the liquid devil fruit, i guess we can continue sailing towards Comoni islands and train. Felicia you can do whatever you want, you can train with us if you want to or you can go back to sleep. I don't care, you have free reign around. Just ya know, don't steal anything and leave."

"We doing that training cap?" Z says pulling out a blindfold and a club, a gigantic smirk on his face.

"Fuck..." I bite my inner cheek as i walk outside and sit cross legged. "Bring it on then." The blindfold covered my eyes, I took deep breaths trying to clear my mind and search for Z's voice and intent.

"Whack!" the club smacked off my skull.

'The right?' "Whack!" 'Fuck!'

I calm myself and focus as hard as I can, this is going to be a long hour...

*Timeskip 2 hours later*

"So why did you both just hit each other for 2 hours?" Felicia asked, she sat there in silence watching with curiosity.

"Were training our Observation Haki." Z was rubbing his head from the pain, both of us covered in big anime goose eggs.

"What's haki?" the girl cutely tilted her head to the side in questioning.

"Haki, from what i know, comes in 3 different forms or colours as they are called. Colour of armament, colour of observation and colour of the king. Everyone can access the first two, but the third is very rare. With observation we can see our enemies attacks before they come, and can dodge them if were fast enough."

"Is that the only way to train it? It seems a bit dangerous."

"Oh thats because im not holding back on the captain, going as hard and as fast as I can." Z spoke with a chuckle.

"Neither am I, don't worry if you do join we'll hold back for you. We're doing this to learn it faster, because there is actual danger." We both laugh, but wince in pain at the sharp pains in our heads.

We pick ourselves up off the wooden floor, I make my way to my cabin to grab a quick bath and get changed. While im drying myself off I hear two screams. I tie the towel around my waste and rush downstairs to the kitchen area, what greeted me was felicia and Z holding each other and pointing at a large straw figure. Its mouth was dripping with an unknown liquid, its stitched smile ripping apart at the seams.

"Huh guess it worked..." Was the first thing that came to my mind. The scarecrow's head turn a near 360 degrees to stare at me. "Um. Hey, my name is Virgil im the captain of this crew. Nice to meet you." My hand extends towards its figure, it was roughly the size of Z but had a slim figure like felicias.

"Virgil?... Ca..Captain." Its voice was a rough mix between my own and Z's but also a little like Felicia.

"Thats right im the captain, Scarecrow these two are Zack and Felicia. Zack is my first mate, and Felicia is a guest on our ship. So are you."

"Scarecrow ... Is guest?"

"Yes, a friend..." I pause and look up at his(?) face. Its hand reached out and grasped mine, its straw hands turned into actual hands. With fingers and thumbs, unlike the mitten like design it had before. I shook the straw hand gently and smiled at our new friend.

"You guys ok?" I ask my fellow humans.

"Um.. Yeah i guess." Z dumbly states.

"Is that really the scarecrow?" Felicia's fear now turned to curiosity.

"Yeah, the basin is empty so im guessing it worked." I pause and look back at the scarecrow. "Do you remember anything?"

"Dor..." Its eye holes seem to take a sad expression upon them, liquid... No tears began to spill out.

"Dorthy? You remember Dorothy dont you?" Felicia asks him. "I'm so sorry I couldn't help her..." Tears spill from her eyes as she squeezes the Scarecrow into a hug.

"Its ok...Felicia. We can .. Help others... Like Dorothy... Scare away their fears... And protect their futures..." The scarecrows English was broken, but it's will is strong.



Author's note:

I'm back, after quite some time. Sorry for those of you who waited, been going through a lot of personal shit and am not motivated to do anything anymore. Even writing which was always the one thing i enjoyed.

I'm trying to just focus on one story so I can put out chapters again, and i will be focusing on this story because I have plenty of ideas for it and i have like 3 arcs planned out already.

Hope you all enjoy, this will be a lot different than a regular one piece self insert, many different characters in the story and not just on the MC's crew. Some oc and most from different fictions, like Felicia Hardy and the newly created "Scarecrow" who is loosely based off the scarecrow from The Wizard of Oz.