Title: Behind these Castle Walls

Rating: M

Pairing: Currently taking suggestions for pairings

Summary: Medevil/Steam Punk. Weiss Schnee is the Heiress and second child to the Schnee Family of the Renound Atlas Kingdom. As Long as she could remember she has been a bird in a cage, locked up and used for the benefit of her father. Her only comfort behind these walls of Stone was a Fanuns girl that was bought on her 10th birthday

So I got this bad habit of getting crap stuck in my head. Don't know why, it just sits there unless I write it down. 9/10 I either delete it or I forget about it. However this is one of two that I've had stuck for a while. I'm uploading this along with another one mostly due to the need to clear some space in the top of my dome. Honestly these might not go anywhere, but I was board.

I do not own RWBY in any way shape or form

"My name is Ruby," speech

"The world of men is no place for the likes of you," thought/Flashback


Chapter 1: Silver Eyed Wolf

Location: City of Mantle, Kingdom of Atlas

Place: Slave markets

Time: 1000

The Slave Markets were one of the most profitable markets in all of the Greater Atlas Kingdom. While Slavery was outlawed in the Kingdoms of Vale and Minagare they were open markets in Mistral, Vacuo and Atlas. The City of Mantle was called the Slave capital of Remnant. Due to the cold weather Atlas was Famous for year round the Auction House was kept warm, while the slave pits were kept crisp. Not enough to harm those in bondage, but enough to make sure the idea of revolt was just that an idea. Year round nobles, merchants, military officials, and 'others' could be seen buying, trading, and selling humans, Elves, Dwarfs, and Fanuns for a profit. It is where we find the Most powerful Noble/Merchant Family in Atlas currently. Jacques Schnee his 16 year old Daughter Officer Cedet Winter, His 8 year old Son Whitly and his 10 year old daughter Weiss.

The Slave markets always disgusted her to no ends. Weiss didn't show it on her face, but the idea of another in bondage sickened her to no end. Having been raised as the Prime Heiress after Winter chose to learn under the teaching of the Military she had certain expectations placed upon her by her father. She had to dress, talk, and act a certain way when out in public. Weiss was quite a beautiful girl and Already several Noble and Merchant Houses were bidding for her hand to either themselves, sons or grandsons. While not quite tall she still had a ways to go before she hit purity, Long white hair that was pulled into a ponytail off to the side, ice blue eyes, and snow pale skin, wearing a blue floor length dress, a heavy white winter parka, and finally white winter gloves, and heeled shoes.

The clothes were mostly for show and did little to warm her, but such was the life of she, hailed thought the Kingdom of Atlas for her skills in Song, dance and politics. As Weiss looked around the pits for her birthday gift. For as long as she could remember The Schnee's had always owned a pletura of slaves from pleasure-givers to brutes that fought in the gladiator pits. However they were not here for any of those. They were there for a playmate. Weiss had been so lonely ever since Winter had gone off to the training academy to become a military officer, and Whiteley was always shadowing Jacques to learn the business side of the family. Weiss herself was left in the care of several teachers and the Families head butler Klien. A man who earned his freedom years ago, but chose to remain in the employ of the Schnee Family.

Jaques had talked to the Pit master and Owners of several slaves. Thanks to some 'lien' exchanging hands he was given run of the place to see if there was anything that caught his children's eyes. While they were there they were accompanied by guard. Weiss signed as she was lead to the children by a female. As she looked at the many children and teens all seemed to be either angry or sad. As she walked around the cages she stopped as she looked into one in particular.

Sitting there wrapped up in a red clock was a girl just a few years younger then herself. Her face was round, her black hair had splashes of crimson at the tips, two puppy like ears at the top of her head round silver eyes, wearing a brown tunic and pants that were noramlly given to slaves. But the thing that intrigued Weiss was that the girl was smiling. She was shivering due to the cold, she had brusies on her body from the conditioning training, but she was smiling.

"Your eyes... they're Silver," said Weiss almost intraced by the eyes of the girl.

"I know. Aperently that along with the fact i'm a wolf Fanuns makes me a 'rare commodity'. Whatever that means," said the girl.

"You girl... why do you smile even such conditions?" asked Weiss refering to the cage

The girl smiled at her. "My sister always told me that a smile always makes everything better," said the girl.

"I see. What is your name?" asked Weiss.

"Ruby," said the girl.

"Well Ruby... how would you like to come home with me?" asked Weiss.

A few moments later the papers were signed, 300,000 lien changed hands, and Ruby No name was officially transferred over to Weiss Schnee as her property.


And cut. Short and not so sweet. I may make this a thing i may not.