Vados: The following is a non-profit, fan-based crossover. Dragonball, Dragon Ball Z, Dragon Ball GT, and Dragon Ball Super are all owned by Funimation, Toei Animation, Shueisha (what ever happened to Fuji TV?), and Akira Toriyama. The How To Train Your Dragon franchise and all of its related characters are all owned by Dreamworks Studios. Please support the official release.
Dialogue Key
"Kamehame-HA!" = Regular Speech
'Kamehame-HA!' = Thoughts
*Kamehame-HA!* = Telepathic Speech
"Arise, Shenron! Grant me this wish!" = Someone Yelling
-HTTYD- -HTTYD- -HTTYD- = Scene Transitions
Displeasure of the Omni King! - A New Candidate for God of Destruction!
The scene changes from Berk to a different world entirely. It's appearance is like an endless expanse of galaxies with a single palace in the center of it. And walking through this palace to the main chamber was a woman who looked human, but there were several differences that made her seem like she wasn't. For one thing, she's much taller than the average woman, has light blue skin and lavender purple eyes and lipstick. Her long white hair is done up in a high ponytail held up by a golden hairband, and she had this large blue ring around her neck. She holds a scepter with a black orb surrounded by a smaller blue ring at the top of it, and her power doesn't feel 'mortal' as some might put it. Her attire consists of green robes, a black cuirass with white and orange circle decorations, and a red sash. She also wears high heeled shoes with black soles.
'I don't understand why I didn't just do this sooner. Champa-Sama's become even worse after the restoration of this universe's Earth, doing nothing more than eating, sleeping, and more eating! He hasn't destroyed anything in months now!'
And this was not a good thing for her universe. There needs to be balance between destruction and creation, otherwise the universe will get so jumbled up that it could lead to its own inhabitants causing the universe to cease to exist. And that's something that Vados simply can not allow to happen. So she's going to speak to her boss about this and see if something can't be done to correct this problem.
"Ah, Vados! What an unexpected yet pleasant surprise!" exclaimed a man's voice.
Standing in front of the entrance to the main chamber of the palace was a man who looked kind of like Vados. Clearly, this must be her father, since they share so many of the same physical characteristics such as skin, eye, and hair color. However, there are noticeable differences. For one, this man is known as the Grand Minister.
The Grand Minister is a short, male, angel with blue colored skin and white-colored slicked back hair. The Grand Minister has thin hook-curved, eyebrows. He possesses what appears to be a blue-colored halo like those of his children, though it autonomously floats above him instead of hanging around his neck. The Grand Minister's apparel consists of a dark blue long-sleeved shirt, with baggy shoulder pads, that runs beneath his red-colored belt with the Kanji symbol for "Great." The shirt is complimented by a matching color pair of jodhpur-like pants, and white boots that run beneath his shins.
"Hello, Father. It's good to see you again after so long, but I'm afraid pleasantries will have to wait. I'm afraid that I am here strictly on business." Vados said.
"Yes, I could tell as such from your aura and the fact that you didn't call ahead of time like you usually do." the Grand Minister commented. "What sort of official business are you here for, Vados? And where is Champa? Should he not be here with you if this is a matter of great importance?"
"Actually, father, Champa isn't here with me because this matter involves him directly. I must speak with Zen-Oh-Sama at once." Vados explained.
Her father, while a little confused, knows that his daughter wouldn't lie about important matters. Especially if they concern a God of Destruction. So rather than question his daughter further, he simply nodded.
"Very well. I'll see if he can speak with you right now."
The Grand Priest teleported away leaving his daughter alone with her thoughts. And think she did. She began to think about what might happen if her plan comes to fruition and what might happen to Universe 6 should her boss be utterly displeased with Champa's actions. More importantly, just what would he do to Champa due to that fat cat's actions?
Don't get her wrong, Vados holds no love for Champa whatsoever. At least in terms of a romantic interest. But she has raised Champa since childhood. The God of Destruction for Universe 6 is practically her own son. Granted, he's an immature, gluttonous, delinquent of a son, but the concept is roughly the same. She may no longer believe that Champa is worthy of being this universe's God of Destruction, but she certainly doesn't think he deserves something like death or being erased from existence. Who knows? Maybe she can somehow convice Zen-Oh-Sama to simply remove Champa's godly power and immortality and send him into an early retirement.
She was broken from these thoughts when her father shimmered back into existence, that same neutral smile still on his face. And you know, the more Vados thinks about it, the more she begins to think that that's his default expression.
"Okay, Vados. Zen-Oh-Sama will see you now."
Nodding, the blue skinned woman began to follow her father through the dimly lit halls of the palace that belongs to the Omni King. Vados was never one for luxury like most important and high standing people are. She always preferred a more modest life. But that's something that's unavoidable when you're the attendant to a God. They really like to flaunt their own status to the mortals who are below them in the pecking order, and even to their fellow deities.
But soon enough, the arrived in the throne room of the palace.
"Zen-Oh-Sama. I have brought Vados here as you asked of me." the Grand Priest said to his boss.
Zen-Oh is very short and small, with a rather large oval-shaped head. He primarily has sky blue skin, except for two sections from his ears to the middle of each eye on both sides of his head, which are purple. He has small round eyes, and small rounded grey "ears". His main attire is a magenta and yellow lined coat, with yellow pants and magenta shoes. He wears a black and white shirt underneath, with the kanji for "all" on the front. He typically has a blank expression on his face.
"Hello Vados. What brings you here by yourself?" Zen-Oh asked. "Usually you come here with Champa, and even then, only when you're called in for meetings of the gods."
"Yes, well, that's actually what I wanted to discuss with you, Zen-Oh-Sama. I'm afraid that Champa-Sama may no longer be suitable to be this universe's God of Destruction." Vados reported.
"Oh? What makes you say this?" asked the Grand Priest.
Rather than answer with words, Vados tapped her staff on the ground and brought up footage of Champa doing various things that were not exactly what he should have been doing as a destroyer. It showed footage of him sleeping the day away on his rather large and ornate bed, stuffing his face with various foods, sleeping while taking a bath, and of course, more eating.
"As you can see, Champa-Sama has been severely neglecting his duties as a God of Destruction. All he has done since the restoration of this universe's planet Earth is spend his time eating, sleeping, and more eating. He treats me more like a glorified caterer and hasn't destroyed anything in months now. And whenever I try to force him to do his work, he just overexerts himself as a way to continue being lazy while having me haul him back to bed so he can rest." Vados explained.
"That's not good at all. It seems like Champa has lost his respect for you. And he's lost all respect towards the position of God of Destruction." said the Grand Priest with an unusual frown on his face.
"This is most unbecoming of a God of Destruction. It's their job to make sure there is balance between destruction and creation in their universe, and yet Champa is doing nothing to help preserve that balance. You're right, Vados. Champa is no longer fit to be a God of Destruction." Zen-Oh said with a frown of his own. "Vados, I want you to return to wherever it is that Champa is right now and bring him here. It's time I had a talk with him about his poor work ethic."
Vados nodded and used her power to teleport back to the planet that she and Champa call home. She has a feeling that something big was going to go down very soon.
Oh, if only she knew just how right she was.
*To Be Continued…*
Hope you guys enjoy this chapter. I know Hiccup didn't appear in this chapter, nor did we really see any more of his history. But I wanted to do a little chapter to show the situation in Universe 6. Please feel free to leave a review and just voice your thoughts. See you all next chapter.