obviously an au.


The dark room suddenly lit up in a circle of green, blue, and purple. Ahsoka stood in the middle, squinting as her eyes adjusted. She took a deep breath. Anakin stood in the corner, watching. Master Yoda stepped forward, holding his tiny shoto aloft. Gently, he lifted the string of silka beads with the Force and severed them with one quick movement.

"Confer on you the level of Jedi Knight, I do," Yoda said. "Congratulations, Knight Tano." He picked the silka braid from the floor and curled Ahsoka's fingers over it.

Ahsoka bowed respectfully. "Thank you, Master," she said, reserved, but on the inside she really was screaming and jumping for joy. No doubt Anakin could sense her emotions, for he was chuckling silently. The Jedi Council each congratulated her, then went in their ways. She bolted to Anakin, throwing her arms around his middle. "Thank you, Master, for everything," she mumbled into his tunic, tears of joy muffling her words.

"Aw, it was nothin', Snips," Anakin replied, patting her back.

"Here, I want you to have this," Ahsoka said, pressing her braid into his gloved palm. Anakin's heart melted at the expectant look on his former Padawan's face.

"Thank you, Snips. I'm truly grateful."

Ahsoka made a face. "Okay, enough with the mushy stuff. C'mon, let's go!"


hope you guys enjoyed this story! i for one am glad its done. Please let me know what you thoight if it or what i can do to make it better.