The Sun and The Moon

A/N – Hello again everyone! Sorry about the delay. Christmas and the start of the new year were pretty hectic for me. Anyway, hopefully things should be back on track. Also, just a little side-note: I only just found out that Austin and Dallas are names of towns in Texas. The more you know, right? Just goes to show we are never too old to learn.

Anyway, thank you all for the positive reviews. This chapter is a little shorter but I think you'll like it nonetheless. I had to cut it here. You'll see why in Chapter 3 which already has a big chunk of it written up.

Chapter 2 – Suspicious Eyes

May 28th, 1996 – Austwick, England

Carlisle reached the hospital in record time, mind reeling from the conversation with Dr Carmen.

"I'm sorry to call during your free-time Carlisle but we've had an emergency…."

Carlisle quickly parked his car and briskly walked towards Austwick Hospital. The hospital itself was small and nothing special. Still, it was one of the better hospitals he had worked at throughout the years. If one could ignore the heavy flirting from some of the nurses, the doctors here were very good at their job and passionate about helping others. Carlisle in particular got along well with Dr Ryan Carmen. He was well respected amongst the citizens of Austwick both for his knowledge and kind-nature.

"…a body was brought in earlier today. Another person survived the attack but suffered serious wounds and several broken bones…"

Stepping inside the building, it was easy to see that something big had gone down. Nurses were rushing about in a bid to keep up with the onslaught of work. Doctors were moving back and forth, like the sea reaching the shore before receding back once more, as they tended to the other patients who had arrived amidst the chaos. Carlisle could see Police Chief and several of his officers talking with a group of distraught people in the corner. He didn't need Jasper or Edward's abilities to know they must be the families and friends of the victims.

Swift as a feline, Carlisle slipped through the throng of patients and staff to reach the front desk. He forced himself not to grimace as he saw Nurse Jane Lumley was the one working reception. Here we go…

The nurse looked up, her wavy brown hair flicking over her shoulder to reveal a pretty face and bright brown eyes. When she saw whom it was a blush immediately turned her cheeks pink. "D-Dr Cullen. I wasn't expecting you."

Carlisle smiled as sincerely as he could. "Afternoon Nurse Lumley. If you don't mind, I'd like to sign in quickly and see Dr Carmen. He called to inform me he needs my assistance with an emergency."

The nurse blinked several times before giving her head a shake to wake herself up from her trance. "Oh…oh yes. Here's the staff sign-in sheet. Dr Carmen is in the ICU. Horrific incident it was. Surprised the girl is still alive after that…."

"…..the deceased is a male, around 22-24 years old. The critical patient is a female, around the same age. We believe the attack occurred early in the morning…."

Politely saying a farewell to the nurse, Carlisle escaped the clamour of the reception area and speed-walked down to the ICU. Gently pushing open the swinging doors into the sterile white room, his eyes immediately sort out the people he was searching for. While the woman was nowhere in sight, he did find Dr Carmen was standing over a bed in the far left corner; the old man looking more tired than the vampire had ever seen him. Dr Carmen was busy fiddling with some of the monitors, getting everything ready for a new patient.

Expertly ignoring the usual burn in his throat that came with the scent of fresh blood, Carlisle approached the older, or younger depending on how you look at it, man "Ryan, are you alright? You look exhausted."

The old doctor looked up with surprise before his shoulders slumped in noticeable relief. "Carlisle, thanks for coming back in. It's been chaos here. One dead body, another person in critical condition, police swarming the place. I most definitely am feeling a tad bit tired. You've been working all day though before I called you back in and you seem perfectly fine," Dr Carmen chuckled. "Oh, to be young again."

Carlisle laughed softly in reply. "Youth has its own downsides though Ryan." He stepped up to the bed, examining the medical chart. "Why don't you head home? I can finish up here."

The other doctor waved him off. "No, no. I couldn't do that."

Carlisle stepped up to the heart monitor, hooking in the final wires himself. "I insist Ryan. It looks like everything is set up here."

Dr Carmen sighed in poorly-hidden relief. "Well, if you insist. Thank you Carlisle. I'll fill you in on what we know and then take my leave."

Carlisle nodded. "Sounds good to me."

Dr Carmen picked up the medical report on the bedside table. "The patient's name is Sarah Tyril, age 23. She was visiting Austwick on a camping trip with her boyfriend, Mark Colby, age 24. Mr Colby was found deceased at the edge of the forest at 2:56pm this afternoon and pronounced dead at the scene. Miss Tyril was found a few metres down the road in a critical condition. We nearly lost her but she's managed to hold on. Both Mr Colby and Miss Tyril appear to be the victims of a vicious animal attack. Both have numerous, deep bite wounds from a very large animal. They also both had several broken bones appearing to be the result of both extreme pressure and blunt force trauma. Its as if they were crushed in some parts and hit at extreme speed and/or with immense force at other points. This could be from a large animal attack. Mr Colby's throat was torn open and it would appear the creature had gone to do the same to Miss Tyril but got her shoulder instead. She has been taken into surgery by Dr Willows and should be out later if all goes well."

Carlisle nodded occasionally as he listened, a sense of dread building in his stomach. The attack was sounding more and more supernatural with every new detail. However, one thing didn't make sense. How had Sarah Tyril survived? If it were a vampire attack, she'd be dead or turning right now. Neither of these things had happened. What else could have done it?

Dr Carmen gathered his supplies and left with one final thank you. No sooner had he gone, Carlisle had pushed open the door and stepped into the hallway. It was surprisingly empty except for a nurse heading into a patients room down the end of the hall. Not having anything to do until Dr Willows had finished the surgery, he decided to see the body of the victim himself. If it was a vampire attack, he needed to know so his family could deal with the rogue.

Quickly and calmly making his way to the morgue, he fired off a quick text to Edward, letting him know to tell the family to keep an eye out for anything suspicious. Upon reaching the morgue, he quietly slipped inside and surveyed the room. The morgue was Carlisle's least favourite area of the hospital. The stench of death and slowly decaying bodies was enough to make him want to gag. Not to mention the perpetual grief and lack of life that seemed to smother the room. It was all-together highly unpleasant.

Locating the freezer that held Mark Colby as fast as he could, Carlisle tugged the door open and gently pulled the body out. He felt a stab of grief hit him at the sight of the young man. It was always hard to hear of such young people passing away well before their time. He sighed, knowing nothing more could be done for the youth, before focusing on what he came here to do.

Carlisle examined the body critically. The man's dark brown hair was filled with dirt, twigs and dried blood still. It wouldn't be cleaned off until the police had done their own examination. A large wound on one side of the head looked particularly nasty. The face was covered in scratches and bruises. They looked like they were from foliage and hitting the ground during the attack rather than from the thing that killed him. Moving on to the neck, Carlisle immediately saw the massive bite wound. It looked like whatever had grabbed him hadn't just bitten him, it had torn the throat to shreds. A very animalistic attack. Not something you usually see with vampires but still possible for a newborn or feral vampire. Or one that is naturally vicious.

Examining the rest of the corpse, he noticed that the heavily tanned skin was covered in bites. It was here that he noticed something shocking. The bites were huge, much bigger than a human mouth could accomplish, vampire or not. Some were pretty clean bites while others resembled the neck wound; vicious, savage and unforgiving. Torn skin, ripped muscles and even bone could be seen. One arm and both legs were showing signs of broken bones and one foot was horribly dislocated. Carlisle suspected that the injury on the man's throat was one of, if not the last, one to be inflicted. The man had suffered.

Carlisle frowned, not sure what to make of the death. In one light, it looked like an attack from a supernatural being. The bites were very big and most animals went straight for the neck when attacking. However, other parts just didn't fit that analysis. A vampire would be highly unlikely to leave someone alive, especially after smelling their blood. If it wasn't a vampire that did this, what else could it be? Maybe a bear?

Getting closer, it was then that something even more bizarre became apparent. He hadn't noticed it at first, mainly because Colby would be carrying smells of the forest. However, one particular scent mixed in amidst the earth and plants had him stunned.


Jasper slowly meandered through the forest, keeping well away from the emergency services he could hear in the distance. They were apparently investigating an animal attack. He wondered if it really was an animal attack but figured Carlisle would let them know if they might have to deal with a rogue vampire. It wouldn't be the first time that one had popped up during their stay in Austwick.

Absent-mindedly kicking a rock at a tree, leaving a deep dent in the bark as he did so, Jasper thought over what he was going to do next. He knew it had only been a matter of time before everyone grew tired of his odd behaviour. He knew he'd have to tell them something eventually. However, despite knowing it was coming, he still wasn't sure he could tell them about his past. Harry was his secret; the most important part of his human life. It would almost feel like a betrayal to tell others of his long-lost friend. At the same time though, perhaps it would do him some good to vent to someone. Letting another carry the burden a little and take some of the crushing grief off his shoulders for a while.

Who would he tell though? Not Edward, Emmett and Rosalie. That much he knew straight away. While he did care about his adopted brothers and sister, this was too private to share with them. Emmett just wouldn't understand how significant this was too him and Rosalie, with her dislike for humans, probably wouldn't either. Edward might be a bit more sympathetic but with his telepathy, Jasper couldn't start thinking about Harry around him. He was bound to accidentally think of something he didn't want anyone to know and Edward would see it for sure. He might be ready to share a little but there were some things that were his to know only.

Esme would listen to him of course. She would hear what he had to say, empathise with him for his loss and be a shoulder to cry on if he needed. She was wonderful like that. However, he didn't think he'd be able to get through the story without breaking down. Not while he could feel her emotions as well. Esme cared about everyone and would no doubt be devastated to hear about what happened. He knew he needed to let go of his grief a little but he wasn't at all ready to become a crying mess, especially in front of someone else.

Alice was his longest friend, besides Peter and Charlotte. She knew him better than anyone and would gladly help him with anything. She would keep his secret from the family and probably be able to offer some good advice on how to deal with his grief. She was an emotional person as well but better at controlling her feelings than Esme. Perhaps he could confide in her?

Then there was Carlisle; the man who took him in despite knowing of his past. The man he held a great deal of respect and admiration for. Carlisle was not only strong enough to resist the call of human blood but he was also kind, compassionate and patient. He could be a little too quick to trust at times but he always tried his best to keep the peace. Jasper knew he could talk to Carlisle about anything and know he wouldn't be judged and that whatever was said would be strictly between the two of them. Carlisle seemed to always emit a sense of calm and that would help greatly with getting through the tragic story.

One part of him so terribly wanted to talk to someone. He knew that this kind of grief, lasting this long and not once loosing its intensity, wasn't normal. The seasoned soldier in him though refused to show weakness. He didn't want to the others pity and stubbornly told himself that he'd lasted this long and was fine. He could keep going.

Still undecided on what to do, Jasper huffed and looked up at the sky. He'd been out here for a good hour and knew the family was probably waiting for him. He reluctantly turned to head back, planning on hiding out in his room until he came to a decision, when a scream in the distance stopped him in his tracks. Wondering if it was a vampire attack or not, he turned and raced towards the sound.

Arriving there not even a minute later, the Texan leapt up into the nearest tree and looked over the shallow stream. He could see a body on the bank, clearly only just deceased. The young man was half in the mud, half submerged. Jasper counted his blessings that he had fed not even half an hour ago. Resolutely trying his best to block out the stench of spilled blood, he studied the person intently. They were covered in bites, large bites, and it looked like something had taken a sizeable chunk out of their neck. The smell of wolf was strong in the air. Glancing over at the bushes on the other side, Jasper froze in stunned shock.

There, staring back at him with malicious curiosity, was a massive white wolf with ice-blue eyes.

A/N – So, there it is. I promise the next chapter is going to be way better. Here is a hint. Harry!

I hope you all had a fabulous Valentine's Day. See you all soon.