3000 years later

Cairo, Egypt 1923

It's been 3000 years since Aurora and Death had left Egypt. To see the world. But they didn't leave Egypt until Nefertiti or Aurora's son Abraxes became Pharaoh, not wanting her son to die so soon once he becomes Pharaoh. So Aurora asked Death to make sure her son lives a long life by asking, she means seduce because even she wasn't blind to Death's obsession with her. Merlin, it's so easy to make Death do things for her with just a flutter of her eyelashes. Know to start in a new life as Kassandra Carnahan the older sister to Evelyn and Jonathan Carnahan. Kassandra Carnahan had just arrived in Cairo this morning along with death who currently in his black mamba form wrapped around his mistress's neck like a fancy scarf. As they were currently sitting in the office of a . She had come to accept the job offer he had presented her with a month prior at a benefit they had both attended in London. Kassandra was a very skilled historian and translator. She had been on several digs around the world, one dig, in particular, had recently been the discovery of king tut's tomb. Which she knew where it was the entire time but didn't want the credit of discovering it. That's one of the perks of being the Mistress of death you get to live forever.

Kassandra is the oldest child of her family at the age of 25, having two younger half-siblings back in London. While both of her parents were native to Egypt, her siblings' father was English; their mother had an affair with an Egyptian man during a dig that resulted in her. Her mother was so ashamed of her actions that she left the little girl with her father and never looked back, until the day the child was deposited on her doorstep, having nowhere else to go. "Well, Ms. Carnahan, I am very glad that you have decided to accept my offer. The museum could use someone of your caliber, it is quite an honor to have someone so young yet so accomplished working on our staff. " said giving the young woman a kind smile.

Kassandra smiled back, "I'm very happy to be here , Egyptian history has always been a favorite of mine."

nodded, "Yes, and as I understand it, you're native to here as well, are you not?"

"Yes, sir." She agreed, "My mother and father were both from Cairo, but when my mother left to move to Egypt with her family, I stayed with my father. He died when I was three and I moved in with my mother and her family in London."

"I'm very sorry to hear about your father, and I'm also very sorry to hear that your mother and stepfather have recently passed as well. A plane crash, if I'm not mistaken." Dr. Bay replied sympathetically.

Kassandra nodded sadly, "Yes they passed last year, my siblings and I, are having a bit a rough time with it. If you don't mind I'd better be getting home, I'd like to get started on all that unpacking."

She said as she stood to her feet.

"Oh yes of course." Dr. Bay nodded as he stood to his feet as well and escorted her out of the room and to the front doors of the museum, "I'll see you bright an early tomorrow morning."

The two bid their farewells and she took her to leave. As Death and Kassandra watch in awe the different buildings built over time adding to the beauty of Cairo on the halfway point back to her apartment Kassandra turned the corner and nearly ran into a young man. "Oh, I am sorry," Kassandra said as she looked up at the man that she bumped into. She had to physically keep her mouth from dropping open at the sight before her. He was young, only a couple or so years older than her, and he was gorgeous. He was impressively broad-shouldered and at least a foot taller than her 5'3 frame. He had lovely blue eyes framed by thick lashes. He was a bit suntanned and his brown hair had been cut short...And he was in uniform. A Military man.

He gave her a kind smile, "No, no, my fault; I should have been looking where I was going. But I cannot say running into such a beautiful lady is a bad way to start the afternoon." Ah, American.

Kassandra blushed and gave a shy smile in return, she held out her hand for him to shake, "I'm Kassandra Carnahan."

The beautiful man reached for her hand and placed a gentle kiss on the back of it, "Pleasure to meet you, Ms. Kassandra, my name is Rick O'Connell."

"It was very nice meeting you as well, Mr. O'Connell. Now I don't mean to be running off like this but if you will excuse me I have quite a bit of unpacking to finish." She smiled at him sweetly and went to maneuver around him and continue her trek home.

As she was leaving, Rick reached out to stop her from continuing and spoke up, "Before you run off on me and I possibly never see your lovely face again, I would very much like to take you out for a drink. Later tonight, possibly?"

Kassandra stopped to think about it as Death hissed into her ear telling her that this was the man they needed to give Tom a real body. Nodding to her servant, that was unseen by Rick. Kassandra smiling brightly and nodded, "That would be lovely, thank you."

Rick grinned back, "Great. I don't have a piece of paper or a pen on me to write your address, but I would be more than happy to walk you the rest of the way home, that way I know where I'm going tonight as well. Is that an acceptable solution to you?" Kassandra nodded once again, "That seems a fine solution to our predicament, Mr. O'Connell."

Rick looped her arm through his as they began walking, "Please call me Rick." He replied as he looked down and sent her a wink. Kassandra hated to admit it but she blushed at the attention he was giving her.

"So," Rick began as they continued their journey, "You said you were unpacking? Is it a new home kind of move, or a new city?"

Kassandra let out a small laugh, "Both I moved to Egypt earlier this week to accept a job at the local history museum."

Rick nodded in understanding, "And where did you move from?"


He looked down at her in a bit of surprise, "That's quite a move. Weren't there any good history museum to work at in London?"

Kassandra nodded with a smile, "Oh yes, I had many offers for jobs in London, But I'm originally from Egypt. I moved to London when I was a little girl after my father died, and I've missed this place terribly. When the museum here in Cairo offered me a job as their Egyptologist I jumped at the offer."

Rick nodded in understanding, "Yes, there is no place like Egypt." And Kassandra hummed in agreement.

The journey was a short one, Kassandra having already made it halfway home before meeting Rick, and before they knew it. They were standing before her apartment building bidding goodbyes and promising to see one another later that evening.

With Death's Plan now moving to give Tom marvolo Riddle a body with the help Richard O'Connell and his mistress Kassandra Carnahan, they're one step closer to that goal. The two continued to see each other whenever Rick's squadron was in town and eventually they fell head over heels in love with one another. They became inseparable and were completely besotted with one another. Six months into the relationship Rick was set to be shipped out. The two lovers were despondent at being separated for who knew how long, but Kassandra promised to wait for him, and Rick promised to think of nothing but her until she was once again in his arms.

9 months letter

It's been nine months since Rick was set to be shipped out and Kassandra missed him dearly. oh, Merlin, she sounds like a bloody school girl with a crush. Kassandra gasp when she felt someone cover her eyes. Quickly turning around only to gasp "Rick?" Kassandra said with tears from in her eyes.

Rick nodded. "It didn't matter to me any longer," he admitted. "I was stupid for thinking that. I was an idiot for being afraid of things changing. It made me realize that as long as I could see you, be by your side, being able to hold you like this, to kiss you, it didn't matter to me what would happen. What could happen? What changes would occur? Even if the world goes against me. Even if no one believes in me. It doesn't matter. Not to me at least. Not as long as you believe in me, and as long as you are by my side. You are my strength. My everything. As long as you don't leave me, and always be by my side, I feel like I can do anything. That's why…please...don't leave me."

Kassandra was taken aback by surprise when Rick kissed her.

"I love you, Kassandra," he said, his voice quavering when he broke that kiss again, his hands gripping her shoulders tightly, almost like he was afraid that she would disappear if he loosens his grip on her. "I'll say this as many times as you wish if I have to. I knew that I was developing feelings for you for a long time. I didn't want things changing between us. Being apart made me realize that if you are gone…that if you belong to someone else, there is no sense for me in living any longer. I didn't want to exist in a world where you don't exist, or if you aren't by my side. I love you, Kassandra Carnahan. Will…you accept me?"

Kassandra was speechless for a while. Never before had someone told her that they had loved her, and so deeply as well. But Kassandra had trusted and believed in Rick, and she had stood by him. She wanted to be the one to see him smile and to make him happy again whenever he is sad. She wanted to stay by his side.

Feeling almost like something is stuck in her throat, all that Kassandra could do is nod, a gentle smile appearing on her face, and pulling at the ends of her lips.

Rick then smiled and produced a black velvet box from within the folds of his jacket vest before opening it to reveal a smooth silver ring with three Emerald colored stones set in the middle of it – the same color as Kassandra's eyes, as Kassandra's eyes widened upon seeing that beautiful ring that sparkled in the light.

Rick smiled at her as he took her left hand into his and slid the ring onto the ring finger of her left hand.

"Will you Marry me, Kassandra Carnahan."

Richard O'Connell and Kassandra Carnahan was married. They were blissfully happy until a year later when Rick was once again deployed. This time would see them separated for a year and a half.

Time skip

Kassandra O'Connell was in her office, going over some letters that Dr. Bay had requested she translates. From where she was sitting, Death had warned her that her half-sister was in the library.

God Kassandra hated her sister Evy, Don't get her wrong Kassandra always wanted siblings but Evy is a whole different story Evelyn just hated her for no the reason probably because she's technically a bastard child or the reminder that their mother was not completely faithful to her father and she was the result. though Kassandra didn't really, care at all. But not wanting her half-sister to know that she was pregnant. Kassandra quickly cast a wordless and wandless Notice me not charm on her four-month pregnant stomach.

There was a light scream, then thump. Kassandra rolled her eyes as sidestep the large bookcase hurtling towards her. The bookcase came falling to the ground hard.

Kassandra just sighed as every bookshelf in the library fell over, tumbling down like a domino. When the dust had finally settled and there were no more bookcases falling, Kassandra looked over at Evy and glared at her.

"Oops," Evy whispered to herself as she too looked at the destruction she had caused.

There was a gasp from the entryway and both girls' heads snapped towards the sound. At the sight of Dr. Bay, the museum's curator, Kassandra knew that Evy was in for a tongue lashing.

"Oh dear, you're on your own," Kassandra whispered as she looked at Evy only for Evy to give her a dirty look.

Dr. Bay slowly walked further into the library and glanced around at the mess in horror. Kassandra couldn't help but feel sorry for the man, this museum was his pride and joy and at the moment his library was in ruins and it was all Evy's fault. Finally, after scoping out the place, Dr. Bay's eyes came to rest on the sister, or more accurately, Evy. He sent her a glare so hard that the gods themselves would fear, "Look at this! Sons of the Messiah! Give me frogs, flies, locusts! Anything but you! Compared to you the other plagues were a joy!" He yelled as he walked even closer to the girls.

Evy looked like a kicked puppy as she bowed her head, "I'm sorry, it was an accident."

Dr. Bay shook his head, "My dear girl when Ramses destroyed Syria that was an accident. You are a catastrophe!" He finished off with a yell. Kassandra sighed as she cut in, "Dr. Bay, I think you're being a bit too hard on Evy. She didn't mean to do this." Evy just sent her a glare for her attempt to help diffuse the situation. Kassandra gave her best Severus Snape's death glare that caused Evelyn to Flinch back.

'Ya that right you little bitch you should be scared god if we're sisters I would love to have Death end your useless life.' Kassandra thought as she looked at Dr. Bay "Why do I put up with you?" he questions with a sigh.

Evy looked up with an indignant frown, "You put up with me, because I can read and write ancient Egyptian, decipher hieroglyphs and hieratic, and I'm the only person within a thousand miles who knows how to properly code and catalog this library." Kassandra just rolled her eyes her half-sister is a self-righteous bigot. No wonder they can't get along. Dr. Bay scoffed, "Oh please, your sister can do all of this as well but so much better than you, my dear. I put up with you because your mother and father were our finest patrons, Allah rests their souls. And because I greatly respect your older sister and she vouched for you, Allah knows why. Now straighten up this mess!" And with that, he stormed out of the library and Evy quietly moved to begin collecting the book from the ground.

Kassandra glared at her sister as she quickly and silently sent a Stupify at her sister. knocking her out not wanting to let Evelyn sees her use magic of all things it was dangerous to it on muggle let alone using magic in muggle area, and Kassandra just knows that Evelyn will never stop asking questions or trying to stick her nose into something that she shouldn't. God knows that this woman gets in trouble cuz of her curiosity. With a snap of her fingers The library fully restored and the mess that Evelyn had made no longer there.

Time skip

Kassandra sighed as she wonders how in the hell she gotten herself into the mess. Kassandra, Jonathan and Evy were at Giza port, in Cairo, Egypt waiting for the man that Jonathan had stolen the box from. He was going to lead them to Hamunaptra. like she didn't know the way there. Kassandra sighed as she rubbed her pregnant stomach. When she heard "Anyone I know?" A voice said behind her and instantly Kassandra recognized the owner. She shut her eyes tightly and took a deep breath before turning around to face her husband.

Upon seeing her face, she could tell that Richard O'Connell was well and truly shocked to see her just as much as she was shocked to see him there.

"Hello, Rick." She said softly.

"Kassandra…what are you doing here?" he asked quietly, he couldn't stop staring at her. He had missed her beautiful face.

She let out a sardonic chuckle, "I could ask you the same thing. You've been in prison this whole time, never sent any word to me to let me know where you were. And now here you are ready to board a boat and lead my half-siblings to Hamunaptra instead of coming home to me." Kassandra hissed in a dark tone.

Rick looked at the ground guiltily, "I'm sorry Kassandra, I was set to be hung I didn't want you to worry about me, I knew I'd get out of it so there was no reason to get you involved. And I was going to come to see you after I got back from Hamunaptra that why I wouldn't have to leave again so soon after reuniting." He informed her as he took a step closer. Kassandra sighed and rubbed her forehead, "you're an idiot Rick, but you're my idiot?" Kassandra said with a smile. Rick let a small smile form on his face as he nodded and closed the distance between them, bringing his wife into his arms, "Yes I'm your Idiot and I am deeply sorry that I was so thoughtless about your feelings." He placed his finger under her chin and lifted her face to look up at him, "Truce?"

Kassandra gave a small half-smile, "Truce… for now." She whispered standing on her tip-toes to plant a sweet kiss on his lips.

"Uh, Kas old girl, you have something to tell us?" Jonathan questioned from behind them where he and Evy was standing dumbfounded.

The couple broke apart but Rick didn't release his wife, Kassandra turned to face her siblings, "Well, I guess the cat's out of the bag. Evelyn, Jonathan, this is Richard O'Connell… my husband."


Kassandra winced at the shrill sound of a Harpy that her younger half sister's voice and she saw Rick and Jonathan flinch back as well. "Since when have you been married, Kassandra Carnahan?" Evy Questioned heated no doubt upset that Kassandra married the man who she had a crush on. Kassandra rolled her eyes and said in a cold tone " You are not my mother Evelyn and if you want to know we've only been married about two years now."

Evelyn glared at her but didn't respond. She turned her face away from her older sister and stuck her nose in the air indignantly. Ah, so it was going to be the silent treatment then. 'What a bitch' Death hissed as he was wrapped around his mistress' neck acting as a fancy scarf.

"Oh well, anyway," Jonathan spoke up trying to diffuse the awkward situation, "Smashing day for the start of an adventure, eh, O'Connell?" as he reached over to pat the man's arm.

Rick nodded, "Yeah, yeah smashing." He replied never taking his eyes of Jonathan as he reached inside his coat pocket to make sure everything was still there.

"Oh no, no I'd never steal from a partner, partner; especially with you being family now," Jonathan assured as he smiled as Rick looked almost convinced. Kassandra rolled her eyes at her little brother, "oh please You tried to steal from me once if it wasn't for my pet snake mort, who was trying to bite you for taking something you shouldn't." Rick let out a chuckle as Jonathon sent her a mock glare only to freeze in seeing his big sister pet snake wrapped around her neck glaring at him.

"Oh," Rick commented, "That reminds me, no hard feelings about the…" he tried off as he mimed punching Jonathan.

Jonathan waved him off, "Oh no, it happens all the time. Usually by Kassandra there. Say," he suddenly had a thought, "You didn't happen to teach her how to throw that punch, did you?"

Rick grinned, "Guilty."

"Mr. O'Connell," Evy interrupted them, "Can you look me in the eye and guarantee that this isn't some kind of a flimflam. Because if it is I am warning you…"

"Oh please Evy what can you do," Kassandra said smartly.

Evy turned her glare on her, "Don't you start with me, missy. Keeping a secret this big from your family for two years. Why didn't you ever tell any of us? Are there any more secrets that are going to spring up? Maybe you have a couple of children you forgot to mention hiding on your person!" Evy screamed. Rick was quick to cut in this time, "No, no, there are no children here. Kassandra and I don't have any children yet." "Well, actually that's not entirely true." Her confession had three sets of eyes swiveling in her direction. Rick was shocked and stepped forward and licked his lips nervously, "You got something to tell me, Kassandra?"

She nodded her head, "We're going to have a baby." She whispered so quietly that they were the only two that heard her confession.

Rick stood there and stared at her for a long while before reaching out and grabbing her by the hand, "We'll talk about this some more when there's privacy."

Kassandra sighed as looked up at her husband but followed Rick onto the boat. It was going to be one hell of a night.