Hey guys, the finale is on the way! While you wait, here's every Shinso x Mei moment!


Mei Hatsume carried a pile of scraps to the trash can in the hallway, her view obscured by the massive pile. She couldn't see when she bumped into a certain boy with purple hair.

"Whoa buddy!" She exclaimed, tripping on top of the boy.

"What the hell?"

Mei realized that she was on top of the boy's front, her chest on his. She looked towards his face and a pair of sunken, purple eyes looked back at her.

"Can you get offa me?" Hitoshi Shinso muttered, frowning.

"My mistake!" Mei jumped off of him and pulled him up to a standing position. "I couldn't see you over my babies's scraps!"

"Your… babies?" Shinso scritched his hair, sighing. "Look, girl, I don't-"

"Sorry, no time!" Mei grabbed the scraps and tossed them in the trash. She then began to jog towards the support class. "I can't be late!"

Shinso groaned, examining the rust on his uniform. "Just great."


"Hatsume and Shinso."

"Ah, I know you!" Mei dashed over to Shinso, who was clearly taken aback. She hugged him, causing his usually sluggish eyes to open wide in surprise.

"Alright everyone." Aizawa tossed the paper in the trash. Grab your personal items, grab your PE uniform, and grab your hero costume, we'll be leaving by morning!"

The students who were selected all began to filter out as Aizawa stated, "Oh, and by the way, the dorms are co-ed!"

Shocked and happy reactions filled the hall as the students headed to their dorms to grab their things, ready for a new adventure.


Mei was trying to pull Shinso out the door with her, but the boy grabbed the doorway to halt them.

"Can you give me one minute of peace, girl?" Shinso growled. Mei had been building stuff all night, keeping him the farthest away from sleep as humanly possible.

"My name isn't 'girl' it's Mei!" Mei playfully punched the purple-haired boy's arm, and then struggled to pull him again. "We need to go!"

"Well, Mei, I have to take use the restroom!" Shinso pulled backward, but tripped on his own foot.

The two fell forward, and Mei landed right on top of Shinso. She sat up, still on top of him.

"You shouldn't have pulled so hard!" Mei sighed.

"Y-yeah." Shinso had a blush now, silently thinking "Please don't notice, please don't notice, please-"

"Shinso?" Mei had a sly look on her face.

"Y-yeah, Mei?" Shinso was now crimson in the face.

"Why is your crotch hard?"



"TIME'S UP STUDENTS!" Aizawa called over the intercom. "HEAD BACK TO THE ENTRANCE!"

"Finally over, huh?" Shinso groaned. He turned to look at Mei, who was going through pieces of the robot she dismantled. "You coming or not?"

"Yeah! I just need some parts for my babies!" Mei turned with a smile, stuffing different metal pieces into her pockets. She ran over to Shinso, slapping him on the butt and surprising him. "Let's go!"


Mei stopped in place, completely under Shinso's control.

"Turn around."

Mei obliged. She then felt herself released of his control, breathing a sigh of relief.

"Listen, girl."


Shinso narrowed his eyes. "Mei. I don't know why Eraser-Head put ME with YOU of all people. But you know what? I'm starting to get tired of it." He rubbed his neck as he groaned, "You never know when to calm down."

"Sure, I might be energetic and giddy." Mei stepped closer to Shinso, and gave him a sly look. "But you wanna know what I think?"

"What?" Shinso muttered.

Mei used her boots to extend her height, until she was face-to-face with Hitoshi. The boy now had a bewildered look as she flirtatiously stated, "I think you secretly love my personality." Mei glanced downwards, and then looked back into Shinso's eyes. "Your crotch is hard again, Shinso-kun."

"G-Go to the entrance." Shinso used his mind control yet again to brainwash Mei. The girl instinctively headed to the entrance as Shinso nervously walked behind her.

"Dammit, she's smart." He thought to himself.


SPIN THE BOTTLE!" Mina finished. "We'll pair off and form a circle, and whichever pair the bottle lands on will go into a closet for 5 minutes!" Ashido held up 5 fingers to indicate this. "Now, let's begin!"

The students began to form the circle. Midoriya and Uraraka looked nervous, but headed towards the circle. Shinso leered at the students, and then turned and began to walk away.

"Yeah, no thanks. This isn't my type of thing."

Shinso became surprised when a metallic rod looped around him, and trapped him by the waist. He turned and saw Mei making a pouty face at him. "C'mon, Shinso!"

"Goddammit." Shinso thought to himself.

Shinso was released from the trap, and headed over to the circle.

"Well, aren't they cute?" Shihai rolled his eyes.

"Yes. Yes they are." Momo held Shihai's hand out of nowhere, causing the boy to blush.

"Alright, everyone!" Mine placed the bottle in the center of the group, and then spun it. "Let's begin!"

The bottle spun quickly, going all around the group. The lid was the ultimate decision maker here. Mina hugged Kirishima's arm in hopeful anticipation. Mineta laid his hand on Tsuyu's thigh, and the frog-girl blushed. Shihai and Momo continued holding hands. Bakugo sat somewhat closer than usual to Ibara with his arms folded. Ibara had her hands together in prayer. Izuku and Uraraka were both clearly nervous about the situation. No one was noticing Kaminari and Jiro were already kissing.

"Don't be me and this chick, please." Shinso thought to himself as the bottle began to slow. It finally came to a halt, pointing directly at…

"SHINSO AND MEI!" Mina ecstatically yelled.

"Goddammit." Shinso seethed.


- Reviews: 4 - Published: 12-15-18 - Updated: 03-14-19


"Goddammit." Shinso thought to himself as the bottle paused on him and Mei.

The pink-haired girl was ecstatic, quickly jumping up and grabbing him.

"C'mon, Shinso! Let's go!" Mei used her boots to propel them towards the closet as Mina waved them goodbye.

"Have fun, you two! You got five minutes alone!" The alien-girl giggled.

"Lucky chumps." Shihai groaned.

Momo turned to look at him with a suspicious smile. "Lucky, how?"

Shihai gave her a surprised look, and then looked away. "No reason."

After what seemed like a year of Mei pulling and Shinso dragging along, the two had finally made it inside the closet. Shinso finally stood, a good seven-inches of height separating him and the support-class student. He looked down at her, her sheepish smile and blush of anticipation in contrast with his small frown.

"We have five minutes, Shinso." Mei used her boots to extend to his height again as she continued, "We need to use it well."

"Use it… Well?" Shinso muttered subconsciously. "The hell is she trying to do?"

Mei answered his rhetorical question by pulling him in for a kiss. As the gap between them rapidly shortened, all Shinso could think was, "Oh."

Mei and Shinso's lips connected, Mei doing all the work.

"Screw it." Shinso stated in the absence of his mind

After a few seconds, Shinso began to kiss her back. Mei pulled away immediately with an ecstatic smile.

"You just kissed me back!"

"Huh? No I didn't." Shinso lied, making a perfect poker face.

"You can make that face all you want, but I felt you push back." Mei backed Shinso up against the wall, crawling her two fingers along his chest. "You like me, don't you?"

"... Buzz off." Shinso lightly pushed Mei away, a blush crossing his face.

"Shinso, let me measure you!" Mei pulled out measuring tape and wrapped it around Shinso's arms, then his legs, then his neck.

"What the hell are you doing!?" Shinso tried to push Mei from off of him, but the girl just got closer. "Why are you-GAH!"

Mei had wrapped the measuring tape around Shinso's abdomen, and slid a hand up his shirt. She felt around, and then gave him a sheepish smile. "Firm muscles under here." Her hand began to slither down towards his pants-area. "I wonder if it feels the same down he-"

Mina opened the closet with a smile. "Time's up, g…" She paused when she noticed Hatsume's hand almost inside Shinso's pants.

"It's not what it looks, I swear." Shinso groaned.

"He's just saying that!" Mei's boots lowered her from Shinso's height, and she hugged his waist. "We had fun!"

"How am I stuck with this girl of all people?"


"You know, it's kind of odd." Midoriya thought to himself. "All of us seem to go well with each other, but none of us are actually together. Except for Kaminari and Jiro, I guess." Midoriya glanced at Ochako, who had a blush on her face. "Uraraka seems nervous… I can't blame her though. I'm just as nervous as she is." Izuku turned and saw Shinso and Mei sitting on a couch together. Shinso was resting his head in Mei's lip as she scritched his hair. "Looks like they're getting along."


"Shinsooooooooo…" Mei cooed, walking her fingers along the boy. "I wanna make babies!"

"Wait, you wanna have s-"

"No, silly boy! I want to build stuff with you!" Mei opened her backpack and began pulling out parts.

Shinso smiled as he said, "Oh, okay."

He sat next to me on the bed as they began putting parts together, both smiling together.


"Shinso, wake up!"

The purple-haired boy stirred awake, lifting his head from the desk. He turned and saw Mei, who had tied her shirt into a midriff while she hammered away at a gauntlet of some kind.

"Mei? How long have you been awake?" Shinso looked at the ground, which was covered in chocolate wrappers.

"Since last night! You fell asleep pretty quickly!" Mei gleefully stated, putting down the gauntlet and walking over to Shinso. "You didn't even say goodnight!"

Mei sat in Shinso's lap, and pulled out a measuring tape. She wrapped it around his neck, moving his face around with her other hand.

"Your neck is so strong, Shinso-kun." Mei teased.

"Mei…" Shinso muttered. Mei didn't seem to listen though, measuring Shinso's shoulder.

"Mei!" Shinso grabbed Mei's hand with the tape measure, and then propped her face to where they were looking directly into each other's eyes.

"C'mere." Shinso kissed Mei, causing the girl to drop the tape measure and wrap her arms around him.


The students were surprised, but did as they were told. They headed outside, unsure of what to expect.

As Shinso walked outside, he groaned and stretched his neck. "This seems so poorly planned out that it isn't fu-"


Shinso frowned and turned to the sound, only to be taken surprise by Mei Hatsume tackling him. Before they hit the ground, stabilizing poles shot out and held them midair.

"...Mei?" Shinso groaned, looking at his girlfriend. "Why so physical?"

"I missed you!" Mei giggled, hugging Shinso close. She kissed his cheek, melting away his agitation and causing him to smile. "I know you missed me too."

Shinso snickered, causing the other students to drop their jaws in shock. "Yeah, I guess I did."


Next, a large WAR-TANK with dozens of parts pulled up. A speaker activated, blaring the statement "MEI, WE'RE HEEEEERRRREEEE!"

"My family's here, Shinso-baby!" Mei wrapped her arms around Shinso as a steam began to shoot out of her boots.

"Mei, what are you-"

"Just hold on tight, Hitoshi!" Mei's boots blasted off, shoe-jetpacks that carried the two to the massive tank.



Shinso groaned as mechanical arms placed him and Mei on a couch. He felt Mei laying on top of him, humming as she grabbed different parts of his head, face, and neck.

"Shinso-baby, are you okay? You screamed when I blasted us in the air." Mei asked, concerned.

Shinso smiled a little at how much she cared, sitting up. She moved off of him, a frown of concern on her face. "I'm fine, Mei."

"THAT'S GREAT!" A loud voice boomed from in front of the room inside the tank.

Shinso and Mei turned to see the origin of the sound. A slightly chubby, muscular man with goggles and crazy, pink hair stood. He was covered in smoke from machines, and had a crazy harness which held a multitude of tools.

"Dad!" Mei hugged her father, and then pointed to Shinso. "This is my boyfriend, Shinso Hitoshi!"

Mei's father sprinted over and bear-hugged Shinso. "GENGI HATSUME, WELCOME TO THE FAMILY!"

Shinso cringed from the noise and the feeling that he was being crushed, but managed to get out the words "Nice to meet you, to."

Gengi dropped the purple-haired boy. "ALRIGHT, I'LL LEAVE YOU TO ALONE! I KNOW THAT BIG TANKS LIKE THIS CAN GET TEENS 'IN THE MOOD'!" He sprinted out of the room back to the main steering room.

"...In the mood?" Shinso questioned.

He was answered by Mei grabbing his collar and pulling him up into a standing position. "Let me show you." She flirtatiously said.

Mei's boots extended her height to where she and Shinso were level with each other, and she french-kissed him. He opened his eyes wide in surprise, but wrapped his arms around her and kissed her back.

"Why am I always the one being dragged through stuff?" Shinso thought to himself. "You know what? I'm taking charge this time."

Shinso grabbed Hatsume's thighs and picked her up, causing her to laugh and unhook the boots from her feet.

"Shinso!" Mei giggled before kissing Hitoshi yet again. "You're being so confident!"


Shinso was dragged(like usual) out of the tank by Mei. Their house was a crazy, steampunk manor comprised of different metals and alternate materials. But before he even had time to take it all in, Mei had taken him to her bedroom. Well, if you can call it a bedroom. It was more like a factory workshop with a bed in the middle of it.

"I have something to show you!" Mei excitedly said, pulling Shinso towards a lamp-lit desk. A box was placed on it.

"Something to show me?" Shinso thought to himself.

As Mei lifted the box, she excitedly stated "I had to mail it in a package to here since I didn't want you to see it before it was done, but it is now!"

Mei blushed when it was fully revealed. "What do you think of it?"

Shinso slowly walked over to the object, and examined it. It was what looked like a combination of small speakers connected in a mouthguard. It had a neck-harness of sorts, and a similar fabric to Mr. Aizawa's scarf.

"Interesting. These speakers must allow me to change my voice, so people won't know it's me speaking to them." Shinso smiled, picking up the harness. "I like the design. Not too loud, if you know what I mean."

Mei beamed from ear to ear. "He likes it!" She thought to herself, warmth in her heart.

Mei jumped into Shinso with a hug, kissing him deeply. He held her up by the legs, and kissed her back.

She pulled away with a warm, caring smile.

"I...I love you, Shinso."

Shinso was slightly surprised, not expecting those 4 words at all. He slowly grinned, the most innocent and loving of smiles plastered on his face.

"I love you too, Mei."

Mei laughed, a small tear of joy falling down her face. "Finally got you to grin, not just smile."

Shinso snickered before kissing her again, sitting on her bed and letting her sit in his lap.