Hello everyone, I have important news that you need to hear.

Due to losing inspiration and unable to come up with new ideas for this story, I'm going to have to cancel Tale of a Nine-Tails Legacy. I've thought about it for a long time and I didn't want to give up on this story that I was so passionate about, but a few things came to my attention.

The first thing is that someone reviewed to me about how I made a lot of mistakes in chapter three and looking at those mistakes, it made me realize that I really wasn't going anywhere with the story...not to mention that creating another Naruto story called Death Is Only the Beginning with the same OC character probably wasn't the best move since Alex's situation in that story was different and juggling two stories with the same person in them is something that was a real struggle.

I had started with chapter eight but I couldn't continue and I had completely struggled with it for months until it became apparent that I am unable to continue this story...this is quite possibly the hardest decision I have had to make but I have no choice since I have lost any motivation to continue, but I have good news so it's not all bad.

The good news is that I'm willing to let people adopt this story and remake it under a similar character with a different name, though this character would have to have the same profession as Alex did before he wound up in the Naruto world and that he used to be in the US Military in order to not make him too different.

If anyone is willing to adopt this story, please let me know because I really don't want this story to die and I think someone else would do better then I ever did.

I'm truly sorry if anyone is pissed that I'm canceling this story but I've lost any drive to continue and I'd rather tell you all about my decision than keep you all in the dark for who knows how long.

It is with great sorrow that I'm unable to continue this story so let me know if any of you want to adopt this story and make it even better...again, I'm truly sorry for this so stay tuned.