"It really is the perfect weather for skiing today!" Reimu held out a gloved hand to shade her eyes from the sun. She wore a puffy red jacket, her thick ski boots already comfortably attached to her skis.

"Since when did you know how to ski, Reimu?" Yukari raised an eyebrow, impressed. "In fact, since when did youkai mountain have a ski course at all?"

"You kidding? I'm a pro at this." Reimu winked at her girlfriend. "Do you need any pointers?"

"I'm..." Yukari looked down at her clothes. She was wearing a dress, the long purple frilly one she typically used for relaxing in. "I don't believe I'm properly equipped for winter sports today. Plus, I can't seem to remember how to ski..."

"It's fine!" Reimu grabbed Yukari's hand in her own and pecked the youkai on the cheek affectionately. "I'm right here, it'll be easy."

Before she knew it, Yukari was skiing down the mountain with Reimu... just like that. Reimu was holding her hand tightly. It did help Yukari feel warmer, but something wasn't right.

"How did I let you talk me into this?" Yukari chuckled awkwardly to herself. "I actually probably should have gone to the bathroom before even thinking of trying this..."

"You can depend on me, I promise." Reimu squeezed up against Yukari as they soared down the mountainside. She placed a sensual kiss on Yukari's lips, but as Yukari leaned back into the kiss she suddenly started to feel dangerously warm between her legs. "U-uh-uh... Reimu, I think I really need to stop skiing and use the bathroom."

But Reimu wasn't listening. All she was doing was pressing up against Yukari from behind, squeezing her possessively, playfully fondling her chest. She kissed the back of Yukari's neck. She wasn't even skiing anymore, she just flew loosely behind Yukari, seemingly unperturbed by the youkai's dire situation.

"R-Reimu, stop! I'm going to lose c-control!" Yukari's voice and legs wobbled as her hips became hotter - and before she knew it she had floundered a little too off-course, ungracefully hurtling straight towards a-...


A shiver rolled up Yukari's spine as she landed bottom-first into a nearby hot spring. The water wasn't too hot, but her clothes were getting drenched... her panties... her leggings... her bottom half was getting warmer, warmer, hotter, her face growing... redder...

"H-Hmmn..." Yukari bit her lip and shut her eyes tightly as she crossed her knees over her pussy. "Hhh... hahh..." it was no good, her panties and upper thighs were getting drenched as Reimu suddenly appeared behind her and squeezed her tits tighter... she felt so shameless, she felt so good, she...

"H-hah... R-Reimu...!"

-Day Seventy Eight-

"Mm-mmmmMMHHH!" Yukari's hot body lurched forwards into Reimu's touch as her moan became a scream, drenching her bedclothes and Reimu's hand with her come. Her hands clenched the bed sheets as her legs spasmed with ecstasy. Reimu took her hand from playing with Yukari's nipple and slipped a finger into the youkai's mouth as she moaned.

"Aaahh... hahh... haahhh..." Yukari's shout calmed into panting, her eyelids gently flickered shut again and her tongue rolled lazily over Reimu's finger. She subconsciously snuggled her back and butt into Reimu's arms.

Reimu had a terribly mischievous grin on her face as she wrapped her arms and legs around her girlfriend from behind. One hand had been viciously and rhythmically playing with Yukari's pussy for quite some time now, and until recently her other hand had been slipped underneath Yukari's top, greedily groping her right breast and nipple.

"Ugh..." Yukari heaved and stirred. "I should have known there was no way you knew how to ski..."

"Morning~" Reimu giggled, nuzzling her nose against the back of Yukari's head and lovingly biting her bare shoulder. "What's 'ski'?" she raised an amused eyebrow.

Yukari continued to heavily pant and heave as she tried to find some energy. She affectionately allowed Reimu's finger to roll around with her tongue in her mouth, sucking it a little too.

"R-Reimu..." Yukari mumbled weakly, her eye twitching a little, her night gown, panties and inner thighs soaked with her own warmth. "The dream I had was stupid, but this...?" she chuckled weakly to herself, nipping playfully on Reimu's finger.

"You weren't waking up... again." Reimu purred lazily as she continued to cuddle her girlfriend, now nibbling the woman's ear lobe as her come-drenched hand hungrily squeezed Yukari's ass. "So I woke you in the way I've discovered over the last few months works best."

The blonde youkai lazily stretched her limbs and squeaked a little before relaxing again. "You had fun with my body while I was too asleep to properly enjoy myself." She grinned awkwardly through squinted eyes, not looking hugely impressed as she lifted herself to a sit with her elbow.

"My bad." Reimu followed Yukari to sit up, kissing the back of her neck again. "I'll make it up to you by washing your sleepwear."

"I'm tired, Reimu." Yukari monotonously mumbled.

Reimu giggled, "Well that makes sense." Yukari felt Reimu shrugging her shoulders. "You were asleep for almost a whole day, I really thought you were gonna hib-"

"No, I mean I'm tired of you topping me all the time!" Yukari raised her voice, crawling around on the spot to face Reimu. Her boundless blonde locks slid over her every feature in a raw and sensual way, despite the beastly chaos it had become after being messed around in her sleep.

Her hips were raised slightly as she crawled towards Reimu, licking her lips amid a vengeful scowl, betraying the urges she still felt as she continued to drip from her rudely climactic awakening.

Reimu stared wide-eyed into Yukari's golden orbs, the blonde beast's expression so starved that it made Reimu's heart race almost fearfully. Reimu bit her lip hard in anticipation and instinctively rushed to cup her own pussy in her hands. "W-wait... don't you think you should wash those bedclothes first...?"

A wicked grin spread across Yukari's visage as she broke into a cackle, snatching Reimu's wrists forcefully in her hands. "Oh, my dear, beautiful Reimu! These are destined to be naught but collateral anyway..." her shrill laughter descended into a bassy deepness as the words rolled from her throat in a purr. She lowered her face into Reimu's neck, beginning to lick and nibble fervently while her hands grappled Reimu's wrists, giving them no hope of moving.

"A-aah!" Reimu squeaked, clenching her fists as sweat beaded on her face and restrained wrists. Still jittery, Reimu's posture relaxed slightly as she laid back and let herself indulge in Yukari's ravenous affection, her eyes still shut tight as Yukari's moans, pants and wet touches send shivers down her spine.

Finally arriving at Reimu's lips, Yukari snaked her tongue into Reimu's mouth just as she snaked her knee in between Reimu's thighs. She sunk more of the weight of her tall, shapely body into Reimu's more petite form as the two moaned into each others' mouths, breathing out a relaxed elation through their noses.

... Over all too soon. Yukari pulled her voluptuous weight from Reimu, a thin strand of saliva trickling from her hanging tongue. Her breasts drooped within her nightwear, her nipples very visibly erect as her still-drenched panties dripped the odd fleck of come onto Reimu's own panties.

Reimu winced as she looked up into Yukari's grinning face, shaded from the dim evening light by the mass of blonde hair slinking onto Reimu's body from what seemed like everywhere.

"Why'd you stop..." Reimu gasped, her tongue hanging hungrily out of her mouth, her chest heaving up and down, her whole body completely giving away how badly she ached for more. "You're a pretty poor top if that's all you got..."

"Reimu..." Yukari muttered as she rolled her head in close to the other woman's ear, her voice so deeply sensual it gave the shrine maiden goosebumps. "I'm going to educate you on what topping really is." her eyelids fluttered with affection as she bit Reimu's bottom lip, breathing heavily.

Reimu's back craned as her lips reached to kiss Yukari back, as her own breasts ached for contact with Yukari's drooping bust, but Yukari cruelly pulled away once again. Reimu pouted, her face reddening as she noticed something else wasn't quite right.

See, as Reimu reached to start pleasuring herself, she noticed that her hands had been bound neatly together in one of Yukari's many silky red ribbons, preventing her from relieving herself from her blonde girlfriend's wicked teasing.

"You look so, so beautiful right now... wrapped up like an adorable gift..." Yukari squealed in delight, holding a delicate hand to her blushing cheek as drool slipped from her mouth onto Reimu's neck. "And you're mine." she growled, diving in again to lick deeply from the contours of Reimu's collarbone.

A strained squeak of pleasure escaped the back of Reimu's throat as she subconsciously raised her hips. "Y-yeah... I'm yours..." she moaned, nudging Yukari's stomach with her bound wrists. "Hey... lemme hug you..."

Yukari giggled innocently, prompting an eye-roll from Reimu - but as Reimu rolled her eyes the whole world seemed to roll around with her. Yukari's laughter now seemed to be coming from all directions. Reimu's heart skipped a few beats as she gasped, jolting her restrained wrists to grab onto something while her stomach churned with that feeling of suddenly falling.

... But within seconds, Reimu had landed face-to-face with Yukari, the elder youkai supporting her girlfriend by the thighs. Reimu instinctively wrapped her legs around Yukari for additional support - and because her hips craved to be as close to Yukari's hips as physically possible.

Yukari was stood completely naked - her shimmering hair looked immaculate, her nails painted a vibrant purple. She smelled amazing, too. "D-don't tell me there's a boundary of kempt and unkempt." Reimu joked, clenching her teeth as the mere combination of Yukari's bare body and alluring scent began to drive her crazy.

"Something like that." The blonde seductively backed Reimu against the bedroom wall, the wall's cold touch making Reimu shudder as Yukari nibbled at Reimu's collar again.

Subconsciously, predictably, Reimu tried to grind herself against her girlfriend, but her inability to use her arms made that frustratingly difficult. She wanted to pull her face closer to Yukari's and smother it in the kinds of licks and kisses Yukari was giving her, but her arms got in the way there too. "Yukarii~h..." she breathed from her throat, scrunching her eyes shut and tensing her legs and toes while Yukari continued to taste her skin, refusing Reimu any chance of the reciprocation she hungered to give.

Yukari hummed gently as she breathed out slowly, heavily onto Reimu's freshly licked neck, squeezing her body into Reimu's, pushing the shrine maiden against the wall. Reimu felt Yukari's bare breasts press against her own nightwear - torture. She felt Yukari's soaked thighs press against her mostly dry bottoms - torture. She craned her neck to bury her nose in Yukari's hair, kiss her forehead, temple, anywhere she could reach. She clenched her legs tighter.

Yukari only responded with a deep giggle. "You want me to remove your clothing, mmh?" she teased, drawing a finger delicately along Reimu's top and flicking her stiffened nipple.

"Yes..." Reimu breathed out, subconsciously relaxing a little at Yukari's question as if it had somehow offered some relief.

"Won't you say please for me, my beautiful Reimu?" Yukari purred, flickering her eyelids mere inches from Reimu's eyes, brushing her tongue against Reimu's lips as Reimu's throat ached out a squeak.

"F-ffuck, seriously...? P-please..." Reimu lazily groaned. She tried to nip at Yukari's tongue but ended up biting her own lip. "You really gonna be like this all night?"

"Indulge me." Yukari affectionately pressed her nose into Reimu's cheek, her voice lowering to a whisper as she slinked her lips around to Reimu's ear. "I long for your affection, Reimu..." she purred as her thin fingers made a scissor-like snipping motion at the sides of Reimu's bottoms, seemingly causing them to drop limply to the ground while Reimu's legs were still wrapped around the blonde's waist.

"I crave not just your touch, but your voice. Your pleading, your adoration. I need you to love every inch of me, Reimu... how ever will you satisfy me unless you start begging?" she kept breathing into Reimu's ear... a cool breeze told Reimu that her lower body was now bare, tickling her starved pussy.

Reimu gulped, shivers running through her body at Yukari's sultry tone, her brow furrowed in frustration and embarrassment at how far the youkai seemed to be taking this topping thing. "Puh-...please..." Reimu squeezed her bright-red cheek against Yukari's as her legs clenched tighter. "Touch me, let me kiss you for fuck's sa- mm!"

Yukari pressed her body into Reimu's again, pushing Reimu's back straight against the cold wall, this time her mouth covering Reimu's, her tongue invading Reimu's mouth. Reimu rewarded Yukari with a moan so delightedly high-pitched that even Yukari couldn't help but let her guard down. Smitten, she pressed more of her weight into Reimu, holding Reimu's jaw possessively in both her hands as their lips hungrily danced together, tongues savouring each other, minds blank from anything save the noises of the other woman's contented moans.

But as endlessly satisfying as Yukari's tongue was, Reimu was still tortured by the cool breeze hitting her increasingly damp pussy and the mounds of Yukari's chest pressed against her still-clothed top.

Mercifully, while her mind was still swimming in infatuation from her girlfriend's kisses, she felt the delicate touch of Yukari's free hand slowly press itself against the lips of her privates. It began to rub. The heat in Reimu's head rose, her heartbeat quickened, her toes spasmed, yes, yes, this was it!

Taking a deep, sharp breath in as Yukari pulled away from the kiss, Reimu's tongue dripped with saliva, her eyes glazed over in desire, her face red with an overwhelming warmth from Yukari's expert onslaught of physical love. When Yukari's finger finally reached her clitoris, the shrine maiden craned her head back and scrunched her eyes shut again, almost hitting her head against the wall. "Y-yes... Yukari... Yukari...!" she moaned as she anticipated the incoming bliss.

"Reimu..." Yukari purred, placing one more loving peck on Reimu's cheek. "My Reimu..."

And... that was it.

Yukari's delicate yet sublimely satisfying touch pulled away from Reimu's starved body. Reimu jolted her eyes open to look for Yukari in confusion, only to notice that her girlfriend had cruelly left her... suspended in the air by gaps, her back slumped uncomfortably against the wall. Yukari was sat on the futon again, one of her long legs crossed seductively over the other. She leaned her chin on her fist and watched Reimu squirm with a delighted smile, her golden eyes almost piercing through the dark.

Reimu winced. She couldn't move her bound arms and her legs were left hanging embarrassingly in the air, her bare pussy on shameful display for the cool night air - and Yukari - to see.

"What the hell..." Reimu weakly mumbled, her legs twitching, her pussy aching with an itch she couldn't scratch. "C-come on... Yukari... at least cuddle me if you're done..." Reimu's very short-lived pleasure high had fogged up her mind and made her a little emotional. Her words were slurred between heavy breaths and her mouth hung open as she stared hopelessly at her lover.

The blonde chuckled to herself, a light pink scattering her face. "You're just so... beautiful! I wanted to sit back and enjoy the view for a little while longer before I spoil it, you know? Perhaps it is a little selfish of me, but that's fair after you were so selfish earlier, hm?"

Spoil... spoil... *spoil*. "Y-Yukari..." Reimu bit her lip, her eyes watering a little. "Please... spoil me, I want you to spoil me... I need you to spoil me..."

A wickedly smitten grin spread across Yukari's mouth - delightful! She floated to a stand using one of her gaps and fluttered her eyelids shut as she dove her arms into a couple of other gaps.

"Patience, my kitten." her deep voice drifted to Reimu's ears from across the room as a disembodied hand appeared from a gap to affectionately cup and stroke Reimu's cheeks, her finger running along Reimu's lips. Reimu bit the finger, making Yukari giggle. "I'm going to love you harder than I've ever loved you before, so I simply must give you a little time to mentally prepare yourself."

"Fuck that, I'm ready." Reimu mumbled as she hungrily nibbled and licked Yukari's finger - it was literally all she could do. "Ugh this better be worth it... just hurry..."

Yukari giggled and winked at her girlfriend's adorable venom as she pulled a long, thick object from the gap, while her other disembodied hand slid down Reimu's neck to finally disrobe her top. Reimu shivered and winced, Yukari's hand playfully flicking and teasing her breasts as her remaining clothes fell to the ground.

"Ngh..." Reimu bit her lip as Yukari pinched her nipple, sending sparks up her spine.

The blonde youkai slowly approached Reimu, showing off for her suspended girlfriend as she erotically licked and stroked the dildo. She finally stood right before Reimu, who was practically gasping for some contact. Her pussy was dripping as Yukari's teasing, her scent, just looking at Yukari was driving Reimu nuts.

Yukari smiled sweetly as she pushed the dildo to Reimu's face and the couple licked it together for a moment, brushing tongues so briefly that Reimu whimpered in desperation. The youkai giggled playfully as she edged back and snugly wiggled one end of the dildo inside herself, humming in a deep sultry voice as she did so.

She delicately tied four tiny red ribbons to the dildo, two perfectly symmetrical at each side, which appeared to do... something. Reimu was too busy distracted by Yukari's tongue now hungrily licking her face to ask what, though.

"Say please."

"Enough teasing...!" Reimu pleaded without saying please, as if she thought she had a chance of turning the tables. "You're gonna do it anyway, so just fuck me already!"

"Say. Please." Yukari breathed out deeply into Reimu's ear and nestled her sultry body against Reimu.

"P-please... fuck me..." Reimu mumbled in desperate resignation the moment she felt Yukari's warm chest against hers.

A delighted blush scattered across Yukari's face as she cupped Reimu's in her free hand and stared her dotingly in the eyes. "I love you." Yukari purred, nipping Reimu's bottom lip for a second, kissing it for another second. Reimu's body quickly heated up again, a blush dominating across her own face, her breasts perking up in anticipation...

"Nn..." the blonde moaned, followed quickly by a squeak from Reimu as the tip of the cool, wet dildo finally made contact and, thanks to the rhythmical sway of Yukari's hips, wiggled its way into the walls of Reimu's pussy.

"F-fuh... finally..." Reimu moaned in exasperation as warmth filled her lower body... flooded from her lower body. Her back and legs spasmed as she seemed to climax the moment Yukari applied a little more pressure to their connection.

"Don't tell me you're finished already?" Yukari murmured quietly, her lips periodically pecking at Reimu's. "At least cuddle me if you're done~" she teased.

"Shuh-... shut up..." Reimu hungrily kissed Yukari back and wrapped her legs around Yukari's hips tighter. Yukari, still evidently delighted, raised a hand and plucked the ribbon binding Reimu's wrists together, freeing them.

"F-finally...!" Tears welled in Reimu's eyes as she instinctively shot her hands to tightly hug Yukari's back and head, pulling the blonde closer, tensing her biceps to make sure her girlfriend wouldn't be able to sneak away again. She forced her tongue desperately into Yukari's mouth and Yukari gleefully reciprocated with infatuated giggles, tilting her head and moaning as she finally began to thrust.

Yukari slid her hands down Reimu's sides to her ass, gripping it firmly and digging her nails in slightly as the brunette clung to Yukari with both her arms and legs, moaning and squeaking while Yukari's thrusts began to pick up the pace. Despite already coming, Reimu's hips couldn't help but subconsciously thrust more and more as she was finally able to give Yukari the physical affection she'd been craving to give for what felt like a very long and very cruel five minutes.

"Hahh... o-oh god...!" An overwhelmed Reimu pulled back from the kiss and flung her head back. She gripped Yukari's hair in both her hands and moaned as her hips thrust more hungrily and more rapidly. "The hell did you do to that dildo...!? I-it feels like it's alive!?"

"Oh, that? Just a little magic~." Yukari cuddled Reimu to herself more tightly and nuzzled into the shrine maiden's chest, sucking and licking heartily at Reimu's nipples.

"Mmh... mm!" Reimu scrunched her eyes shut and held on tight. Yukari was right: whatever she had cast on the tool connecting them together had made it warm... fleshy... sensitive. With every hump, every thrust, Reimu became more and more convinced that not only was the dildo stimulating her own pussy - it was as though she could feel the walls of Yukari's sex tightening too.

Yukari's thrusts became more vigorous, her affections becoming more ravenous. As Reimu loudly moaned and gasped for breath, the two caught each others' gazes. Yukari stared up at the woman wrapped around her, her flickering eyes glazed over with a dazed adoration for her lover while her mouth dripped with drool after her tender assault on Reimu's chest.

"K-kiss... me..." Reimu mumbled again, hearts virtually beating in her eyes. The women hungrily connected at the lips with load grunts, squeaks, moans while their hips continued to grind, hump, pound at one another.

Gasps as Yukari pulled away, a string of saliva between them, eyes lidded in ecstasy. "Mn... Mine..." Yukari purred before pushing herself into Reimu with more force, squeezing the smaller woman against the wall, pounding harder and harder.

Reimu's back thunked against the cool bedroom wall, louder with every pound, Yukari's thighs slapped audibly against Reimu's ass as the two hungrily grappled for each other, drooled all over each other, drowned and indulged themselves in their mixed harmony of increasingly deafening moans.

Inhibitions slipped away as Reimu's mind became fuzzy, dominated with nothing but the sound of sex, the smell of sex, the sticky damp, the feel of Yukari's hair sliding and tickling all over her body, Yukari's silky warm skin under her fingernails.

She fell limp - no matter how hard she shook her hips or kissed her lover, Yukari suddenly seemed so big, so powerful, so in-control. The older woman completely possessed every inch of Reimu's body in her dangerous arms, the large delicious mounds of Yukari's chest completely enveloping the sweet cakes of Reimu's.

And with every thrust Yukari pounded and slapped into Reimu's pussy, the shrine maiden felt her energy sapping as it sparked up her spine, or down her legs and into her toes.

Her mouth growing exhausted from its hungry pursuit of Yukari's love, Reimu pulled back to gasp, her throat coaxing out erotic squeals as her heart raced at the fastest pace she could recall in recent history - even fighting powerful youkai or gods couldn't compare.

While Yukari effortlessly huffed and moaned each time she slammed Reimu against the wall, all Reimu had the energy to do anymore was cling on for dear life, moaning and panting. She buried her nose in Yukari's shoulder and bit her collar, before resting her chin on her girlfriend's shoulder instead and gripping her bare back with her fingers.

Yukari moved her hands up from Reimu's ass to her back and hugged her securely. She nuzzled her nose into Reimu's cheek. "Reimu..."

"Y-Yukarii..." Reimu weakly panted back, her eyes welling up with tears, her arms and legs still clinging dearly as Yukari refused to let up.

"I love you, my beautiful Reimu..." Yukari hummed deeply into Reimu's ear, her hand delicately yet securely stroking the shrine maiden's back. The blonde youkai heaved a seductive deep breath out as she pushed herself and the dildo tightly into Reimu, squeezing her against the wall so tightly it could have winded a weaker human.

"Yukarii...!" Reimu wheezed and squeaked, clenching her fists and feet as tears of ecstasy slipped from her eyes. "I luh-love you...!" she screamed as she climaxed - again.

"Hmmmn... m-mmph..." Yukari's voice trembled as she felt Reimu's warm juices soak the dildo, felt Reimu's fingernails digging into her skin, heard Reimu calling her name with such lust and adoration. Before she knew it, her own nails sunk amorously into Reimu's back, her own gasps stuttered and rapid, her own legs trembling and quivering as she finally climaxed too. "R-Reimu... Reimu..."

"I love you..." Reimu murmured, burying her nose in Yukari's neck, kissing tenderly and ardently, refusing to let go. "I love you... my Yukari..."

"Yours..." Yukari gasped for breath, clutching a bunch of Reimu's hair in her hand, holding Reimu's head against hers'. "I'm yours... you're all mine..."

"Yeah..." Reimu's voice cracked as she scrunched her eyes shut, a stupid grin spreading across her face and her face flushing a bright red. "God, I love you."

"Mhmhm..." Yukari giggled as she stroked Reimu's messy hair. Allowing herself to flop down onto a gap while she carried her clingy girlfriend, she floated the couple back down to the futon. "I told you I'd turn you into a blubbering lovesick mess..."

"Shut up..." Reimu giggled, kissing Yukari's jaw, squeezing her smitten self into Yukari's cuddle.

Silence for a few minutes, as Reimu and Yukari's naked, tangled and warm bodies heaved heavily against each other, regaining their breath through tender cuddles and kisses.

"But..." Reimu spoke up again. "I have to admit, being a bottom is actually amazing sometimes? That was literally the best sex I've ever had. Ever."

"Mmm..." Yukari sighed softly. "I suppose I'll allow you to enjoy me topping again if you promise to keep giving me lots of love."

"Only if you do the same for me." Reimu grinned weakly - but after climaxing twice she had reached her limit. Her eyes drooped and she quietly nodded off, lying her cheek comfortably on Yukari's warm chest.

Yukari sighed and shut her eyes, stroking Reimu's body affectionately and protectively. "Honestly..." using a gap, she pulled Reimu's covers over both of them. "You're lucky that warmed us both up so much, I'm far too sleepy to put any clothes on now."

-Day Eighty Nine-

A familiar scene with an unfamiliar twist. As Reimu brought her girlfriend a fresh cup of tea first thing in the morning, the air above the ever-welcoming kotatsu just didn't seem to cut as harshly as it had for the last few months.

"Scoot up." Reimu hummed. Yukari obliged, shuffling her butt along the tatami so Reimu could squeeze in next to her under the kotatsu. It was a tight fit. "Yeah, your lap is comfier than this."

"Then ask for my lap next time." Yukari chuckled as she sipped lightly at her tea. She leaned her body into Reimu's a little, and Reimu leaned back.

The two sat in silence for a few minutes. All that could be heard was the sound of birds chirping outside, and the quiet sipping of tea. Even the quiet rumble of the kotatsu's heater was louder than the two women sat in peace.

"...Oh yeah." Reimu broke the silence. "How are the scratches on your back?"

"I think you only ask after those because you're proud you left them..." Yukari winked from behind her teacup. "Unfortunately for you, I heal quickly. The battle scars I left on you are more likely to last."

Reimu blushed. She felt for Yukari's free hand, which happily obliged as their fingers intertwined and gripped each other.

"I've been scratched in a lot of battles against youkai in the past, but those are definitely my favourites."

"That's good, because I didn't plan on apologising for them. Our relationship is still young, so I'm going to fuck you even harder in the future."

"H-hell y-yeah." Reimu stuttered, her blush intensified, her eyes widened and her lips pursed.

Another brief silence passed. The tea was still hot... the air was definitely not as cold as it had been.

"I must admit..." Yukari chimed, sighing deeply after enjoying a hearty swig of tea. "Despite the rude awakenings and messy sex, you are a genuinely wonderful and caring host when you have someone you care about under your wing. That was also... possibly, the warmest winter I have ever experienced, despite it being in this run-down old shrine. Consider me impressed."

"I'm your girlfriend, so if I was unable to impress you that'd be worrying." Reimu nudged Yukari, ignoring her backhanded comments on the shrine. "But I told you, didn't I? And I told Ran!" she giggled, evidently proud of herself before pausing and staring at the sliding door.

"Spring's... pretty much here already, huh." Reimu sighed deeply, almost wistfully.

"Yeah..." Yukari sighed too.

She had been so hesitant at first, but now it was almost over and really she didn't want it to end either. Her honeymoon winter with her stubborn, beautiful human girlfriend.

"...Wanna move in with me?" Reimu laughed at herself, layering what was most likely a genuine question in a layer of humour - presumably to soften the blow.

Yukari smiled softly. She took a deep breath in and huddled her tall body into Reimu's side a little more.

"I'll think about it."