Welcome everybody! Welcome to the prologue of 'Ninja of Mochi'. This is a challenge issued by Jss2141, that if you read the description you have a good idea of what this is about, but here are some important points:
Naruto will have the Mochi-Mochi no Mi. Katakuri devil fruit.
The pairing is either going to be Temari or Fem Haku.
He won't have Chakra.
Naruto's personality will be more of a loner.
And with all this said, we can start.
Prologue: Katakuri
Naruto Namikaze wasn't like most kids.
He was the son of the Fourth Hokage.
His chakra coils aren't strong enough to produce enough amounts of chakra to become a shinobi.
And he has a deformation in his mouth due to the Kyubi influence.
You see, Naruto's mother, Kushina was the jinchuricki of the Kyubi. Naruto at birth was born with sharper teeth. Like fangs. And due to this, at birth, he was operated in his mouth to avoid any problems when he grows up. Now, he has two stiches, one in each cheek, and his mouth full of fangs that no matter what, he can't hide.
He was walking in the forest. Here, no one makes fun of him, no one judges him for being different. Here, he can be himself.
During his walk, he found a cave. He decides to explore it to see what if it has something interesting inside, like a wild animal or something.
What it had, it was a weird fruit of a white color with strange patterns and next to it, there was a diary that in the cover it said 'Katakuri'.
Naruto, as a curious boy, went to the diary and opened it. What it said, is the following.
'My name is Charlotte Katakuri, and if you are reading this, it is because you found my fruit, the Mochi-Mochi no Mi. It is a devil fruit that will give you abilities like no others.'
Naruto once he read that, he looked at the fruit and quickly took a bit from it. The moment the fruit touched his tongue, he felt like throwing out. It was horrible! Like the worst thing he ever ate! He decide to continue to read the diary to see what else was written on it.
'But let me warn you, the fruit taste horrible. Like dog crap after that dog ate it and puked it.'
Naruto groaned wishing he read that before. Well, no good on crying over spoiled milk.
'The powers of the fruit at first glance sounds weak, or even stupid. But that's why I am here to guide you. The fruit will allow you to make your body into mochi.'
Naruto raised a brow and looked at his arm and legs trying to see what if something was happening and he started to freak out when he saw that his arms, started to turn off a cream color and become more liquid. He quickly turned back to the diary to see what was going on.
'It probably already started. If it did, don't panic. Focus where you want to mold your body, and do it. Think like if you are giving form to the mochi.'
Naruto closed his eyes as he focused in his body, trying to make them look normal. He opened one eye to test if it worked and he released a breath when he saw he was back to normal. Then he continued to read the diary.
'Now, there is a lot that you should learn. From using the mochi-mochi no mi to the use of Haki. You probably don't know what Haki is, but it is another sense that everyone else has, but that not all know how to awaken it. There are two types that everyone can use, and one that only a few have and even fewer can use. But for now, let's focus on the fruit powers.'
Naruto decided to walk back home to read the diary in a safer place. He ignored the sneers that he listened on the street from the villagers and arrived home. His sister, Kyoka, should be outside with his mother while his father should be working.
He locked himself in his room, and opened the diary to see what he could learn about his new powers.
Modify his body, regeneration, create and control mochi and the list go on. Some of those at first sight sound lame, but after Katakuri explained it in his diary, it made sense. Drown the enemies with the mochi, capture them, mold the mochi into weapons and harden it, make more parts of his body to fight.
He was so into the diary that he didn't notice when it became night time. The door of his room opened slightly, and a blonde girl peeked inside. She saw her brother reading something with a smile on his face so she decided not to bother him so he can enjoy reading.
She closed the door, and missed when his brother arm, turned into mochi and transform it into something similar to a mace.
Naruto transformed his arm back to normal with some trouble, and grinned. With this, he can become a ninja! He will be a different kind of ninja, but one anyway.
After hours of practicing the with the fruit powers, he decided to see what this haki was about. In some sense, it was like a variation of chakra in his eyes. The power to feel spiritual energy, use life force as a weapon or defense and overpower the will of other people.
It also seemed harder to use, because as everyone is born with haki according to this, but it is rare for someone to awaken it. Many does but they don't know they have it, while others never use it. To learn to use it, it is easier to look for help.
'Presence, fighting spirit, and intimidation. Also known as observation haki, armament haki and conqueror's haki. I guess that the most I can teach you unless you awaken conqueror's, are the first two, observation and armament. Observation is too sense the presence of someone, even if they are not in eyesight or far away. If you practice this enough, you can even see some minutes into the future like I can. Armament haki, is maybe the most common of the three, it can create an invisible or visible depending on your level of training, around a part of your body or your whole body, that can be used as an attack form or defense. Remember, haki originates from your spirit and not your physical power. I am going to leave some tips for you to train the armament and observation haki.'
Naruto kept reading the entire night, so for the following day, he would be ready to start his road to become a ninja.
And done! That was the prologue of 'Ninja of Mochi'. Hope you enjoyed. I was planning to upload this sooner, but I got sick of the stomach and boy I was bad. But anyway, some things before we finish:
There isn't an explained way on how to train haki. So, I am going to use theories I found in other fics and in the internet.
Kyoka, Naruto's sister, has a good relationship with Naruto.
Naruto's parents don't neglect him. Or I will try to avoid that.
And that's all! Remember to leave your Review that it helps my motivation, PM me for any doubt or suggestion, Follow and Favorite me and the story.
Till Next Time
Roy D. Harper.
Next Chapter: Protégé of the Hawk