I do not own any characters associated with The Walking Dead.
Kylie and Miles watched her uncle leave the barn. Miles shook his head slightly.
"He must have been holding that in for a while. Unless your uncle unburdens himself regularly like that?"
" No, that's definitely not his way. Although having the foresight to start planning this doesn't surprise me", she paused and cocked her head at him with a considering look," Are any of you guys good with tools?"
"Actually, I am. We lived in a old house and my dad taught me how to fix things around it, I have my doubts with M though. His dad was a C.F.O. of some big company. The only screwdiver he recognizes is probably liquid one."
Kylie gave a slight laugh. " Come on, we need to go meet the rest of the people we brought."
As they walked back into the sunlight Miles took a look around. Kylie had told him they were close to town , but it was hard to believe. As he had expected the farm had large fields around it and what he thought looked like a pond. Lots of trees lined the far edge of the property.
Despite all the changes in him and his life recently he was at heart a city dweller . All that " wildness" worried him a little.
Shaking his head, he picked up his pace and joined Kylie, Karan and Jana. While they had been talking to Rueben, Jana had been busy. She had gotten names and former occupations, if any from the other newcomers. The exception was the older couple. They were keeping seperate from the others, the woman still clinging to the man.
He was getting ready to go speak with them himself when the women from the house called everyone to lunch. The house couldn't accommodate such a large group so they had set up the folding tables they used when they hosted, or use to host church. The thought of a meal he hadn't had a hand in preparing felt like such a luxury all other thoughts temporarily left his head.
Sorry it's been so long since the last update and that it's so short. A lot has been happening and I haven't been able to get on the site.