Hey, everyone! The second chapter of the new year and…yeah, quite a bit's changed. Hopefully you're keeping in high spirits, and if not maybe this latest chapter can help with that. Last chapter showed what Link's been getting up to. Here's Riju's side of things!
I do not own anything.
Chapter 10-Back from the Brink Pt.2
As a Gerudo, Riju always possessed something of a…particular relationship with water. Like almost all forms of life, Gerudo needed water in order to survive. Unlike most races, the land they called home ran short on it, or at least compared to other domains. They lived in a desert, where water was scarce and fights over it were all too common. Then again, the first generation of Gerudo had supposedly learned fast and found ways to secure enough water for their civilization to begin flourishing. It was something that every young Gerudo had been raised to take pride in, and Riju was one of them.
Water was precious, it was pure and serene, the polar opposite of the sand that she had grown up with. It was without a thought, part of the essence of life, it was essential for life to prosper, unlike the sand that made up her homeland. Sand wasn't really life-giving, it was life-taking, draining. In the ancient libraries, Gerudo sorceresses made great use in using their homeland's native sand to quite literally drain the moisture, the life, from their enemies. Such acts had fed into the already fearsome reputation the all-woman race held. Riju had admitted some curiosity in such tales, but they didn't appeal to her personal taste. The powers of water on the other hand were fascinating.
She didn't see what a beach looked like until she was seven years old, back when her parents had still been alive. Taking her down there to see the beach shores had been one of her happiest memories. On top of those memories, new ones had come along; those involving a certain blond-haired Hylian taking top place amongst those involving her parents and family.
Speaking of said Hylian, he'd told her much about the water. It made sense that he would know, after all, he'd spent quite a bit of time down by Zora's Domain, which was naturally since before her, he'd previously been involved with a Zora, the princess of the tribe no less.
Riju bit her cheeks throughout the entire meeting, even as she opened her mouth to speak to her advisors and the council members. While she kept up appearances, her true attention was off somewhere else, off to the distant land of the merefolk that called the water their home and knew nothing of the harsh desert that was hers. For the first time in hundreds of years, those two races were about to have contact with each other, and Riju would be on the frontlines of it.
I wonder if the fates had this planned, if so, then I hope they get a good laugh out of it. Somewhat bitterly thought the redhead. On the other hand…this could all just be chance, odd coincidence. While everyone else was discussing political matters, Riju could only half focus on such topics. As chieftain, she should have been giving it her whole brain power, though that wasn't what she was doing. She was only giving it half because only one half of her was thinking as a chieftain, the other half was thinking as a woman…a woman who was in love with a man who was formerly engaged to the princess of the Zora. Wouldn't that have caused quite a scandal if it got out?
Riju was able to take a slim bit of solace in the hope that it wouldn't on this trip. After all, the only people who knew of her relationship with Link were…the two of them really. They'd been incredibly careful in covering their tracks, but that could only extend so far and for so long. She hoped that one day, they could go public with their relationship, but the young chieftain knew that day was far off, very far off. And it most certainly wouldn't and couldn't be done in the homeland of his first love.
A century ago and beyond, visitors to Zora's domain was a tad more common, albeit one had to take precautions, namely ensuring they had breathable air or were near a place where the Zora could be conversed with. Interacting with a race that lived in the water wasn't quite as easy as some thought. Gorons in particular stayed far away from Zora's Domain and the surrounding lands while she and the rest of the Gerudo maintained simple contact. There had been times when they'd traded with them; water from Zora's Domain's domain was comparable to gold, especially if it could maintain its "purity" while within the Gerudo Desert. Said purity was why it was considered almost custom for the cool waters to be drunken or used hours after arriving in the desert. As with many things, such exchanges had stopped a hundred years ago, but now, they were on the verge of being brought back.
Riju had tasted water from Zora's Domain before, a private venture into the outside world. Of course, it'd been shared with Link and Zelda. That had been a great afternoon, especially since Link had pulled her to the side for some private time. There would be some "private time" to be had on this up incoming trip, but it'd be just her…and perhaps her lover's fiancé's ghost.
That's who she was truly looking forward to seeing, as well as dreading. It's because I know our relationship can't move forward unless we get this out of the way. Heh, well, it's one of the things keeping us from moving forward. Having to keep it a secret is certainly doing its part as well.
Her eyes silently drifted to her bodyguard, who stood at her side. She'd be at her side throughout the entire trip, especially with enemies to Hyrule and Cornelia still at large.
Security was always on the list when discussing travel. In the last century, those brave few who'd ventured into Hyrule, especially foreign nobles and the like always made sure they had protection. Hyrule had gained a rather infamous reputation that was slowly but steadily being corrected. That said, times were still dangerous. "Ahem, I have something I'd like to say." She spoke up catching the attention of everyone in the meeting chamber. "Now that we've arrived at the point of armed escorts, I have a personal list of who it is I'd like to take with me…and place as our ambassadors."
Several eyes enlarged at her statement, and some sets of mouths curved upward into smiles. Riju paid them only a moment's mind as she reached for the set of scrolls that she'd brought with her and handed them out. Leaning back into her chair, she watched the reactions; while most of them seemed to be positive, Riju didn't quite feel like letting her guard down. She'd learned that a look of satisfaction could be nothing more than act of placating.
"Lady Riju," Began Qadira with a glint in her eyes. "It seems that you truly have been coming into bloom all this time, your mother would be proud."
At the mention of her deceased mother, Riju felt her heart stir and lips briefly tremble. Quickly, she regained control and crossed her legs and laced her fingers. "Thank you for the praise, Qadira, but now I'd like to know what you all think. Come on, out with it, I refuse to believe that everyone here is in full agreement with my plans. No matter how small or big, I want to hear your opinions."
"We fear you may be overstretching us, your highness." Councilwoman Maris spoke up almost immediately. As Riju had requested, she spoke her mind, blatant and direct as possible. "While the attacks a month ago weren't not what you'd call crippling, they did put us on high alert…and force us to open up to the outside world."
"Which we are still doing with a grain of salt, or as much of a grain as it can be considered." Added Sabah. It seemed she'd been waiting for someone else to speak up for her so she could leapfrog off of them. It wasn't too surprising given when the conversation was moving. "You have seen emissaries all across Hyrule, some of whom are trained and others…who are not. Luckily, the goddesses have blessed us with few incidents, but you have also sent military garrisons out to train the common folk, Hylian common folk."
Riju reached forward and took a sip of her goblet. "Well, Hyrule is rebuilding itself and a nation isn't exactly back at a hundred-percent, or even feasible without an army." Her tone was measured, just as her mother's and great-aunt's had been when they led the clan. Those who remembered those times looked to her with an air of shock, and even approval, on their faces. "While we are receiving aid in reforming a national army, wouldn't it bode well in the long run if the army's roots could be traced back to us Gerudo? Not to mention we Gerudo are the most battle-capable members of Hyrule's population." Riju was well aware that there were some who'd take offense to that statement, but as far as she was concerned, it was the truth. The cold truth. "Adding to that…I don't believe it's fair that the issue of training a new Hyrule army falls squarely on Link's shoulders."
And there went the other elephant in the room. There were many open secrets throughout the land, one of them was that the last of the original Champions was without a doubt Hyrule's most skilled fighter. But he was only one man, and Link himself had stated that he didn't believe he was that good of a teacher. In some ways, he was still the socially awkward young man he had been over a century ago. He could be sent out to exterminate an army of monsters and out of control Guardians and confront the Yiga with nothing but a sword and shield…but those things could only go on for so long, one of the reasons being out of sheer pride.
"Lady Riju, I'm assuming you're aware of the…foreign presence in our country, are you?" Nisrina spoke up. Her always acute glare moved throughout the room before finally settling on Riju. She'd come to accept that no longer could the Gerudo remain isolated from the rest of the world, specifically the rest of Hyrule. They were all citizens of one land, so there was no point in denying that fact, no matter what some hardliners insisted. "The Cornelian army has been occupying the country for the last month, I know that I am just one of the many voices speaking out against such a thing. And no, I do not just mean here in the Gerudo Desert."
"No, you are no, Nisrina, but this isn't something we can blindly rush." Politely countered the chieftain.
"She is right, Nisrina, albeit I can see where you are coming from." Qadira stated raising her hand to speak and grabbing the room's attention. "That said, I do believe steps have to be taken to ensure that Hyrule doesn't become completely swallowed up. It will take time for the country to rebuild its strength, time that will likely see us elders returned to the sands from which we came and Lady Riju a proud and strong woman just like her mother and grandmother and great-aunt."
"That's all well and good, Qadira, but what we are looking at is what could happen now, or in the next year or two." Near snarled Maris. "I for one, agree with sending out our troops to the rest of Hyrule, to train the fledglings that are at least willing to pick up a sword. The Yiga are still out there, and they can convert any weak-minded fool over to their cause, not to mention we'll need an army bigger than the thousands-strong that we have now, especially if-"
"Maris!" Boomed Nisan. The black-haired Gerudo was glaring hard at her fellow elder, albeit she was getting the same treatment herself.
"All this time," Maris snarled, her fingers curling. She looked like a desert wild cat in the midst of a stand-off. "All of this time and we have been able to find little in picking up the trail on Phantom Ganon. He is out there, somewhere, and we need to find him and put him down for good this time."
"While I agree with you on that sentiment, Maris, we have to be cautious about this as well." Sabah cautioned. "We have to face the possibility that Ganondorf may attempt to strike at Gerudo Town again. He may make another attempt on Lady Riju's life, and that would cripple everything."
A chorus of murmurs broke out; Riju bit her tongue and keep silent. She hated the very thought that somewhere out there, her people's old shame was still running loose. The sentiment was shared by every woman in the room, and the thousands beyond the meeting chamber's walls and beyond. It was safe to say that the surprise attack of the phantom bearing the likeness of the King of Evil. Scouts had been sent out far and wide, but very little had turned up; instead, they'd been forced to wait for the phantom to pop its head out somewhere, along with the Yiga Clan. The chieftain noticed that the clan of rogue Sheikah had somewhat taken a backseat to the threat o the possibly resurrected Ganondorf, though it was for good reason. A good majority of the Gerudo thought of them as annoyances, especially after Link slew their leader over two years ago.
Her fingers tapped against the arm of her throne while her face bent in concentration. If there was a move to be made, Riju knew that it would come from the rogue tribe. Covert actions were their preferred methods, and that wasn't likely to change, especially now that Hyrule had access to magical stones and another national force in the region. Furthermore, Link had with him the Master Sword and Zelda, her spiritual powers, two weapons that could potentially put the reborn Ganondorf down again were they to meet in mortal combat. Of course, Riju wasn't so sure that's how things would go down, not if the Yiga had any say in the matter. Speaking of which…
"Everyone, I have something to say on the matter of the Yiga Clan, specifically their hideout." Began the teenage chieftain once more catching everyone's attention. Once she had it, she summoned all the imposing power that she could as she began to speak again. "Ever since the attack, we have sent scouts there to investigate it. When they returned, they reported nothing out of the ordinary. Regardless, we have had a garrison placed there, constantly on the lookout for anything unusual."
"At this point, I believe it's become a waste of womanpower to be honest." Nisrina muttered. Her thoughts were echoed on the faces of several.
"I agree Nisrina, it is a drain on our resources, but it can also be something useful. Specifically, we can use it as bait." As she hoped, her words caught the attention of everyone in the room. "We have kept strict guard over the keep, but not once has it crossed anyone's minds to actually use it to serve us? To Serve Hyrule?" Her back hit the solid surface of her throne providing cold assurance to her. Before her, the six council members debated amongst themselves; no, it wasn't just them. Even the guards stationed up in the rafters were quietly looking to one another.
Maris grunted. "Ages ago, before even Lady Urbosa's time, their hideout was a sacred temple. The fact that we never could reclaim it, the fact that we never tried…" A deep snarl of anger filtered from the old warrior's pressed lips once more giving her the look of a beast about to attack.
"That's because we had other things we had to contend with, like the safety of the village and keeping the Yiga at bay." Yūlyu spoke in an attempt to calm the rising anger of her colleague. "The Yiga, while they are still out there, have largely abandoned the temple, a fact that I still find strange, though I believe that is the point, isn't it, Lady Riju?"
"Exactly." She answered. "As loath as we are to admit it, the Yiga have had over fifty years to explore every cranny of that temple while our own records regarding them have been lost. I say stop standing guard waiting for them to come back and explore them ourselves. I'm sure the Yiga have left some traps of their own. I'm also willing to bet when they were moving in, they tripped those left by our ancestors." The momentary laugh she let out was echoed by the rest of the room, the entire room. It seemed the prospect of the traitorous ninja getting skewered by their ancestors' leftover defenses was something that could break all the tension and bring out the good mood in everyone. Once that collective laughter passed, Riju continued to speak. "I'm also willing to venture that when the Yiga vacated the temple, they left behind some traps and maybe even surveillance devices behind. Knowing the history of the temple, they know we Gerudo won't be able to keep ourselves away."
"All that said, Lady Riju for such a time to make a move such as this." Yūlyu began shaking her head.
"We're going to have to do it at some point, besides, as Lady Riju argued earlier, Hyrule is going to be needing an army." Maris rumbled, having regained her self-control. Both of her old wrinkled hands were now laced together and her eyes shined with sharp intuition. "That old temple was used by the Yiga as a training facility for their own number. I believe it's high time we did the same, especially since it was originally ours to begin with. While Lady Riju heads out to Zora's Domain, I propose putting together a party to enter and reclaim the temple for ourselves and Hyrule."
Yet again, another ring of chatter ran through the room.
Naturally, there was someone who spoke up, challenging the suggestion. "Maris, as ideal as such a thing would be, we're already taxing manpower as it is. Not to mention what records we do have of the temple's deepest interior will have to be found. While Master Link did an ample job in stealing back the Thunder Helm, he didn't particularly explore the facility's inner levels, which are no doubt still filled with traps and perhaps even other treasures." Qadira spoke up.
"That's another thing, I still wonder why did they abandon the temple after Link slew Kohga. Was the man really that important to the clan?" Nisan pondered.
"From what I have been told, yes, yes he was." Riju answered while just barely suppressing an amused grin. Her blond lover hadn't skipped out on the details in describing just how buffoonish the grand master of the Yiga Clan had been. It was so outlandish that Riju was tempted to believe that the whole clan couldn't possibly be as bad as all the legends made them out to be. Then came those subtle little reminders. "For a brief history lesson, while Link sneaked his way in, after defeating Kohga, he essentially slashed his way out of the hideout, which severely reduced the strength of Yiga, or at least their main branch. Odds were with the hideout breached in such a way, they concluded it was no longer viable. Regardless, we will perhaps be finding out ourselves." She felt Buliara's eyes on her. They were going to be having a talk after this meeting was over with and they had some privacy to themselves.
Likewise, she saw the looks that several of the elders were giving each other and noted that they too would be having some private discussions. Just like that, they'd created the next round of gossip to sweep across the desert. One by one, they all looked to Riju and nodded to her, giving her their support while at the same time telling her that this topic would be discussed more in-depth at a later point. Preferably after the trip to Zora's Domain had been completed, and hopefully without too much difficulty.
Speaking of Zora's Domain, Riju realized it was time to close that matter of that topic. "Alright then, back to the topic of my up incoming visit. Are there any objections to who it is I will be taking along with me?" Silence greeted her. "Now then, are there any objections to me personally going?" Again, silence, albeit an exchange of looks rolled across the room. Still, no one spoke up. "Good, then that's everything."
Twenty Minutes later, Royal Courtyard…
"Lady Riju, I won't be able to change your mind on this, will I?" Buliara questioned. Her resigned expression more than said that she already knew what the answer to her question would be.
In spite of that, Riju humored her. "If I have to choose between seeing with my own eyes and waiting on a throne for information, I shall choose the former. Buliara, I'm quite aware of the risks I'm taking. I'm also well aware of how it looks like I'm trying to prove myself."
The dedicated bodyguard stopped and looked to her charge, who herself had stopped and returned her gaze. It was clear that Buliara wanted to say something, but the words to transmit her thoughts and feelings simply couldn't be found, or they simply refused to leave her throat. Riju's emerald eyes, eyes that were normally soft, had a certain hardness in them. Buliara had seen that hardness several times over the course of her life, namely from her mother, the previous chieftain. The veteran warrior's lips curved into a warm smile as the fond memories ran through her head; they happily aligned with the present as she continued to hold the gaze of her charge. Buliara always had faith that Riju would grow up to be just a fine of chieftain as her mother and grandmother and great-aunt, their blood, the blood of the Gerudo's finest, flowed through her veins. That blood was showing through here and now.
"Alright, but if you're going to do this, don't expect me to go easy on you in your training." Finally surrendered the swordswoman. The response she got was a hearty laugh.
"I would want nothing less, especially from you. Besides, if I'm not up to snuff, I won't be able to face the others."
"And by that…do you mean…the rest of Hyrule's leaders? Including Cornulia's leaders? Lady Riju, I'll say this as many times as I must, you have-"
"I do, Buliara. We Gerudo are a warrior people, we always have, and will likely remain for some time in the future." Gently retorted the younger red head. Her heels clicked against the sandstone pathway as she continued to walk through the hallway towards the open expanse she and her bodyguard often used for sparring. "While you can make the argument that times are peaceful now, we're technically speaking in the throes of a shadow war. There will be more attempts on my life, and likely those of Zelda and the others'. We must be ready for those; I must be ready." A thin line of anger ran through her voice. Buliara was quiet as said anger resonated in her, stirring her own. The surprise appearance of the phantom had caught everyone off-guard, and left quite a few steaming they weren't able to take a crack at him.
In the days after the attack, as the shock and trauma had worn off, Riju had come to theorize that the Phantom Ganon she and Zelda had battled perhaps wasn't at full power. More accurately, she hoped the phantom was severely lacking in power. If that turned out to be the case, then how much power had the King of Evil recovered in the months since his sudden appearance. The answer would make itself evident at some point in the future, and when it did, Riju prayed it wasn't too great they couldn't overcome it.
She was going to make sure that no matter how powerful he may have been, he could be defeated. That had been the driving force behind all of her sparring sessions since that day. Buliara and the rest of her royal guard had noticed the change, they too had undergone some changes of their own. Just as Riju had kicked up her training, so too had every Gerudo who could hold up a blade. The surprise attack had left a mark on all of them, one that remained almost half a year later. It wouldn't fade until the spirit of Ganondorf had been hunted down and exterminated, this time, once and for all.
Steel clashed against steel as the chieftain and her protector clashed against one another in another practice match. Ever since Riju turned ten, she'd sparred with Buliara. In the beginning, it had been playful sparring that had gradually grown in intensity as she grew older. Here they were, almost ten years later with the two of them now fighting on roughly even-footing with one another. No longer could Buliara hope that her charge could be kept from the outside world, but that also meant that she could go a little harder on her. Riju always welcomed her to do so; she'd grown particularly eager since Link had returned to Hyrule and liberated Hyrule over a year ago. A new era was dawning, and the sixty-ninth Chieftain of the Gerudo Tribe longed to leave her footprint on it, as well as survive it. She knew that the new age wasn't going to be a bloodless one.
It was after one particularly intense sparring session that Riju had told Buliara to not be afraid if she ever drew blood against her. The royal-blooded teen informed her that she was most definitely going for the same against her. Buliara had been quiet stunned, but the warrior in her had been forced to accept it. The girl that she'd personally seen as her own surrogate child was growing up, quite fast at that. Following that afternoon, their training sessions jumped up in intensity.
Riju had grown stronger, much stronger, since she'd first started her training. Buliara's heart swelled with pride with that realization, but her near motherly worry also grew as well. Was she doing enough? Was her training regiment enough? Was Riju ready to head out there into the great big open world? The last part was rather foolish considering that she had been to the outside world already, several times, albeit she'd always been there, as had Hyrule's last remaining Champion who defended her with his life as he did the Hylian Princess. But such defenses wouldn't always be there, eventually, there could come a time when Riju would be on her own.
Blow after blow, she proved that she wouldn't be helpless. The chieftain had been trained not just by her bodyguard and fellow Gerudo, but by her secret lover as well. Said lover was the strongest warrior in all of Hyrule and had experience in using every type of weapon imaginable, from swords to bows to axes to spears to even boomerangs. Some of that wisdom had been imparted onto her, it had even made up the bedrock of some of their dates. Riju had enjoyed those dates quite a bit, no doubt because it called to the warrior woman that slumbered within her. She was incredibly grateful that when that side of her awoke, Link wasn't turned off by it, sometimes it seemed quite the opposite. The attraction he showed only spurred her onward.
An audience had slowly gathered around the courtyard, yet another common occurrence. Sparring matches were a common means of entertainment in Gerudo Town. A sparring match including the chieftain herself, well, that was all too juicy to pass up, especially to voe and other dignitaries who'd happened to be visiting. They got quite a show.
Riju's fighting style with a sword was quite atypical of most Gerudo-favoring swiftness and precision. A flurry of sword slashes that either overwhelmed an opponent or were merely a distraction, bait, to lure the enemy in as the flurry slowed down and the enemy believed they'd tired themselves out. She couldn't count the number of times she'd been left physically drained after a sparring session, but after each one, bit by bit, she found herself able to go on just a little longer. She was strong, but nowhere near as strong as the likes of some, but what she focused on were speed and endurance, things that could allow her to outlast and outwit her opponents. Of course, such a fighting style wasn't unique to her.
Such tactics had also been ingrained into Buliara. She watched her pupil's movements, watching for feints that were meant to lure her in. A few of them, she actually fell for resulting in either a near miss, or an outright light cut to the arm or cheek. Blood dripped down from several cuts, mixing with the sweat that had been worked up from the training session. Likewise, the chieftain herself had a mixture of blood and sweat on her. Still, she was smiling, showing her excitement as was her bodyguard.
Several jumped as the ringing of steel accelerated. It seemed that the two Gerudo were in the midst of some sort of dance. For the Gerudo watching, that was what it was, the "dance of steel", as it had eventually been called. Some leaned in close and explained it to visitors.
Quite a few ere looking between the two clashing warriors with a look that could only be called amazement. They were indeed amazed, and some one could argue aroused.
"My, my, you certainly have improved, my lady." Buliara huffed not batting an eye at her scimitar, now implanted in the ground five feet from her. That didn't mean that she was defenseless.
Smirking, Riju readied herself knowing that her bodyguard was about to come at her with her fits. "We all cannot remain the same forever. Besides, it is my dream to one day best you in combat, with neither of us holding back. Sadly, that day isn't today."
No sooner had she finished the words was Buliara sprinting towards her. The veteran warrior threw her fist out to which Riju brought her sword up to parry. Instead of cutting flesh, she instead felt like her weapon was running up against rock. Quickly, she pulled her arm, and thus the blade back, and just in time. Jaws dropped as spectators witnessed the experienced bodyguard deflecting blows from the chieftain's sword barehanded. Those with keen eyes noticed the steady flow of white energy surrounding her fists, energy that glowed bright when Riju's sword made contact with Buliara's flesh. Speaking of which, the younger Gerudo was not blind to her guard's usage of the Light Force. Nor was she the only one who knew how to use it.
A brief whitish glow surrounded Riju's blade, the glow intensifying as she swung it in a swift vertical arc that Buliara side-stepped. The trained warrior, as well as several spectators, saw the translucent blue wave of compressed air and energy that went flying from the sword. That wasn't all, Riju reared her sword back, predicting Buliara's next attack. Instead, she feinted, making it seem like she would charge ahead when in reality she made a spring for her sword. Riju's eyes widened, then a grin formed on her face. Heart pounding, she dug deep in the depths of her soul and then pulled. She threw her arm out, light green sparks dancing between her finger-tips. Those same sparks danced along Buliara's blade just as her fingers gripped the handle. Instead of a swift reclaiming, the bodyguard felt like she was trying to dislodge a boulder from its resting place.
With her young charge coming at her, the task was abounded forcing her to go on the defensive. The chieftain's attacks came swift and fast, each one edging closer and closer until her excitement grew leading her to attempt a wide horizontal slash that left a light scratch across Buliara's back as she twirled away. Riju paused if only for a second to catch her breath, but that second was all Buliara needed to surge forward with a spinning side kick that caught Riju off-guard. Stumbling to the side, she was left wide-open to the warrior's next few assaults, all of which spared nothing in power as Riju's body lit up with pain. In a moment, she was lying on her backside, staring up at the midday sky. But not for long.
Back on her feet, she was not detorted by the rearmament of her sparring party, she saw it as exhilarating.
As the two swords met each other once again, a loud crack sounded against the stone ground. All eyes turned to the epicenter of it. She had been one who'd been following the fight quite closely, her old eyes watching every move and her head occasionally nodding in approval.
"Lady Sabah." Buliara started sheathing her sword and bowing in respect.
"You two seemed to be getting into it, again. I suppose it truly proves that you're our late Lady Urbosa's descendant." Chuckled the blue-eyed council elder which in turn caused Riju to blush. "That little trick you pulled, you've been practicing your electromagnetism, haven't you?"
"It could come in handy one day. After all, most weapons are made of metal, not to mention I've heard some rumors that those who've mastered it could also fly."
"Thinking about leaving the sands behind?" Jabbed the elder with a raised eyebrow.
"No, ma'am, I have too much invested here on Din's beloved earth." Laughed off the teenage chieftain. Gazing around, she saw that now that the action had stopped, the onlookers were now beginning to move on. Some still cast lingering looks directed toward her and Buliara, especially Buliara. If I can get her a boyfriend, it might take some of the pressure off of me and Link. Someone for Buliara, she'd trip over herself at the first praise! The giggle that came from the mental image was repressed as she kept a semi-professional expression in front of the conservative councilwoman.
"Riju, if you don't mind, there are some things that I'd like to discuss with you." Sabah started.
"I had a feeling that was coming. Buliara?"
"Yes, I'll head down to the kitchen and see what the chefs can whip up."
"Nothing too heavy if you don't mind. Perhaps some tea at best." Clarified the elder Gerudo.
"Lemon juice." Riju declared with a twinkle in her eye. Her bodyguard caught it and smiled as she departed, not at all paying any mind to the minor injuries and sweat on her body. It wouldn't be the first time that she moved through the chieftain's residence in such a state. Knowing Buliara, it wouldn't last long, she'd return, no doubt with the drinks and some towels and bandages for Riju.
They walked together to one of the stone tables set up in the courtyard. It offered a nice view of a nearby garden, complete with a pond feed by a small stream that could be traced all the way back into the city and its greater water irrigation system. While fighting and survival were points of pride for the Gerudo, so too was engineering. It was yet another crucial skill they'd needed to survive in the harsh desert they now called home.
Just before they sat down, Sabah requested that the chieftain stand in front of her. Riju blinked in surprise as she did so. Her jaw dropped as the council elder held her hand out, a soft blue light emitted from her palm and spread over the chieftain. Immediately, Riju thought to the blessed healing ability her boyfriend possessed, an ability that had been passed onto him by his deceased finance.
"A…little piece of the outside world." Sabah explained pulling her hand back. All the injuries however minor they were had been healed. She took a seat and patiently waited for Riju to do the same. Once she did, she continued to explain herself. "The outside world, a world that I once shunned until I gained family that lived in it, forced me to explore it. Now, that outside world is integrating us into it."
"You don't sound particularly angry about that." Noted the teenage redhead.
Sabah laughed. "Well, there are some things you must simply learn to accept. For example, if you smell a storm brewing on the wind, you must accept that it's coming and react accordingly. I had to accept that my daughter had ventured out and found love, heh, with a Zora of all people. In accepting that…I think I'm more prepared to be of service to you, Lady Riju, and perhaps have a place in this new era."
To Riju, it was a relief to hear that. There was the professional support one could count on, but then there were moments like these. These moments were personal feelings and the motivations behind them came to light. "If you don't mind me asking, how exactly did you react when Jaleh told you that she was going to marry?"
The elderly Gerudo sat up straight in her seat bringing with her an air of regality that came with her station. "When she said she was heading out into the outside world, I quietly accepted the possibility that she would…find a voe, one whom she would potentially settle down with. It's like tasting fine liquor, once you have gotten a taste, you can't go back." Her hand rose to take hold of the fish-scale necklace that she wore around her neck. It was an iconic symbol of hers, a gift from her Zora son-in-law whom she respected and cherished just as much as she did her own flesh-and-blood daughter. The silver scale glistened in the midday sun bringing a smile to the faces of the two Gerudo, especially Sabah. "One can't stay hidden away in the darkness forever, at some point, we must all step out into the light. I truly realized that when I attended Jaleh and Akela's wedding. A part of me…hoped this wouldn't be the last cross-race marriage that I'd ever attend. Can you believe that?"
"Sorta, you're nowhere near as hard as you try to make everyone believe." Winked the younger Gerudo as their refreshments were brought over. "Now that we've opened the borders and begun rebuilding the country, you may just see that, and so much more."
"Hah! Maybe, provided the men of these generation can handle us Gerudo. Would you say so?"
A cocky smirk adorned Riju's face. I'm inclined to believe so, albeit I'm not sure if Link qualifies as a man of 'this' generation. Where the blond Hylian fell in terms of categories was always a fun topic whenever they got together, the same went for others who turned their eye to the Hero of the Wild. "I'm willing to give some the benefit of the thought. After all, making their way in the wild left quite a few with the kind of backbone they'll need to handle us Gerudo. In fact, I believe there are some other there who'll find out ways rather…intriguing."
"Surprisingly, we've had few incidents since opening our town's doors to men. Minus the disguises. I for one, am thankful that there will be no more of that."
"True, but we miss out on all of the humor."
"Stories that will in time become legends, I'm sure."
Both Gerudo laughed as they pictured how quickly those stories would become distorted. Riju knew she'd likely be the one who'd live long enough to see and hear them, as well as be one of the only ones to know the truth. Of course, that was banking on the possibility that she lived into her twilight years. The future seemed so far away, yet Riju always felt like it was coming up on her, rather she liked it or not. It was only fitting since she was such a vocal supporter of the coming "new age". What that new age would look like, she didn't truly know, neither did Zelda or even Link. No one knew, but they all had to face it none the less.
When she looked to that future and tried to visualize it, Riju thought of Link. At heart, she couldn't picture any sort of future without him in it…without him potentially at her side. To get there, they'd have to go public one day. Was that day getting closer? Was it right around the corner for all she knew?
"Jaleh tells me that they've made quite a number of modifications and improvements to Zora's Domain." Chimed the council elder. "They'd built up quite a bit on the surface, heh, Jaleh has had some hand in it, as has little Jorah." Her lips twitched upward at the image of her Zora grandson. He too was another unexpected joy of the outside world that she cherished with all of her heart. "By the way, he's looking forward to seeing you."
"M-Me?" Riju squeaked with naked shock.
"Yes, you are the chieftain of the Gerudo, his mother's race. Heh, come to think of it, he's spent his whole life in Zora's Domain, he's never been out here, to the Gerudo Desert." Following a long sip, Sabah sat back and laughed. "To be fair though, that'd be a tad hard considering he was born a Zora. Our land…it's much too dry for the Zora to bear. Instead, we must venture out of our lands and into theirs. A part of me is still a tad miffed about such a thing."
A chuckle flew from the teenager's lips. That was the Sabah that she knew, speaking for the more conservative members of the Gerudo race. They were still quite a proud race.
"Well, maybe one day if we can transform our land from the desert wastes that it is, we can see a mass migration of Zora." Riju offered, raising her glass in honor of such a memory.
Sabah scuffed, but laughed none the less. If such a thing came about, she doubted she'd live to see it. At best, she had maybe fifteen or so more years left in her, enough time to hopefully see her grandson grow into a young adult as well as watch over her daughter and son-in-law. As optimistic as she was becoming, she didn't believe that their land could be changed in such a small timespan. Their land had been as it was for over seven-thousand years. Throughout that time, sandstorms so fierce they'd seemed almost like divine punishment had battered at their civilization. Still, they had endured, and rebuilt time after time, such was the nature of their resiliency.
Maybe Riju's time would be when those long years of endurance paid off in a big way, a way that would leave its mark on history for centuries to come.
Four Days Later, Lanaryu Province…
"A long trudge through monster-filled forests. It was pretty much an exercise run!"
"That's an…interesting way of putting it. You were attempting to hype yourself up, weren't you? You could feel it in your bones, that what awaited you at the end was going to be something big, something that was going to require all of your strength, didn't you?"
"Pretty much. It was…the deeper I went, the further I went, the more familiar everything became. Once I crossed Oren Bridge, that's when my head started pounding, even as I slashed my way through packs of monsters in the middle of the pouring rain."
"That sounds like a miserable experience."
"It was. But…I had to keep on going. Something inside of me pressed me to keep on going, even when I felt tired, I knew that I had to keep on going. Getting to Zora's Domain…"
"Link, you don't have to talk about it."
"I do, because I want you to know. Riju, you have a right to know."
Thanks to the out of control Vah Ruta, the rain had been never-ending, continuously dousing the surrounding lands in an endless downpour. The constant moisture also made shock arrows and the likes an even greater choice for the roaming monsters. Those monsters were now gone, as were the dangers that came with them. In their place was now what could be called a more organized path through the winding and jagged hills and ridges that led up to Zora's Domain. Gone too was the constant rain, a handful of clouds drifted through the blue sky, at times temporarily blotting out the late autumn sun that beat down on the land.
All of it was somewhat foreign to the Gerudo who traveled behind her, a group of consisting of almost sixty souls in total. Over half of them were warriors, while the other near half were artisans, merchants, and diplomats, her diplomats. Needless to say, it was quite an entourage to take from out of the desert, across Hyrule, and into the lands opposite of them. Breaks had been filled with many expressing awe and bewilderment at the lands beyond the sands and rock her people called home. As they progressed deeper into the Lanaryu Province, a land that was almost mythical to them, their intrigue grew. Riju couldn't exactly remove herself from the group as all that they were seeing for the first time, so too was she. That said, she was maintained an air of composure as the journey neared its end.
In the wake of Hyrule's liberation, a few settlements had sprung up on the formerly all-wilderness route leading up to Zora's Domain. Make no mistake, deep forests and mountains cliffs still persisted throughout the area, but they were now dotted by small settlements the Gerudo entourage was able to stop at. Naturally, they were all populated by Zora, and had easy access to several major sources of water such as rivers and streams; they all led back to Zora's Domain in some way creating a watery highway for the aquatic race. Riju saw it as quite impressive.
She tried to focus on all of those things, diplomacy, politics, anything instead of the fact that once she got to her destination, she'd be presented with a statue of her boyfriend's deceased lover. Admittedly, deep down, that had always been a raise why she'd felt a tad…reluctant to ever go to Zora's Domain, because she didn't want to face the statue of Princess Mipha, previous Champion of the Zora and fiancé to her current boyfriend.
As the massive bridge came into focus, Riju sucked in a breath to calm herself. There was no use in dwelling on her unease. The future was here, it was now the present, and she would face it with all that she had.
Quite a crowd was waiting for them.
"Lady Riju!" Boomed the voice of the Zora's king, Dorephan. His imposing figure lived up to the stories, a giant, even amongst his own kind. With the scars to match.
"King Dorephan, it is an honor to finally make your acquaintance." Began the young redhead, then she turned to her left. "And yours as well, Prince Sidon."
Just as the king lived up to his reputation, so too did the prince. The smile she'd heard so much about crossed his face exposing his pointed but sparkling white teeth. "Lady Riju, I too am honored to make your acquaintance, as well as that of the rest of your people's." As his gaze fell on them, several Gerudo, including Buliara, wisely bowed their heads in respect.
The Zora king boomed with laughter. "Prince, that title may not be used for much longer, at least not without former attached to it."
Catching the hint, Riju spoke up, her enthusiasm getting the best of her. "You're going to formally pass the throne onto him?"
While the old Zora laughed, his son showed an uncharacteristic but no less amusing nervous side. Behind them, the crowd of Zora broke out into laughter and snickering. It was obvious that the topic of succession had been a common one amongst the aquatic race.
"Well, I am not getting any younger, besides, this new age belongs to you youngsters." Dorephan declared giving his son a sideways glance he straightened up upon seeing. "I have reigned long enough, and taught all that I need to. Retirement sounds mighty good right about now, but there are a few things that I must oversee first."
"Such as this meeting for one. Come! Allow us to welcome you into our home!" Sidon quickly picked up, perhaps a bit eager to change the conversation away from his impeding coronation. Riju couldn't help but giggle a little at the urge. Perhaps there would be a friendship to be found between her and her future fellow monarch.
Just as the Gerudo had spent quite some time preparing for this trip, the Zora had been spending an equal amount waiting to receive them. It showed as they were welcomed into the "surface area" of Zora's Domain, a massive bustling hub of buildings that sat above a massive lake, which itself was the true home of the aquatic race. When Riju had been told that the surface area had been built up to receive visitors, the statements hadn't been exaggerations. Link's initial description had spoke of a singular structure that lay across a chasm connected only by a set of bridges. What she and her entourage were able to explore was a civilization that had a hold on the land and the sea. Within minutes, the massive group that Riju had traveled with had fanned out, everyone's interests caught by something or someone.
For those who'd never seen a Zora before, which included quite a few, it was an eye-opening experience. Many of her people stood utterly fascinated by the fish-men who easily dove off of cliffs and ledges into deep blue water. Riju predicted it wouldn't be long before diving competitions sprang up between the two races; she toyed with the prospect of getting into some herself just for the sheer fun of it all. Her secret boyfriend had given her swimming lessons and Riju would have liked to test them out, and who better than against the Zora? Granted she might not do as well as she would like but it would certainly be worth a try.
Buliara remained by her side as she was escorted deeper into the realm. On the way in, they of course passed the statue of the late Princess Mipha. King Dorehphan gave a short eulogy before the monument to his daughter; the old king made little effort to hide the sadness in his voice, but so too was there pride when he spoke of her. Likewise, when Sidon chipped in, he too looked to the statue with beaming eyes.
Riju would have liked it if they could have stayed longer, but they had other matters to attend to. She could return to the statue on her own time. Preferable when it was just her. There were quite a few things she wanted to say in front of the statue, feelings that she needed to get off of her chest, and a question she needed to ask.
Being born in a desert, a land plenty with water was the opposite of what she'd grown up with. The next three hours were spent familiarizing herself with the aquatic world of the Zora. It was the direct opposite of everything she'd grown up with, and she felt an instant love for it.
Despite being in the throes of late autumn and arguably early winter, the domain was warm. Sidon informed her that was because of the fire-attributed magicite crystals they'd installed throughout the region, ways to keep warm. Regarding the topic of the magicite that had been minded in her area, she and her advisors were shown how the crystals were now being integrated into society. The most obvious one was the "Breather Necklace", a necklace contained a wind-attributed magicite gem that created a bubble of air which could be continuously inhaled and replenished. It was with these that Riju was able to dive beneath the waves and not have to worry about her inability to breath under water.
What lay beneath the water was a massive world of light and color, yet again, the complete opposite of the desert lands her people had called their own. In the desert, going down meant finding rock and darkness, here, there seemed to be no ends to the depths of the water.
One similarity she could say the Gerudo and Zora shared was making the best out of their respective homelands. Buildings had been carved out of coral reefs just as they had been carved out of rock in Gerudo Town. Like the merchant town, the area buzzed with life, albeit instead of walking, everyone was swimming. Speaking of which, the act of trying to do so for the first time lead to some hilarious demonstrations from her people. At the very least it could be said that the Zoras got some good laughs out of the Gerudo delegation. Riju was privately grateful for the swim lessons that Link had given her which allowed her to move through the water with a tad more grace.
The architecture of the Zora was different from the Gerudo as well. She'd seen the differences in books and illustrations, but seeing then vibrant fish-styled design of the buildings. It was all so…flowing, a stark contrast to the somewhat rigid nature of her home and even the architecture of those of the Gorons and Sheikah. Like them, the Zora had their own unique style, which they were sharing with them.
What felt like a life time later, Riju returned to the service with Buliara beside her. They both took off their necklaces and tasted genuine air, taking in fistfuls of it.
"All of that was…quite amazing." Admitted the swordswoman with a soft smile.
"I figured you'd say something like that, even you can be impressed, as can the rest of our people." Riju giggled.
"Speaking of our people, are you going to be visiting Lady Sabah and her family?"
"In time, there's…some place else that I must go first." There was a pause as she gathered the courage needed to get the last word out. "Alone."
Expectedly, Buliara's eyes narrowed. "Lady Riju."
"I'm just going up in front to the statue of Mipha! That's it, I'll be in open range of everyone!" Quickly argued the teenager. She knew this was coming. Planning for it had been, well, difficult. Buliara was good at her job, sometimes too good. "Look, if it makes you feel better, you can stand off to the side! I'm just…going to pay my respects, that's all." Technical it was true; she was going to pay her respect. It's just Riju couldn't…get all that she needed to be said out there. Not unless she wanted to blow up this so far successful diplomatic mission.
Buliara fell back, but the skepticism in her eyes remained intense. She knew that Riju was hiding something, but this wasn't the time to press the topic. Like her, she knew there were some things that weren't to be discussed in public, especially when the rest of her kind were popped up for mouthfuls of fresh air as well. The bodyguard sighed signaling her acceptance of the teen's request.
It was a short walk to the statue in front of Zora's Domain. Buliara broke off, quietly fading away but still remaining close. It wasn't quite what Riju wanted, but again, she couldn't blame her bodyguard for wanting to do her duty, especially here in a land not their own.
Further compounding things, Riju found she wasn't alone at the statue.
"Prince Sidon?"
"Ah, Lady Riju, I…um…have you come to pay your respects as well?" Questioned the red-scaled Zora looking genuinely surprised to see her there.
Awkwardly nodding, she moved in front of the statue of the deceased princess. "She was…I looked up to her after hearing stories of her."
Bowing his head, a soft smile came onto the prince's face. "As did I. She was an incredibly inspiration person, albeit she didn't always believe herself to be. Ironically, that's what made her special. She did her best for the sake of others, and often that best…it was truly amazing, it was inspirational." Turning from the statue to her, the same gentle aura that she'd encountered before surrounded Sidon and passed onto her. "Link told me of you as well. He told me that with you as chieftain, the Gerudo's future is bright, just as the Zora's are bright with me next in line to succeed my father."
A crimson blush crept up on her cheeks. "Y-Yeah…that sounds an awful lot like Link. Speaking of which, I hear he's heading out to Hyrule Castle."
"Yes, I hope one day that we shall be able to lead out people into its walls, not just as Zoras and Gerudo, but as citizens of Hyrule."
She was silent for a moment. From what she'd heard and seen, Prince Sidon wasn't quite a stickler for formality, nor was he overly arrogant, he was a rather humble and noble man, traits that had endeared him to not just his people, but with some foreigners as well. All of it made her feel like she could speak a little openly with him. "I believe we are already citizens of Hyrule, we have been since the day we were born. Still…Hyrule as a nation…you were alive when that was the case."
"Only as a toddler." Laughed the shark-based man. "Even then, I remember little. What I do remember is the slide into darkness, a time that I vow shall never repeat itself."
"You and I both." Whispered the teenage Gerudo.
As she spoke the words, Riju found herself looking not forward or up but downward, at her feet. The all too familiar sense of unease she'd wrestled with for almost five years returned to her, stronger as she stood before the vintage of the woman whose place she'd come to occupy in Link's heart.
Sensing someone's gaze on her, she looked up and found herself staring into the silted orbs of the Zora prince.
"You fear you will be unable to live up to the task, don't you?" He asked in a sympathetic voice.
Riju smiled in acceptance "You know the feeling."
"Yes, quite so. When my sister passed…I was completely lost and afraid. I had no idea how or what I could do. It felt as if all the light of the future had been swelled up by darkness." When he looked over to his right at the statue, his smile brightened causing the pure white teeth to come out again. "Eventually, I realized that I was just allowing myself to be swallowed by the darkness. I had the power to find the light, no matter how dim it was and bring it back to the rest of my people. So I trained, my body and mind, and I like to think that I succeeded."
Her own smile a tad brighter, Riju responded, "I'd say you've succeeded." Her emerald eyes swept around the surroundings, all of it cooked by luminous blue light borne from the watery crystals and lanterns. "Zora's Domain has flourished, and I'm sure that it will continue to do so once you assume formally assume the throne."
"And you have done the same for the Gerudo." Affirmed the red-scaled Zora as he kneeled down. It still didn't put them quite on eye-level, but spiritually speaking, Sidon was addressing Riju as an equal, and a friend. "It is thanks to you that Hyrule has the usage of these magical stones that make it possible for outsiders to truly view our home. The usage of magicite has-" His expression turned from positive to serious as his head snapped to the side.
Riju would have questioned him, but she sensed it as well.
Sixth Sense, that's what many called it, a sense of hyper awareness that allowed one to sense trouble. Some were born with it and others had it taught to them through training. Riju and Sidon were a bit of both. Given their stations, sensing danger wherever it may have come from was a must. For them, they sensed it coming from close by, too close by.
"Lady Riju!"
"Prince Sidon!"
Their respective guards were on them, forming a defensive perimeter around them. Everyone had their weapons bared and ready, their faces contorted in anger at the hooded figures.
Riju looked to Sidon, who nodded. Gently, they pushed past their guards to face the intruders.
"Appearing out in the open, you're either feeling incredibly bold or you've decided to repent for your crimes." Began the redhead with a hand on her hip.
The Yiga Clansman laughed, a sound that the Zora and Gerudo guards wanted to ensure was the last sound he ever made. "Bold, seems you've grown up a tad bit since our assault on your precious desert home, which you ants have chosen to crawl out of. As for you, Prince Sidon, I must say, it is an honor to finally meet you in person."
Sidon gave no response to the seemingly genuine respect in the traitor's voice, or the small bow he gave to go along with it. He remained composed and ready, though his eyes kept on swerving to the second hooded figure. Something about him was…off, unsettling almost. "Lay down your arms and surrender, this can end without bloodshed."
Riju had to give Sidon credit for keeping cool under pressure. Doubly so given he was speaking to the bastards who worshiped the monster who'd killed his sister a century ago. Her respect for him grew.
"Well, I'm afraid both of those things won't be happening. After all, bloodshed is why we came here." The Yiga ninja proclaimed with a hearty chuckle. "As your friend here told me, these blue waters of your homeland, Prince Sidon, they'd look quite beautiful died red with blood."
She'd been watching for a reaction, and there it came. Riju watched as Sidon's eyes went wide and his breath came to a complete halt. Darting her eyes back to the second hooded figure, she deduced him to be a Zora, he had to be given his massive height which was probably on par with Sidon's own impressive six-feet-three. Then came the reveal of what was under his dark brown-hood. Eyes that glowed bright yellow, high-lighting pure black slits just like Sidon's. Unlike the prince's, these eyes held nothing but murderous spite as they found Riju's green orbs.
Sheer impulse took over, her right arm shot out, bolts of emerald lightning snaking along her wrist then bursting from her palm.
To be continued…
Sorry, everyone. I've been on a bit of a cliffhanger binge and I just couldn't help myself. Rest assured, I won't leave things hanging for a month like I did last time. Again, sorry for the long wait in getting this chapter out. Things have changed a great deal since the last chapter and I've had to settle in much like I'm sure everyone else around the world has. Hopefully you all are doing okay, or at least getting by.
The big theme of this chapter was obviously the contrast between the Gerudo and the Zora. While the Gorons make for perhaps a more direct foil to both, I thought the contrast would be interest to dive into. Especially given that in this story, Link and Mipha were engaged, and now fast forward to the present and he's courting yet another royal, the chieftain of the desert-dwelling Gerudo. As alluded to, it's yet another high-bar that Riju feels like she has to live up to, which will be explored in the next chapter, which will also include another showdown with the Yiga. Oh, and some character-spotlight for Sidon, another of my favorites from Breath of the Wild. Also…a boss fight is coming next chapter, another returning monster or something new? I'll let you all ponder which one it'll be. In the meantime, stay safe and healthy, everyone!