A/N: HA! Double update! Well, this and a new story, but still!
*EDIT* Let the updates continue!
Could the trolls please stop? I've had to delete fifty-FIFTY!-reviews of nasty vitriol in the last hour or so and its making me upset. I've also had a rather nasty chap known as "Doom Marine" chanting at me to kill myself in the review section of my recent stories. Look if you don't believe me. Jokes on him though, that's not my real name.
*Secondary Edit*
I published this earlier, but the notification only came now? I don't know why? Notifications are being delayed again? I don't know? How many times has this happened in the last month? No one is to blame for it of course, the site just goes wonky sometimes. Really kills my drive to write though...
Because this hasn't gotten any reviews for this chapter...
Only flames...cruel...nasty, vicious flames...
...and that makes me a sad boy.
So...reviews? Please?
I'll beg if I must.
So, yes, this is an interlude before we move onto the second selection. It necessary, because this was the plan all along.
Anyone remotely familiar with Fate Extra, Grand Order, or Extella will know what we're dealing with here.
As ever, this will be gone in two days if folks don't like it.
References for days, and I own nothing.
I dearly hope you like it.
Sorry if its short.
"We're all killers here, yes, we're all killers here."
"Call it honor, call it grace, call it a fist in your face."
"Don't care, doesn't matter, because we're all killers here."
We're All Killers (Interlude)
Hakuno ran.
Through twisting corridors, around maze-like obstacles and into enemy programs alike; she ran for her very life. Her heart hammered like a frantic jackhammer in her chest, her lungs burned and her calves ached like no tomorrow, but still she ran. If she stopped, she would die. If she tripped she would die. If she so much as bothered to look back she would die. This was not a drill. Not some twisted idea of training on Naruto's part. She almost wished it were. Training, that she could deal with. Naruto's neurotic notions of practice were dangerous enough, but they weren't inherently lethal.
How had it come to this?
One moment she'd been settling in for a comfortable night's sleep after the first round. Everything had gone smoothly. Everyone-who mattered-had survived and Shinji was gone. Drake and Naruto had been squabbling on and on about something, but she hadn't paid then any mind. Instead she'd chosen to drift off and leave them to it, content in the knowledge that Kurama's small, fuzzy body was curled onto her chest.
Then, quite suddenly, she wasn't asleep at all.
She hadn't so much as woken as she had been pulled; hauled from one state of existence to the next.
Brown eyes had jolted open not to find the comfort of her covers awaiting, but an enemy Servant grinning at her.
He'd told her, in no uncertain terms, that she was going to die here.
She'd been running ever since.
Though she still barreled headlong into the maze, a small part of her wondered at how this had come to pass. Someone must've used hacking to get at her. That much was obvious. How had he found her? No, how had he pulled her into the arena at all? It shouldn't have been possible. There were rules. Safeguards designed to prevent such happenstance. Without them the Grail War would dissolve in a heartbeat; Servants would turn upon Masters they didn't like, Masters would try to murder other Masters in their sleep, everything would fall apart into tangled a mess from which no one would emerge alive.
Even she wasn't that naive!
So how?! Hacking or not, it took an absurd amount of skill to circumvent the Moon Cell! Whoever did this, it was deliberate. Targeted.
Distant laughter shattered her thoughts. "Kakakaka! Where are you, girl? You can't hide forever!"
This wasn't a dream. You didn't feel pain in a dream. You didn't bleed in a dream.
A soft cough from her shoulder reminded she wasn't entirely alone.
There was someone else she needed to protect.
By some chance Kurama had been dragged her-wherever here was-alongside her. It was the only reason she was still alive. Still running. Without Naruto to supply him with energy he was admittedly limited in what he could do to keep her alive; he'd only just managed to turn the first fatal blow into a bruising one, and that had drained him to near exhaustion. Even now he dropped on her shoulder like a wilted flower, clinging on for dear life.
Abruptly, he bristled.
Too late something-someone!-tripped Hakuno up.
"Idiot, don't stop!" the fox hissed. "Run! Now! Move it!"
"Aha! There you are, little one." a familiar voice crooned in her ear. "You led me on a merry chase for awhile there. That's good; I'm tired of killing my prey without a sound."
Too late; even as the little brunette recovered and tried to launch herself forward she found herself face to face with a man clad in flaming clothes, his slim body blocking the path. Eyes like death regarded her, judged her, dismissed her, as though she were little more than an ant. Yes In this moment she could see herself as nothing else. An ant. Despite his slim stature she knew this to be a giant, a being she could never hope to defeat, much less evade. That he was actively toying with her was the only reason she yet remained alive.
This had to be him.
A cold breath hitched in her throat as he stalked forward, her heart leaping into her lungs as she scrambled away. It couldn't end like this, not like this. Where was Naruto? Where had Drake gone? Surely they knew she'd gone missing by now. Theoretically, she knew she could summon one of them with a Command Spell...but a thorn of hesitation pricked her and held her back. She only had two left. The third had been used to bind Drake to her circuits. If she used the second, she wouldn't But if she didn't...!
Time slowed to a crawl as she watched him settle into a stance, that stance again.
"Want to feel something, girl?" the Servant purred.
Hakuno shook her her head fiercely.
"Um...can I say no?"
"You can," the Servant replied with a mild smile, "But that doesn't mean I'll stop."
Stall. Now that he'd found her, she had no chance of getting past him. Not again. Not this time.
But if she could just distract him, keep his attention away from her, keep him from killing her, then she might yet buy time.
"D-D-Don't you want to have a good fight, or something?" she stammered out. Oh gods. That sounded awful. "Creeping around like this, doesn't it strike you as a bit cowardly?"
Assassin's response was...not quite what she expected.
"It does. And I do, girl. That's why this is such a terrible shame for me," Li's shoulders slouched and for a moment, that smirk slipped. "I was rather looking forward to fighting that Rider of yours. He would've given me a good bout. Still!" quick as a flash, the killer's grim grin snapped back into place. "Orders are orders! Don't move, and I'll try make this as painless as possible."
Hakuno tried to reply, but felt her circuits blaze back to life as someone pulled hard on her mana.
Oh, thank god. She'd stalled him long enough for one her Riders to notice her absence.
In the distance, someone absolutely roared; the sound setting her ears atingle.
Despite her peril, she heaved a sigh of relief. Gotcha
Assassin's head snapped in that direction.
"Well." he swore. "That was fast."
Quite suddenly, he moved.
So too did another.
A blur of living gold interposed itself between Hakuno and that onrushing fist before the manslayer could deal the final blow. Then he struck back. A hand snapped up, swatting Assassin's strike down towards the ground. The other locked around that very wrist, and pulled him forward. Unbalanced by this sudden change of pace he was caught wholly of guard. Clenched knuckles barreled into the side of Li's face with a resounding thwack of raw sound, sending a savage shudder through the Servant's very existence as he stumbled away. Then he world went sideways as her injuries and exhaustion caught up with her.
Hakuno blinked.
Five times.
Oh, she realized, weakly.
Rider...his eyes were red. And he was glowing. Like a sun.
That was new...wasn't it? She didn't recall him being that bright before.
Her legs failed her in that instant and she toppled backwards with a weak sigh.
In the same instant a clone popped into existence behind Hakuno and drew her into its arms.
"You're alright now, little squirrel." it shushed her as she yelped, drawing her well back and aside from the fray to pressing healing hands against her wound. "You're alright."
When she dared to look back to the battle she saw that Rider had managed to close the distance between himself and Assassin; forehead slamming against his with a dull crack. He did not yield. Neither did his foe. For a terrible moment there was silence. And then.
And then:
The original growled.
"You have my attention. I hope its what you wanted."
It was not, in fact, what Assassin wanted. No. Not at all. Not in the bloody least.
Rider blurred yet again, but this time the blur made the last all seem paltry by comparison.
A vicious reverse kick flowed into a block leading into a rabbit punch-a sharp chop with the edge of the hand to the back of the neck-controlled jabs and hooks mixed with a strange eastern martial art she didn't recognize, all blazing together in a single seamless tapestry of attacks that left her little head spinning. Assassin, even more so. Though the redheaded warrior stood fast in the face of her Servant's rage and fought valiantly with every drop of speed and skill he possessed, he soon found himself beaten back by the sheer breadth of the blond's fury.
"Do not!"
"Touch my girl!"
Hakuno blinked.
'What did he just...?!'
Each word brought with it more than a dozen blows on his part; a dozen strikes slamming down on every opening, every exposed vital with fists and feet and shins and elbows, like a drug trip of maddening proportions. In short, Assassin was overwhelmed. Not by any particular single strike, but rather by pure bloody ferocity. An array of impossible moves danced dizzily in Hakuno's eyes as they collided yet again, dancing a dangerous waltz without end, a vicious, violent variation of moves and sequences she couldn't comprehend. Although Li still outclassed Naruto in terms of skill that was where his advantage ended; but Rider was faster. Stronger.
You know what they say: Rage is a hell of an anesthetic.
At long last Li managed to catch a clawed fist, which in turn caused Naruto to lash out with the other, one that was also intercepted.
The two Servants stood still as stone as they grappled with one another; neither giving ground, dead black eyes blazing into baleful blue. A crazed smile flashed out in the dim light and for a terrifying instant Hakuno didn't know who she feared more; the smiling killer who'd nearly claimed her own life, or her own Servant. For her Rider looked absolutely furious, veins pulsing in his forehead with every heartbeat. Then Naruto laughed and her feelings shifted firmly toward the former. Probably because he was gripping the man's arm in an iron vice and looked just about ready to rend him limb from limb.
"Good grief, Assassin." Strange, he sounded almost...disappointed as they struggled against one another. "Kidnapping the kid? Did you really think that would work?"
By now Assassin was visibly swaying on his feet and nursing an ugly black bruise on his cheek to boot. Yet he still stood.
"Kakaka!" Li uttered that strange laugh of his. "Well, well! Looks like you got me! Well played!"
Thus grinning, the redhead attempted to draw back and retreat.
An arm locked around his bicep, trapping him in place.
"You're right." Naruto sighed. "We do."
A sword slid through his chest.
Assassin croaked, dark eyes bulging as he gazed down at the bloody blade jutting from his upper torso.
It was a clean stroke through and through, a debilitating, cowardly attack dealt from behind; one that pierced both his heart and spiritual core alongside it. A thin line of blood ran down a lonely corner of his mouth as he gaped at the sword like a starstruck fish. He couldn't help but cough in surprise. This was all just so...sudden. Unexpected. He hadn't been prepared for it. His gaze had been too firmly fixed on the threat before him, too focused on the promise of a good fight to realize his own peril. He hadn't even been aware of the tiny presence creeping up on him until now, when it was far, far too late to do any such thing about it.
While not immediately fatal, it did slow him, prevent him from using his superior agility to escape.
Yet despite this, or perhaps in spite of his realization that he'd lost, he couldn't help but smile.
Hakuno's mind began to bleat in quiet confusion while Li Shuwen swayed on his feet like drunkard at last call. Distantly, she was aware of Naruto stepping forward, placing himself between her and Assassin in the rare even that the latter had a final trump card to play. No. Rider-Naruto!-didn't use a sword. His fists and chakra perhaps, but never a sword. No, she realized as Assassin's killer ripped their cutlass free with a fiery flourish, her Rider hadn't dealt the fatal blow at all. But a Rider still had. Naruto was right there. Which meant.
"Bingo~!" a cheery voice sang. "Got it in one."
A small hand mussed her hair as Drake sauntered over to her and sat down.
"What are you doing?" she murmured incredulously, struggling to lift her head as the clone tended to her. "Shouldn't you be helping or something...?
"Sitting." the small Rider declared, puffing out her chest as she sheathed her bloodied blade. "I've alreadydone my part. Far as I'm concerned, the rest is gravy."
But the little Master just kept staring at her, and eventually she knew she had to concede. Damn kid. She might not be much of a fighter, but wielded guild like a freaking sword.
"Alright, alright!" she sore, flinging her hands up in a fit of exasperated pique. "I'll go over there. But its already over, I tell you!"
And it was.
Before Li could think to draw back and attempt one last futile attack, Naruto had stepped in, ripped an arm free, formed a claw with his fingers, and thrust them forward. An angry Rasengan snarled into life on his palm mere moments before impact and the results...well...the results weren't pretty. Even as its lowest setting the spiraling sphere was dangerous. At max? It became a literal meat grinder. Rather than fling him away it bore down on Assassin and smashed him into the floor, drilling through his defenses.
Hakuno turned away as blood was shed.
Even the mighty Li Shuwen, with all his wit and skill, wasn't able to escape unharmed. In his mind's eye he saw Death coming at the last second, but he was powerless to evade. Nor did he wholly want to for that matter. For one who longed to fight worthy opponents the idea of defeat had always been a present one, it somewhat unpleasant. That he'd actually lost after experiencing the most vicious bout of hand-to-hand combat in his life was secondary by comparison.
He sagged against the blow, tittering softly to himself.
"Well...done...!" he laughed. "You got me!"
Drake crept closer still
"I really didn't want to kill you, and I'll probably be penalized for acting out like this." Naruto addressed the choking Servant with a critical eye, sighing softly as he gradually began to fade away. "But you and your Master started this farce and we had no choice but to respond. Honestly, trying get at our little squirrel before the next round was announced, physically drawing her into the arena...how low can you get?"
"You stole a Servant, idiot." To Hakuno's horror, Assassin laughed all the harder. "Did you think there wouldn't be consequences? Everyone knows now. "
"Do they now?" rather than display so much as an ounce of the concern his Master was feeling, Rider merely tilted his head. "What of it?"
Li coughed harshly. "You're not afraid? They'll all be howling for your heads now...or doing what you've done."
Naruto arched an eyebrow as Drake finally sauntered up to his side.
"See, that's the thing about ninja, and pirates, too."
Drake dropped down on her haunches.
"We cheat." she sang right back.
Together, they grinned.
"So screw you."
Say what you would about Assassin, but he died laughing.
A/N: Hope you liked the little rhyme at the end there, it was meant to make you smile.
Ha! You thought you'd never see me again, didn't you? Well, too bad! I'm alive!
Though I can't say the same for poor, poor Assassin. Such a shame, really.
That was a modified Perfect Cell quote, of course. I regret nothing.
Didn't think I'd kill a Servant so soon, did you? This was the plan from the beginning; it just goes to show that no one is safe in this war. Now, I know many of you didn't know Li Shuwen (Assassin) but he's actually one of the more dangerous Servants out there. And now he's dead. Funny how that works. Its a shame, because he's one of my favorite Servants, but he was always destined to die after the First Selection.
As ever, this will be gone in two days if folks don't like it. I dearly hope you like it.
It really hurts that this story, despite the long chapters, has so few reviews.
As ever, reviews are the wind beneath my wings.
So In the Immortal Words of Atlas...
...Review, Would You Kindly?
And enjoy the previews!
May they make ya laugh!
"Abandon your Master and serve me."
Naruto actually blinked at the audacity of their command.
Then he reared back and slapped them right across the face. "In your dreams!"
"Is this the first time you've seen someone die?"
She nodded quietly. A mug landed in her hands a heartbeat later.
Large eyes fluttered open and shut.
"Drink up, kid."
Naruto was silent for a long moment.
Then he shot across the hall like an arrow loosed from a bow.
"Long live the queen."
"R-Rider! Stop it! Get up! This isn't funny!"
"Aw, but you're just so adorable when you blush! I can't help myself~!"
...I think they got the memo."
Drake drew back half a pace, hiding behind him.
"How the hell," Naruto swore softly, "How does that schmuck have THREE Servants?"
"I don't know!" she hissed with sour sarcasm, "How did YOUR little squirrel steal me from Shinji?!"
"Sarcasm does not become you." Shit. Shit shit shit. Those three were heavy hitters. This boded...poorly for them.
It shouldn't have been possible. Were others taking cues from what they'd done? Were Masters just STEALING Servants now?