Act One

how beautifully are we
that so many things can
take but a moment
to alter who we are
for forever?
—Samuel Decker Thompson

Theme Music: Back in Time, Back to the Future soundtrack

Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy The Andrew Sisters | Sing, Sing, Sing Benny Goodman | In the Mood Glenn Miller |

The Time Stone
February, 1993

Cyra de Custos, Queen of Stellos, the Powerful, the descendant of Stella — the First Queen — and Stelian, son to the Custians, stepped away from the now cloaked two person spaceship.

Terra was not necessarily unfamiliar to her, as when she was only a child, it was her duty to visit as many planets as possible before her coronation. This formed a well-rounded Queen, one who was well informed of the cultures of the different systems within the cosmos.

Osric de Sol, Universal Advisor to the Queen, son to Sol, and grandson to the Custians. He and Cyra were distant cousins, however he was much older.

"And you were positive it's here?" asked Cyra, glancing at Osric, ignoring the odd glances they were getting from the natives of the Tibetan city.

Osric glanced at her, and with a grin told her, "Have I ever served you wrong?"

Cyra pursed her lips before turning back to the door of the Kamar-Taj. The heat was warm on her back, an uncommon — to Cyra — humidity in the air. Her dress danced in the wind like waves in an ocean, only pieces of her hair braided, the rest flowing in the wind.

"Do...we knock?"

Osric laughed heartily, throwing his head back. "I'll fill you in on The Ancient One when we depart back to Stellos. I'm sure she knows we're here."

Cyra raised an eyebrow at the man, before starting towards the door. "What a strange planet."

"I beg your pardon?"

"The time stone — I need to borrow it." said the Queen, sipping at her tea.

The Ancient One blinked, staring at Cyra and then Osric. She knew they were serious, she doubted they traveled all this way for a simple joke. And they hadn't decided to steal it — surely with their powers verses those in Kamar-Taj it would certainly be an interesting battle.

"I know of your fear," started the Queen, with an empathetic smile, "the stone has been in the protection of your people for a very long time. However, this is necessary."

The Ancient One cocked her head to the side at the mention of necessary.

"Since it has been in your possession, I assume you have used it? To see the possible futures?"

The Ancient One nodded, glancing over at Osric, who, being his nosy self, was poking around the room they were in. His yellow, borderline golden, attire reflected the retiring sun.

"I have a growing fear myself," said Cyra. "The Infinity Stones, well, they invite challenge; they invite those seeking power. I'm glad they are scattered and decently protected as of now, but I still fear for the cosmos."

Being the Queen of Stellos she came to fear the Stones falling into the wrong hands. All of them together could easily spell the end of everything. They had basically created the universe in the right hands, it would be as easy as snapping ones fingers to make it all fall apart.

Her daughter, Astraea, had come into contact with the Soul Stone and she affirmed that that stone could easily defend itself — as it basically had an existence all its own. She ordered Astraea to send the Stone off to a faraway, forgotten planet and tell no one, only a map to tell of its secrets. Astraea made sure the Stone would be the hardest to secure, as the greatest sacrifice would be required to acquire it. The other Stones, well, she couldn't speak much for them; they were scattered in unknown locations. She assumed them to be safe.

"I fear something approaches." said Cyra, looking at the Ancient One. "There needs to be someone to be able to turn it all back, if necessary."

"Someone else to wield the Stone?" inquired the Ancient One.

"Oh, no, the Stone is safe enough among your sorcerers. I know they would die to protect it. I'm saying use the Stone to bring forward a life formed from its power."

The Ancient One sat back in thought, staring at the two. "To ensure the safety of the cosmos?"

Cyra nodded, and Osric went to stand beside her. They glanced at each other — they had to respect the Ancient One's power. They couldn't be pushy.

"I haven't been able to see beyond one moment in my future. Every scenario leads to it. I can not say if any threat comes to them during the time after. But I believe in your judgement and I respect you coming to ask." she paused. "I only ask one thing, to come and ensure the Stone's safety myself."

Cyra nodded, "Of course."

"Very few will be able to carry to term," said Osric. "However, I located a mutant, who heals quite fast and she's the best shot."

Cyra pursed her lips. "Capable? Reliant? Good?"

"A good heart, surely." affirmed Osric. "She's been trying to conceive."

Cyra smiled, "A little miracle then."

With Osric's help, it was not hard to locate the woman and her husband. And after handing the Stone over the Cyra and Osric, together, they brought forward a life within the woman's womb. It wasn't all that hard — the Time Stone was a very powerful thing, capable of all sorts of miraculous things.

And just nine short months later, Victoria Elizabeth McAllister was born.