The Orville – Mysterious endeavour

After completing a mission the ship is sucked into an adventure like no other. Is it first contact? What is the problem with the locals? How will Ed get his crew to safety? What does Kelly know that he doesn't about one of his crew members?

Orville c1

Ed sat in his chair listening to Gordon ramble on about their previous mission and how the others would chime in he was currently trying to once again explain sarcasm to Issac. He turned to Kelly who was smiling at his antics.

"Sir we have an unidentified cruiser coming at us from hyperspace." Lieutenant Alara stated grabbing everyone's attention.

"Hail them on line one."

"Sir all attempts of communication have been ignored."

"Shields up."


"Just to be prepared." He replied looking at Kelly he couldn't stop gripping the hand rest as the cruiser appeared behind them he didn't realize he was holding his breath only to let it out when several seconds past and nothing happened.

"That was anti climatic." Gordon stated as he pressed buttons. Ed looked at Kelly relieved.

"Alara anything?"

"No sir. Still radio silence."

"Sir in coming..." Lieutenant John Lemarr's cry came too late as the ship shook under the attack from the rear.

"Gordon get us out of here." Ed cried as the ship was on red alert and all crew were strapping in.

"They are on us...damn hold on this might get a little bumpy." Gordon stated gritting his teeth as he pulled out all the stops John lending his hand where he could.

"It's not working Sir...they are on us like a bear on honey."

"Are we returning fire? Why aren't we returning fire?" Kelly asked as the ship once again shook under the attack it was receiving.

"We can't get behind it." John replied

"Sir our shields are losing power we are now at 75%" Isaac stated

"Gordon can't we get out of here?"

"We're at the edge of charted space."

"We need to get out of here. We are too far out for repairs."

"I could lose them in the asteroid field."

"I don't know man it seems to be herding us there." John stated

"It's our only option."

"Can't we hyper jump?" Kelly asked

"Into unknown space?" Gordon replied

"I don't doubt your piloting skills you could get us through the asteroid field but I don't like the idea of going where they want us to. Gordon get us in to hyper space. Isaac I want you logging our progress marking it down so we can find our way back. Bortus give me an update on damages." Ed stated taking charge everyone confirmed his orders Gordon muttering something under his breath as he pushed the engines to their fullest.

"Sir they are following us."

"Just keep going." Ed replied he stated seeming that they weren't firing on them. A couple of minutes passed and they were still being followed he could tell his crew were tense and worried as he looked around the bridge he saw the other's nerves and how Gordon and John were so focused on what they were doing.

"Sir they have dropped out, they are no longer following us."

"Alright Gordon let's see where we are." And Ed stated after all this was what most of the crew signed up for exploring space and going where no one has gone before. As they dropped out of the hyperspace Isaac informed them that there were indeed planets in this area.

"First contact?" He asked Isaac

"Indeed there is no records of the Union ever coming out this far. There is no record anywhere." Isaac informed him

"Right Gordon choose a planet. You got us away from that ship you can choose what planet to go to first."

"Right I say we go for the closes."

"Sir we may need to check the engines and the damage done."

"Right Gordon get us to the closes one." Ed stated

"Yes sir." Gordon stated and they were once again on the move Ed took this time to inform the other crew members of what happened and what they were doing. He had just finished his speech when Gordon started cursing and the ship once again started shaking.

"Gordon what is going on?" Kelly asked

"We've hit an ion storm." He stated grabbing everyone's attention so he alerted the crew to strap in and Gordon was once again trying to steer the ship away from trouble.

"I have never seen one this bad before everyone brace." Gordon shouted as it seemed the ship was taking the brunt. Ed could hear the ship being scrapped and jostled.

"Do what you can." Ed told his oldest friend. It was now up to Gordon and John as they worked completely in sync trying to save the ship.

"Sir we are reaching the planet's atmosphere." Alara informed them.

"An ion storm this close to a planet's atmosphere I have never heard of such a thing." Kelly states holding on to the hand rest as the ship groaned.

"Damnitt we lost an engine." Gordon shouted as the bridge started flashing red and sirens began informing of their upcoming doom. There was a very strange noise that had everyone very confused Ed looked to Kelly who was reading the status updates.

"What was that?" He asked

"Not from the storm." Kelly replied "we have a tear in section three but it has been sealed." She added

"We're going down Sir. We just lost another engine." Gordon informed them as the ship started it's decent onto the planet below.

"Can you land us safely enough?" He asked him.

"You can't send the life pods out they will be crushed by the ion storm." He stated as he tried holding the ship steady. "I have an idea but everyone needs to brace themselves it won't be an easy landing." He informed them.

"Do what you can." Ed stated as they crash landed on the planet. Ed found himself holding onto Kelly's hand. He seemed to black out and when he opened his eyes he was surprised to be alive. Even more surprised that he was not in the Orville. He looked around to find him surrounded by his entire crew most were still unconscious but a couple were awake. Alara was awake and had made her way over to him and Kelly who was slowly waking up.