(Chapter 1: New Life)
I was given up by my parents to the Dursleys after Voldemort died and was under Dumbledore's orders cast away to my relatives, while he told my parents it was for my protection I knew better so that I wouldn't get in the way of his turning him into his golden boy. So for the next set of years I was treated as garbage by them, I was scorned, often beaten and called a freak, monster, useless abortion and other things because I was just like my parents.
With it all coming to a head on my 10th birthday were decided to get rid of me and do so in a permanent manner, so what better way to do so than to beat me down, tie up with rope and throw me out to sea where I'd drown; never to be seen or heard from again and so starts our story.
(Thames River, 11:46 Pm, July 31st 2010)
It was nearly midnight as Harry was currently drowning at the bottom of the Thames as he'd used up all of his available magic and now oxygen to prevent himself from drowning as the undercurrent swept him out to sea.
"So then this is how I die, drowning at the bottom of who knows which ocean." Harry thought as he felt his lungs filling up with saltwater
"How strange that they sent me away thinking I'd be loved, but yet instead for my final birthday present I get drowned in the Thames. Bound up in rope...well at least I won't have to put up with being called a freakish abortion anymore." Harry thought to himself as bubbles continued to escape his mouth
That in mind Harry soon ran out of oxygen as his body had continued to struggle and reach the surface, yet to no avail as it was only mere minutes following that he soon choked on the warm saltwater; while his consciousness soon began to fade. Yet as he sunk further and further into the now oceanic depths as he felt his spirit began to leave his mortal body, he saw something that he'd forever have burned into his mind and that being an eye the size of a small house that was a kaleidoscopic coral red, deep cyan and sea green with a large heptagonal pupil shaped like a typhoon staring back at him.
For within that moment all time and space around him seemed to freeze as he stared into the almost void like abyss of the sea creature, who's entire body was of such vastness that as more eyes of the same color began to open and focus in on him the more he felt so small that he might as well be a goldfish before a killer whale. With it's vast body pulsing with such eldritch power that even it he could move it'd be futile, as the sheer power that this creature radiated was something that would make Dumbledore and Voldemort combined feel like a mere ladybug by comparison.
"Such potential, it would be a shame to let it go to waste. So let me give you this chance..to decide to live." The creature spoke in a voice that sounded eons old as it gave Harry the power to speak
"W-Who and w..what are you?" Harry questioned as the many eyes of the creature stared at him
"I am known by a number of monikers you humans have called me. The Devourer, The Many Eyed One, Lord of the Depths. But to you I am known simply as Leviathan, yet more than that the one who can save your life and grant you power in exchange for something of equal value." The now named Leviathan answered him it's voice low and thunderous like waves crashing into the mainland
"Whatever it is you want...just take it. As I just want to live again and have the strength not to wind up like this again, besides I don't have much worth or left living for anyway." Harry told the eldritch being, because whatever it wanted in exchange it could have
"It is easy as to what I want in exchange for not only giving you new life and strength. Is for you to serve me and I take your magic." Leviathan told Harry as to what it wanted
"Why do you care for my magic?" Harry asked as to why this being of such colossal and seemingly infinite power wanted his magic
"Not all of your magic is to be taken, only enough so that I can bind it to my own power and use it to bring you new life. Or would you rather drown in the ocean's depths as a bloated corpse where no one will find you or care what has happened to you?" Leviathan questioned it's many eyes keeping a penetrating gaze upon Harry
"Just take all of what you need, as I just want the power to never be put through something like this again. But more than just having that strength...I just want to be able to live the life I was robbed of and seeing the world for what is has to offer." Harry answered as he wanted to experience the world for all of what it was worth instead of the death he would've been sentenced to
"But before anything else happens...I want to know one single thing. When I am in service to you, what do you require from me?" Harry asked as eldritch energies pulsed and spiraled forth like an oncoming and wrathful monsoon
"There are only few things that I require of those who serve me and gain my patronage. For you to grow in strength, learn so that you may grow in strength, be patient in every endeavor you partake in. For follow these rules of mine and rewards shall come to you in due time." Leviathan answered back as Harry let one final smile come across his face
"Then I am ready to start in your service." Harry responded
"Excellent...now rise forth from these depths as my new servant." Leviathan told him
That in mind it's eyes pulsed with eldritch energies before it soon opened up it's maw which was a spiraling abyss of of many rowed teeth, until soon enough the last thing that Harry saw was seafoam green and ocean blue colored power bombarding him. With all conscious thought soon fading as he was overtaken by the fantastic power of his patron, with his body being changed by Leviathan as the long lived creature thought it better in mind if modifications were made for Harry to truly serve it to the best of his new abilities
For it would soon be morning as Harry soon would wake up washed ashore with his body finding newfound aches, as he stumbled to his feet only to find shock and surprise at two things that he was greeted by. First off was the fact that he'd been aged to his mid to late teens with hair a matted and tangled mess of obsidian black and his features gaunt and slightly sunken from being rapidly aged while his green eyes had an almost spectral look to them, the other being that in his hands he held a battle axe that was polished and dripping with salt water.
"What happened to me?" Harry wondered his voice coarse and rough like shark skin
"Simple I've made enhancements to you, so that you'd be able to handle my power to the fullest as time persists." Leviathan told him as Harry looked around for where it was coming from
"Relax yourself as what had happened earlier was no dream, for I've given you a new chance at life." Leviathan told him as Harry who was still reeling back from his revival
"So I really am alive again." Harry spoke looking at his reflection in the axe he was given
"Yes as I've given you a tool in the form of that axe you now wield. Which will help in serving as a conduit for you to draw upon my power as you see fit. As unlike those wizards who'd abandoned you, I will see to it that you are properly armed for what's to come." Leviathan told him as he would see to it that his servant would be properly armed for whatever he would faced
"I guess the only thing I can really say since you've upheld your end of the deal...is what do I do now?" Harry questioned from his patron
"It is easy enough. Go forth and grow in power, for now that is all I've truly to ask of you." Leviathan told him as Harry looked at his axe and went let a smile cross his face
"As you wish and thank you." Harry spoke as he walked away from the beach as the light of the early morning sun crept up over the sands
(Several years later, June 30th 2017, London, 8:40 Pm)
It would be a quarter till as Harry who in his service had cast off his former name and had changed it to Matthew Strid, as he'd long since that day traveled the world growing in strength and increasing his power in all that he could. With him being in Britain again not just to do some sightseeing, but also to tie up one loose end he needed cut and snipped.
"Well time to fix the mistakes of the past." Matthew thought as he grasped the door handle and used his powers to destroy the door's lock
"Because no longer will they haunt me anymore." Matthew spoke as he entered into the house
"Who the bloody hell is there?!" Uncle Vernon demanded coming down from the stairs with a shotgun in his pudgy hands with Petunia in tow
"What's the matter Uncle Vernon. Don't remember the one person you and your horse faced tramp left to drown out to sea." Matthew reminded them as they looked at him as the realization came in
"No goddamn way your him...I made sure to watch you sink down to hell like the abomination you are!" Uncle Vernon bellowed out angrily
"Funny thing about that is….I found someone when I was drowning in those dark and unforgiving waters, while my lungs were filling up with sea water and being crushed under the depths. I found someone..a patron if you will who gave me a 2nd chance at life and power that's made life so much fun." Matthew told them his eyes pulsing with eldritch energies
"Now you're just more of a freak than what you were when you're cunt mother and father saddled us with you." Petunia spat as her warlock of a nephew merely looked back at her
"I care not for them anymore, so spare any insults of them. But most of all I'm just here to tie up some loose ends here and you two are gonna do just fantastic. Because I still have years of the torment you put me through to thank you for." Matthew retorted considering that past this night they wouldn't survive
"Like fucking hell I'll let you and your freakish powers get anywhere near me or my wife." Uncle Vernon responded as he went to fire his shotgun only for a blast of seafoam green eldritch energy to knock him 10 feet away
"You don't get it do you, as I said that neither of you will live past this night. So allow me to make good on that promise." Matthew spoke as his eyes began to pulse while he gripped the handle on his axe
"Now then time for you both to pay. As I think that since you both used to call me a freakish demon that belonged in hell and be me with fireplace pokers, just for the sake of me being a freak. That I show you what a real demon looks like." Matthew added as he began to speak in the primordial language of his patron and cast the spell
"Vernon call the damn police or shoot him before he does whatever the bloody hell his freak parents do!" Petunia shrieked as the area around the warlock began to distort and warp like the turbulent waves of the sea as he continued the spell
By the time Matthew finished it was too late for the Dursleys to do anything as the rippling around him continued before above him a tear in the barrier between planes of existence, until soon enough a muscular arm tore it's way through followed by another until a behemoth of a demon came out. With it being an several foot tall ape like demonic creature with crimson fur and azure skin with twin sharpened tusks jutting out of its mouth, while it's thick muscular limbs almost twice as thick around as Vernon's torso stood ready to crush them to pieces.
That in mind Matthew gave it the order and it soon let out a low bellowing roar that cracked the windows before going to work, with it having grasped Petunia like she weighed a pack of cigarettes before it began crushing her in it's grip and then subsequently bashing her into the walls and floors. With the Dursley patriarch shaking with his shotgun in fright as he watched his wife of over 2 decades be reduced to a paste, for the only thing that was left was chunks of splattered flesh and bone that was covered by nightwear that littered the place like a warped Jackson Pollock painting.
With the demon turning towards the pudgy Dursley who began firing at it in rage of his wife being splattered across the living room as her remains either fell from the ceiling or lay strewn in a heap, with the demon having none of this as it bounded towards him and soon tear off his arms with ease. For Vernon was soon on the ground screaming out in pain as his limbs were flung to the side, with his pain short lived as he found himself soon being beat into a literal paste; because by the time the demon was done he was pummeled so harshly into the floor it looked like he'd been flattened from all sides by a steamroller.
"Now then return to your plane from where you came from. For your service is no longer required." Matthew told the demon who let out a bellow before the spell soon ended and the ape like demon was sent back to the hells where it resided
"Now that, that is settled time for me to get out of here. As luckily enough the Barlgura didn't get any blood on my clothing when it was killing them." Matthew thought to himself as he walked out the door before sensing someone who'd watch the scene unfold
"H-Harry you're still alive." Mrs. Figg spoke recognizing the onyx black hair and green eyes
"It's Matthew now and don't mind me as I just stopped by to take care of some unfinished business. As I'd advise you not to go in that house if you have a weak stomach." Matthew told her as he continued to walk away and into the night
"James and Lily and Albus sure aren't gonna believe this." Mrs Figg whispered to herself knowing this needed to be reported immediately
(2 days later, August 1st 2017, Diagon Alley, 2:48 Pm)
It was a soon the afternoon as Matthew had went in deep to Diagon Alley in order to find some spell scrolls he could learn and add to his arsenal, with it being somewhat difficult due to Britain being behind the rest of the world in terms of arcane might; yet he'd managed to succeed in his endeavor.
"What they don't have in terms of good spells for me to learn, they sure do make up for in some nice places to go around to see." Matthew thought to himself as he took out a camera and got a few pictures
"Still at least I've got more places to see here." Matthew spoke as he continued onwards as a masked individuals had bumped into and knocked down his camera
"How dare you bring that muggle trash here." One of the Death Eaters spat as Goyle Sr. snatched up Matthew's camera from the ground
"Look I'm not trying to start anything. As all I'm trying to do here is just take some pictures and see some of the sights. So look just give me back my camera and let me be on about my way." Matthew requested as all he wanted to do was take some pictures with his camera
"Here's what's going to happen instead you muggle filth. You're muggle garbage is getting destroyed and you being punished for daring to bring such garbage near your betters." Goyle Sr. said as he threw the camera into the air and used a Reducto spell to destroy it
"What the hell was that for you jerk? Now I gotta go and buy a new one." Matthew questioned as to why they had to pull such a dick move
"Because you muggles need to learn your place." Crabbe Sr. answered as he pointed his wand at Matthew
"Look man I'm not trying to start anything with you or your friends. But just let me leave here and go about my day and we can not have anymore trouble. As I swear I won't do anything if you just let me get through your friends." Matthew told them since he honestly didn't want to fight any of them and just mainly wanted to go on about his day
"So then could you just please let me through?" Matthew asked politely in hoping this wouldn't devolve into a violent brawl
"How about this instead..Confingo!" Goyle Sr. exclaimed sending Matthew sprawling to the ground
"That ought to teach that filthy mudblood." One of the Death Eaters said in laughter while unknown to them eldritch energy began to collect around Matthew's form
"Well it's official. I guess we're doing things the hard way then." Matthew thought as he summoned forth eldritch energies to hand
That in mind one of the Death Eater's soon found a quartet of holes in their chest as he fell over dead as Matthew stood up with eldritch energy in one hand and his battle-axe in the other, as the Death Eaters were now beholden to the sight of the 5 foot 10 teenage warlock. His eyes a vibrant seaweed green, his black hair going down to his ears and combed to his side to give him a look like a car salesman at work, with him having lightly tanned skin and rigid jawline and facial features that had a charm to it from an older time gave him an almost disarmingly charismatic appearance.
Yet their were a few unusual things about him; with one of them being that instead of normal teeth he had rows of sharpened ones like a great white shark, his neck having 3 large black marking that curved upwards and his hands having almost claw like nails on them, while his scar was more jagged and spiral shaped like the maw of a hurricane. For he wore black cargo shorts, a ruined Anthrax t-shirt over a short sleeved jean jacket that fit well over his body that had the build of an Olympic swimmer, as he wore two rings on finger a brass ring with a ruby on it and a silver one with an emerald on it that were on his left middle finger and right index finger respectively.
With him deciding to end this quickly and proceed to get on with his day as he raised his axe and with a downward swing forced eldritch energies into the blade causing it to glow with seafoam green energy, before he buried the blade into one of the other Death Eaters chest. The result was her torso being split and blown apart as she fell over dead from her chest having been utterly obliterated, with him soon taking cover as the remaining 8 Death Eaters opened fire upon Matthew who was currently preparing another spell to get rid of his opposition.
"What the hell is he Goyle, as no muggle can do or survive that?!" Crabbe Sr. demanded as they continued to fire out spells
"I do not know, but if we get him back to the dark lord. Then he'll be sure reward us tenfold." Goyle Sr. responded as they kept firing spells out at Matthew
"Well as much as I'd rather not use this spell; considering that it could kill some bystanders in the process. Then all is fair in love and war I suppose." Matthew spoke as he began to draw upon eldritch energies as they formed into a sea foam green and jet black orb of energy
"As let's see how they handle this." Matthew said under his breath as he soon held the football sized orb of necrotic energy
That in mind he tossed it into the air and using his axe like a tennis racket hit it towards the group of Death Eaters, the result was everything in a 60 foot radius was soon the target of necrotic energy tearing into them as flesh withered and necrotized. With half of them managing to survive it while the rest had perished or an unlucky one who was on death's door as his body looked like a raisin, while the Death Eaters were recoiling from the attack; Matthew finished off the Death Eater who was barely alive with a blast of eldritch energy.
With the Death Eaters trying to encircle him yet he soon locked onto the man who destroyed his camera and with that in mind soon latched his hand onto him, but before anyone could react Goyle Sr. and Matthew soon disappeared in a burst of energy that resounded with such a thunderous shockwave that the unlucky one that didn't get out of the way was turned into a bloody paste. For Goyle Sr. who's insides felt like it got hit by a minivan didn't have a chance to do anything more, as he soon found his wand arm lopped off by Matthew's axe that was followed up by a swing that buried itself in his jaw severing it from his skull.
For he soon looked at the now 2 remaining Death Eaters after one had fled the scene after seeing their numbers dwindle quite rapidly, as Crabbe Sr. and the other Death Eater tried in vain to shoot killing curses at Matthew that he ducked out of the way from. With him locking onto the the wounded Death Eaters and deciding to end this quickly he soon raked his clawed hand against the blade of his axe, with their subsequently being in a 10 foot radius a harsh noise like nails against a chalkboard assaulting them with such potency that their bones shattered like glass and blood vessels immediately burst.
"Well that takes care of that." Matthew spoke as he climbed down from his place on high
"But it looks like I've got to blend in since their version of the police are coming." Matthew thought to himself as he cast a spell and soon morphed himself into a blonde man in his late 30's dressed in a plain red shirt and blue shorts
"Man I love using this spell for getaways." Matthew said as he quickly went into the crowd that was gathering around the murder scene
"The Order is going to lose their collective minds over this, mainly James and Lily." Snape thought having managed to avoid Matthew's detection as he went off elsewhere to tell the Order members of what he'd seen today
(4 hours later, Number 12 Grimmauld Place, 6:51 Pm)
It was almost 7 in the evening as a good portion of the Order members were gathered after having witnessed via Pensive, Harry or rather Matthew's eldritch powers in his decimating the Death Eaters.
"This confirms Arabella's report that young Harry is alive." Dumbledore spoke as everyone had just now finished watching the memory of Matthew decimating the Death Eaters
"I still can't believe after several years our boy is alive." Lily added surprised to see her long thought to be dead son alive again
"Yet the real question remains to all of you." Moody said getting everyone's attention
"As understand that Harry is now not just a possibly wildly powerful wizard, but also the fact that he's now as old as the twins. Which means that in our society he's legally an adult." Moody added considering that one thing needed to be made clear
That being that Matthew as a 17 year old was now by wizarding society considered to be a legal and full grown adult; to which meant that if they ever wanted to get him back then doing so legally was out of the question, since how would you do so when he could legally rebuke you in a courtroom.
"Of course the one time we find out our son is alive. And we miss out on everything... including his biggest milestone as a growing boy or rather man." James lamented at the fact that he missed so much of his eldest childhood
"Well none of this would've happened had you and Lily simply let me take care of him." Remus spoke bitterly towards the two
"Moony please we've been over the reason why we couldn't let you take in Harry." James spoke trying to pacify his longtime friend
"Don't you dare Moony me James. As I was more than qualified to take care of Harry than those rotten bastards Lily calls family, because how the two of you had decided that they would be a better choice over me is beyond me!" Remus rebuked heatedly considering that if there was one thing that soured his relationship with James it was that
"Remus we didn't have a better option at the time and besides, with you problem of turning into a wolf around Harry..we couldn't risk it." Lily told him in reminding him of his lycanthrophy
"And yet I've not missed a single treatment to help in managing that. Because in the 20 plus years I've had this affliction have I ever gone out an attacked an innocent life. For I've made adamantly sure to stick to that regiment because I know the consequences of what would happen if I missed even a single day of doing so. Because it is me and neither of you that has to live with this burden." Remus spat as if there was one thing he hated it was having his affliction thrown in his face
"So don't you dare throw that in my face as a reason to have not raised Harry, because I may have been forced into being a monster. But at least I didn't leave him with people who tried to drown him at the bottom of the ocean." Remus added as he refused to let them use his lycanthrophy against him when it came to his personal life
Because throughout his life Remus had worked extremely hard in order to overcome the limitations imposed by his lycanthropy, since it'd been apart of the reason why he stuck to his regiment of taking wolfsbane on a religious manner; so as to live as normal a life as possible. Which is why when he heard of them passing him over for the Dursley's he became very much so outraged considering that he'd done his best to improve his quality of living for the moment he'd be able to raise Harry; and since then then his relationship with James had nearly been sundered as a result.
"I think that its quite enough everyone, as let us not reopen old wounds. Especially when something such as this has been delivered to us." Dumbledore spoke in trying to diffuse the situation; before it turned completely hostile
"Fine. Yet Moody has a point. Harry is an adult, so how are we going to convince him to join us or even come back to Lily and James?" Remus questioned considering that the grizzled auror raised an extremely valid point
"Yes that does make things quite difficult." Dumbledore spoke knowing that Matthew's being legally an adult would make his plans for him difficult
"Not to mention that he shows far greater power than what I could've anticipated, because for him to use wandless magic like that is nothing that I can afford to trifle with." Dumbledore thought knowing that the potent magic he was able to cast wandlessly made him something
"Well how about this. You could send one of the Order members out and extend an olive branch to the lad. After all that'd be the best way of going about things." Moody suggested to those who were assembled as a way to try and have Matthew on their side
"Not to mention we could use someone with that type of firepower on our side to help us win the war." Moody said more to himself in knowing Matthew's powers would come in great handy
"That is a splendid idea Moody. But the real question is whom could we send out in order to make contact with young Harry?" Dumbledore wondered as to who should be the one to do so
"Well it shouldn't be either one of you." Remus pointed out for obvious reasons
"Why not he's our son and we should…" Lily tried to say until a hardened look from Remus stopped her
"Yes go to your son whom you and James abandoned to your sister who not only hated magic, but also abused him and subsequently tried to murder him with that walrus she called a husband. For I'm sure that talk will go over quite smoothly." Remus countered in shooting down that line of thinking in fully knowing that should either Lily or James try to be the ones to make 1st contact with him it wouldn't end well in any capacity
"Because think about it James if you were Harry; would you want the first person you meet to be the one that had ultimately sent you to a watery grave. Because I know that I would want the complete opposite." Remus added as guilt at what the former Marauder had done soon set in
"And Sirius is out of the picture considering he still has Aries to take care of." Lily spoke knowing full well of Sirius's 9 year old son that he had to help out with
"Yes and with the others out either fighting of Voldemort's forces or to busy to do so. That leaves you to do this Remus." Dumbledore told the werewolf who had a look of bitterness on his face directed towards the Potters
"How ironic I was denied the chance to connect with him then and raise him to , but only now I have the chance to do so. Because the two of you would've rather sent him off to the worst place for him to grow up in, instead of somewhere he could've been not only well taken care of but by someone that would've actually cared for him." Remus replied bitterness and cynicism heavy in his voice as the Potters couldn't help but feel guilt and shame further creep into their being
"So yes I will do it, but do not expect for him to come around so easily. After all I would not blame him if he wanted nothing to do with the two of you." Remus spoke as he soon departed from their company
"I think that its time we all leave for the night, considering that what should've been a momentous celebration; has become rather sordid." Dumbledore advised as James and Lily left on how they should try and deal with their adult son
"Albus I don't know what game your trying to play at, but for everyone's sake quit while your ahead." Moody warned Dumbledore considering that he fully knew what the elderly wizard was playing at
"Alistor we must have him on the side of light, as he can not be allowed to roam so freely. It's in the best interest of the Greater Good that he join the light." Dumbledore spoke knowing that he had to have Matthew on his side
"Oh don't try that Greater Good nonsense with me Albus, as we both know that its all in your own interests on why you want the Potter boy. Because if there's one thing your guilty of Albus; it's getting too greedy. Because you saw in Snape's memory that the boy effortlessly decimated several Death Eaters by himself, so tell me something what makes you think that you'll be able to turn him over to the Order or much less your light?" Moody responded sharply considering that it wasn't so much of the Greater Good as it was Dumbledore's avarice
"After all your tampering with Raphael has caused the boy to awaken his own magic. Because had you not been trying to put your hands in everything, we could've avoided his tapping into Wild Magic of all things. But no you had to tamper with everything and all for your Greater Good." Moody added considering that unknown to Lily and James, the elderly wizard had been tampering with the youngest Potter's core
After all Albus wanted to make sure that while Raphael would be strong enough to face Voldemort he also didn't want him to grow strong enough to shirk his responsibility as the martyr of the light, which is why he put dampening and suppression runes on his core. Yet what he failed to account for was that in doing so he made Raphael a conduit for the chaotic and turbulent currents of Wild Magic; which in turn devoured and absorbed all of the runes upon him and converted it into raw magic that was assimilated into him.
"It was an oversight that I hadn't accounted for, but I know exactly what I'm doing. For the light must prevail Alistor; one way or the other it has to." Dumbledore spoke gaining a tired and aggravated sigh from the grizzled Auror
"All I know is that you'd best be careful with what your messing with Albus. Because the consequences of your actions towards the Potters and all for your light and supposed Greater Good will come to haunt you." Moody said before he left Dumbledore to marinate on what he said
"No everything I've done has been for the betterment of Britain and the Wizarding World." Dumbledore said in full unshakable belief that what he was doing was right
"And nothing shall stand in the way of my having Britain stand at its rightful place in the world, for its of the Greater Good that it comes to pass." Dumbledore thought as he would see to it by whatever means he could that Britain was at its rightful place
So then with Harry or rather Matthew now having grown to become a powerful warlock who's only intentions are of further gaining strength and seeing what the world has to offer, now finds himself soon pulled into the light and dark war between Dumbledore and Voldemort. For how will our warlock fair when he just wants to enjoy his stay in Britain, well you'll have to find out in the new chapters of Harry the Hexblade.
And cut as I hope you guys liked the debut chapter of this story as the idea of a warlock Harry has always appealed to me as a fan of D&D and with the new season of Critical Role as inspiration and the Hexblade class as well I thought this would be a fun idea to toy around with, but nevertheless let's get to it.
First off we've got Harry meeting his patron via having been nearly drowned to death which I thought would be cool to do, since a patron of such magnitude would only offer up their power to someone when they know that they both have nothing to lose and everything to gain. With Harry being just that and not to mention that I do have plans to expand on their relationship with one another.
Following that up we've got Harry or rather Matthew tying up some loose ends from his past in the form of his ridding himself of the Dursleys, after all considering what they did and had done to him it felt him necessary for him to kill them off.
Next up we've got Matthew destroying some Death Eaters which I thought would be cool in showcasing some of his powers and abilities, as trust me there's a whole lot more of what he's capable of doing.
Finally we've got the bit between Dumbledore, Remus, Moody and James and Lily concerning Matthew which I thought would be neat to do in both showing who will make 1st contact with him and a Remus who has an actual spine.
So then with all that being said please favorite, follow, review and share this story out as much as possible And remember reviews help the story a lot since it means quite a bit to me and who knows I may gain future ideas from them also remember flames will be ignore while criticism that's well thought out and reasonable will be accepted.
That being said this is Nomadic Chaos using the power of said chaos to give you guys great content to read as next chapter shall be of Remus meeting Matthew and some other things I've got planned so stay tuned for all of that.
Part 1 Theme Song: Bladed Vaults by Solution.45
Random End Song: The Hunter by Mastodon