A/N: Okay so the screw sleep circle and I (krut09, CallMeLy, geekgirl628, keep-swinging, and lovethatfandom) are blessing you all with the merry gift of a week of Christmas fics! Here's day 1: snow day!

Both Zed and Addison worked jobs where they were needed in the summer and worked less hours during the school year. And those hours were mostly preparing for the next summer, which meant they got to take the entire week of Christmas off. That and Addison owned the business so she made all the decisions anyway.

She liked taking the week of Christmas off because she'd get to spend it with her incredibly handsome husband and her adorable kids. "The kids are still asleep," Zed whispered to her, kissing her cheek. "What ever shall we do with this free time?"

Addison bit her lip to keep from smiling or laughing. "I have no idea. I guess we could go back to sleep."

"That's one option," Zed said. He wrapped his arms around her waist and turned her over until they were face to face. "Or?" he asked with a teasing grin.

Addison feigned innocence. "Or what?"

Zed chuckled lightly. "Or this," he whispered. He tilted his head forward and kissed her. Addison sighed and reached her hand up, tangling her fingers in his bedhead.

The door burst open and they jumped back as their two kids ran in and jumped onto the bed. Zed gave Addison a look before grunting when his four year-old daughter jumped on his chest.

"Daddy! Daddy! Mommy! It snowed! It's snowing!" Zenia shouted excitedly. Her toddler brother was bouncing on the bed and babbling about the snow.

Zed held his daughter by her side, stilling her then glanced at the clock on the nightstand. 6:51am. "Why are you up so early?" he asked with a laugh.

"It's snowed Daddy! We have to go play in it right now!" Zenia exclaimed. She tried to wiggle out of her father's hands and Zed chuckled some more.

The sun was barely up but their kids were more than awake and ready to go play. Zed sat up with a groan and Zenia cheered, her brother mirroring her reaction. "What does Mommy say to playing in the snow?" Zed asked, stroking his chin.

Zenia gasped with realization and turned to her mother. Addison gave her husband and look before saying, "We'll go outside." Zenia cheered again and her brother clapped happily. "But not in your pajamas! And you need to eat breakfast too."

Zenia sighed dramatically but didn't protest. Zed climbed out of bed, picking his daughter up and spinning her around. "DaDa!" Zed looked to see his son, Zander, standing and bouncing on the bed, reaching out to him. He had turned two the previous month and had taken to babbling and mirroring words and actions he saw other people do (and calling out to his parents).

"I got you Buddy," Zed said. He switch Zenia to one arm and scooped up Zander with the other, taking a second to spin the both of them around. They both laughed uncontrollably. Zed caught sight of his wife watching them with adoration and set his kids down on the bed. "Give Mommy a big kiss then we can go get dressed."

Addison grinned and sat up as her children crawled across the bed. She wrapped her arms around them and held them as they pressed big, wet kisses to her cheek. Zed made his way around the bed and scooped them up. "Okay let's go get changed!"

Zed has them first brush their teeth, then sent Zenia to change in her room while he changed Zander's diaper and got him into actual clothes instead of his pajamas. He then made sure Zenia was dressed appropriately for the weather before taking both kids downstairs. Addison was already showered and dressed and starting breakfast when he got them there.

Zed went back up to get showered and changed. When he got back down Zenia and Zander were in the living room watching the light dusting of snow through the sliding door.

Addison came up behind him and wrapped her arms around his chest. "It's like they've never seen snow before," she said.

"To be fair, Zander is barely two," Zed said. "He looks at everything like that."

Addison giggled and stood on her toes to kiss his cheek. "I love our kids. They're so cute."

"They are, but it's because they have such a beautiful Momma," he said.

"Aw, you're sweet," she said. She pulled back and stepped around him, moving to her kids. He followed her and they picked up their kids, heading back into the kitchen.

As soon as they finished breakfast, the two kids ran off to the coat closet where their snow clothes waited. After a few minutes, they were both bundled up and waiting impatiently for their parents to get ready.

"It's hot in here!" Zenia whined.

"That's because you're all bundled up," Addison said pointedly. "How about you go outside with Zander? We'll watch you from here."

Zenia looked uncertain for a few seconds. "You still coming?" she asked.

"Yeah," she assured her. "As soon as we're ready, we'll come out too."

Zenia perked up and nodded in agreement. "Okay!" She turned and took her brother's gloved hand in her own. "C'mon Zandy!"

Zander agreed easily and followed his sister out the front door. The two of them stayed in the front yard, easily in view of the window and their neighbors, especially their aunt and uncle across the street (who were probably still asleep).

Zed and Addison went about layering up. Addison moved quicker than him, to the point where she was finished while he was still pulling on his gloves.

"You're so cute all bundled up," she said as she pulled his hat from the closet. She pulled it on his head, using it as leverage to pull his lips down to hers. Zed held her close, still separated by the layers of clothes. After another minute, Addison pulled back with a slight giggle.

"We'd better get out there before they come looking for us." Addison said. "And you have to shovel the driveway."

"Oh joy."

Addison laughed and made her way to the door with her husband on her heels. "Maybe I'll come and help you." She opened the door and gave him a grin over her shoulder. "If I can get away."

Their kids paused snow angel making and looked up at them as they made their way over, cheering enthusiastically. They all played in the snow for a while, making snow angels and tossing the white powder up in the air to watch it rain down on them.

Zed took a break to shovel the driveway. Not long after he left he notice Zander 'helping' by moving the snow in the driveway with his hands to the yard. It was quite possibly the cutest thing Zed had seen.

He made his way over to his son and crouched down to his level. "What're you doing, Buddy?"

Zander babbled a response that sounded something along the lines of 'I help Dada!"

Zed grinned and scooped him up. "Thank you but you should go play with Mommy and Zenia."

Zander put his snow covered gloves on Zed's cheeks. Zed chuckled and kissed his nose. "Okay, you can help me. I think we might have some tiny shovels around here somewhere."

Zander squirmed in his father's arms. He laughed and balled excitedly, his eyes on something behind Zed. Zed turned and saw Eliza making her way to them. Zed set his son down and watched him run to his aunt. Elisa picked him up happily and Zed made his way over to her.

"G'morning," he greeted.

"It's way too early to be playing in the snow, right Alexander?" Eliza asked, tickling the small boy on his stomach.

Zander giggled and went on about the snow. "It's cute you think I got up willingly," Zed said. "They wanted to play in the snow."

"Snow!" Zander exclaimed. He squirmed in Eliza's arms and she set him down. He then went back to throwing the snow up in the air.

Eliza smiled at him, then said, "Have I ever told you how cute your kids are?"

"You have."

Eliza laughed. She glanced down to see Zander pulled on her pants, back in the direction of his mother and sister. "Go have fun. I've got a driveway to shovel." Zed told her.