The Five Lions of Darktron fly out from the depths of space. They cruise into a vast star cluster. Galra ships and robeasts flow through the system like mechanical rivers. Their numbers group up in places, orbits around the dozens of planets and asteroids in the clusters. As the dark paladins neared the center of the cluster, Is The Array. The teleduv along with a series of progressively smaller rings leading down from the teleduv. Robeasts gather around each of the rings, save for the smallest one. A much smaller space station orbits around the Array.
The dark lions touchdown on one of the station's circular landing platforms. The five dark paladins step out of their lions.
Luca is waiting for them. Beside her is a bulky galra.
"Vrepit sa." The galra salutes.
"My lords." Luca bows. "It is an honor to receive you on the day of your final victory."
"Spare me." Zarkon grunts.
Luca only nods, but Lotor winces at the rebuke. Zarkon narrows his eyes at the large galra beside her.
"Who are you?"
"Commander Ru'vak, sire." The galra says.
"He works directly under myself." Sendak explains. "Seeing as our attention may be focused elsewhere, I have made him commander of our galra forces for the time being."
"Very well," Zarkon rumbles. "Tell us the status of the troops."
"We're on schedule. Everything should be in position in three vargas." Ru'vak explains.
"And what of our enemy's movements?"
"That is...where the bad news comes in." Luca speaks up.
"I'm not fond of bad news. Go on."
"They're preparing for battle. Exact estimates of their time of arrival is unclear. But it is...possible that they will be here before the breach is opened."
Zarkon smiles. "You lied. That was good news."
Luca tilts her head in confusion.
"This is my final conquest. I would be disappointed if there was no battle. One final fight to cement victory over all existence!"
"It would be...wise to avoid a battle if possible." Honerva says. "Damage to the array could be disastrous. And if even one of robeasts is knocked out of formation during the initial operation we'll have to repeat the entire process."
Zarkon frowns.
"I'm not presuming on your authority. Only giving you my best advice as your wife."
"...I am not planning on waiting for them to show up. Merely relishing the possibility of killing my enemies with my own hands before victory. But if they are late to the party...then that is that. They shall live long enough to bear witness to a new reality being born. I won't risk the plan just for my own satisfaction. See that we are not...unduly interrupted once the operation begins."
"I've already seen it. Every planetary shield system we control has been brought in. There are still a few yet to arrive, but once assembles we should have a nigh-unbreachable shield to prevent any interruptions in the breach opening." Luca explains. "Your victory is as certain as it is great."
Her words are confident, but a flicker of hesitation enters her eyes. She glances over at Lotor. He returns the gaze, uneasy.
Zarkon, either oblivious or unconcerned at the exchange, looks up from the platform, into space the star cluster, and all their forces spread throughout. Smaller, hexagonal stations line up around the prime station.
"So, this is where it will happen."
"...father?" Lotor asks.
"This is where everything comes to a close, son of mine. This is where it ends."
"...this is where it ends."
The Paladins of Voltron stand around a holographic display of The Array and the countless galra ships around it. Keith scrutinizes the display, searching every angle.
"This array is how they're going to do it." Pidge explains. " The teleduv will open the breach, then robeasts will draw the quintessence through acting kind of like a dam. In theory it will let them control the flow so the rate of expansion doesn't go out of control. After that...they'll be able to funnel a virtually infinite supply of quintessence into Darktron."
"I'm guessing there isn't any way to stop them once that happens?" Keith asks.
"It's unprecedented...but once they finish energizing Darktron I'm not sure there's anything they can't do once that happens. They could...reshape the whole universe if they wanted to. That's if they don't lose control and destroy everything again."
Keith looks thoughtful. "Is there any way to stop them once the breach is opened?"
Pidge adjusts her glasses. "If we knock the Array out of alignment, it could throw off their start up sequence.
"That will not be as easy as it sounds." Kolivan speaks up. "The Dark Paladins still need some time before they are ready to open the breach, but they're preparing a shield-wall perimeter around the Array. Once in place it will be quite...difficult to stop them from opening the breach."
"So we've got to get there before they complete the shield wall."
"It would be our best chance at success."
"How far along are our preparations?"
"Coming along as fast as possible." Sanda informs. "But we'll need a couple more hours before everyone's ready for the attack. If we leave any sooner we won't be able to bring the full brunt of our forces on them."
"And they will have every single galra still loyal to Zarkon in between us and them, Grand Regent." Skriel says, crossing his arms. "Not to mention their robeasts. They'll need a couple dozen for their array but all the rest will be trying to kill us. will not be enough to stop us! Ohoho!"
"After we get through all of that…" Keith takes a breath. "...there's Darktron."
"Pfft! We can that hunk of metal any day of the week!" Lance declares.
"Our last fight seems to suggest otherwise." Pidge says flatly.
Lance frowns.
"It's true." Allura agrees. "Zarkon and his Paladins have had much longer to learn the secrets of their Voltron. We still have no idea how to activate the armored form they used to defeat us so soundly before."
"And we can't rely on trying to figure it out during the battle. We've got to accept that Darktron is stronger." Keith says.
"Then...what do we do?" Hunk asks.
"The Atlas and the Paladin Crusher are probably going to be occupied keeping those robeasts off our backs. The Castle too. But I think there's one last tool at our disposal that we might be able to make use of..."
Keith sighes, then looks at Allura. "...but you aren't going to like it."
"You're right, I do not like this plan!" Allura objects.
She and the other paladins follow Keith down a slim corridor. A series of thick doors line the hallway. Keith stops in front of one, bringing the entire group to a halt. He sighs and turns to Allura. A scowl occupies her features.
"I know this situation is...complicated. And you're completely justified to feel the way you do. And if you can think of a single way we can do this without his help, then I'll turn around and walk away from this door. But if you can't...well I don't see any other good options. This is our best, maybe our only chance to beat Darktron."
Her expression softens but does not entirely lose it's firmness. She gives a slight nod.
Keith turns back to the door, unlocks it, and pulls it open.
Sincline Lotor lounges on his bed inside.
"To what do I owe this visit, Paladins of Voltron?"
"...we need your help."
Lotor's lips twist in an expression that is equal parts smile and grimace. "I believe I've more than proved my loyalty to the cause of bringing down Zarkon. And my piloting skills speak for themselves. You wouldn't be here if you were going to simply throw me into the cockpit of some fighter to join with the rank and file."
"No. We wouldn't be." Keith agrees. He glances briefly at Allura, who scowls down at Lotor. "...we need you to pilot Sincline."
Lotor chuckles. "That's the plan is it? You can't beat this...Darktron alone. But with my help you might have a chance?"
"That's the idea. But I'm sure you can understand why we might be...uneasy at the idea."
"Ah, there it is. You know I'll help you defeat Zarkon. You aren't worried about that. You're worried about what I might do after the dust settles. I'll be back in command of my most powerful weapon, and we could very well be right back where we started. I suppose I understand your concern…"
"How can we trust that you wont turn on us again, once this is all over?"
"You can't," Lotor says simply. "But, frankly you don't have a choice. At least against me it's somewhat equal odds. But there's no chance of you defeating Darktron alone. It's simply a risk that you're going to have to take."
Allura frowns. "You may play like that if you wish. But know that the universe has changed a long since you were emperor. You will find that you do not have many allies left."
"I'll keep that in mind, Princess," Lotor finally rose from his bed. "Now, are we going to blather here all day, or can I get ready to kill my father for the second time?"
"Well let's hope that wasn't a huge mistake." Hunk says.
He walks down the Garrison halls alongside Lance and Pidge.
"Not like we had much choice." Pidge points out. "It's the logical choice...even if it might come back to bite us."
"I give him five minutes after beating Zarkon before he turns on us." Lance says. "Just hope we can bring him down a second time if it comes to that…" He rubs his wrist, thoughtful.
Pidge eyes the gesture. "'s your tremor?"
"A little better. Still…" He shakes his head. "...don't worry about it. I'm sure you've got more important stuff to be worrying about with the attack coming up."
Pidge shrugged. "I'm just gonna go over the analytics on those shields and see what the energy blowback threshold is in case we need to...well I'm sure it's not anything you care to hear about."
"I never said that. It might surprise you what exactly I'm interested in." Lance raises an eyebrow.
Pidge averted her gaze. "-anyway. I should really get to work."
She turns a corner leaving both behind.
"That was...a little weird." Hunk remarked.
"Hm." Lance replies, noncommittally. "Well...guess I should get in a little more target practice before we all ship out. See ya."
Lance starts to turn away, then hesitates. "Hunk, do you think...ah never mind. Forget it."
He walks off, leaving a confused-looking Hunk staring after him.
Luca stands on the edge of the landing platform looking out over the combined forces of the Dark Paladins spread out through the cluster.
Prince Lotor of Darktron approaches.
"Everything alright, Luca?" Lotor asks.
She stiffens and whirls around. "I...yes, of course. Why would you ask?"
Lotor sighs. "Is it my father? I know he is callous. And...commanding. To be honest-"
"No, no. I don't…" She hesitates. "...your father does not bother me."
"Something else then? Whatever it is I'm sure I can…oh. It's me."
Luca winces.
"...what is it?"
"Please, my lord. It's nothing. And you needn't worry yourself with the concerns of-"
"-Luca, please. I won't have you going into battle plagued by uncertainty."
Luca sighes. After a moment, she nods.
"I...saw what happened in the colony. With the Princess. And...the other Lotor."
"Ah...that. An imposter of course. Our enemy will sink to any low if they think they can gain an edge." Lotor shakes his head. "I just worry they will try to use the alteans they took as a bargaining chip."
Luca still looks uncertain. "Our people left. Of their own will. Trusted...that man."
Lotor frowns. "This war has been hard on everyone. And the enemy is quite proficient at deception. I do not blame the alteans for their lapse in judgement. But we must ensure no...further lapses occur. Can I trust you to help me do that?"
He holds out his hand to her. She stares down at the hand and after a moment nods and takes it.
"I'm...sorry. I shouldn't have let that imposter cause me even a moment of doubt."
"All is forgiven. Make sure all the other robeast pilots are ready for their respective roles. Myself and the other paladins will be preoccupied, so they'll be looking to you during the battle."
"Understood." She salutes.
"At ease." he smiles.
Then he turns to walk away. And because Lotor's back is turned, he does not see the uneasy stare she places on his back.
Across the stars, another Lotor stares up at the Sincline mecha. It's been set up outside the Garrison base. Metal scaffolding surrounds it, from which Garrison personnel work on it.
" must think I'm eager to get back inside that suit." He says, "That I can't wait to return to that place of power?"
He turns to find Allura standing behind him.
"Aren't you?" She says, crossing her arms.
"" He turns back to Sincline. ", existing in the quintessence field was the most agonizing experience of my life. All that power was intoxicating at first. But it was too much. Equal parts europia and pain. Like having every atom in my body try to rip itself apart. I couldn't tell if seconds or years were passing," He shot her a hollow smile. "But, I suppose that was my own doing, wasn't it? The burden of power."
"Do you regret it, then? All the horrible things you did to end up here?" Allura asks.
Lotor stares up at the Sincline mecha.
"" He decides. "Regardless of the...unfortunate nature of my actions. I still believe they were necessary. I was this close to bringing peace to the universe. and your friends turned on me."
Allura scowls. "Is that really how you see it? You think we betrayed you!? Do you think for a second that I could have worked with you after what you did? Do you think there was any version of this where I could stand beside you after you killed my people!?"
"What I did was for the greater good-"
"-tell that to the alteans you murdered!"
Lotor fists clench. "You can hate me, Princess. But I will not apologize for my actions! Don't forget, that I'm the reason any of those alteans are alive to begin with! Because I protected them when you and your father couldn't!"
"You…!" Her voice cracks. " think that makes up for it? They trusted you. And you exploited that. Used them like a piece of machinery. I just..." She lets out a breath and averts her gaze."...I just once thought you were better than that."
Lotor doesn't say anything for several moments.
"I don't...think it matters, in the end." He finally says. "Even if...on some level I did regret some of my choices. I can't change the past. Can't bring back the people I killed. So I will keep doing what I feel is necessary. I've long since gone too far to turn back."
Allura studies him. "...part of making hard choices is knowing what isn't necessary. To know when the price is too high for an action."
Lotor scowls. "Is that another of your father's proverbs?"
"No, Lotor. I learned that from you."
He hesitates at that. He seems about to form a reply when he is cut off.
Both turn to see a small crowd of alteans approaching. The twins were leading the charge, with Vatta and Sahan just behind. They are a mix of the former robeast pilots and the alteans rescued from the colonies.
"I Lord." Dramor corrects himself.
Lotor glances at Allura but her face is impassive.
"...ease yourself. There's little need for titles here. What do you need?"
"These youngsters want to fight." Sahan said simply.
"" Lagmor admits.
Lotor studies them. "...why?"
"As a chance to make up for our mistake. For fighting for the wrong side."
Lotor looks at her next and a twisted smile works its way onto his face. "What do you think Princess? Should we trust them to fight?"
Allura stares back, eyes stony. "I would rather them not be put in danger. We are facing Zarkon and all his forces. Some of which are your own fellow alteans."
"That is part of the reason we want to help." Dramor argued. "If they see which side we've chosen, perhaps they will realize how they've been deceived. They're our brothers and sisters, give us a chance to help stop them."
"And what if you're forced to kill your fellow alteans?" Lotor asks.
The entire group looks taken aback.
"Will you stop them, if you have to? The entire universe hangs in the balance. Do you want to have to make that choice?"
For the first time the alteans look uneasy.
"Can you do what's necessary? Even if it means you have to get your hands dirty?"
"That's enough." Allura says quietly, but firmly.
Lotor shrugs. "I'm only trying to make sure they know what they may have to do. Going into battle isn't such a simple thing when people you know are the enemy."
"I don't plan on any alteans dying today, Lotor."
"And are you going to be the one to ensure that?"
"And if you fail, will you answer for it?"
"I will." She replies without hesitation.
"Please!" Vatta says to Allura. "We know we've wronged you and your efforts to help us. We just want a chance...and opportunity to make things right."
Allura looks the girl in the eye, saying nothing at first. After a moment she sighs and closes her eyes.
" goes without saying that the children and elderly should remain here. Those of you who are able bodied and still wish to fight...I will not stop you from fighting, if that is what you truly desire. I believe Coran can use your help in the Castle. There are certain functions of the ship that may only work with a full crew of alteans. Ask him where he needs help."
"Thank you! We will not let you down, Lotor!" Vatta says. "Or you, Princess!"
With that the alteans depart. Sahan remains for a moment. She raises an eyebrow at Allura.
"I'm going to pretend I didn't hear that line about the elderly. This old bird's still got some fight in her yet, young lady!"
Allura smiles. "I'm sure you do."
Apparently considering the matter settled, the old woman nods and joins the other.
For a moment, Allura and Lotor are alone again.
"...they still trust me." Lotor notes.
"For now."
He eyes her sidelong.
"You haven't told them?"
"I tried telling some of them, at first. Long before now."
"But now?"
"I didn't think it was necessary."
Lotor smiles slightly. "And did you factor that into your plans of what happens after we beat Zarkon?"
"I suppose I just have faith that in time, the true colors of all parties will be revealed."
Allura turns away.
"...after that talk of making sure no alteans die, I'm surprised you're letting them fight."
Allura stops in her tracks.
"...I suppose I just don't want to deny them the chance to make up for their mistakes. At least they're trying."
Lotor doesn't have a reply for that. He is left to once again, stare up at Sincline.
Hunk kneels inside a hangar, working on an MFE. A panel is pulled off exposing the guts of the fighter. Hunk stares at the ship's guts, thoughtful. Pidge walks up beside him and tilts her head in curiocity.
"Whatcha up to?"
"Just checking out one of these ships they're gonna be sending out for the battle. They've tested them quite a bit, but they've never been in real combat. How'd your analysis of the shields go?"
She sighs. "Didn't learn much I didn't already know. Nothing we can use to breach those shields at long range. A direct hit from the blazing sword would probably be able to break through one of them. But first we'd have to get close enough to do that. And they've got a very large army in the way to slow us down." She shakes her head. "We basically just gotta hope we get there before all the shields are up. If there's gaps in the barrier some of our smaller or faster ships might be able to slip through and do some damage. Or try and land a blast through all that madness, though that seems like a bit of a longshot."
"Good thing we're not so bad at pulling off longshots, huh?"
"Sometimes...anyway, how's the fighter looking?"
"Fine tuned and as ready for combat, far as I can tell."
He replaces the panel and starts sealing it back up. Pidge's gaze shifts to the dozens of Garrison personnel around them, moving cargo and prepping ships for launch.
"Guess everyone pulling out all the stops, huh?"
"Yep. One last fight. No room for holding anything back now. One way or all ends after today."
Pidge shifts uncomfortably at that.
"Doesn't that bother you? Thinking about what happens if we don't win?"
Hunk shrugs. "It does. But not as much as it used to. All that worrying I did never changed a thing. We've just gotta do as much as we can to win, and hope that's enough."
Pidge doesn't look satisfied with the answer.
"But...but what if you were worried you might not get a chance to do something you've been putting off?"
"I'd...stop putting it off?" Hunk says, confused.
Pidge groans. "I was worried you were going to say that."
"Why? What is it?"
Pidge shakes her head. "It's stupid. After everything that's happened. What's about to happen. The stuff I've been thinking about is just...juvenile, in comparison."
"Well, it might not be an interstellar war, but if it's bothering you then I think it probably does matter."
Pidge chews on her lip thoughtful.
"So...what is it?"
She immediately stiffens."I'd...rather not say."
Hunk immediately looks intrigued. " it something embarrassing?"
She glares at him.
"Oh, it's definitely embarrassing!"
"Shut up." She mutters.
He raises his hands defensively. "It's alright if you don't want to tell me. But I can't really help you if I don't know what the problem is."
Pidge glares at him for a moment. Then stares at her feet. She shifts her weight from one foot to the other. Finally she looks back up, glances over either shoulder and leans in closer to Hunk.
"If I tell have to swear and I mean swear that this stays between us."
"...of course." Hunk says, looking uneasy at her sudden seriousness. "Pidge...did you kill someone or something?"
"I wish." She groans.
Pidge looks over both shoulders once again and sighs. She adjusts her glasses.
"I think…" She hesitates, cursing under her breath. "...I think I' love with Lance."
Hunk blinks. "...what!?"
"Keep your voice down!" She hisses.
" a joke? You're playing me right now, right? In a second, Lance is going to jump out and point and laugh?"
Pidge cringes. ", it's not a joke. And I really hope Lance isn't about to jump out and start laughing."
Hunk stares at her for several deafeningly quiet moments.
"'re in love with Lance?"
"...yeah." She stares at her shoes.
His eyes widened. "! That actually makes a lot of stuff make sense! All those times you...oh...OH!"
"This was a mistake." Pidge rubs her temples.
"No, no, no, Pidge. I'm sorry, I'm just...processing."
"You think you're having a hard time with this?"
" long have you felt this way?"
She shrugs. "I guess...after that battle on the station. When I had my run in with Lotor. Lance came to rescue me, the dolt. Ended up getting just as busted up as me. But afterwards...he just said something that made me realize how I felt. And it's been nagging at me ever since."
"Are you going to tell him?"
"God no! Why would I do a thing like that?"
"So you can...find out how he feels?"
She narrows her eyes. "Hunk. I don't think you understand. I'm not planning on telling Lance anything. I'd just like all of this to go away."
"Go away?" Hunk says skeptically.
"Yes! It's just...bad code. Some chemical wires in my brain getting crossed. You think I want him popping into my head when I'm trying to get work done? Not being able to think when he's around? Having a pulse rate like a jackrabbit? You think I enjoy that!?"
"Pidge, I don't know what to tell you. Feelings don't usually just turn off like you're flicking a light-switch."
"Well, why not!?" She crosses her arms in frustration. "I sure didn't ask for it in the first place."
Hunk chuckled.
"What's so funny?"
"It's just...strange to see you like this."
"Like what?"
"Who said I was vulnerable?"
"Pidge, if you really wanted this to just go away you wouldn't be speaking to me right now. I think you want to tell him. You're just scared of what will happen if you do."
Her arms tighten around her gut.
"...and what if I am? Is that so crazy?"
"It's not."
"How do you just tell someone that know, feel that way about them? It boggles my mind. How can you let yourself be so vulnerable?"
"I'm not exactly an expert on the subject. But as I understand it, it's a leap. You've just got to take a chance."
In a very quiet voice Pidge replies, "And what if I don't like my odds?"
"You mean…"
"I'm not exactly his usual type: Tall. Long hair. Curvy. Hell, I convincingly played a boy for the first few months I knew him." She shakes her head. "Who am I kidding? It would just distract both of us before the big battle. Telling him now would be a horrible idea. Maybe someday, long after this is all over. That's the smart choice."
"That's one way of looking at it." Hunk nods. "Another way of looking at it is that this might be your last chance. In case we...well, you know."
Pidge opens her mouth in what looks like an objection, but doesn't seem able to form the words. Eventually she just leans back against the fighter and bangs her head against the metal.
"...what did I do to deserve an affliction like this?"
"You mean love?" Hunk chuckles. "It's okay Pidge, it happens to the best of us."
She groans. "...and why him?"
"Well I think you're the only one who can answer that."
She huffs. Then kicks at some nonexistent dirt of the floor. "...I don't know. I's kind of cool how he tries so hard all the time. He pretends to be so easy-going and confident when that couldn't be farther from the truth. And even though he's long since proved it to everyone, he still fights so hard to show why he should be on this team. Even during his awful crusade to win Allura's heart he didn't just give up. No matter how many times she shut him down. Even in the end he still did the mature thing and let her go. And he never makes fun of me when I go all tech-mode, even though he has no idea what I'm talking about. Don't you ever let him know this but he can, on occasion, be...charming." She clears her throat. "...and dammit, he's handsome, okay!?"
"Well…" Hunk smiles. "...sounds like you've got it all figured out."
"I've got nothing figured out! That's the problem!"
"I still think you should tell him. But it is your choice. Maybe it is the smarter decision not to. But will you be able to live with yourself if you don't?"
"I...need to think about this some more."
"Alright," Hunk nods.
"...thanks for listening."
Hunk cracks a genuine smile. "What are friends for?"
Pidge returns a weak smile, then walks off, muttering curses under breath.
Hunk lets out a sigh, then turns to work on the next MFE.
"Hey, Hunk." Lance says popping over his shoulder.
Hunk quite literally jumps.
"Lance! What are you doing here!?" He glances over his shoulder but Pidge is already gone.
Lance tilts his head in confusion. "I...just came here to ask you about something. Man, what's got you wound so tight?"
Hunk smiles nervously as he rubs the back of his neck. "Guess I'm uh...just a little on edge because of the upcoming battle."
"Oh. Okay." Lance nods, accepting the answer. "So, you checking the specs on these fighters?"
"Y-yeah," Hunk clears his throat. "So uh...what did you want to talk about?"
"Oh, that. Right." He sighs, "Well, there's no easy way to say this. I think I'm in love with Pidge."
Hunk's jaw drops. One his eyes twitches. He tries to form a response but it just comes out as unintelligible mumbling.
"I know this is out of the blue. Probably weren't expecting to hear about something like this right before the battle."
"I… I was not." Hunk finally manages to say. "Quite the uh…" He clears his throat. "...quite the bombshell."
"So...what do you think I should do?"
"Uh...tell her. Tell her now. Sooner the better."
"Are you sure? What if she's weirded out by it? Or worse, thinks I'm joking. Bet the thought's never even crossed her mind.
"Y-you might be surprised."
"How do you figure?"
"Um. Just a feeling." Hunk tugs at his collar. "Boy, is it just me or is it getting hot in here?"
Lance looks unconvinced. "After I confessed to Allura, Pidge gave me this whole speech about how I didn't even understand Allura, so how could I be in love with her? So if I tell Pidge the same, I'm worried she won't take it seriously. That she'll think I'm just chasing the next girl on the list."
"...well not to be frank, but is that what this is?"
"No." Lance says without hesitation. "Most of the girl's i've gone's just been this instant thing. Immediate attraction. With Pidge it's...different. The feeling snuck up on me. I wasn't ready for it. I sure didn't plan it. But there it is. One day I just realized she's been there for me every time I've needed her. No matter how bad I've screwed up, or when I can't even hold a gun straight. She works tirelessly for the team, making sure we have every edge we need, and never asks for anything in return. And she's the smartest person I know. Also...she's cute when she's angry. Even if I'm usually the reason she's angry. For better or worse, I love that kniving, hot-tempered, sarcastic, little imp. And it terrifies me that she won't feel the same way." Lance lets out a sigh, shoulders slumping.
Hunk stares at him and lets out a small chuckle.
"What? What is it?"
"...I'll tell you later. Listen, Lance. I get where you're coming from. I understand that this is a big leap especially after the last time you..well, you know. Fear's a hard thing to get past. I know that, better than most. But just because you fell doesn't mean you stop taking leaps. You're scared. That's good. That means you'll try harder to avoid failure. Confidence is overrated. In my opinion, bravery is a lot better. And I don't think Lance Mcclain has ever been short of that."
Lance cracks a smile. "Glad to see someone's got faith in me. I sure don't."
"So, you figured out what you're going to do?"
"Nope. Not a clue. I'm just gonna do what I do best."
"What's that?"
"Wing it and hope for the best."
Hunk laughs.
"Anyway, I'll let you get back to it. Thanks for listening, Hunk."
"Sure…" Hunk grins. "...what are friends for?"
Lance strides away, and Hunk is left staring at the innards of another MFE.
"...jeeze, what am I gonna do with those two?"
"Good news: we should be ready to leave within the hours." Admiral Sanda says.
Keith, Sanda and him stand on a ridge overlooking the coalition forces preparing for battle.
"Are you sure about those MFE ships?" Keith asks. "They're never been tested in real combat."
"No need to worry, Keith." Matt says. "My dad helped build them. They've been rated as faster and more maneuverable than standard galra fighters. Final tests are being run, but so far everything looks good."
"Besides, a seasoned fighter pilot will be leading them into battle, to ensure any potential issues can be dealt with in an efficient manner."
"Seasoned pilot?" Matt asks. "Who'd you pick for that?"
Matt raises his eyebrows in surprise. "Really? You?"
"I'm not that old, Holt. And besides, I'm one of the few pilots here with real combat experience. I'm not about to miss one last chance to fly before I retire."
"Careful. That's the kind of stuff people say right before they die in a blaze of glory."
"Foolish heroics have never been my style. I prefer surgical strategy and follow-through."
"Good, I don't need unnecessary risks out there. I plan on ending this with as few deaths as possible."
"Word of advice: there's never any shortage of casualties in war."
"I know." Keith replies solemnly.
Sanda studies him, then nods.
Below the ridge, Allura observes alteans entering the Castle of Lions. Keith takes note.
"Matt, Sanda. If there's nothing else?"
Both shook their heads.
"Contact me when we're ready to leave."
"Understood." They said in unison.
Keith nodded to them both, then descended down the ridge. It's a steep, rocky path back down, but Keith doesn't falter once.
"Hey." He says, walking over to her.
"Hi, Keith." She smiles weakly.
"So they decided to go, huh?" He nods to the alteans filing into the Castle.
"Is that a problem?"
"Not unless you think it will be."
She studies the alteans for a moment, then shakes her head.
"It's their choice. And I am not their queen to command them."
"But you are the Princess."
"I do not know if they see me that way."
"They will."
She eyes him, doubtful. "What makes you so sure."
"Because you care about them more than anyone else in this universe. And sooner or later they'll realize that." Keith grins. "They'd be idiots not to."
Allura averts her gaze, but she does smile.
"...there's something I want to tell you."
Keith straightens. "...what is it?"
Allure stares into the sky. "Before I tell you, I want to know that you won't tell the other Paladins. It's not that I don't trust them. As a matter of fact, I trust each of them with my life. But this information would...complicate this battle to come. I'm only telling...well out of selfishness, I suppose. I just need someone to hear this."
"Alright." Keith nods.
Allura draws in a breath. "...the Blue Paladin of Darktron, is actually King Alfor. My father."
"Yes. it's been...difficult to process."
"I can...imagine. When did you find out?"
"Shortly after I was captured."
"You're sure it's him?"
"Yes. At least, some version of him."
"Allura…" Keith seems to gather himself. "...I don't think I need to tell you that this is a man from another different universe. Another timeline. There's no telling how different Alfor was in that reality."
"I know that. I really do. But when I fought him...I saw something. A flicker of the man that raised me." She lets out a long sigh. "But he's the enemy. As much as I hope that there's more of the good man inside, I know I still have to fight him. Which is why…"
" didn't want to tell the other. You;re worried they'll hesitate because of you."
Allura nods. "They are good friends. I can't help but think it would give them pause. I want to spare them from that."
"I understand. I won't tell them."
"Thank you."
"But…" Keith shifts with discomfort. "...did you think I wouldn't be affected? That I wouldn't hesitate because of your feelings?"
Allura smiles, "No. I just trusted you to do the right thing anyway."
Keith smiles back.
"Allura!" A voice calls.
Both turn to see Ayden running towards them. He grabs onto her legs and smiles a toothy grin. "Hi."
"Hey there," She ruffles his hair.
"Who's this little guy?" Keith asks.
"I'm not that little!" Ayden scowls, although it ends up looking more like a pout.
Keith chuckles, raising his hands in defense. "My mistake."
"Keith, this is Ayden. He helped me get through my confinement. Even helped change some minds."
"Well then it's a pleasure to meet you, friend."
Ayden eyes him, dubious.
"Ayden. This is Keith. One of my best friends. And the leader of Voltron."
Ayden's eyes widen. "Woah. So do you like...fight lots of bad guys?"
"Yeah." Keith smiles. "I fight lots of bad guys."
"Cool! I wish I could fight bad guys…" He frowns. "All the grown ups are getting on the ship to go fight!"
"That's true." Allura agrees.
"But I wanna go too!"
Allura crouches down to be at eye level. "I know you do. And if I were you, I'd want to too. But you and the other altean children are the future. You've got a duty to your people to stay safe. Can I trust you to do that?"
Ayden frowns. Then he kicks some dirt. Finally he nods. "...alright."
"Don't worry. One day it'll be your day to brave the stars. And when that day comes I'm sure you'll blind us all with how bright you shine."
He smiles at that.
"So, are you ready to return to your post, soldier?"
"Yes, Princess!" He salues.
"Go on then."
He bows to her, nods to Keith, then runs off. Allura stares after him, smiling slightly.
"Yes, Keith?"
"I think you were saying something about how you didn't think any of the alteans supported you?"
Allura tries and fails to stifle a grin.
"...well, maybe there's one or two."
"Come on. We better head to our lions."
Pidge is the last to arrive at her lion. The others are waiting in a circle when she gets there.
"Don't tell me you were all waiting up for me." She says.
"Well we couldn't exactly leave without you." Keith points out. "But now that you are here, we're just waiting on the all clear."
"Understood." She takes her place in the group, a healthy distance from Lance.
For a moment the whole group is silent. Pidge shoots a glance at Lance. He shoots a glance at her. This occurs several times until their eyes meet, and they quickly avert their gazes.
"I need to talk to you." They say in union.
They stare at each other, earning the interest of the other Paladins.
"Is...something the matter?" Keith inquires.
"No!" They say, speaking in unison again. Both cringe.
"I think...they just have something to sort out. Alone." Hunk winks at them.
Lance clears his throat. "Y-yeah…"
Pidge rolls her eyes, then grabs Lance by the sleeve leading him out of earshot of the others. Keith looks on in confusion, while Allura watches, thoughtful. Hunk simply smiles knowingly.
They stop a few dozen feet away, turning to face each other. Neither says anything at first. Pidge kicks at some dirt. Lance rubs his arm, wrist twitching ever so slightly.
"...I should have built you another bracelet." Pidge finally says. "There's just...been so much going on recently. I'm sorry."
Lance stares at her for a moment before shaking his head. "It's like I said. You've got more important stuff to do. You don't need to worry about me."
"You always say stuff like that!""
Lance looks taken aback.
"I know you don't want anybody to worry about you, but it's okay to ask for help sometimes!"
He hesitates, then narrows his eyes. "You're one to talk. Or did you think I forgot how you went looking for Matt without letting the rest of us in on it?"
"Alright fine! So, we're both bad at asking for help!"
Lance cracks a smile.
"Something funny?" Pidge huffs.
He shakes his head. "Just thinking about how some things never change."
Pidge stares at the ground. She fidgets with something in her hand."...maybe they should."
Lance quirks an eyebrow. "Does...this have something to do with what you wanted to say to me?"
" had something to say too, didn't you?"
Lance considers. " first."
Pidge winces. "...of course" She takes a deep breath, and looks down at what she holds in her hands. "Lance I-"
"-Hey you two!" Keith suddenly yells. "We just got the all clear! It's time to go!"
Pidge curses under her breath. Lance sighs in annoyance.
"We'll be right there!" He yells before turning back to Pidge, "You were saying?"
"I…" She bites her lip, then shakes her head. Then she grabs Lance's hand and shoves what she was holding into it.
He looks down into his palm. It's a small scrap of paper with a series of letters and numbers on it:
"What is this?"
"It's…a code."
"What does it mean?"
"I'll...tell you after the battle."
Lance stares down at her. She doesn't meet his gaze.
"Okay." He lets out a breath. "I understand."
"Y-you had something to say too?"
He shakes his head. "We've got to get going."
She gives a single nod. They head back to the others.
"You sure something isn't wrong?" Keith asks.
The two of them shake their heads. Hunk gets a concerned look.
"Alright then…" Keith closes his eyes. When he opens them, they are set on the sky above, "'s time. Everyone to their lions."
Keith, Hunk and Allura immediately climb inside their lions. Pidge and Lance hesitate, sharing one last look before they do the same.
The Five Lions of Voltron rise into the sky. Shortly after, So does Sincline. Behind them a fleet of ships rise up behind them. Soon they are all enveloped by the shining stars and pitch darkness of space.
"I'm not great at speeches, so I'll make this quick." Keith says over the comm. "Right now our enemies are trying to take this universe for themselves. We aren't going to let that happen. We're all here. Every ally. Every friend. We look out for each other out there. It's what makes us different from the enemy. Don't fight like you've got nothing to lose. Fight like you've got everything to lose. That's why we'll win. Because we're not fighting for power or for glory. We're fighting for our homes. For the people waiting for us. For our way of life. And if they think they can just take all that from us, then they've got another thing coming. And all I got. Let's go beat Zarkon, once and for all."
And with that, the combined ships of the Coalition of Voltron make the jump deep into space.
Zarkon flies his Black Lion through the star cluster. Galra ships are dark silhouettes against the harsh light of the stars. He brings his lion to a halt before the teleduv array. Over a dozen robeasts gather around the Array. Countless hexagonal stations are beginning to form a vague globe around the Array, with more still coming in.
Lotor in his Red Lion approaches Zarkon.
"Father, I wanted to speak to you about...certain details of the operation."
"I've looked into mother's calculations. These alteans...I don't think they'll survive. Not in these robeast suits."
"And I think if we took more time we could develop a safer method, they could live. There's no reason to cast aside these lives when they're performing such a great service for our empire."
" empire."
"You said our empire. Make no mistake, boy. I am emperor."
Lotor grits his teeth. " mistake. But will you consider my suggestion?"
"There's nothing to consider. It was an infantile suggestion. The words of a child afraid of change. If you are scared about what will happen today, go cry to your mother. I have no time for your petulance."
Lotor's eyes blaze. "You old bastard!"
Zarkon grins. "That's more like it, son! Have a spine for once in your life!"
For a moment both lions hang in space, facing one another.
"What is going on here!?" Honerva demands, rising up between them.
"The boy and I were having ourselves a little heart to heart."
"That's one way of putting it!" Lotor snarls.
"Are the two of you really going to do this right before our final victory?"
"Oh I think you mean his final victory! Family or not, we've never been anything but pawns to him!"
"Tell me I'm wrong! Can mother? Can you honestly tell me he's ever served anyone but himself!?"
When Honerva does reply her voice is quiet, "...please, both of you. Don't do this. Not now."
"It may be a little late for that…" Zarkon replies with unmistakable excitement in his voice.
It is then that Sendak's and Raimon's lions fly in.
"Emperor Zarkon!" Sendak exclames.
"What is it?" Zarkon growls.
"They're here."
All turn to see hundred, thousands of new lights appearing from out of the dark of space. They are not stars.
"What a sight…" Zarkon says.
"Call in the rest of the required robeasts and activate the shield barriers. We need to start the operation now!" Hoverva says. "It will take a few minutes, but if the shields get into place we should be able to open the breach without interruption.
"And miss this glorious opportunity for battle?" Zarkon says. "Why not fight them and collect the power as trophy?"
"Zarkon!" She pleads.
From inside the lion, he studies those specs growing closer.
"So very tempting…." He closes his eyes. "...but I will not risk everything just for the thrill of once more battle. We will begin the operation."
Lotor hesitates. "The alteans…"
"Lotor, if you care for them so, then they can be remade once all power belongs to Darktron." Honerva points out.
"In theory! We don't know what can and can't be done once that door is opened."
"I can think of but one way to truly find out."
The comms are quiet for several seconds.
"...let's do it."
Zarkon chuckles. "Good choice, boy. Now, let us remake the universe!"
The Coalition of Voltron crashes against forces of the Dark Paladins like a hammer against an anvil. Human MFE fighters fight alongside alien ships. The new Castle of Lions blasts cruisers from the sky, flanked by galra ships loyal to the coalition. And at the spear of the attack, Voltron and Sincline ride into battle, side by side.
They tear a swath of destruction through the enemy lines, explosions popping up in their wake.
Then, a squad of robeasts arrive. They are led by one with violet lines running across it's armor.
"That is far enough." Luce sat over the comms.
She spins her staff in an arc, before bringing it down for Voltron's head. Voltron counters with a swing of it's sword. Luca retreats back, letting fly a blast from her armor's chest. Voltron blocks the blast with it's shield, forced backwards.
The other robeasts close in on Sincline.
"I don't have time for this!" Lotor snarls, moving to fly past the robeast. They block his path. That proves a mistake. No one sees Sincline's swords being drawn. They simply appeared one moment, and two robeasts fell to pieces.
Lotor guns Sincline's engines, tearing off deeper into the cluster, leaving a trail of energy in his wake.
"Lotor!" Keith yells with annoyance.
"Actually he might be on the right track!" Pidge informs. "Check this out!"
A section of the cluster magnifies. It shows the array. Robeasts are gathered between each progressively smaller ring, culminating with Darktron centered in the smallest. The shield stations begin to light up, even as some still move into place.
"They're starting to activate their shield wall! If all the stations power up they'll be completely protected! We'll have no chance to stop them!"
"Well we're a little tied up at the moment!" Keith replies, blocking another of Luca's strikes.
"We'll take care of that!" Matt declared, flying forward in the Atlas to smash a mighty fist into Luca's robeast. The Paladin Crusher comes up from the flank, engaging the rest of the squad.
"Ohohoho! We'll take it from here!" Skriel says.
"Thanks guys!" With that Voltron races past.
But they don't get far. They're quickly blasted by half a dozen ion cannons. Voltron isd sent reeling. Voltron launches back into action, dodges a series of blasts and cuts through several ships. Ships blowing up behind, Voltron is about to move to it's target again, when it is tackled by another robeast.
"There's no end to these guys!" Lance exclames.
Voltron kicks the robeast back, earning them some breathing room. They zero in on the station's shields popping up, innumerable energy hexagons spreading around the Array. Only a few gaps remain in the energy sphere, where some of the stations have yet to fall into place.
"Hunk, fire cannon! Now!"
Hunk smashes his bayard into place, and the cannon materializes, tearing a solid beam through the battle it vaporizes a dozen galra ships before finally ripping through a trio of the shields stations.
That's all they're able to accomplish before the robeast smashing into them again, bladed spear angling towards Voltron's neck.
Voltron deflects with the sword, then lets out another blast from the cannon point-blank. The robeasts are flung backward to smash through a galra cruiser, which explodes.
Voltron then bursts forward to neatly slice all four of it's limbs off. The robests hands, limp in space.
Off to the side the remaining shield sations fall into place and the rest of the globe seals up. Only a small gap remains where the few stations they managed to destroy would have been.
"We don't have a clear shot, and the cannon needs a minute before it can fire again!" Hunk informs them.
Another robeast and more ships approach.
Keith grits his teeth, "We need to think of something!"
"...we could split up." Lance suggests.
"Why would we do that?"
"Give them more targets. Make it easier for one of us to slip past and...take the shot."
Keith is quiet for a moment.
"...can you do it?"
"Honestly...I don't know."
Voltron splits back into five lions.
Keith activates his lion's wings and tries to jump past but is smacked backwards by the swing of a robeast's staff. Hunk and Allura's lions become equally tied up by ion cannon blasts. Only Lance and Pidge manage to slip past the assortment of enemies.
Inside the shield, the rings begin to crackle with energy. It starts at the teleduv, then works its way back, stopping at the final ring, around Darktron. The bolts of energy coalesce into an orb at the center of the teleduv.
Lance turns towards the distant gap in the side of the shield.
"Pidge, If I use the railgun, I should have enough power to knock one of them out of place. Will we have enough time to get to a clear line of fire?"
Lance nods slowly.
"...what about a ricochet?"
"Are you thinking of…?"
"I know these energy shields can mess with the degree of blast reflection. So what angle would I be aiming for? I just need to hit one of them to disrupt their operation, right?"
Pidge opens her mouth but finds herself speechless.
"What?" Lance smirks, "Did you really think I wasn't listening all those years you tried to explain science to me?"
Pidge allows herself a small smile.
"'ll need to hit between thirty and forty degree angle. But because of the energy distortion, aim for fifty and you should hit your mark. That's just the numbers, though. The actual shot…"
" nearly impossible. Got it."
Lance takes a breath, and the lion's rail gun appears on it's back. He guides his shot, aiming for the gap in the shield. He takes another breath. Beads of sweat form on his skin.
His hand begins to tremble.
"Not now…" He mutters. He closes his eyes. "Come on!" His hand continues to shake.
"...Lance?" Pidge says in a softer tone.
"I don't...I don't know if I can do this." He admits, eyes opening. "I just...I've only got one chance at this. If I don't make it...we're all dead, or worse. Everyone's depending on me and I don't think I can do it, Pidge." Gis voice cracks, "I'm going to miss, I can feel it. We're going to lose because I can't-"
"Lance!" She says forcefully.
He blinks.
"If we's not your fault. It'll be because of a million other factors. Because we didn't get here quick enough. Because we didn't stop them the last time we fought. Because sometimes no matter what we've done, it still might never have been enough. So just listen to my voice, and take the shot. You don't have anything to prove. But for what it's worth...I think you can do it."
Lance looks out his lion's viewport, at the Green Lion.
"...thanks, Pidge."
"Anything for our sharpshooter."
He smiles, then turns back to his target. The crackling has only grown brighter, and the ball in the center of the teleduv seems at its apex.
He zeroes in on the gap one more time. His hand has only the slightest tick, but it's still there. He glances at the hand thoughtful. Then something else catches his eye. The small scrap of paper Pidge gave him, wedged into his lion's console.
He stares at it for a moment, eyes widening. And then he grins and takes one more breath.
"Hey Pidge?"
"I love you."
Lance fires, not a hint of a tremor in his hand.
A blinding blue beam of light erupts from the Red Lion's back. It tears across the battlefield, threading the needle between countless galra fighters and ships. It slips through the gap in the shield, and collides with the inside of the barrier. The beam bounces off the shield, reflecting towards the Array inside. It hits a robeast, blasting the robeast away to smash into backside of the shield.
The crackling energy making up the orb grows uneven, surging up and down the rings. The orb then breaks apart, energy lancing in every direction. Robeasts are blasted everywhere, and several shield stations are obliterated.
Finally, the energy vanishes and the rings go dead.
"...I did It." Lance says, stunned.
"Lance!" Pidge yells. "You...I...what!?"
"Yeah I'm surprised as you are."
"Not that! I mean, yes! Great job, stopping the universe from ending, but WHAT THE HELL DID YOU SAY BEFORE THAT!?"
"Huh? Oh. I love you."
There is silence over the comm for a minute.
"Woo! Good job dude!" Hunk suddenly says.
"Thanks man."
"Well for one, I meant it."
"Don't can't just-...ARGHHHH!" Pidge's voice devolves into unintelligible noises.
"This interesting development." Allura chimes in.
"As um...unexpected as all this is…" Keith says. "...I think we've got more pressing issues."
The three other lions approach, dodging blasts from their pursuers.
"Yeah, better shelve this for later." Lance agrees.
"Speak for yourself!" Pidge yells
Lance pushes his lion into motion avoiding a stray blast from one of the cruisers.
"Alright, then you wanna talk about this while we're fighting for our lives?"
It's Pidge's turn to dodge a blast.
"...this isn't over!"
"I'd be worried if it was." Lance smiles.
Darktron hovers in space, scattered robeasts hanging around it. Several of the rings above are cracked, leaking violet energy. The shield around the Array now has dozens of breaches, and barely covers up half of what it previously did.
Zarkon takes it all in.
"...Honerva, report."
"The pilots of the robeasts have been rattled but they should recover soon. The Array on the other hand...when it was knocked out of formation, some of the rings were damaged. They'll need to be repaired before we try again."
"And how long will that take?"
"Maybe half a varga?"
"And the shields have enough holes that they may as well not be there…" A grin splits Zarkon's face. "...good."
"Good!?" Honerva shouts with disbelief.
"Yes. Now, we do this like we should have from the start. Victory through battle. One last killing thrust." He chuckles. "Make sure your people have this array ready. It's time we destroyed the other Voltron."
The five Lions of Voltron catch up to Sincline just outside the remains of the shield barrier. A trail of broken ships lead up to its position, but Lotor has pulled the mecha to a stop. Across from Sincline, is Darktron.
"...took you long enough." Lotor says from inside Sincline.
"I concur." Comes Zarkon's voice. "You knew you could not match our power, so you opted for strength in numbers. You that'll be enough to beat us? To beat me?"
"I think it'll be enough to kill you." Keith says coldly.
"By all means boy. Let's pick up where we left off…"
Darktron summons a sword.
Keith narrows his eyes, "Paladins, form Voltron!"
The lions, once again, join together.
Voltron floats side by side with Sincline. For a moment the pilots of the three mechas stare each other down.
Then, Voltron and Sincline charge at Darktron.