Hi everyone, thanks again for your patience. This here might be the very last light-hearted chapter of R1 in Code Prime. After this, things get intense as near the final and epic battle of this story. Though you are in store for some very special surprises in this chapter as well. So much is about to happen, and while I can't say anything of what may happen in the future, I will say that by the time R1 comes to an end, nothing will ever be the same again. With that being said, let's get started.
School Festival Declaration
"Yes, it is true that the invasion of the Chinese Federation, as well as the terrorist activities of the Black Knights and these Autobot beings have disrupted our society. But that is a completely separate issue! The fact remains that you both have been absent from class far too often! I don't care how good your grades or, or that you're Princess Euphemia's knight, if you don't improve, you will repeat this year!"
This was just one of the many rantings both Lelouch and Suzaku had to endure from one of their teachers as they had to take multiple late-night lessons in order to make up for their missed classes. And while they worked, each had their own separate thoughts about the other and the situations surrounding them.
'I had hopped Euphie would pull Lelouch and Nunnally out by now.' Suzaku thought as he cast a concerning glance towards Lelouch. 'But with all the political fallout from that whole mess at Kyushu, I guess she's got a busy schedule. But no matter what, I will protect those two.'
Lelouch, meanwhile cast a glance at Suzaku. 'He and Dreadwing were both willing to work alongside us to stop Sawazaki, meaning not only can Suzaku be saved, perhaps even Dreadwing can become an ally, at least based on what Optimus told me about him. I'll have to tell Suzaku my identity soon though, but first, I have to get Nunnally to the Ark. The school festival is tomorrow, the second it's done; she, Rai, Sayoko, and Bumblebee along with myself will be moving to the Ark indefinitely.'
The Ark
"Support for us has really swelled." Ohgi reported as he, Tamaki, Kallen, and Rai, along with Arcee, Cliffjumper, Bulkhead, Wheeljack, and Ironhide stood in one of the many hallways of the Ark. "Not only is virtually every Eleven in support of us, most of the Britannian sin the Tokyo Settlement are protesting against the current occupation."
"Looks like the Brits are starting to lose control. Serves them right." Tamaki smirked.
"Don't get too cocky." Ironhide stated. "Britannia might step up their game soon, not to mention the Decepticons are still a major wildcard."
"What about the whole idea of getting Britannian royals like Euphemia on our side?" Bulkhead asked. "I mean, we did talk about that sort of thing. Plus, with our goal to make Japan independent, they could help us out with all the political stuff."
"Well given what happened to Lelouch and Nunnally, just because he spoke out against his dad when his mom was killed… I don't think the Emperor's gonna be too happy about one of his other kids directly challenging his authority." Kallen pointed out.
"Kallen's right. We gotta be prepared for the worst-case scenario." Arcee agreed.
"What exactly is the worst-case scenario?" Rai asked. "I mean, we did talk about the Cons and Britannia turning on each other, but I think that can actually help us even more."
"Yeah, if they're too busy fighting each other, it'll make it easier for us to slip in a grenade here and there and mess with them." Wheeljack smirked.
"And what about all the collateral damage that could result from that?" Ironhide questioned.
"That's also something we gotta take into consideration." Cliffjumper seemed to agree. "If and when Britannia and the Decepticons duke it out, there's gonna be a lot of innocent people caught in the crossfire."
Tamaki gave a sigh as he leaned against the wall. "Who would have thought leading a revolution could be so complicated."
"What did you expect?" Arcee asked skeptically. "Just shoot and the whole thing crumbles down? That's not how reality works."
"Yeah well, beats not doing anything at all." Tamaki stated. "If I didn't throw in with you guys, I'd probably be hooked on refrain right now."
That got Ohgi's attention as he instantly thought of the amnesiac Villetta still living at his place. 'Refrain might bring her memory back… but would she help us? She was a Pureblood but still…'
"Ohgi?" Kallen brought him out of his thoughts. "Something on your mind?"
"Eh… yeah. Any of you know where Ratchet is? I need to ask him something." Ohgi responded.
"He's with Optimus, and the rest of the brain-squad in the Ark's laboratory." Cliffjumper answered.
"Thanks." Ohgi was about to walk away.
"Hang on, I can give you a lift." Ironhide said as he transformed, allowing Ohgi to step inside as he drove down the hallway.
Shirley sat on a large Autobot table as she saw Ratchet, Fixit, and Rakshata making final adjustments on the tool they were about to give the Autobot leader that stood waiting patiently. By the time they were done, they stood back to allow the tool to come into view.
It was a long, two-handed, double-bladed axe. The shaft was long, about two thirds in length compared to the size of Optimus himself; while the axe blades on each end were a bright red color, the blades were curved, almost similar in style to a medieval axe.
"And it is finished." Rakshata said with her casual smile. "I must admit, I've never really tried my hand at an axe before. I'd say it came out nicely."
"Optimus, I know this may never replace the one you lost on Cybertron." Ratchet told his friend and leader. "But this axe has been constructed through the same method that Britannia has used for those Master Vibration Swords placed on the Lancelot and other Knightmares, with our own improvements."
"It also has its own power supply of Synthetic Energon." Fixit put in. "Making it much more powerful than anything Britannia can create. And since it's a simple tool and nothing complex like Knightmares, the power supply should not drain too prickly… thickly… quickly!"
"Thank you; Ratchet, Fixit, Rakshata." Optimus said as he picked up his new axe and brandished it. "This will most certainly due."
Shirley couldn't help but look at Optimus with awe. Though she already knew how amazing he was before, seeing him wield something like an axe only made him look even more incredible. Though she did find the idea of him using an axe to be strange as she always pegged him as the type to use a sword, but he still looked incredible all the same.
Soon however, Ironhide's vehicle mode drove into the lab before he came to a stop, allowing Ohgi to step out before the Autobot veteran transformed.
"Ohgi. Ironhide." Shirley greeted as Ratchet helped her down onto the floor. "Look what Ratchet and the others made for Optimus!"
Ohgi looked in awe at the sight of the axe, while Ironhide simply smirked and gave a whistle. "Can't wait to see what that thing can do."
"It looks great…" Ohgi soon got over his awe as he addressed the Autobot medic. "Hey Ratchet, if someone has amnesia… could it be possible that Refrain could help restore their memories?"
That took most of the group by surprise, though Ironhide already had an idea who he was referring to and looked with concern. Rakshata however looked rather intrigued.
"Refrain used as a treatment for amnesia." She mused aloud. "I never really did consider that. Why do you ask?"
"Um… well…" Ohgi tried to find the right way to say it.
"This wouldn't have anything to do with the Pureblood that's staying with you, would it?" Ironhide questioned knowingly.
Ohgi sighed. "Yeah…"
"She still doesn't remember anything?" Shirley asked, though at the same time, she was also a bit concerned about that woman's memories being restored as she did almost get Lelouch killed.
"Not yet, no." Ohgi confirmed.
"Why would you want her memories restored?" Ratchet questioned. "I understand there are some Britannians willing to work with us, but she is a Pureblood, and their records seem to indicate they support all the racial and radical steps Britannia has taken over the years of their supremacy."
"Maybe… but, that doesn't mean she'd be loyal to the Decepticons." Ohgi began. "You guys all talked about how they and Britannia are gonna fight each other soon. Not to mention, we actually have a Britannian prince leading us, albeit exiled, but still. And we have talked about getting Euphemia's support."
"Lelouch also did say he was bringing Nunnally to the Ark tomorrow." Shirley put in.
"Yeah, that's three Britannian royals on our side." Ohgi continued. "There really isn't much she can do right now the way she is. But, if she regains her memories as a soldier, maybe… she could become an ally."
"I have gone through Villetta Nu's combat records." Fixit said. "She's a skilled soldier and Knightmare pilot, though not on the same league as Kallen or Rai, she was good enough to be appointed as knight of Britannia. Though I can't tell as to whether or not that's a testament to her skill, or her support on Britannia's supremacist views."
"All are valid arguments." Optimus said. "But Ohgi, even if we could consider this woman to be a potential ally, I would advise against the use of Refrain to restore her memories. Our tests have shown the drug to be unstable and addictive. It could cause more damage to her psyche. I am afraid that such a risk would be too great."
"Yeah… I had a feeling. Just wanted to run it by you guys." Ohgi said.
"But if she did regain her memories, could she join us?" Shirley asked, more so out of curiosity. If Villetta did join them, Shirley could be supportive, if the woman would be willing to change; but if not, she wasn't really someone she'd lose sleep over given what she tried to pull at Port Yokosuka, not to mention the mess in Shinjuku.
"Personally, I doubt it." Ratchet said. "She is a Pureblood, and even if we have those of the royal family on our side, they could be considered enemies of the Emperor and they seem to be the most loyal to him."
"That's true." Ironhide seemed to agree. "Kinda like what's going on with Suzaku; if she's willing to change and accept responsibility for all she did, then great. If not, then she'll just be another enemy."
"Alright. I understand." Ohgi said with some reluctance in his voice. Though he did trust Optimus and the others' judgement, there was a small part of him that was hopping she would join them if her memories were restored.
The Next Morning – Ashford Academy
Fireworks and confetti cannons were fired into the air as the School Festival was only seconds away from opening.
"Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for waiting!" Milly announced from the control booth, her voice echoing through the entire campus. "The Ashford Academy School Festival, which is the most open event in the Tokyo Settlement, is about to start! It will begin at the sound of this voice!"
"MEOW!" Nunnally's cat impression was heard through the speakers, signaling the start of the Festival. Already it was in an uproar.
It had everything from food booths, costumes, art-stands, they even gave out pictures of the Autobots; be it either drawings from the Art Club, or blurry photos taken to add a mystery element to it. One would think such a thing was controversial, but given that two Autobots saved the entire campus from a terrorist, it was little wonder the students at the school endeared them so, not to mention theirs, as well as the Black Knights' and Knights of the Round, battle against the Chinese Federation in Kyushu was broadcasted across the country; it was rather easy to see why nearly everyone in Ashford Academy viewed them as heroes.
"Looks like the party's getting started." Cliffjumper said as he, Arcee, and Bumblebee were parked in their vehicle modes in the closed storage garage. Given the absence of the Ganymede, it made it easier to store the three disguised Autobots inside. Even though it was closed shut, all three of them could hear the festivities outside. "Sucks that we gotta stay in here."
"You wanna cause an uproar? Maybe start a battlefield here?" Arcee asked her partner. "You know what would happen if the Cons found us!"
"[Not to mention three Knights of the Round are still here, along with Suzaku.]" Bumblebee pointed out.
"I know, I know, but we're celebrities." Cliffjumper replied. "It would be nice to get cheers thrown our way instead of explosives."
"We're just gonna have to deal." Arcee commented with a sigh. "Why do I have a feeling this festival's gonna be a long one?"
At the same time, Lelouch stood on the roof of the building, overlooking the festival as he was on the phone with Diethard discussing matters regarding their next move.
"That's what I thought." Lelouch said. "So even Sawazaki and the others turned out to be useful. We've covered all the tasks at hand."
"Yes, we gathered all the sector data on the emergency counter-measures they left behind." Diethard reported.
However, Lelouch observed a news crew arrive on campus. 'The press?' He ducked his head so they would not see him as he continued to listen to Diethard's report.
"Also, thanks to the information you procured from Cornelia some time ago, we've not only identified the solar panels and energy storage sights, but even a large number of critical targets that we can hit all at once if the enemy forces are spread thin enough."
"And what are the others up to?" Lelouch asked.
"Optimus is working with Tohdoh and Katase on how we can hit those crucial targets I mentioned." Diethard replied. "Wheeljack and Ironhide are working with Kyoto on supplying our Knightmare forces with those high-heat magnesium rounds you recommended; Bulkhead is helping with the transportation of recently discovered Energon deposits as well other supplies; Ratchet, Fixit, and Rakshata are working with the rest of the science division on last minute modifications to the Gawain as well as how we can use the Immobilizer and Polarity Gauntlet."
"Anything in regard to the Synthetic Energon?" Lelouch asked.
"Nothing of substantial to note." Diethard answered. "According to Ratchet, the formula still remains incomplete."
"Understood." Lelouch nodded.
"Oh, and I know we're late in reporting this to you, but with the operation of the Zero Squad…"
"There's trouble!" The former prince turned around in surprise to see Milly running toward him, having just arrived on the roof. "There's huge, huge trouble!"
"I gotta go." He quickly hung up.
"What are you doing goofing off like that?" Milly questioned as she pulled Lelouch through the festival attractions. "You're the festival chairman!"
"But everything is running fine. There's no problem." Lelouch told her. "Besides, you're taking charge of that part, right?" Lelouch asked, referring to the massive pizza oven that was built recently on the school's grounds. "It was two meters wide up till last year, and suddenly you declared we had to have a twelve-meter pizza?!"
"Uh-huh." Milly nodded. "Isn't it great? It's gonna be the largest one of its kind in the world!"
"Just the oven and ingredients are causing an uproar." Lelouch said. "And now there's a TV crew running around campus? You know we can't show our faces."
"We got three Knights of the Round attending, not to mention Suzaku's in charge of making the pizza… so of course there's gonna be TV crew." Milly replied. "You can run things from the control booth. Okay? President's orders."
"Alright, stop right there!" Rivalz told Gino, who was at the forklift, dropping off a box of supplies at the oven.
"Rivalz! We're all set on this end!" Nina reported as she and Anya came up.
"Wow, someone's in a sunny mood." Rivalz took note of his classmate's cheery demeanor. "Something good happen?"
"Yeah, you could say that." Nina smiled while Anya continued to work on her phone.
"Looks like we got everything we need." Monica said as she and Shirley looked over a clipboard. "Geeze, a twelve-meter pizza? Does Milly always go overboard like this?"
"You have no idea." Shirley rolled her eyes with a playful grin. 'You know, if we have any leftovers, maybe we could take some for the Autobots, I mean this is big enough even for them. Oh wait… that's right, they don't eat the food the way we do. It could still be nice, though.'
Meanwhile, elsewhere in the Settlement, Ohgi walked through the streets with the amnesiac Villetta, who was currently wearing a casual dress and jacket with a sunhat.
"I figured some fresh air could probably do you some good, Chigusa." Ohgi said, referring the woman by the name he gave her. "I don't know if it'll help with your memories, but it beats staying in my apartment twenty-four-seven."
"I do appreciate it." Chigusa smiled. "And I mean it, thanks so much for everything."
Ohgi smiled somewhat nervously. "Well, I didn't really do all that much."
"You may as well have saved my life bringing me into your home. So, let me thank you, Ohgi." She maintained her innocent smile.
"Well, in that case, your welcome." Ohgi smiled back. Despite his smile however, his thoughts were somewhat conflicted. 'What am I even doing? If does bring her memory back, it's like what Optimus and the others said, we have no guarantee she could become an ally. Not to mention she's seen Zero's face, that could put everyone in jeopardy. I… I can't just kill her…'
The pair happened to pass by the gate to Ashford Academy, and Ohgi couldn't help but stop. "Here we are…"
"Is something wrong?" Chigusa asked him.
"Eh… No, I used to be a schoolteacher, so I was feeling a little nostalgic." Ohgi said as he had a reminiscent smile.
"Why did you stop teaching?" Chigusa asked.
"Well… with the occupation, me and all other Elevens were stripped of our old jobs and everything…" Ohgi answered. "And, my best friend since we were little kids… passed away shortly after. But you could say that me, and several other good friends of mine, are kinda helping to fulfil his last wish."
Chigusa looked toward him with sympathy, as despite her innocent exterior, she was able to find the residual sadness in his voice, telling her that he still clearly misses his friend and feels the pain. But, when she looked at the school and saw there was a festival going on, an idea came to her that might cheer him up.
She grabbed his arm with an eager smile. "Let's go in!"
That took him by surprise. "No! I can't go into a Britannian school! I'm an Eleven!"
Suddenly, multiple students, including Gino, all came outside to greet the pair. "Ah who cares about that stuff?" He said as he casually put his arm around Ohgi in a friendly manner. "It's a festival, so let's go have some fun!" The students quickly pulled the pair inside the campus grounds to enjoy the festival.
However, not long after they went inside, the vehicle modes of Knock Out and Breakdown came to a stop just outside the main entrance.
"You gotta give the humans credit, they know how to have a good time." Knock Out commented as he and his partner remained in their disguises.
"Why are we here again?" Breakdown asked. "This place seems too noisy for my taste."
"This coming from a lug who likes to smash stuff." Knock Out joked. "But, Megatron told us to keep an eye on Kururugi and see what he's been up to."
"Can't he just ask Soundwave to do that? I mean it is his job." Breakdown stated.
"I asked that too, but apparently Soundwave is helping the boss out with something else, so we're stuck here." Knock Out commented as he looked inside the school to see their activities, including pictures being drawn by the art club. "But those kids better not get any funny ideas about drawing on me."
Meanwhile, inside the school's kitchen, Suzaku was quickly working on cutting up the last of the ingredients needed for the massive pizza. He heard the door open from behind, but he didn't need to turn around to see who it was.
"That's a relief." Suzaku said, much to the surprise of Rai and Kallen, the former holding onto the latter's arm as she held onto a concealed knife in her pocket. "I thought you two were never going to come back to school."
"It's on purpose?" Kallen asked, as she and Rai looked in surprise. "Why didn't you tell Megatron? Or Cornelia about us?"
Suzaku sighed as he turned around to face them. "Maybe because you two were right. Megaron… wasn't the leader I thought he was."
"Finally figured that out, huh?" Rai questioned in minor sarcasm. "Better late than never, I guess."
"You know, you never did tell me why you joined the Black Knights, Rai." Suzaku told him. "I already heard from Kallen her reason for fighting with the Autobots, but not you."
Rai gave a sigh of his own. "To be honest Suzaku… I'm not sure you'd understand even if I did tell you." That caused Suzaku to look in confusion. "But why I didn't tell you before… when I found out you were working with the Decepticons, along with what happened to your father… and yes, I know about him, it made me worried what you would do… to our friends, even those not in the Black Knights."
That took Suzaku by surprise. "Do… do you really think I would actually try to hurt our friends?"
"Well, you teaming up with Airachnid that one time didn't help." Kallen stated, causing Suzaku to wince.
"I really don't know Suzaku." Rai said. "I don't know what you'd do…. And that scares me. I want to believe there's good in yo, I really do. But so long as you're with the Decepticons, I'm not sure if I can ever trust you."
Suzaku looked hurt by that statement. "You… don't trust me?"
"No… I'm sorry but… I can't." Rai said. "At least, not until I hear you say that you were wrong. You may have just said you might have been wrong in trusting Megatron, but I need… we need to hear the rest of it." Rai said, referring to himself and Kallen. "You were wrong about what you did to your father, you were wrong about using the military as an excuse to wipe blood off your hands… you were wrong to try and abandon us."
"I would never abandon…" Suzaku tried to say.
"Oh please." Kallen rolled her eyes. "You said you joined the military to try and change Britannia, but you can't change anything if your dead! You think you'd make yourself a martyr if you died?! You're an Eleven in their eyes, they won't care! You'd abandon all your so-called friends just to 'redeem' yourself. That's not redemption Suzaku, it's just you being a coward."
Suzaku wasn't all that surprised to hear Kallen say that. "Maybe… you're right." That took both Kallen and Rai by surprise. "I can't change the system if I'm dead. Maybe I couldn't change it myself to begin with. But, there are those that can, and those that want Britannia to change. Euphemia even told me she wants Britannia to change. In fact, she said she'd willingly work with you, and the Autobots to do it."
Kallen and Rai looked towards each other; though given what they heard from Lelouch about Euphemia; it wasn't that surprising to learn that she'd actually want to help them. But to actually hear it, it almost felt shocking to them.
"Maybe I was wrong about trusting Megatron." Suzaku admitted. "But I wasn't wrong about Britannia having the ability to change. So, when you two can, please tell Zero and Optimus that Princess Euphemia wants to work with them."
Before either Kallen or Rai could respond however, the door opened once more and Lelouch walked into the kitchen.
"There you guys are, I was looking for you." Lelouch said.
"Oh, Lelouch." Rai acknowledged as Suzaku walked towards them.
"Guys, what we were talking about has nothing to do with school, okay?" Suzaku gave them a subtle hint.
"Yeah, we get it." Kallen glared slightly in his direction.
Though Lelouch had a good idea what they were probably talking about in here, now was not the time to get into any of that. "Rai, Shirley says she needs your help with something."
"Alright, no problem." Rai nodded as Lelouch turned to the redhead.
"Kallen, if you don't mind either, could you check in with your class?" He asked her. "They seem to be a bit short-handed."
"Sure, I don't mind."
"I DO MIND!" Kallen gave a fake-monster roar as she popped out of the ground in her class' fake graveyard, wearing a cheesy monster outfit. Her surprise managed to scare a couple students who ran away screaming.
"This thing actually scares them?" Kallen questioned before getting angry. "Oh, I'm gonna get Lelouch for this! He should have told me I had to be part of the horror house. Just because he's Zero, doesn't mean he can make me do this kind of crap!" She lowered herself back into her spot. "I swear, if he tells Cliffjumper or Arcee about this, I'm gonna kick his ass." She looked on the built-in radar screen to see two people approaching.
"Oh great, here comes another couple. Probably Gino with some random girl." Kallen scowled, sweating up a storm. "Why couldn't they make this whole thing mechanical!? They got this damn screen! It's sweltering inside of here, it's like those early Glasgows! Come on, move your ass! Hurry!" She popped up to scare the couple. "MOVE YOUR ASS!"
However, she did not expect to see Ohgi, as well as Chigusa, there. The later hiding behind the former in a startle, who appeared to be startled himself. "Ohgi…?!"
Ohgi himself looked in surprise to see Kallen. "You're back safe…"
"Fortunately, yes."
Rai walked outside, slightly away from all the attractions, looking for Shirley, but he was quick to spot her hiding behind a tree near the entrance. "Shirley." He called to her as he tried to get close, but before he could say anything else…
"Sssh!" She put a finger in front of her mouth, motioning to be quiet as she spoke in a whisper. "Look out the entrance." Rai looked a bit confused as he looked in the direction she was looking at, spotting two familiar vehicle modes just outside the main gate. "Aren't those two, Decepticons?"
"Yeah, Knock Out and Breakdown." Rai pulled Shirley away so that they could speak without either of the Cons catching on. "Kallen and I already spotted them earlier, we called Optimus and told Lelouch as soon as we did. It doesn't look like they're causing trouble, probably here to keep an eye on Suzaku and/or Gino and the others. But Bumblebee, Arcee, and Cliffjumper are still on stand-by just in case."
Shirley gave a sigh of relief. "That's good. Last thing I want is for those two to mess with all this. We put so much hard work into the festival. I know it's not as important as what we do with the Autobots but still…"
"I get, and I think we're fine." Rai assured. "The Decepticons are evil, but I don't think they're gonna blow they're cover just to ruin a school festival, especially with a news crew here." He smirked. "But, seeing how close they are to the pizza over, I wouldn't mind some extra sauce spilling over and ruining Knock Out's paintjob."
Shirley giggled at the thought of that. "It's good to see you smile, Rai." She told him sincerely. "I know it hasn't been easy with… well… your memories and…"
Rai's smile faded slightly. "I get it. And, to be frank… I'm not sure if I'm ever gonna get over any of that. I know it's not all my fault… but… sometimes I can still see them."
Shirley looked in sympathy as she put a hand on his shoulder. "Rai… " She tried to say something comforting, but he wasn't quite done yet.
"But that makes me all the more determined, to protect what I have now." Rai said with a serious face. "I've got so many more friends, I got my partner Bulkhead, and the other Wreckers in the Black Knights, I got Lelouch, even Nunnally… and I got you." He looked toward Shirley with a smile. "Shirley, no matter what, I will protect you. You can count on that."
Shirley looked into his eyes and saw how dead serious he was. However, they both realized just how close their faces were to each other, causing each of their cheeks to turn red before they both looked away with blushes on their face.
"Thanks Rai…" Shirley rubbed the back of her neck.
"Yeah… no problem…" Rai was just as flustered as she was. However, as he looked the other way, he saw a familiar green-haired girl in an Ashford School uniform walking through the festival. "Uh oh…"
"What…? What is…?" Shirley turned around to see the individual in question that Rai had also seen. "Oh scrap."
Meanwhile, Cecile Croomy, who was also attending the festival along with a trio of Camelot agents, was at a whack-a-mole game where students would poke their heads out for the person to try and bop with a toy hammer. However, she was more focused on the blonde-haired one with glasses in the middle.
"School festivals are such fun! I feel so free!" Cecile actually laughed as she continued to bonk the blonde guy in the middle, completely ignoring the others.
"The one she keeps whacking; doesn't he look like Lloyd?" One agent asked his co-worker in a whisper.
"No great wonder." The other one replied. "Working under that guy must really drive her out of her mind."
At the same time, Lelouch sat on a bench, while also on the phone, speaking with several other clubs and students that were working with the festival.
"Right, the pizza's starting later." He said before hanging up with a sigh. 'Definitely don't have time to be doing this.' The phone rang yet again, and he was quick to answer. "Yes? Oh, the drama club? I've spoken to the film club about it." He hung up yet again. 'How can I plan my reveolution…!?'
Suddenly, a toy hammer had bonked him on the head. "I'm sorry!" Cecile ran up to him as she caught the hammer that flew back to her. "The handle just broke in two!"
Lelouch recognized her as a soldier Suzaku worked with. 'First two Decepticons are here, now a soldier? At a school festival?' He thought in a mix of sarcasm and minor disgust. 'How peaceful the world is.'
"Say… aren't you Suzaku's friend?" Cecile asked, recognizing Lelouch as well. However, before he could answer, someone else had got his attention from behind.
"Hey you, boy. Where am I supposed to go to eat the biggest pizza in the world?" Lelouch turned around to face C.C., who was currently clad in an Ashford school uniform.
"Hey, Cera, Lelouch!" Rai quickly came in from behind C.C., putting a hand on her shoulder, with Shirley right behind him. "Can we talk to you guys? You know, in private!" He gave a subtle glare at the immortal girl before pulling her away.
Meanwhile; at the Tokyo Settlement's Royal Palace, Cornelia was having a discussion with Schneizel, Dreadwing, Starscream, as well as Nonette, Darlton, and Guilford.
"Thank you again for your assistance in the Kyushu-affair, Dreadwing. It was much appreciated." Schneizel told the seeker.
"I only sought to aid Suzaku, nothing more." Dreadwing responded, though it wasn't clear on his face, Dreadwing did not trust Schneizel in the slightest. It was easy for him to figure out that he had likely used Suzaku and the Knights of the Round as a distraction in that last battle. Even though he was Euphemia's brother, there was something about Schneizel that put Dreadwing on edge.
Starscream rolled his eyes. "Your affiliation with that waste of space continues to grate on my nerves, Dreadwing."
"To whom, are you referring to Starscream?" Nonette glared at the Decepticon commander along with Dreadwing. "Suzaku or Princess Euphemia?"
"Well, I was speaking of Kururugi, but you could consider the same for Euphemia as well." Starscream stated, resulting in glares from virtually everyone, especially Cornelia. "Oh, don't give me that, it's the truth. Cornelia here is a warrior, albeit a lesser one compared to the likes of myself and my soldiers, but she is still capable of putting up something of a fight." Cornelia's fists clenched at that, while Guilford and Darlton simply glared. "And Schneizel here has proven to be a sound strategist, perhaps the best this Empire has to offer, which isn't saying much considering all the squabbling it has been doing. But Euphemia is neither. She can't fight, nor can she come up with even a half-way decent strategy. Honestly, it's a wonder 'Daddy-Dearest' hasn't thrown her away like he did with those two other weaklings, Lelouch and Nunnally."
"You listen to me, Starscream!" Cornelia exclaimed, having enough of this. "What goes on with my family is none of your concern!"
"When your petty in-fighting and posturing interferes with the elimination of our enemies, it most certainly is my concern!" Starscream replied.
"Speaking of posturing, would you care to explain your actions at the prison-block recently?" Darlton questioned.
"You and your fellow Decepticons choose to reveal yourselves on national television." Guilford stated as well. "Because of that, protests have erupted all across the area."
"Protests have been present since the Black Knights and Autobots made their debut months ago!" Starscream replied. "If you are incapable of managing your own people, it's no wonder our enemies thwart you at every turn."
"How dare you…!" Cornelia was ready to shout, but Schneizel quickly stepped in.
"That's quite enough." The prince spoke in a calm and rational tone. "Commander Starscream, I can understand why you must feel so frustrated with our side. It's the unfortunate nature of our family and government I'm afraid. Because Britannia has been divided for many years, even among the royal family, it's been incredibly difficult for us to yield any promising results." He then turned to his sister and her knights when it looked like they were about to protest. "Which is why I feel we should gather all those we can trust so that we can act accordingly without dealing with the in-fighting from those we cannot trust."
"Do you happen to know anyone who falls under that category, your majesty?" Nonette asked. "Because certain events, such as Shikinie Island, have shown that you haven't really communicated with us in that regard."
"I agree." Dreadwing also spoke. "In order to establish trust, you must first acquire proper communication in order for an operation to run smoothly."
"And I agree most assuredly." Schneizel assured. "I apologize for my actions if they felt you were unable to trust me. I make no excuse"
Nonette and Dreadwing each shared somewhat questionable expressions before the Knight of Nine spoke. "Well, maybe you can…"
However, before anything else could be said, a projectile was quickly thrown in her direction. Nonette was quick to catch it to reveal it to be a fancy black and red dagger. Most of the group looked in surprise, but Nonette's eyes narrowed as she knew exactly who this dagger belonged to.
"What do people value most?" All eyes turned to a man who had walked onto the scene. He had purple eyes; auburn hair worn in a mullet-like style. He wore a white uniform with an orange robe around his person. "Answer: their own lives."
"Luciano Bradley." Nonette glared, along with Cornelia.
'What is he doing here?' Cornelia glared at the man in question while her Knights looked more than a little shocked.
"Who is this?" Starscream questioned.
"Oh, pardon me, where are my manners?" The man made a mocking bow. "I am Sir Luciano Bradley, the Knight of Ten, otherwise known as the 'Homicide Genius' and even the 'Vampire of Britannia'."
"Another Knight of the Round?" Dreadwing mused, as he instantly did not like this man. Just one look in his eyes was enough for Dreadwing's stomach, or the Cybertronian equivalent of it, to turn.
"So, you two are some of the big bad Decepticons, eh?" Luciano spoke casually. "Tell me, does your kind bleed?"
"You'd better watch your tone." Starscream advised, stepping closer to the man. "Knight of the Round or not, you are merely a human. And I've been dealing with more than enough of those."
"Don't lump us in with those Elevens or anyone else like that!" A woman arrived right behind Bradley. She had dark skin, black hair tied back in a bradded ponytail, with green eyes. She also wore a white suit with a dark blue robe over it. "We're a breed above the rest!"
"Dorothea Ernst?" Guilford looked in surprise.
"The Knight of Four…" Darlton seemed just as shocked as his comrade.
"I see you've arrived as well, Lady Ernst." Nonette greeted coldly.
"Indeed. And I must ask, aren't you ashamed?" Dorothea spoke to Nonette directly. "You're a Knight of the Round, yet you've not scored one single victory against your enemies. If it were up to me, I'd have you stripped of your rank for failure."
"Perhaps you underestimate them." Nonette glared. "As usual your ego second to only this bloodthirsty maniac." She gestured to Bradley.
Bradley only smiled even more sadistically. "Oh… you wanna try saying that to my face little Knight of Nine?"
However, Dreadwing promptly stepped in front to block both Bradley and Doretha from advancing any further. "You should treat your colleague with more respect."
"Is that some sort of threat, Decepticon?" Dorothea glared.
"Maybe it is." Bradley only looked more intrigued. "How's about we fetch our Knightmares and test our upgrades on him."
"That is enough! Cease this squabbling!" A tall man, perhaps the most imposing human present had revealed himself. He wore a white suit with a white robe over it. He had lightly tanned skin with dark blue hair, but what stood out the most, was that his left eye appeared to be sewn shut. Though Dreadwing and Starscream didn't recognize this human; virtually all the other humans present did as they could only look in surprise.
"Bismarck Waldstein… the Knight of One…" Cornelia stuttered. "Why… why are you here…?"
"A foolish question, Viceroy Cornelia." The leader and strongest of the Knights of the Round spoke. "The activity of the Black Knights and the Autobots have reached virtually all corners of the globe. It is not just Area 11, but virtually all Britannian occupied areas. If this situation is not quelled quickly enough, the result could be catastrophic for our empire."
"Sir Waldstein, Sir Bradley, and Lady Ernst; them alongside with Lady Enneagram, Sir Weinberg, Lady Alstreim, and Lady Krushevsky…" Guilford began to list as though he was feeling overwhelmed.
"All seven Knights of the Round are together in Area 11!" Darlton finished. It was understandable that they were surprised; for all the Knights of Round to come together for a single operation was so rare, it was almost unheard of.
"Welcome, all of you." Schneizel greeted the three newly arrived Knights professionally. "I'm sure your help will be greatly appreciated."
"Well considering we pulled in my Valkyrie Squadron as well, not to mention all the other hundreds of units we brought in from other Britannian areas, I would certainly hope so." Luciano said causally.
"You pulled in soldiers from other areas for this?" Cornelia questioned in surprise.
"Of course." Dorothea said as though it were obvious. "As Bismarck said, this isn't just about Area 11, it's about the grip our empire has in all our territories. We need to set an example, to show the world that not even Zero or these foolish Autobots will stand in our way."
"My father sent you?" Cornelia asked.
"Indeed." Bismarck confirmed.
Starscream gave something of an amused scoff. "Finally, that human actually does something useful."
"Oooh, takes a lot of nerve to insult the Emperor in front of four of his best pilots." Luciano said, brandishing more of his knives. "Perhaps you'd like to say that again."
"It seems you do not know who I am. I am Commander Starscream, second in command of the Decepticons! Humble servant to Lord Megatron!" The seeker announced dramatically.
"And where is your leader?" Dorothea questioned.
"Occupied, I am afraid." Dreadwing answered.
"Well, I trust you'll be able to handle this situation to the best of your abilities." Schneizel told the Knights. "I must be off. Commander Starscream, there is something I would like to discuss with you."
"Very well." Starscream walked off to follow the prince, leaving Cornelia and her Knights, as well as Nonette to address Bismarck, Bradley and Doretha. As they did, Dreadwing cast a suspicious glance towards Starscream and Schneizel as they walked off.
'What are those two planning?'
Bismarck Waldstein kneeled in the throne room in front of Charles Zi Britannia, as they were the only two occupants in these large chambers.
"You are sending the remaining Knights of the Round, as well as other Areas' military forces?" Bismarck asked his Emperor.
"You disapprove, Knight of One?" Charles questioned.
"No, it just seems rather overkill." Bismarck commented. "I understand how much of a threat the Autobots and Black Knights are, but…."
"This will convince Megatron that I am taking this matter seriously, in order to keep his attention focused on Japan." Charles explained. "I've already given orders to Doretha to bring Kaizaren to me, as well as Marianne to capture C.C."
"If I may, your highness, perhaps it was a mistake to send Nonette for the acquisition of Kaizaren." Bismarck said.
"Perhaps." Charles replied. "I had hoped that her loyalty him would diminish these past seven years, but it seems I was mistaken. So that job now falls to Dorothea, whom not even Nonette can best in battle; she is the Knight of Four of a reason."
"I understand." Bismarck said, still bowing.
"And as well, I have a special assignment for you, Bismarck." Charles told him.
"You want me to capture Zero, I mean Lelouch, for you?" The Knight of One asked.
"Yes, but that is only part of it." Charles began. "Your first priority, before you bring Lelouch to me, is to terminate Optimus Prime." Bismarck looked toward Charles in surprise as the Emperor continued. "It seems Prime's influence has spread to Lelouch, making that boy forget his roots. It's time to remind him who he truly belongs to. Kill that machine that has stolen my son for me, then bring Lelouch to me. It's time to remind that boy that I am his father, not Prime."
End Flashback
A Groundbridge portal opened up in what appeared to be a stripped mine; while in actuality, this was the same spot where Megatron had found his deposit of Dark Energon, which had been converted into an off-sight laboratory for Shockwave. Megatron himself stepped out of the portal, followed by Soundwave, and right behind him was V.V., who was being escorted by the Mini-Con Frenzy to make sure he didn't try anything.
The laboratory seemed rather basic, with a few consoles and machines built into the walls, which was to be an expected for a lab that was only recently constructed. The only occupants there besides Shockwave himself were a pair of Vehicon guards, and a group of human scientists from Code R, one of which was Joseph Fenette.
Among the devices in the laboratory that V.V. observed were two tanks filled with a special kind of fluid. Inside one of the tanks contained Jeremiah Gottwald, who had already been outfitted with a number of Cybertronian implants for cybernetic prosthetics. In the other, contained the mutilated body of Mao. Most of his body had already been dissected and drained, the only real parts of him that remained was his head, attached to his nervous system that had been removed from the rest of his body; wires connecting directly into his brain and central nervous stem.
Shockwave, who continued to work at his console at the end of the laboratory noticed his leader's presence. "Lord Megatron."
"Shockwave, I see you've been keeping busy." Megatron acknowledged.
"Indeed." Shockwave nodded in confirmation. "The data we've extracted from V.V. has helped to fill in many gaps into my study of the Geass element. That, along with my study of the subject named Mao, has helped me to extract the energy itself directly from Mao's organic cerebral system." Shockwave then led Megatron to a table that contained three vials of a red liquid. "From there, I have been able to concentrate the energy into a liquid form, making it easier to study."
"Very impressive, my most prized engineer." Megatron approved.
"However, this is the among most I've been able to accomplish." Shockwave explained. "Breaking down the Geass energy into its most basic elements has proven to be difficult, taken into account the fact that the elements that comprise the energy are unlike anything I've seen so far. Simply put, I have no idea what makes up this power."
"Understandable." Megatron seemed to get it. "If not even Victor and his dear brother, who spent decades studying this in secret, could understand it's origin; it only makes sense you would have some form of trouble as well." Megatron cast a glare in V.V.'s direction.
"He's talking about you." Frenzy snickered to the immortal boy.
"Yes, I heard him." V.V. said in a low growl.
"However, the knowledge we extracted from V.V. has shown that these Thought Elevators could be the key to understanding its origin." Shockwave began as he brought up several images of multiple Thought Elevators on the screen above them. "However, the one in Area 11 has been destroyed by Optimus Prime; and the remaining seven are located in sights directly under Britannian control, excluding the one in the Antarctic." Locations for each of the remaining Thought Elevators were pinpointed in seven specific locations on the screen.
"We can work with that later." Megatron dismissed. "How goes the process of trying to weaponize Geass?"
"One direction has yielded promising results, the other has not." Shockwave answered.
"Please explain." Megatron requested.
Shockwave turned to the cybernetic Jeremiah in the tank that the Code R scientists were researching. "This Britannian soldier has been outfitted with cybernetic enhancements, and through the extraction of the Geass energy from Mao, I am likely able to find a way to create an artificial Geass that can be implemented directly within the soldier's brain; once he has been completely rendered to our control. However, this can only be done with organic specimens."
"Why not Cybertronian?" Megatron questioned.
Shockwave then typed more on the console in front of him as the screen projected two images; one was a strand of organic DNA, the other was a strand of Cyber Nucleic Acid, also called CNA. "As you are already aware, Lord Megatron, human and Cybertronian biology differ on even a microscopic level. The power that is transferred from the one who bares the Code ability travels from the organic brain of said immortal into another's mind in the form of an energy. This energy travels along human electrons within their nervous system directly into the organic brain. This energy only seems to be compatible with organic matter. So, while it may be possible for an organic's Geass ability to affect Cybertronians, provided the ability is strong enough, it cannot be directly transferred into another. The energy itself must be altered on an atomic level to even create the possibility of such a transfer."
"I see." Megatron said with small sigh.
"You know…" V.V. spoke nervously. "We could try… forming a contract. If we can do that… then you can possess a Geass ability yourself, Lord Megatron. It wouldn't hurt."
"And establish a connection with you that you can take advantage over? I think not." Megatron said, glaring at the immortal boy. "You will only establish a contract if I say so."
Frenzy laughed mockingly at V.V. "Rejected!"
Megatron looked rather disappointed. So perhaps they could find a way to weaponize Geass, but only after modifying humans to serve their purpose. True, this Geass Order V.V. has been in charge of has plenty of potential candidates to experiment on, he had hoped he'd be able to use it himself. But he wasn't foolish enough to try and form a contract with V.V. that would put him on the immortal boy's strings. However, what Shockwave said also caught his attention, about the energy needing to be altered; though Megatron did not possess the ability to alter specifically, he had the means to… corrupt it.
"Shockwave, where is the supply of Dark Energon?" Megatron asked.
"This way, Lord Megatron." Shockwave led his leader, with Soundwave, V.V., and Frenzy following right behind. The cyclopean scientist lead Megatron to large container filled with a massive cluster of the crystalized Blood of Unicron. One look from this dark substance was enough to even make V.V. shudder. He could practically feel something alive inside these crystals this just staring down at him.
"Shockwave, the Geass extraction?" Megatron held his hand open, telling Shockwave to provide him with the substance, which is what Shockwave did as he handed Megatron a vial of the liquidized Geass energy.
"Lord Megatron, if I may, what exactly are you intending to do?" Shockwave queried as even Soundwave was looking with curiosity and concern.
"Call it, an experiment." Megatron answered as he suddenly reached into the container to pull out a shard of the Dark Energon before jamming it into the vial. The second the purple crystal made contact with the red liquid, purple bolts surged throughout the vial before the entire liquid sample was absorbed directly into the shard like water into a sponge.
"Wait… Lord Megatron… what are you…?" Even Frenzy was caught off-guard, but nobody would be prepared for what Megatron did next.
The Decepticon leader jammed the shard directly into his spark chamber. The second it made contact, the Dark Energon was absorbed directly into Megatron's body as his inner workings began to glow with the same purple color, which flowed directly into his optics before they changed from red to purple. Though Megatron has been shown to control and manipulate Dark Energon in his own body before, this was different.
A vision struck Megatron's eyes as he appeared to be falling into a bottomless void, a dark and glowing purple void with bolts of black matter streaking along the sides. Megatron was then bombarded with stilled images ranging from an ancient society of humans, to images of C.C. and V.V., and even other individuals such as Lelouch, Rai, Mao, Charles, and other humans he did not recognize. He even saw a vision of what appeared to be Earth and Cybertron coming close together before he was suddenly pulled out of his dark visions.
Megatron fell on his hands and knees, much to the surprise of every human and Decepticon present, including all the Code R scientists that had been working, as well as the Vehicon soldiers.
"Lord Megatron!" One Vehicon ran to his master and tried to help him up. Megatron instinctively glanced at the soldier, his optics still purple, but what stuck out the most was a dark purple Geass emblem in both his optics surging brightly. The second Megatron made eye-contact with the Vehicon helping him, the Vehicon backed away, screaming in absolute terror.
Everyone, even Shockwave, Soundwave, and V.V. looked in complete and total shock. "What's going on?" Frenzy asked as they saw the Vehicon screaming, as though he had seen something truly terrifying. After a few more seconds of intense screaming, the Vehicon fell to the ground.
Soundwave scanned the Vehicon for any sort of injuries, only to find that his spark had been extinguished. "Termination?" Shockwave saw Soundwave's readings, in which the silent Decepticon nodded in confirmation.
"He's… dead? But… how?" Frenzy questioned.
Soundwave displayed the life-signs of the Vehicon he recorded before the soldier died, allowing Shockwave to decipher them. "A sudden increase in stress which led directly to his spark overloading, to the point where it became unstable and put itself out."
"He… He was afraid…?" Frenzy asked, wanting to make sure. "Sort of like humans with heart attacks? But Cybertronians can't go through that!"
"My assumption, is that this Vehicon trooper was suddenly given a hallucination that manifested in the form of his worst fears, likely coupled with energy from Dark Energon that fed directly into his spark, extinguishing it." Shockwave theorized.
Megatron had stood up fully on his feet, shaking the cobwebs from his head as his optics turned from purple back to their natural red. He heard everything Shockwave said about his newfound ability as an idea came to mind.
"Victor!" The immortal boy turned to Megatron as his optics turned purple and the dark Geass emblem manifested in them once again. "Look at me!"
The second the Geass sigil flew from Megatron's eyes and into V.V's, the immortal screamed in terror, bombarded with visions that only he could see. Soundwave and Shockwave observed emotionlessly, while the Code R researchers and even Frenzy looked more than a little freaked. After a minute or two of increased screaming, V.V. stopped before he fell to the ground, flat on his back.
Like with the Vehicon, Soundwave scanned V.V., only to find his vitals have flatlines as well. "Termination." Shockwave reported.
"At least for now." Megatron said, knowing the boy would likely resurrect himself at any moment before he chuckled evilly. "Who would have thought, that this Geass power and the Blood of Unicron would be so compatible! It seems I have a Geass of my own! No, I have something far greater… the power I wield… it is Dark Geass!" Megatron exclaimed in evil jubilation.
"Your experience at controlling Dark Energon has likely enabled you to control this power." Shockwave deduced. "It appears to be far stronger than any other Geass ability we have seen thus far, at least based off those that V.V. is aware of, enough so that is able to affect Cybertronians as well as immortal Code-bearers."
Speaking of which, V.V. suddenly shot up, taking raspy breaths as his Code power was able to resurrect him.
"Well, it would seem you truly are immortal." Megatron sneered as he loomed over V.V., who looked toward Megatron in absolute terror. "But immortality, does not often mean invincibility, as you have just learned. So, allow me to establish a contract of my own, my dear Victor. You will submit to me, and the Decepticon cause. You will renounce your brother and your project. Everything you have built; your resources, your project, even your immortal life, everything that was yours belongs to me now. Do you understand?"
V.V. shook with pure fear as he tried to stand, but he couldn't muster any strength to do so. "Y… Yes…"
"Say it." Megatron insisted.
"I… belong to you… I serve you… Lord Megatron." V.V. fell on his hands and knees, effectively bowing his head.
"I am your master, and you are my servant. Do not ever forget that." Megatron told him.
"I won't…." V.V. shook as sweat and tears dripped down his face and onto the floor. "Master…"
Ashford Academy
Lelouch, Shirley, and Rai had pulled C.C. into the storage area that Bumblebee, Arcee, and Cliffjumper had parked themselves in. Though the three Autobots remained in their respective vehicle modes, they too questioned the matter of C.C. causally walking about on campus.
"…I'm asking about the biggest pizza in the world." C.C. finished explaining.
"You almost blew your cover for a stupid pizza?" Arcee questioned.
"I wouldn't expect you to understand, considering Cybertronians can't eat food." C.C. retorted.
"You know, as far as your typical burns go, that was actually pretty weak." Cliffjumper commented.
"You want pizza, we'll bring you some. Just wait in your room." Lelouch told her.
"You're all preoccupied with other matters." C.C. pointed out.
"The military, the press, and two freaking Decepticons are here! What if one of them sees you!?" Rai questioned.
"I'll wear a disguise; I don't like cold pizza." The immortal girl replied.
"C.C., no offense, but I think you're becoming addicted to this." Shirley said
"I like pizza." C.C. said.
"[Enough so that you're willing to blow your cover over it, apparently.]" Bumblebee bleeped in annoyance.
Suddenly, the door to the storage room opened as the group looked to see Kallen, Ohgi, and Chigusa around the corner. "Why did you come into the school?" Kallen asked Ohgi.
"Oh, that's my fault." Chigusa said.
"You brought her, too?" Kallen looked toward Ohgi questionably.
"We just went for some air, that's all." Ohgi said.
"Kallen, what's going…?" Lelouch walked out with Rai and Shirley right behind him, but all three were surprised to see both Ohgi and Chigusa with her.
"Eh… Lelouch. Didn't see you there…" Ohgi looked in surprise.
"Oh, are they friends of yours?" Chigusa asked him.
"Uh… yeah, they are." Ohgi replied.
Despite Ohgi being truthful, it didn't take long for an uneasy feeling to set in for the whole group, and even the three disguised Autobots present. "Well… this is awkward." Rai said.
Meanwhile; Euphemia, in her civilian disguise, complete with a hat and sunglasses, had just entered the Ashford Academy grounds as she, and her bodyguards walked through the festival.
"I'm really sorry, but there's something I want to talk to Suzaku about." Euphemia apologized to her guards.
"It's alright, your highness." The female guard assured her.
The previous night, Euphemia had finally got a chance to talk to her elder half-brother as she told him everything she learned from Optimus and Zero about Megatron and the true history behind Cybertron. She also told him about this idea she had that could get support from the Black Knights and the Autobots. Though she still didn't tell Schneizel about Lelouch being Zero, as that was his secret and he should tell their brother only when he feels he's ready.
"Euphie, I think this is a wonderful idea you've come up with." Schneizel told her.
"Really?! You mean that?!" Euphemia asked excitedly.
"Absolutely." Schneizel assured her. "If Optimus and Zero are truly the people you say they are, then we have most certainly misjudged them. More importantly however, from what you've told me, it seems Megatron is the true evil. This idea you've made should help us to establish a means for us to talk so that we can better defend this world from the real threat. I'll talk to Cornelia so that she understands."
End Flashback
'Schneizel approved of my idea.' Euphemia thought with a smile on her face. 'I have to tell Suzaku and Lelouch.' Her smile faded however as her look became serious. 'More importantly, I have to find Lelouch and Nunnally. I have to tell them that Megatron knows about them being here. Then we can…'
She was suddenly stopped by Sayoko who prevented her from accidentally walking in front of a certain blind and crippled girl.
"I'm so sorry, are you alright?" Euphemia asked.
"I'm fine, are you okay?"
Euphemia recognized the girl in the wheelchair almost instantly. "Nunnally…?"
Nunnally herself gave a small gasp. "That voice… is it you…?"
Back in the storage garage; the three Autobots remained hidden as C.C. slid herself quietly inside Cliffjumper's vehicle mode as they watched the humans in front of them talk among each other.
"So that's the Pureblood staying with Ohgi." Cliffjumper observed, speaking only through the comns so that nobody else could hear them. "She seems nice."
"Yeah? Wait till she gets her memories back." Arcee pointed out.
"Your Ohgi's house guest?" Rai asked Chigusa.
"Yes I am." She nodded. "He's been so kind to me."
"Really?" Rai cast a knowing grin in the older man's direction with a raised eyebrow, causing the old man to cough as he tried to hide his blush.
"And you're all friends of his, it's a pleasure." Chigusa offered her hand to shake, toward Lelouch at first. Though hesitant, as he did know who she was at first, he accepted her hand. Rai shook it next, though when she offered one to Shirley, the girl instinctively flinched. "Is something wrong?"
"Uh, no. Nothing really." Shirley said as she shook Chigusa's hand. "You just reminded me of someone else, that's all."
However, before any kind of conversation could start up, the door on the side opened as Monica and Suzaku walked in. "I'm sure the extra propane tanks for the burner are in here." The Knight of Twelve said as they looked around, but she noticed two people. "Kallen? Lelouch?"
"Oh, um… hello." Kallen tried to put on her sickly façade as Ohgi hid with Chigusa behind a storage container, and Shirley and Rai quietly slipped further back toward the vehicle modes of Bumblebee, Cliffjumper and Arcee.
"Are there any spare fuel tanks back there?" Monica asked the pair.
"None here, maybe on the other side?" Lelouch tried to redirect their attention away from their friends and colleagues that remained hidden.
"Scrap, this is bad." Rai said in a whisper.
"No kidding." Arcee quietly replied. "If Suzaku and that Knight of the Round sees us, our cover might be blown. They might even recognize the Pureblood."
"Hey Rai, can't you use your Geass on them?" Cliffjumper whispered to him.
"I guess but…. I don't…" Rai seemed rather unsure, not that he thought his Geass couldn't work, but his mental trauma from recovering his enemies made him indecisive about using the power that got his mother and sister, and so many other people killed. Shirley could practically feel the tension he was experiencing and tried to put a hand on his shoulder to calm him down.
"Maybe Lelouch can use his Geass?" Shirley offered.
"He already used it on Suzaku." Arcee said. "Plus, he's trying to be more cautious with it so it doesn't run wild."
Shirley glanced back to the garage door behind the disguised Autobots when an idea came to her. "Maybe we can sneak you guys out through there?"
"We'll need a distraction." Cliffjumper replied. "Garage doors are usually pretty loud."
Rai looked around when he noticed the shelf of boxes that Lelouch and Kallen were close to as he got an idea. He quickly grabbed a screw on the ground and rolled it at Lelouch's foot, this got his attention as Rai silently gestured toward the garage door in the back as well as the three Autobots, before glancing at the shelf that was above Lelouch and Kallen. Lelouch slightly nudged Kallen and gestured upward, giving Kallen the message, which she seemed to understand as she glanced at Ohgi to silently tell him what to do, which he understood with a nod of his own.
"Hey, is something going on over here?" Suzaku asked, noticing their odd expressions.
Kallen suddenly screamed, surprising both Monica and Suzaku as they looked in one direction, giving her an opportunity to cut the straps around the shelf with her knife before she pushed them down. "The panels are falling! Run away!" Kallen screamed.
As the shelf began to fall over; Lelouch, Suzaku, and Monica ran to try and catch it; giving Rai an opening to open the garage door via the button on the wall. Bumblebee, meanwhile, dropped a smoke bomb, which exploded, covering the garage door's opening, allowing the Autobot trio to back out in their vehicle modes, with Shirley and Rai slipping out as well, and giving Ohgi and Chigusa a chance to slip out through the front door.
When it was all done; Lelouch and Suzaku were holding the shelf and panel up, with Monica covering Kallen with her body so she wouldn't get hurt.
"Oh… thank you…" Kallen said, keeping up her sickly façade.
"I'm just glad you're not hurt." Monica said. "Where'd all this smoke come from?"
"It must be for detecting gas leaks." Lelouch made up an excuse. "Looks like the main valve was knocked loose."
"Never mind that, can someone help me please?" Suzaku asked. "I'm in a little pain here."
"What's wrong?" Monica asked.
"My ankle. It's a very familiar feeling." Suzaku said as Arthur the cat was biting down on Suzaku's ankle, while also digging his claws into him.
The garage door was closed as Rai and Shirley slid there backs down the wall toward the ground as they sat with sighs of relief. "That was a close call." Rai said.
"Yeah… not quite the excitement you would look for in a school festival." Shirley agreed.
"But maybe the kind you'd find at our job." Rai joked, causing Shirley to giggle. "And the Bots?"
"[We're okay.]" Bumblebee bleeped as he, Arcee, and Cliffjumper, still in their vehicle modes were right in front of the pair.
"C.C.'s still inside me, even though that sounds really wrong." Cliff attempted a joke.
"Really?" Arcee questioned somewhat irritably.
"What? I make jokes in tense situations, you know it." Cliff replied, which ended up causing Shirley and Rai to laugh out loud anyway.
At the same time; Ohgi and Chigusa were able to make it to a safe spot under a tree as well.
"Sorry you got caught in that weirdness back there." Ohgi apologized.
"No, it was actually sort of fun." She said. "I haven't felt this excited in a long time."
Ohgi had a serious expression on his face. "Hey, Chigusa, I think maybe you should see the rest of my friends pretty soon. Things… might get a little messy out here and… my friends' place, might be the safest spot."
"Okay." Chigusa nodded in understanding. "You know Ohgi, I wonder if the person I used to be was as happy as I am now." That took Ohgi by surprise, but not as much as what she said next. "You know… I've been thinking and… I don't think I'd mind… becoming an Eleven."
Meanwhile, inside the Ashford Clubhouse, Nunnally and Euphemia both sat at a table inside the dining room as they each had a cup of tea.
"So Lelouch told you everything, about him being Zero and what's going on with the Autobots and the Decepticons?" Euphemia asked her younger half-sister.
"Yes, he did." Nunnally confirmed. "I wasn't sure what to believe at first, but… I trust my brother. Did he also tell you about Rai?"
Euphemia's look became nothing short of saddened. "Yes… I can't believe it… we have another brother and… what he went through… it was so horrible…" She was almost brought to tears.
"But… I know Rai's getting all the help he needs." Nunnally said. "I'm sure the Autobots and the other Black Knights are doing all they can to help him."
"So, you've met them?" Euphemia asked.
"Only Bumblebee right now, but he's really nice." Nunnally smiled. "He's been taking care of Lelouch since the beginning. And from what I've heard, the other Autobots are all really nice to, especially Optimus, given how highly Lelouch speaks of him. Big Brother even considers him like a father."
"I can definitely see why." Euphemia smiled. "I've meet Optimus, and I have to say, I've never met such a kind, noble, and gentle soul in all my life."
"Hey, do you remember that one time when you and I got into a great big argument when we were little? On which of us was gonna marry Lelouch when we grew up?"
"Yes, I do." Euphemia confirmed, her smile growing even more brightly. "We put Lelouch on the spot by making him decide right then and there."
Both half-sisters shared a laugh. "So, how about now? Do you still love him, even to this day?" Nunnally asked
"Of course, I do." Euphemia said without a second of hesitation. "He's my brother, and you're my sister, Nunnally. I love you both so much."
"I love you too, Euphie." Nunnally maintained her smile.
Her smile quickly faded as she remembered what she had to tell them. "Is Lelouch nearby? I need to talk to him. It's very important."
"He should be somewhere outside." Nunnally answered. "Let's go find him."
The Nemesis
After leaving V.V. under the supervision of Shockwave in his laboratory, Megatron had walked onto the bridge of his warship with his communication's officer right behind him. "Knock Out and Breakdown are maintain their position at Ashford; Thundercracker and Skywarp are with Airachnid on Kanime Island, finishing the integration of the Insecticon hive into our ranks, and it seems that Dreadwing is with Cornelia now, even Charles has sent the remaining Knights of the Round, with an army of Britannian soldiers to add to Cornelia's otherwise diminished forces." Megatron began to list before he scoffed slightly.
"Charles wants me to think he's taking this situation seriously, but he couldn't possibly understand what we've already learned. Nor will he be prepared for what we have in store." Megatron stated.
"And what exactly do you have in store?" Both Megatron and Soundwave looked to see not only Starscream casually leaning against the console of the bridge, but also Prince Schneizel El Britannia below him. "Please pardon my unannounced visit, Lord Megatron." Schneizel gave a humble bow.
"Schneizel El Britannia." Megatron acknowledged as this was the first time he met the prince, aside from Kanime Island. "The Second Prince, and Prime Minister of the Britannian Empire. What exactly are you doing on my ship?" He also cast a glance to Starscream.
"Master, Schneizel has revealed to me some rather interesting information regarding our enemies, Zero to be specific." Starscream said. "Perhaps you should hear him out, he may be of us to us."
"And what exactly is it he wishes to share with us?" Megatron then looked down toward Schneizel expectantly.
"I may not have any credible proof of this, but I believe that Zero may actually be my younger half-brother, Lelouch Vi Britannia." Schneizel revealed.
"And what exactly makes you so certain of this if you have no proof?" Megatron questioned.
"Because I know my brother." Schneizel began to explain. "I've studied Zero's methods and tactics, and while they have changed a bit, no doubt the guidance of Optimus Prime and the other Autobots, I've played chess with Lelouch my entire life. I know his tactics. So, when I saw Zero employing similar methods, it just made all the more sense to me. Not to mention his motivations. As he was exiled by our father, along with our sister, Lelouch no doubt seeks revenge on Britannia for abandoning him. And if Nunnally did indeed die, it only makes his vengeance all the more believable. Though I have a sneaking suspicion she may be alive, but I have no proof this either."
"I do." Megatron said, surprising both Starscream and Schneizel. "I've known of Zero's identity since his debut with Optimus months ago."
"What?!" Starscream exclaimed in shock. "How could you possibly that?!"
"Soundwave is quite competent in surveillance, I'm sure you're well aware of that by now, Starscream." Megatron stated as Soundwave displayed the necessary information, including a recording and footage of Lelouch himself as well as Zero and comparing their voices for a one-hundred-percent match.
'He was able to figure out much sooner than I ever could.' Schneizel thought in genuine surprise. 'I guess I shouldn't be surprised, given he was the mentor to my father, as what Starscream had told me.'
"You discovered Zero's identity, and you choose not to tell me!?" Starscream exclaimed in anger and offense. "Your first lieutenant?!"
"What would you have done with this information, Starscream?" Megatron questioned.
"Why… I would have leveled that boy's residency and saw to his immediate termination!" Starscream exclaimed, as though it were obvious.
"Exactly!" Megatron responded. "You would have acted rash without thinking of the consequence! True, you might have eliminated Zero, but Optimus and the Autobots would still live! Our enemies would still be a threat! It is best to wait and bide your time so that you may eliminate all your enemies in one stroke as opposed to drawing out countless battles!"
Starscream was about to retort, but Schneizel already spoke. "He is right, Starscream. While I applaud your willingness to eliminate the problem as quickly as possible, I feel that having the patience to wait and remove the entire problem as opposed to removing one piece of it, is a more effective strategy."
As much as he didn't want to admit it, Starscream saw Schneizel had a point and simply groaned in minor annoyance.
"But I sense that Optimus and Lelouch are not your only problems, are they?" He spoke to Megatron directly.
"Schneizel, what is it that you want?" Megatron questioned.
"To join you." Schneizel answered, causing Megatron to raise a minor eyebrow in surprise. "You want to remove my father form his position in power, or maybe you want to completely remove Britannia entirely. And that is something I can assist you with."
"And what can you offer me that I cannot simply take?" Megatron continued to question.
"Inside information on Britannia's military operations." Schneizel began to list. "Psychological profiling on the most powerful figures in the Empire. Viable strategies that can guarantee absolute victory. But also, having a Britannian prince on your side, one who is beloved by his people, could make the transition easier. True, there may still be some who are willing to fight, but I can certainly help provide a means to get what you want."
Megatron didn't seem all that convinced. "You are willing to betray your own nation? Your own family? Your own father?"
"I have no love for my father." Schneizel said honestly. "Just as he has no love for me or any of his other children, though I'm certain you already know that. But in all honesty, I really have no love for Britannia as a whole. Let me ask you, Megatron. What is it that people truly want? Starvation and poverty? Discrimination and corruption? War and terrorism? They want the problems that are flooding this world to go away forever. People of this world are driven by their own lusts and desires, by their own greed. They fight each other because they're all human. My theory is that their own subconscious understands this, despite the prejudice that exists in this world, they're all equal despite differences in race or status, and thus, are of equal chance to be overthrown. But you, and your Decepticons… You're more powerful than anything they have seen before; in the eyes of this world's ancient civilizations you would have been seen as gods. Perhaps it's time for them to think of you as such."
"What exactly are you trying to get at?" Megatron wanted him to get right to the point.
"If the people of this world see something as powerful as you and your forces overturn the Britannian Empire, the empire that's stood for centuries, in just a short amount of time, perhaps even overnight; the people would either look at you in awe or fear." Schneizel said. "They'll be so amazed or so terrified that they wouldn't dare challenge you. Under your rule, all humans would be equal, right? Albeit underneath your heel, but still equal. This could finally bring all the wars and conflict of this world to an end."
"Perhaps." Megatron acknowledged. "But what of the Autobots or the Black Knights who have proven they are capable of standing against us?"
"Then we remove them from the equation as well. At the same time, in fact." Schneizel answered. "Seeing them as well as Britannia defeated will make the people all the more submissive."
Megatron did see all the valid points Schneizel made. Yet, at the same time, he was no fool. He could tell that Schneizel was likely only seeking to join the winning side and likely had an ulterior motive, yet this made him all the more prudent to keep him where he can see him, much like with Victor. Perhaps he could find a use for him.
"Very well." Megatron acknowledged. "I will allow you to join our ranks, Schneizel. If only because, you are more valuable beside me than against me."
"You are too gracious, Lord Megatron." Schneizel bowed in a seemingly humble fashion.
Ashford Academy
"Alright! Any moment!" Rivalz announced to the audience gathered in front of him as he stood on top of a stand in front of the massive pizza oven, wearing an apron and the chef's hat. "We are about to begin the historic task of the making of the world's largest pizza! Please note that this contraption is an oven specially built for this occasion! A fabulous waste of money!"
Meanwhile, in the control booth, Lelouch had made all the final and necessary preparations as he sat inside and just watched the show. 'This feels so easy.' He thought with a smile. 'If I make a mistake here, no one's life is on the line.'
Milly then walked in, closing the door behind her. "Not bad, got everything on schedule, huh?"
"I've learned to manage people lately." Lelouch said. "Still, they all seem so optimistic, don't they? Not just the Chinese Federation invading, but everything that's been going on with giant transforming robots yet look at everyone."
"That's why people need this." Milly leaned against his chair. "Festivals are necessary, a nice little break from how hard the world can be. I'm sure you can use one too, considering all the hard choices you've probably had to make… Zero."
Lelouch looked at Milly as if she had just grown a second head.
"It really wasn't all that hard to figure out, Lelouch." Milly began. "First, you've been skipping out on classes since Zero's shown up, even though you've stopped gambling. Second, that car you recently bought looks a lot like one of those Autobots we saw on the news, not to mention you only just 'bought' that so-called car just before the Autobots made their debut. Third, it's your reasoning; after everything your father did to you, it makes sense you'd try to get him back like this."
Lelouch sighed as he put his fingers on his eyelids. "Was I that obvious?" Milly giggled in response. "Did you tell anyone else?"
"No." Milly shook her head. "You know what my mother would do with this if she found out. Not to mention Nunnally…"
"Even after what happened to Shirley's' father?" Lelouch confessed, still feeling guilty for that.
"I'm sure it was an accident; I know you wouldn't do anything like that. I know you, Lelouch." Milly spoke to him sincerely as she put a hand on his shoulder. "You might be really angry, maybe even insensitive sometimes, but you're not a bad person. No matter what, I'm still your friend. And I'm here for you whenever you need me."
The young revolutionary gave an honest smile. "Thank you, Milly." His smile quickly faded. "Listen, you should probably leave the Tokyo Settlement soon." She looked to him with confusion. "With the way things are going, it might not be safe anymore. I'm up against a very dangerous opponent."
"Your father?" Milly asked.
"Worse." Lelouch replied instantly.
However, before their conversation could continue, the door opened. "Lelouch!"
"Nunnally, how's the pizza…" However, Lelouch gasped in shock as he saw not only Nunnally, but Euphemia as well, still with her sunglasses and hat. "Sorry I gotta go, we'll continue this conversation later." He told Milly before he left the booth to join his sisters.
"It looks like the ingredients are all prepared!" Rivalz continued to announce as he hopped down onto the ground in front of a massive tarp covering something large. "Now, introducing our special dough tosser…" The tarp was taken down to reveal the Ganymede Knightmare. "…The Ashford Academy Ganymede! Yes, it's a bit of an antique, however at the controls, is the Student Council's special member and Princess Euphemia's personal knight… Suzaku Kururugi!"
It was true, Suzaku was indeed at the controls of the old Knightmare and would act as the dough tosser for the massive pizza to be. Anya was meanwhile at the side, recording it via her phone.
"Wow, look at all these people who came here to see Suzaku." Gino said as he and Sayoko were helping other students hold up the massive plugs for the Ganymede to provide it with power.
"Of course, Suzaku is like a ray of hope for many Elevens." Sayoko said. "They revere him."
"Dang…" Gino had an impressed smile.
On the other side of the wall, Knock Out and Breakdown continued to watch in their vehicle modes as Suzaku began to toss the pizza dough with the Ganymede, though they didn't seem all that impressed.
"These kids sure are getting excited over a large piece of fluff." Breakdown commented.
"Why doesn't Kururugi use the Lancelot?" Knock Out asked. "It's way flashier than that piece of junk."
Milly also watched the show from outside the control booth as Lloyd walked by her side. "Ganymede, a third generation Knightmare. The type used by Lady Marianne the Flash, isn't that correct?"
"it's just a fundamental frame." Milly responded. "A big puppet for events like this."
"An unorthodox design dropped for the next generation of Knightmares due to Lady Marianne's death." Lloyd said.
"I'm guessing that's the real reason you want to marry me." Milly said as Cecile walked in-between them.
"So now you get it." She spoke in a tone that was sympathetic towards the blonde. "He has no attraction whatsoever to the opposite sex."
"Well, I get the general idea anyway." Lloyd replied, not really denying his assistance's claim.
As the Ganymede tossed the pizza in the air; Bumblebee, Arcee, and Cliffjumper watched from their own vehicle modes in the Ashford parking lot, with C.C. still inside Cliffjumper. "You gotta admit, when in the battlefield or the kitchen, kid's got skills." Cliffjumper commented.
"Let's just hope we can get those skills on our side." Arcee said.
"[Well considering he's Euphemia's knight, and she knows about Lelouch, it's starting to look like a possibility.]" Bumblebee replied.
"And hopefully you didn't just jinx us." C.C. stated.
Kallen, Shirley, and Rai continued to watch as well from the corner of the school building. "Ohgi made it off campus, alright?" Rai asked Kallen.
"Yeah he and his little girlfriend are just fine." Kallen said in a low grumble.
"You don't sound all that happy." Shirley pointed out.
"Considering she's not only a Pureblood, but also someone who nearly got Lelouch killed, yeah I'm not exactly thrilled." Kallen stated.
Rai didn't seem to disagree but as he looked around one corner, he saw something that surprised him. "Hey guys… look over there."
Both Shirley and Kallen looked in the direction he was referring to. "Hey, Lelouch is with Nunnally and…" Shirley said, but she and Kallen both saw the pink-haired girl with him. Though she was wearing a disguise, it wasn't hard to figure out who it was. "Is that Euphemia?"
"Sure looks like it." Kallen said, sounding just as surprised. "But what's she doing here?"
"Let's go find out." Rai stated as he walked toward the trio, with Kallen and Shirley right behind him.
Lelouch sat next to the disguised Euphemia, watching Suzaku's performance, with Nunnally right beside them. "Last year, it was my turn to do it. But I can't compare to a real pro."
"By that, he means he made a mess that looked like someone threw up everywhere." Nunnally smirked.
"How do you know what it looks like if you couldn't see it?" Lelouch questioned to his sister with a half-smirk.
"That's what Rivalz said." Nunnally giggled, which Euphie responded with a giggle of her own. Lelouch sighed with a small grin as he rubbed his hand down his face.
However, Euphie quickly got serious. "Lelouch, listen to me. Megatron knows about you and Nunnally." That really surprised the pair, even Nunnally gave a startled gasp. "He knows that you and Nunnally are a prince and princess, and he knows you're staying her at Ashford."
"How…?" The surprised Lelouch wasn't over his shock as he tried to think of how he could possibly know that.
"I don't know how exactly, but he was somehow able to get it from Suzaku after interrogating him." Euphemia said. "I'm sure Suzaku didn't mean to reveal anything…"
"I know he wouldn't." Lelouch quickly said before a scowl formed on his face. "But it sounds like Megatron to do something like that." He calmed down, however. "But you don't have to worry. As soon as the festival's over, Nunnally and I are leaving Ashford for the Ark. She'll be safe there."
"That's good to hear." Euphie breathed a sigh of relief.
"What about Suzaku?" Nunnally asked. "If Megatron is as bad as you two say he is, I can't stand the thought of Suzaku being with him any longer."
"Don't worry Nunnally, I already talked to him." Euphie revealed. "I told Suzaku and Dreadwing everything I learned from you and Optimus, Lelouch. What really happened to Cybertron, and the both said they would work with me, even if I worked with you and Optimus to protect this world."
"They really said that?" Lelouch asked, a feeling of hope building in his chest.
"Who's Dreadwing?" Nunnally asked.
"A Decepticon, but one that I trust with my life." Euphemia answered. "He has a strong sense of honor and good spark deep inside. In fact, he's a lot like Suzaku."
"Who's a lot like Suzaku?" They turned around to see Rai, Kallen, and Shirley arrive on the scene.
"How long have you all been there?" Lelouch asked.
"Long enough to hear the gist." Kallen answered.
"Oh, I remember you two, from Kanime Island." Euphie recognized the red-haired girl and the white-haired young man. "Kallen, and Rai, right?"
"Yeah." Kallen nodded in confirmation, already feeling a sense of awkwardness.
"Hi… er… Your majesty." Shirley tried to introduce herself, rather nervously. "My name's Shirley, I'm a friend of Lelouch. I'm also a Black Knight." She said in a shushed whisper.
Euphie smiled. "Nice to meet you Shirley, but please just call me Euphie." She offered her a hand to shake. Shirley was completely surprised by this; a princess was actually offering her hand to shake. It was hesitant at first, but Shirley managed to grab Euphie's hand and shake it.
The pink-haired royal then turned to her other half-brother. "And Rai… Lelouch told me everything. About your past, and your mother and sister…"
"Oh… did he…" Rai cast a glance at Lelouch, not necessarily a glare, which caused Lelouch to rub the back of his neck somewhat nervously.
"I am… so very sorry about all of that." Euphie apologized sincerely.
"It's not your fault." Rai told her. "You don't have to apologize."
"But still, Lelouch and Nunnally are about you a lot, and I want to help too." Euphie offered her hand to her half-brother. "Please Rai, I know we barley know each other, but let me be a sister for you."
Rai looked more than a little emotional. He knew from Lelouch that Euphemia was a good person and she genuinely wanted to be a part of his life and family. It was something of a tearful smile as Rai accepted her hand, but he was even further shocked when she pulled him into a quick hug, causing him to look in surprise before she broke off.
From a distance, Monica spotted the group talking on the stairs. "What's going on over there? Why is over half the Student Council just talking when we're all busy here?"
"Thank you, all of you." Euphie said to Kallen, Rai, and Shirley. "For helping to look after Lelouch and Nunnally."
"Sure… no problem." Kallen looked away with an embarrassed blush. Nunnally meanwhile smiled as she was beyond glad to see her friends and family getting along so well.
"Euphie." Lelouch got her attention. "Thank you for your support, but you know we have to be careful."
"Yes, but I have an idea that might be able to help…"
"Hey!" Monica walked over to try and get their attention, but a breeze blew in Euphie's hat away, allowing Monica to see her hair and recognize her in surprise. "Wait… Princess Euphemia?!"
This got the attention of nearly every other student that had gathered in front of the massive pizza oven. "What's up?" Rivalz asked in surprise, seeing everyone look away. It wasn't long before they all saw and recognized the princess.
"Scrap!" Lelouch, Kallen, Rai, and Shirley all said at the same time.
"Hold on, the princess is here?" Arcee questioned as she, Bumblebee, and Cliffjumper, still in their vehicle modes saw her as well.
"[Yep, that's her alright.]" Bee confirmed, recognizing her from Kanime Island.
"What's she doing here?" Cliffjumper wondered aloud.
It wasn't long before the other students, including those among the Student Council, even the other two Knights of the Round, saw her as well.
"Princess Euphemia?" Nina voiced in surprise.
"Whoa, it is her!" Gino stated, just as surprised as well.
"What is Princess Euphemia doing here?" Anya wondered.
Euphemia stood up as she tried to direct everyone's attention away from her half-siblings. "Lelouch, take Nunnally away!"
"Sorry to leave you alone at a time like this!" Lelouch said as he took Nunnally and made a break for it with Shirley, Kallen, and Rai.
Even the news crew was already getting excited as they and the students all tried to run up toward her to either get a photo, an autograph, or just a chance to look at her, and all the other typical things people would do if they saw a celebrity.
"Everyone, stop!" Suzaku tried to calm down the situation. "Don't run! Please don't panic!"
However, this caused him to lose his grip over the Ganymede's controls, accidentally sending the pizza dough over the brick wall and right on top of Knock Out's vehicle mode.
C.C. gasped inside Cliffjumper's vehicle mode as she saw where the pizza would land, as did the Autobots.
"Ugh!" Knock Out exclaimed as he tried to transform, but this only tore apart the dough and spread it over his paintjob even more, causing him to trip and fall back almost onto Breakdown had he not backed up in time. Fortunately, with everyone still focused on Euphie, nobody noticed Knock Out as he saw the dough splattered all over his paintjob.
His eyes twitched. "Those little… meat bags!" He was about to come right in and slice some people up, but Breakdown had transformed and began to pull his partner away.
"We're not here to make a scene, remember!?" Breakdown reminded him as he pulled Knock Out behind an alleyway of a building across the school, and nobody would notice them.
However, even though all the people didn't notice the Decepticon duo; Bumblebee, Cliffjumper, and Arcee did notice them. Though they were glad the Cons didn't cause a commotion, which would have forced them to blow their cover and intervene, it didn't stop the three of them from snickering, or bleeping in Bumblebee's case, as they saw what had befallen Knock Out.
But, a certain immortal girl inside gave a look of sorrow. "Pizza…"
"Guess we should have left this to the pros, what do you think?" Lloyd said to Milly casually, though they didn't seem to notice the Decepticons either.
"I'm afraid I'm just gonna have to give up on this one…" Milly said, knowing just how much money was now officially wasted. "And some other things."
The crowd's excitement was cut off by the sound of gunshots as Cecile and her Camelot agents protectively surrounded Euphemia. "Everyone, stop this at once!" Cecile exclaimed. "Do you realize who this is?! This is the Sub-Viceroy, the third imperial princess!"
Euphemia's guard had also just arrived onto the scene. "Thanks for your help, we'll take over from here. Stand back…!" However, the news crews, and the students all tried to get closer anyway, causing the guards and soldiers to crowd around Euphie closer.
"H.I.T.V. A comment! Just one word, please?" A reporter asked.
"Princess Euphemia! It's me! Nina! I'll get you out of here!" She tried to get in as well, but it was almost impossible.
"Hey, Euphie!" Gino tried to squeeze in with Monica and Anya, but they couldn't get in either.
"The space is too tight." Anya said causally, despite being squeezed in herself.
Euphie and Cecile were both squeezed together between the soldiers and guards like a pair of sardines.
"This is getting tight!" Cecile groaned.
"Please excuse me! No don't!" Euphie exclaimed.
However, there was one individual who didn't follow everyone else. This was Diethard Ried as he stepped out of the news van that had been parked in Ashford the entire time.
"Hmm, I suppose this is to be expected from a wildcard princess like her." Diethard commented as Sayoko walked toward him. "I'd like you to stay undercover here in the Settlement. I'll introduce you to Zero and the Autobots later on."
"I understand." Sayoko said, even though she was already close to Zero himself, enough so that he asked her to keep an eye on Diethard to make sure he didn't try anything funny.
All the students gasped in surprise as they saw the Ganymede roll toward them, causing them to move away as Suzaku gently used the old Knightmare to pick up Euphemia in its hand.
"Princess Euphemia, you're not hurt, are you?" Suzaku asked urgently.
"I'm fine, thank you Suzaku." Euphie assured
"Yo! Nice save Suzaku!" Gino gave him a thumbs up as Monica looked rather impressed and Anya just remained stoic as usual.
Meanwhile, Lelouch and the others had discreetly and quickly made it to the Autobots trio, still in their vehicle modes, in the parking lot. Shirley and Rai hid in Cliffjumper with C.C., while Lelouch and Kallen got Nunnally inside Bumblebee before they went in as well.
"That was close." Kallen commented.
"That's two close calls in one day." Arcee said, speaking through the comns so the people outside couldn't hear them. "More than I would like."
"Well, at least Euphemia's safe too." Lelouch sighed in relief. "Oh, and introductions. Nunally, meet Arcee and Cliffjumper. Arcee, Cliffjumper, meet my little sister, Nunnally."
"Sup, nice to meet ya kid." Cliffjumper greeted causally.
Even though Nunnally couldn't see either of them, she was nonetheless happy to meet more of Lelouch's friends. "Hello Cliffjumper, Arcee, it's a pleasure to meet you two." This caused Lelouch to smile, glad his sister was meeting more of the Bots. "Lelouch, guess what? Euphie said that she and Suzaku are becoming very close now." This was a surprise for everyone, for Lelouch and Kallen, for Shirley and Rai, who heard through the comns, even Arcee, Cliffjumper, and Bumblebee were slightly surprised. "They make a nice couple, almost as much as you and Kallen."
That caused both Lelouch and Kallen's faces to turn red. "What… what are you talking about…?!" Kallen stuttered.
Nunnally smirked. "It's okay, you don't have to hide anything from me. It's easy to see you two like each other."
Bumblebee's radio played some romantic music, if only to tease them; causing Kallen to try and kick the radio. "Shut it!" She told the Autobot scout with a face as red as Kallen's Cliffjumper as Lelouch tried to hide his embarrassed look. Shirley also happened to hear what Nunnally said from inside Cliffjumper's vehicle mode through the comns as well, and there was something in her that caused her heart to feel a bit tense.
Meanwhile, Knock Out tried to shake all the pizza dough off his paintjob while still in the alleyway. "Why do humans have to make this stuff so damn sticky! It'll take hours to get all this off!"
Breakdown rolled his only eye before he spotted the Ganymede and the person it was holding. "Hey, Knock Out, look who's here."
Knock Out looked in the direction Breakdown was pointing to and saw Euphemia. "What is that little pink-haired brat doing here?"
From her vantage point on the Ganymede's hand, Euphie could see that Lelouch, Nunnally and their friends had made it to safety inside the Autobot trio's vehicle modes. 'Thank heavens, they're alright.'
"Princess Euphemia! Down here! Can I get a statement, please!?" One reporter called to her.
Seeing all these reporters gathered together, gave Euphemia an idea. "Could you please network this broadcast nationwide?"
That took everyone by surprise. "Huh? You mean go live? Now?"
"Euphie…?" Suzaku wasn't sure what she was trying to do.
"I have a very important announcement!"
The Nemesis
On the bridge, Soundwave had displayed the Britannian capital city of Pendragon for Megatron, Schneizel, and Starscream to observe.
"Hmm, I must admit. For a squabbling Empire, they're capital is rather secure." Starscream observed.
"Of course, it is." Schneizel replied. "It's supposed to be the most secure place in the world. Even if the Knights of the Round aren't present, its defenses are airtight. Not to mention all the reinforcements Britannia can summon at their beck-n-call should it be attacked."
"Charles has clearly built a strong fortress." Megatron acknowledge. "Even with our superior firepower, Britannia is too well spread. Simply attacking would only provoke retaliation that our enemies could take advantage over. We need something that can give us an edge… a tactical advantage, if you will."
"Lord Megatron, you may want to tune into the news." Knock Out contacted him. "I'm sure there's something you'd be interested to see."
"Your highness, it's Princess Euphemia!" Guilford got Cornelia's attention, as well as Darlton, Nonette, Dreadwing, and even Bismarck, Bradley, and Dorothea.
"What's she doing now?" Cornelia asked, sounding more annoyed an exhausted than anything else.
The Ark
"…And we go to our special live coverage." The news report was on the Ark's main screen; showing Optimus, Ironhide, Ratchet, Bulkhead, Wheeljack, Fixit, as well as Rakshata Tohdoh, Katase, and Kaguya the announcement about to be made.
"I am Euphemia, Sub-Viceroy of Area 11 of the Holy Britannian Empire. There is something of great consequence that I wish to tell you all today!"
"What do you think it is?" Bulkhead asked.
"Guess we're about to find out." Wheeljack answered as Optimus especially paid close attention.
Ashford Academy
"I, Euphemia Li Britannia, declare an immediate ceasefire between the Britannian military and the rebel force of the Black Knights and the Autobots!" She announced, earning multiple gasps from her audience.
"What…?!" Lelouch gasped.
"[A ceasefire?!]" Bumblebee seemed just as surprised, as well as Kallen, Arcee, Cliffjumper, Rai, Shirley, and even Nunnally.
"The entire planet, not just Britannia, is facing a grave threat that could lead to the potential destruction of the entire world!" Euphemia continued to announce. "We cannot afford to fight amongst ourselves any longer! And to show my support for the cause of freedom that Optimus Prime and Zero both fight for, I hereby declare the formation of the Specially Administrative Zone of Japan in the area of Mount Fuji!"
If they weren't surprised before, they were now.
"Wait… a Special Zone…?" Kallen questioned in shock.
"Is she serious…?!" Arcee also questioned.
Suzaku looked in genuine surprise, with a feeling of hope in his eyes. "They're recognizing… Japan…?"
"Damn it!" Diethard slammed his fist on the desk inside his news van. "Doesn't that stupid girl know what everyone else is gonna do?! There's no way Britannia or the Decepticons will let that happen!"
"Within the Especially Administrative Zone of Japan, Elevens will be permitted to call themselves Japanese!" Euphemia continued. "Restrictions against Elevens and special rights for Britannians will no longer exist within this zone! It will be a place where Britannians and Japanese live side-by-side as equals!"
Her audience had several mixed reactions; several Japanese individuals as well as other students looked in surprise in amazement; Nina looked terrified and even repulsed at such a thought; Anya's stoic eyes contained a hint of surprise, even Gino and Monica were both stunned by this as well.
"She's really serious about this, isn't she…?" Cliffjumper said.
"Euphie… no…!" Lelouch stuttered, his body shaking and eyes radiant with worry, something that caused Kallen, Bumblebee, and Nunnally to look at him with concern. "Our father… Megatron… they won't let this happen…!"
"Do you hear me?! Zero?! Optimus Prime?!" Euphemia continued to announce. "You told me of the threat we all face! I know now who the real enemy is! Please, join me in not only protecting this world, but ensuring where it has a peaceful future! Not under Britannian subjugation, but a place where freedom is the right of all sentient beings!"
"WHAT IS SHE DOING!?" Cornelia practically exclaimed as she and everyone else saw the broadcast.
"Euphie…!" Nonette was gravely concerned for the girl as well, as were both Guilford and Darlton.
"Oh my… looks like someone's stepping out of line." Luciano Bradley smirked sadistically while Dorothea glared at the image of Euphemia and Bismarck remained stoic.
Dreadwing seemed the most visibly concerned. 'Euphemia… you… the consequences that could result from this…"
"LONG LIVE PRINCESS EUPHEMIA!" Nearly at Ashford, including all the Japanese citizens, cheered at Euphemia's declaration, save for a few skeptical students. Gino looked a bit confused. "Hey, is this a good thing or a bad thing?" He asked Monica and Anya.
"It depends on what you view as good or bad." Anya replied robotically.
"One thing's for certain." Monica said with concern. "Not everyone is gonna be happy with this."
"Well, this is a good thing, right?" Shirley tried to say as she and her friends continued to hide with the Autobot trio. "I mean, if we have a truce with Britannia, we can focus on stopping the Decepticons."
"Shirley, think about it for a second." Arcee told her. "That dirtbag Charles Zi Britannia kicked out Lelouch and Nunnally just because their mom died. How do you think he's gonna handle one his children directly challenging his policies and authority?"
"Yeah… he's not gonna be happy about that." Cliffjumper said. "And neither is Megatron."
"Ooooh." Shirley realized what they were trying to say as she looked to Rai and C.C., both seemed just as concerned as she was.
None however, were more scared than Lelouch. 'Euphie! Our father… Megatron… what they… please… no… I don't want to lose you! Not again!' He felt a soft touch on his hand, and looked to see Nunnally, who was trying to console him, despite her being nervous for their sister's safety as well. Lelouch instinctively glanced toward Kallen who had a concerned look on her face, he could even feel Bumblebee was more than a little as well.
The Ark
"Has she lost her mind?!" Katase exclaimed.
"What in the world is that girl thinking?!" Ratchet also exclaimed.
"She's thinking about trying to help us!" Bulkhead stated. "I mean, this could really help us, maybe even get us some support and make our job easier!"
"It could also put a target on her back for Charles and Megatron, as well as everyone who supports her!" Ironhide stated. "We might even look at a Britannian civil war that could result from this, which is what we've been trying to avoid!"
"Well, you all heard what the kid's family is like." Wheeljack said. "Of course, they're gonna fight each other. Kinda saw this coming."
"Either way you slice it, our situation just got a lot more dicey." Rakshta said, being perfectly calm while Fixit seemed more than a little concerned as he tried to calculate all the positive and negative outcomes of this scenario.
Tohdoh and Kaguya looked towards each other with concern, but none of them seemed more concerned than Optimus Prime as he looked toward Euphemia with worry, knowing what kind of trouble could result from this.
The Nemesis
"Well, she's as dramatic as ever I see." Schneizel said calmly. Though he did tell Euphie he approved of her plan, he knew deep down it was just a pipe's dream.
Suddenly Starscream slammed his hand onto the console in anger. "That wretched… worthless… insufferable…!" He couldn't even find the right words he was so angry. "I swear… that girl will suffer for such insolence!"
However, both Starscream and Schneizel, as well as Soundwave, looked back towards Megatron as they heard a chuckle from the Decepticon leader, which turned into a full-blown laugh. "Ha, ha, ha, ha. Ha! Ha! HA! HA! HA! HA! The Special Administrative Zone of Japan, hmm?" Megatron mused with an evil sneer. "Just the tactical advantage I need."
So, all that just happened. So much to take away from this chapter…
*First, Optimus has a new battle-axe, one similar to his old one used in the WFC game (as that one was lost during the war), but it's made from the same MVS technology as the Lancelot's swords, along with a power-source of Synthetic Energon to make it even stronger.
*Second, all the remaining Knights of the Round (Luciano Bradley, Dorothea Ernst, and Bismarck Waldstein) have arrived in Area 11 with multiple reinforcements. But Doretha and Bismarck have secret missions assigned to them by Charles. Dorothea is to capture Rai, and Bismarck is to kill Optimus and deliver Lelouch to the Emperor. But it won't be an easy fight, for either side, that's for sure.
*Third, Megatron has now gained a Dark Geass, through a combination of Shockwave's Geass experimentation and Dark Energon; it is even strong enough to affect code-bearers as well as Cybertronians. Megatron's power allows him to instill night-terror visions on his victims, which are so horrible; that humans who see them have heart-attacks and die, and Cybertronians go through something similar, with the Dark Energon aspect of his power attacking both the victim's mind and spark, causing the later to overload from the Dark Energon's power before extinguishing itself. Yeah, Megatron has now become an even graver threat now. The name of his new power… Absolute Terror.
*Fourth, Schneizel has now joined forces with Megatron to help overthrow his father. I'm sure many of you saw this coming, what with the increasing tensions between the Decepticons and Britannia, as well as Schneizel's own twisted desires to become ruler of the Earth, it only makes sense they team up. But even though the Decepticons and Britannia are finally about to come to blows with each other, it's not going to be a one-sided battle. Charles might still have a few tricks up his sleeve.
*Finally, Euphemia has officially announced the SAZ of Japan, but unlike in the cannon, it's not just to build a better future (which is also part of her reason here), it's also a way to help establish better grounds between Britannia and the Autobots and Black Knights, so they can all come together and fight off the Decepticons. However, not everyone approves of her decision; with Optimus, Lelouch, Nonette, and Dreadwing being the most concerned for her safety. And yet… Megatron actually sees it as an advantage. But why? What sort of plan does he have going through that sick mind of his?
(Please, I encourage you, do NOT take all these wild guesses and accidentally spoil what I have planned for the SAZ. But there is something I will say, even though I said it before, Euphemia will not die.)
What happens next? Anything can happen in this kind of situation, really? But will it be good? That's the real question. Until then, stay safe and healthy out there.
Roll Out!