Satan returned to his castle continuing to cope with the fact that his only daughter, his princess whom he had created had betrayed him to start rehabilitating sinners.

He stood in his bathroom trying to hold back his angry tears and cursing God for what felt like forever.

"That ungrateful girl," Satan muttered under his breath. "After everything I did for her. She lived a life of comfort. I taught her everything and gave her everything she wanted. I would even sneak on earth to get her Broadway soundtracks, for all those musicals with disgustingly meaningful and happy endings. I even forced the local school to name her Prom Queen on her senior year when she was homeschooled. Charlotte could have just let me and Lilith celebrate her achievement with a simple hunt, but no, she wanted to be like all the other kids. I even let her have the damn party in the castle, and the servants are still cleaning cake from the ballroom. Oh, that spoiled little girl. Where did I go wrong? What do I do now?"

He scratched his chin, and thought to himself about the current situation he had. Convincing Charlie to abandon her project had failed. On one hand, he could try convincing Charlotte to abandon her project again, but she wasn't changing her mind. On the other hand, he could convince his wife to give him another child, so he could do better next time. The latter sounded more appealing.

"I love you, Charlotte, but you leave me no choice," Satan said with a sad smile that quickly turned into a perverted smirk. "Speaking of which…"

He fixed himself up. He straightened his suit, ate a breath mint, and summoned up a bouquet of fake indigo flowers, Lilith's favorites. Satan then grabbed a mirror and made sure there was nothing on his teeth. He smiled. He was ready for mating season.

Satan tapped his cane on the floor and teleported outside his bedroom door. After a deep breath, he reached for the door, and as he opened it, he spotted his wife Lilith, the Queen of Hell, the mother of Charlie, a fallen angel as ancient as he was, leader of the succubi who tempt by night.

Lilith was sitting down in her chair by the fireplace drinking tea while reading a newspaper.

"Why hello, my dear," Satan said as he approached her with the flowers behind his back.

Lilith did not move as she turned a page. Satan cleared his throat, but she didn't respond. He cleared his throat even more loudly, but she would not even look at him.

"Oh, sugar pie," Satan said seductively.

"I'm not speaking to you, Satan," Lilith said coldly.

"Why not?!" Satan argued.

"You made Charlie cry," Lilith said angrily.

"I did no such thing," Satan lied before Lilith revealed in the newspaper a photograph of Charlie crying near the burning hotel.

"Oh, don't you hate fake news?" Satan replied without changing his smile.

Lilith stood up, tossed the newspaper on the chair, put her hands on her hips, and said, "Why would you hurt our daughter?"

"Do you know what Charlotte did behind our backs? She has opened a hotel to rehabilitate sinners, Lilith! One of us had to get in her face and tell her how things work around here, so as her father, it had to be me. I tried to get her to listen to reason, but she refused and has chosen to be disowned. She's now a regular child of God," Satan snarled. "But don't worry. She's safe and sound and so is that stupid project of hers."

Satan then began to fake cry for sympathy and continued as he presented Lilith the fake bouquet, "I'm hurt, Lilith. Our own flesh and blood just left us. Oh, if only there was a way to fill the gap."

"Oh, Satan," Lilith gushed as she smelled the flowers. "These are my favorites…What? They're fake."

The flowers burst into flames in Lilith's hand as she said, "You lazy ass. You couldn't even go to earth to pick up some real flowers?"

"Oh, right…" Satan said chuckling nervously. "I forgot they were fakes. Well, to make it up to you, I can have the servants make us a special dinner…"

Satan took her hand, but Lilith shook it out of her grasp.

"What do you want, Satan?" Lilith asked as she dropped the last pieces of the disintegrated flowers.

"Oh, you know…" Satan said using his fingers to climb his wife's shoulders before she slapped his hands away.

"My answer is no," Lilith said as she sat back down and read the paper.

"But dear Lilith, sweetheart, we have lost our Antichrist. You know what that means. Don't you?" Satan he said as he wiggled his brows. "We must have a replacement."

"Satan, I promised myself that I would never carry another child. I have given birth to Charlie and she is our daughter, the last child I'll ever have," she said as she continued reading.

"But Lilith she betrayed us, and she wouldn't listen to reason," Satan whined while he took off his coat and his shirt. "Charlotte doesn't understand why she should enjoy the misery of others. She hates it. She hates it so much she is trying to save them. She actually seems to enjoy spending time with the damned. She called them her friends. I don't know where I went wrong. Maybe it's because I didn't make her come with me when I tortured people. Maybe it's because I was too lenient. I just know God had something to do with it. It's just like him to turn my plans on their head and lure people away with the light whenever I'm not paying attention. That's why we have to replace her. So, do your wifely duty and let's get to work!"

"What's wrong with letting the child do what she wants?" Lilith asked without looking at him. "Does it really matter that much if a few sinners go to God? It's not like you're running low. You cull them out yearly anyway. So what if a few sinners go to heaven instead of the Lake of Fire? I know you're not taking your clothes off."

Satan stepped back for a second as Lilith threw the paper down, crossed her arms, and glared at him from her seat. He realized he needed to take a different approach.

"Oh, Lilith, my dear," Satan purred as he came up behind her and started rubbing her back. "You must be so stressed. I mean your career is taking you places, and you are saddened that your only child has left the nest. I get it. You must feel so lonely."

Satan's rubs started turning into caresses which made Lilith start to relax.

"We don't really get much time with just each other," he said softly right next to her ear. "Now that Charlotte is out of the house you must be lonely."

Satan began rubbing her shoulders causing her to moan.

"That's it, Lilith," Satan said. "Just relax. How about you go take a shower? I'll go to the kitchen to prepare a little cocktail drinks. You put on that skinny burgundy dress you wore at our honeymoon, and once I get to our room, we'll get busy."

Lilith was enjoying his temptation, but he forgot that she had been tempting about as long as he had.

"Can you do something for me tonight?" she cooed.

"Yes, anything, my dear" he said leaning his ear over to hers.

"Don't touch me for the rest of eternity!" Lilith yelled out in frustration as she slapped Satan across the face leaving long claw scratches.

"Oh, so that's how you want to play, huh?" Satan said as he rubbed his cheek without changing his smile.

Lilith glared back at him and said, "Don't you dare…"

Then outside of the master bedroom, the Magne Family's servants heard a loud crash and sounds of growling and screeching.

"Dagon, they're at it again," said Delilah.

"Should we try to break it up?" Granda asked.

Then came the shouts from the Magne couple.

"You belong to me, and I command you to spread your legs!" Satan screeched.

"I'd rather get screwed by Hades!" Lilith screeched back.

"Want me to call him?" Satan asked sarcastically. "We can have a threesome."

"You just want the help because you're too upset to handle me on your own," Lilith replied. "You're pathetic. I've seen weaker demons dominate their females."

"You ain't seen nothing yet!" Satan howled.

"We don't get paid enough for this," another maid named Bulash commented.

"Do you wanna bet on the winner?" asked Melissa. "I have coupons to the pharmacy if you know what I mean."

"Yes," Delilah said. "How about this? We'll bet on whether or not Satan gets kicked out…"

Back in the bedroom, everything was a mess. Lilith and Satan's clothes were a bit ripped, and they were circling each other like animals fighting for dominance.

"You are going to carry me another child whether you want it or not!" Satan said wielding his staff.

"I've already gave you one so deal with it" Lilith said bluntly as she prepared her claws.

Satan charged to grab her, but Lilith evaded him.

"You just can't get it through your thick skull," Satan hissed. "I married you, so I own you."

He struck with his staff, but Lilith blocked the attack with her hair that grabbed the staff and threw it against the door spooking the staff on the other side.

"I am your wife, not your dog," Lilith snarled as Satan finally managed to grab her arm.

"You're right," Satan said sweeping under her legs causing her to fall on top of the bed and telekinetically tying her hands and feet to the bedpost with the blankets before he launched himself on top of her.

Lilith continued struggling as her husband's face moved until it was inches from hers and he said in a sadistic tone, "You're my breeding sow, and I'm the boar in heat."

Satan started kissing her lips and massaging her hips while he telekinetically started undoing his pants. He was about to do the dirty deed when Lilith used all her strength to break a bedpost off with one hand and strike Satan with it. Then when the Devil was stunned, she used her hair to throw Satan against the door so hard that it fell down.

The maids had just enough time to barely get out of the way. They trembled in fear. Lilith had taken out Satan.

Satan quickly pulled his pants up, stood up, summoned all his other clothes back to him, straightened up his outfit, called back his staff, and snarled angrily, "Forget it! I'll have a child with another woman!"

"Go ahead," Lilith spat back from inside the room. "See if I care."

Satan then turned around and saw the maids trembling behind him. He flashed a smile and then winked.

The maids all ran away, but Satan picked one out of the group, picked her up telekinetically, and pulled her over to where he was. She was a white demon with white wings covered in black splotches and black hair that was cut short. She was pretty enough. She would do.

"Your majesty, please!" she yelled. "Don't drag me into this! I don't want you!"

"I never said you had a choice, Delilah. Even though you only work here, I own you," Satan purred dropping her into his arms before he yelled at his wife. "I'm going to do it with Delilah! If you need me, we'll be in the guest room. If our child is a boy, I'll name him after your ex-husband."

"Whatever!" Lilith replied before she teleported over to the door with a smug smile. "No child she reproduces will ever be as cute or as powerful as Charlie. Besides, you won't be satisfied. That damned puppy doesn't have my features."

Lilith swayed her breasts and her hips seductively to get on her husband's nerves.

"Shut up!" Satan replied ignoring his new lover's struggles to escape his arms. "You're just jealous. I'm about to make her scream so much that you'll be begging to join us."

"Good luck," Lilith said as Satan carried his prize bridal style down the hall to the guest room before she turned to the other maids. "Clean up the mess."

"Yes, ma'am," the other maids replied as they nervously got to work.

Meanwhile, Satan kept walking and completely ignored Delilah's struggle to escape. When they reached their destination, he telekinetically threw open the door, stepped inside, telekinetically locked the door behind him, and laid Delilah on the bed.

Even if Delilah was Satan's property, she did not want to bear his child. When Satan turned away for a second to turn down the lights, she tried to bolt past him to reach the window, but he caught her by the arm and threw her back on the bed.

Satan climbed on top of Delilah, pinned her down, began stroking her face, and said quietly, "Hush, now, my little Philistine whore. I have a proposition for you. You who betrayed Samson, I know how you love riches, so how about this? If you bear me a child, I will make you my wife in place of Lilith. You'd be Hell's new queen. You'd have more than just a child. You'd have more wealth than you could ever imagine. You'd never have to sell your body or clean again. How does that sound?"

Deborah relaxed onto the bed and said with a sensual smirk, "That sounds good."

Satan smiled back and started getting to work. Delilah melted into the bed as his lips touched hers and his hands began untying the lacy ribbons of her corset.

When the dirty deed was done, he looked into her womb to see if a child had been conceived. One had not been. There were many serious drawbacks to not having the power to create life from nothing.

"What's the matter?" Delilah asked nervously from under the blankets.

"Delilah, dear, your company was pleasing, but your womb is empty," Satan said disappointedly getting himself dressed. "You won't be my queen after all. At least, not yet."

"I see," Delilah said as Satan finished pulling on his clothes.

"Don't worry, dear," Satan replied before he knelt over the bed and kissed her on the cheek before he walked to the door. "Since you showed me such a good time, you will be my new concubine."

Before Delilah had time to react, Satan exited the room and telekinetically bolted the door shut from the outside.

Delilah grabbed a blanket to cover herself, ran over to the door, and tried the door. It wouldn't budge.

"Your majesty…?" Delilah asked in a panic. "What…? Why is the…?"

"The bathroom should have everything you need," Satan said from the other side of the door. "Take a bath or shower yourself off while I get the cooks to prepare us some refreshments. I'll be back as soon as I find you something to wear that's a little more comfortable. Until then, rest up for Round Two, dear."

Satan heard Delilah back away from the door and sniffle quietly to herself. Then unfortunately for him, he heard the sound of the window creaking, glass breaking, and wings flapping.

"Idiot," Satan said facepalming in frustration. "You forgot to bolt the window. You're better than mistakes like that…Oh, well. I have other women who can give me a child…"

Satan smirked to himself in a mirror in the hall and said, "And pleasure."

He walked down the stairs and yelled, "Granda! Bulash! Melissa! Where are you?! You can take the rest of the night off because we are having an orgy. First one to bear me a child wins!"

Satan dropped his coat and threw off his shirt, but there was nothing but silence.

"Tisk, tisk, tisk," Lilith mocked as she walked down the stairs. "You really don't know when to stop. Do you?"

"And you don't know your place," Satan retorted tightly gripping his staff. "I need the other maids. Where are they?"

"What? You didn't enjoy Delilah's company?" Lilith asked stopping right in front of him.

"I did actually," Satan bragged. "Delilah was quite delightful. She was hesitant at first, but she calmed down pretty quickly when I promised her your place. She didn't conceive the first time, but I liked her enough to make her my concubine so we could try again."

"But she ran away. Didn't she? How did that happen? Did you forget to bolt all the exits?"

"Shut up! Where are the other maids?"

"You're making too many miscalculations today, love. You're not thinking clearly."

Satan's eyes burned with an angry fire and his voice distorted as he asked, "This is the last time I'm going to ask you, woman! Where are the other maids?!"

"I let them go," Lilith replied without hesitation.

"What?!" Satan asked as his eyes lit up with fire before his face relaxed into a lustful smile as he leaned on her shoulder. "Oh, I see. You changed your mind. If you want me to forgive you, I suggest you bend down right now…"

Satan slapped her backside, but Lilith growled and flipped Satan onto his back.

"You are not sleeping in my bed tonight or for the rest of eternity until you accept Charlie for who she is!" Lilith yelled.

"WHAT?!" Satan snarled as he telekinetically lifted himself up to her eye level. "You can't kick me out of bed! I made the bed! I introduced you to the bed! I carried you to the bed on our wedding night! I dominate you on the bed! I built and I own this house!"

Lilith smirked at him and simply said, "That was before you got married."

Then she teleported away.

Satan landed on the ground and yelled, "Uugghh! Fine! After everything I do for this family, I get nothing in return! YOU HEAR ME?! NOTHING!"

He then stomped over to the couch and laid down on top of it while figuring out what to do next.

"Well, that didn't go as planned," Satan said to himself. "At this rate, I might have to bed every succubus in hell. There has to be a better way to fix this."

He picked up the remote and switched on his TV to catch up on the news.

"This just in the daughter of the Devil has been sponsored by the notable, and the feared Radio Demon, Alastor" said Katie Killjoy.

"That is right, Kate. Several Demons have flocked in to get a firsthand experience of what locals call 'a big waste of time,'" Tom Trench said. "We tried getting an interview with Alastor to find the reason behind this sudden generosity, but he declined to comment. Now for the weather…"

Satan growled as his eyes lit up on fire. He was about to break the TV in frustration when he came up with an idea, an awful, terrible, despicable idea.

"That's it," Satan said. "I'll give out so many temptations that no demon will ever be redeemed. Then next year when the exterminators kill those little maggots, Charlie will come crawling back home."

Satan could imagine it all in his head. Charlie would beg him to take her back. He would take her in without hesitation as long as she agreed to let him desensitize her to the suffering of others. He would mold her into his perfect little Antichrist. Everything would be perfect.

Satan cackled loudly to himself, sat up, and said, "God will not steal you from me too, Charlotte. I will not allow it…Wait…No, I can't do this. If Charlotte found out what I was doing, she would hate me forever. There has to be another way."

He looked at the television and saw a clip of Sir Pentious fighting Cherri Bomb.

Satan smiled as another plan began forming.