This is an Ash Betrayal fanfic. Who was upset Poipole left though, but that won't happen with this fanfic and the return of Greninja is a positive. Short summary Ash after returning to Kanto was betrayed by few of his Pokémon even Halawacha joined the traitors and Ash barely escaped alive. All he has left of friends is his Pokémon, Dawn, Clemont, Bonnie and Serena. This is a Harem fanfic so do enjoy it. When I did first person the one who is telling the story won't need the punctuation unlike others who interrupt him.

Ash's Team: Pikachu, Charizard, Sceptile, Riolu, Greninja.


High soaring above the clouds in the amazing world of Pokémon was a reddish orange dragon with a bluish green scales for the under section of his wings. A small flame was presented upon his tail as it landed in a town, the town know as Twinleaf, but it landed outside the only place it's colleague a small yellow mouse knew to go too. The has was a large pale pink, mainly salmon with a green roof that was two stories. The rodent yelled out, "Pikapi!"

Inside a small brown bunny with pale brown tuff's of cotton covering it's bodies earies twitched and hoped to the window and saw the Charizard and Pikachu. But it covered it's mouth seeing in Charizard's arms was a familiar trainer. The rabbit called out to it's trainer, a bluenette haired girl with blue eyes and shouted, "Mom, it's Ash, call for help!"

She rushed out and saw the Raven haired light mocha skin male who looked worse for ware. Johanna her mother which looked like an older version if her daughter came out in the phone and called an ambulance. The boy had cuts littered across his body clutching onto a small paper bag containing Poke balls. Dawn took them and opened them and out came a Bulbasaur, Bayleef, Quilava, Totaile, Donphan, Sceptile, Glalie, Infernape, Torterra, Buizel, Gabite, Oshawott, Pignite, Snivy, Scraggy, Noivern and Talonflame. Dawn moved Ash's head who was the boy into her lap and started to cry as Pikachu, hugged Buneary and started to cry. Buneary hugged him, soon an ambulance came and took Ash to the hospital as Dawn held Ash's Pokeballs and called Professor Rowan to see if he knows what's going on.

Dawn's Pokémon introduced Ash's Pokémon to Dawn's newest Pokémon a Milotic and Ambipom who returned from training. Hearing something hit the door she went to open it as her mother fed the Pokémon and she jumped in fright as a blue frog like ninja Pokémon stood before with two cell like creatures on it's shoulders. Pikachu came over and greatrd the frog enjoy as it entered the backyard as Talonflame and Noivern greeted the Pokémon. Dawn pulled out her pokedex as it said, "Greninja, The ninja Pokémon, a water and dark type and the final evolved form of Froakie, Greninja can conptess water into sharped-edged throwing stars, with the grace of a ninja, itbslops in and out of sight to attack from the shadows."

Dawn saw it not only was it close for Ash to get out of surgery, but Ash's two other Pokémon greeted the Greninja and she scanned the two green cells, but came up with nothing. She looked at Piplup who was listening on to Buizel who told him everything, and seeing her starter get angry and pissed off that it used Water Pledge making Dawn smiled. Dawn saw Buneary beside her rubbed Pikachu gentle as he slept, most likely exhausted and she saw Buneary happy, but she was more focused on making Pikachu sleep. Johanna phone rang and she answered it. Hearing a knock she opened the door and saw a sweating Paul and he asked, "Your Mom called my brother, is Ash okay?"

"I don't know Paul, when I saw him I thought he was dead" said a teary eyed Dawn.

Johanna came out and said, "Ash made it through, but he'll be in a cast for his broken arm, he only lost a lot of blood and was poisoned with a paralyzing toxin."

Dawn gasped and Paul's eyes widen, who could've done this was a monster. Three days later in the Hospital room, Ash Ketchum laid in total stillness as Professor Rowan had heard from Dawn's mother about Ash. The Professor was furious at this and tried calling Samuel Oak about this and got no response from him, but he got in contact with the Pokémon League Headquarters and to Mr. Goodshow himself who was shocked about Ash condition. Hearing a knock entering the room was Riley, with his Lucario and two Noble looking young ladies the first was Queen Ilene with her pale blonde hair and green eyes. Although the second looked like Dawn except her eyes were a lighter shade of blue, her name was Princess Salvia. Ilene saw Ash's scar between his eyes and he looked paler than he used to, and Riley asked, "Do we know who did this?"

"No, but Ash is safe for now, whoever did this had a grudge" said Rowan.

Rioly touched Ash's forhead and its two black pendages slowly rose and Riley said, "Seems this Riolu is trying to wake up Ash."

Hearing a groan they people in the room watched as Riolu hopped down and Ash eyes fluttered open. An he coughed a bit and asked the logic question anyone who usually is in critical condition and don't know where they are at ask, "Where am I?"

"Twinleaf General hospital Ash, Charizard brought you to Dawn and she called an Ambulance" said Rowan.

"Do you remember what happened" asked Riley.

Ash nodded weakly and a tear fell from his eyes and he started to recall all that had happened. As it him hard like a train, or a stampede of Tauros.

Chapter One:

(First Person POV)

After coming in second and being reward with the Kalos Honor Badge, me and Pikachu headed home. Walking along route 2 we watched Pidgey, a few Spearow, Rattata and Caterpie go by with Poliwag and magikarp swimming in the stream. But I felt hatred, anger, rage and at the same time lifeless as I felt cold as did ever Pokémon around us. Out of nowhere a black glob with glowing three dots for eyes sprung from the shadows trying to get Pikachu, I grabbed him and rolled out of the way. Pikachu was nervous and soon the glob transformed into a Mega-Gengar, and was powerful and preformed moves that a Gengar shouldn't use. After Pikachu had ensnared it with Electro Web and Niovern blasted it with Boomburst it burst into black miasma of sorts.

During the whole ordeal I gained a large cut between my eyes from that thing using Leaf blade. I feared for my mom's safety and ran to Pallet Town, but upon my arrival I saw trainers beating more of those black creatures, Lance was their and told me that Team Rocket had created them by some how using genetics of every Pokémon and animating the black goop with some weird machine. Assisting in taking down the rest Lance and the trainers of G-man told me that their was other facilities housing the Dark Mattermon, one in Johto, Hoenn, and Unova. The left to but an end to them, checking my house I saw a large hole in the wall and Mimey cleaning up, he sent me toward Professor Oak's with a note written by my Mom saying the town evacuated their till the coast was clear. But after I saw the other residents return to their homes I entered the Lab and saw Tracey, Todd, Gary Sorrel, May, Max, Iris, Cilan, Trip with my mom, the Professor and someone who I wished was dead. Salvia had asked, "Who?"

My step-father he left me and Mom when I was four, off on some big adventure, but I knew better he ditched us so he could get away from responsibility and act like a playboy. Mom thought I didn't know back then, but I did, I heard everything he said how he knew he wasn't my real dad and how I was the person he despised the most child and punched her then left. But what came next nearly broke me, they all called me weak and pathetic, Professor Oak tried to explain to me that if I had mixed my team up every now and then I could win and was proud of this win and tried to get them to change their minds, but they wouldn't listen. My own mother called me a mistake, Tracey and the professor left the room as everyone proceeded to belittle me and when my Pokémon came in I saw they were divided the ones I brought with me remained loyal, while Muk, Kingler, all my Tauros, Snorlax, Heracross, Noctowl, Swellow, Corphish, Torkoal, Staraptor, Gliscor, Unifezant, Leavenny, Paplitoad, Krookodile, Boldore and Halawacha who emerged all turned their backs on me. But then they told me to give up on my dream or my eldest childhood friend Serena would pay for it if I didn't, Todd showed me a photo of Serena outside Hoenn airport and I panicked. She noir anyone else should be brought in and Pikachu made the first move, he fired electroweb that sprang from an Electronic Ball and decked Todd, the professor can!e in with all my loyal Pokémon Pokeballs and recalled them and told me to run. But as I did, my step-father Beedrill stubg me in the back paralyzing me, I couldn't move at all.

Soon they all stomped and attacked me except May, Cilan, Iris and Max who were leaving most likely heading for Serena, but thankfully Team Rocket showed up to cause problem and snatched up the traitors Pokémon, Pikachu had gotten Charizard's ball out and opened it, Charizard seeing my state flew off with me on it's back, but along the way I fell of and he must've caught me. Next thing I know I'm in here.

(POV End)

Everyone was stunned and shocked, soon entered the room was Lance who said, "Don't worry about Todd or Trip, Ash their were found Dad mutilated by those Dark Mattermon, an the day before that your mother was sighted in Team Rocket Uniform with your step-father in custody as for Max and May their got of since it was verbal assasulting you and are being monitored and put a restraining order on them to stay away from Serena outside of public view."

Ash sighed and soon relaxed with tears of joy as he smiled. The adults smiled and Ilene said, "Ash, I brought you these, you've left them at the palace."

She handed Ash the gloves of Sir Aaron. His eyes widen and he grabbed one and Ilene said, "Ash do you know that QueenRin was pregnant with twins after the death of Sir Aaron, one inherited her features, but the other inherited Sir Aaron features and his father's features."

"What are you getting at, your majesty" asked Riley.

"Ash is my cousin as well as you Riley, we are fifth cousins would've been sixth if two of our relatives didn't get hitched" said Ilene.

"Explains why Sir Aaron Lucario said my Aura was a perfect match of Sir Aaron and why Riley looks like him, but paler" said Ash.

Riley and Ash chuckled and Ash had the bed help him sit up right and he held the hlives and remember the tree and soon he heard, "Pikapi!"

Pikachu jumped onto the bed and hugged his trainer as Ash returned it. Greninja entered and Ash said, "Greninja, why are you here, I thought Kalos needed you?"

Soon the two green cells hoped onto the bed and the red one said, "Xerneas, Yvelttal, Diancie, Valcanion, and Magearna are handling the rest as Greninja sensed you were endanger."

"Ash, what is this Pokémon" said Rowan motioning toward the two cells.

"These are the cores of Zygarde Z1 nicknamed by Bonnie Squishy and Z2, they helped saved Kalos" said Ash.

The Professor and Riley were stunned seeing the legendary Pokémon of order and balance. Dawn and Paul came in and checked up on him. By Dusk they all left and Pikachu slept beside Ash and the young trainer stratched his ear. Soon on the news a report showed and said, "Today in Slateport City during the contest festival, a terriosr attack had bombed the contest hall causing several coordinators to die and three are in the hospital as we speak, here are the names Drew Shu, Kenny Kengo, and Serena Yvonne."

Ash dropped the remote onto the floor as tears formed in his eyes seeing footage of Serena being pulled out by Pangoro, with a Braixen using psychic on some rubble and an Absol, plus Sylveon digging her out. Soon the reporter said, "Eye witnesses said that it was a callibrated attack from Team Rocket with the remains of Team Aqua, Magma, Galatic and Flare fleeing the scene."

Ash eyes flared to blue as nearby Pokémon fleed and humans felt massive killing intent. Ash had tears streaming from his eyes, soon a Doctor came in when Pikachu calmed Ash making his brown eyes return to normal and Ash asked, "When can I leave?"

"Good news is your body showed signs of perfect health except your arm, you'll need a brace and wrapping around you arm and wear it for three weeks, so you can sign out tomorrow" said the Doctor, who soon left.

Ash nodded and knew Serena, his Serena needed him. The next day Ash checked his trainer funds and called Mr. Goodshow to reactivate it and he saw he had over three million Poke dollars and Ash needed to by a new wardrobe and bought a new car that had a cruved symbol of the league's logo, a blue and white sports team jacket with short sleeves that had red and orange collar and bottom, black cargo shorts with red lining and black boots with blue lace and a black T-shirt underneath the jacket, he bought a few shirts, shorts and two pairs of spare shoes. Dawn was with him as was Greninja, Sceptile, Charizard and Pikachu. Ash told her he needed to see an injuried friend in Hoenn about the attack on a contest. Dawn wanted to go as well, since she was supposed to keep an eye on him, and afraid she might lose him. As the plan took the directly south of Sinnoh the duo sat side by side, Ash had a content look on his face but inwardly he was steaming.

If he ever see the trio again, Pikachu would do more than blast them off, he turn them to Ash. But after leaving the hospital the Riolu he had saved long ago wished to join his side and both Master Aura together and Ash accepted. Dawn head hit his shoulder and she looked so peaceful and it warmed his heart clutching his left hand he thought, 'I refuse anyone else get hurt on my watch, if those four were responsible they'll pay dearly, I swear it.'

Meanwhile Braixen, Pangoro, Sylveon and Absol rested around their trainer. Pangoro had evolved to save her and he knew he may never preform like he used to, but she was his trainer and good friend she was before himself. He hoped that boy, Ash would come to make her happy. Braixen hoped Pikachu would come and comfort her, speaking of which come morning the airplane from Sinnoh touched down as Dawn, Piplup. Ash, Riolu and Pikachu left the airport with their luggage. Slateport General Hospital wasn't far, thus they begun their track toward the hospital. Grace Yvonne looked at her bandaged up daughter and wiped her tried tears away, Serena was nearly paralyzed from the knees down, thanks to her Pokémon she could walk. Hearing a voice outside her daughter's door ask, "Excuse me, where is Ms. Yvonne room?"

Grace eyes widen hearing the voice of Ash, he heart was joyous hearing he was here for her daughter at her weakest. Looking out the door she saw Ash with a blue haired girl who had a Piplup, she spotted Pikachu and Grace opened the door more and motioned Ash to come in.

All of Serena Pokémon stood up and saw Asgand crowded to him and Braixen hugged him, and he rubbed her head with his good arm. She smiled and he said, "I heard and came over immediately."

"Thankyou Ash, she'll be overjoyed seeing you again" said Grace.

"This is Dawn, she is my traveling companion since the Sinnoh League" he said.

"Hello young lady, I'm Grace Yvonne Rhyhorn racer extraordinare" said Grace.

Pikachu greeted Serena's Pokémon as Pipilup introduced itself and Ash sat beside Serena and saw a scar on her neck, he growled and said, "Why does this happen."

Grace frowned and said, "Few officers came in and said they found out they've planned that attack for months, but Ash why are you like that."

Soon they heard Serne voice say, "Ash…?"

He nodded and touched her cheek and said, "Yeah, I'm here Serena."

She smiled and said, "I'm happy you came, did you see my preformance."

He shook his head and said, "No I was in the hospital getting fixed up, I was attacked and barely escaped, I'll tell you later okay."

She nodded and went back to sleep. Ash sighed and rubbed his arm and explained to Grace what happened to him, she was shocked and saw the scar, she had scene those Dark Matter as well, very few here and all were handle. They only appear in places with hostility of any kind, she saw Pikachu with Braixen and a Buneary talking and saw how Dawn had the same look in her eyes directed at Ash, like her daughter has which made her worry that Ash would choose her over her daughter. Serena has been getting stronger as the days pass with Ash by her side and befrended Dawn, both had many things in common and wanted to dazzle audiences with their Pokémon. Ash was walking around Slateport with Pikachu as Serena was making excellent recover and could stand on her own, without Pokémon it would takes months, but it just takes two weeks to a month for her to get back out their. He sighed and knew the girls needed a brake.

Soon his ears perked up hearing. "Try your luck and win three tickets to the beautiful island paradise of the Alola region, home of many species and region variation of Rattata, Vulpix, Meowth, Grimer and their evolved forms as well as Marowak."

Ash pondered and thought, a beautiful paradise would best suite all three of them and saw the trip was first prize, second prize was five comet and big nuggets, third was a set of evolution stones including the latest stone called an Ice Stone and forth prize was a collection of every Pokeballs. The savior of Kalos walked up to the booth and paid for four and soon as it rolled he sensed the man was inwardly hiding his scam, do to his emotions and once the four balls dropped the man was shocked out came a gold, silver, bronze and copper meaning he got all four prizes. Grabbing the prizes to the daze crook he walked away, as soon as he did officers Jenny arrived and arrested him for cheating people out of money as well as money laundering. Entering the hospital room he heard laughter and saw Serena leaning on a crutch as she and Dawn had been out shopping. He smiled and said "See you two had fun."

"We did, thank you Ash for the money" said Dawn.

"No problem, hey I got an idea, whose up for a trip to the Alola region to get our minds off our problems" said Ash getting the girls to look at him.

He showed them the tickets and the saw they were real and had starry eyes and Serena asked, "You have these expensive tickets, how?"

"Lotto, and I won these as well" he said showing the items making the girls eyes widen seeing the items.

With their destination in mind, in three days they will set sail for the Alola Region to the southeast as the islands were west of the orange islands.

Even though Serena couldn't preform this grandfestival they watched the contest together and Dawn helped give Serena tips about being a coordinator and Serena gave tips upon Pokémon showcasing. Walking to the port the trio were ready for the new region, according to Professor Rowan the Alola region has no league or contest, but hold trials for Pokémon trainers to take part in. But it was an honor to do the island trial, and you must prove your worth to the kahuna first before taking the trial. Ash had sent back Charizard and Sceptile, but kept Riolu and Greninja, but gave his two Pokémon to have everyone face in a battle royal to train and grow stronger. Serena although was nearly done with therapy, but she would show to easily have a limp if she walked for to long which was permanent, boarding the cruise ship S.S. Tidal and the girls shared a room next door to his. Pikachu and Riolu started jumping on the Queen size bed like it was a trampoline and Ash's Greninja restrd against the wall, soon the cruise ship departed and unknowing Dawn who had Piplup, Buneary and Togekiss, while Serena had all her Pokémon were changing in swimsuits to go swimming in the pull, Serena would have to use a floatie till her legs were stronger.

Dawn wore the same swimsuit she wore when they stopped Arceus, but had her hair down and the color was different as it was blue with a yellow and green undershirt, as it showed of her low B-cup bust. Serena changed into the swimsuit that had a red top that had pink frills, as she wore a red bikini skirt with a pink bow on the front and her hair that grew to shoulder length had a small pink bow in it. Dawn saw Serena and her were matched in the waist, but Serena was a low C-cup, but she had better hips. Ash came out in Blu trunks with two Thunderbolts on the legs and sandals. Pikachu came out in swim goggles and Riolu wore a swim cap. As the group headed upon the pool deck the group soon met the sight of few trainers. Buneary stuck close to Pikachu as did Braixen, Togekiss found anice spot to sleep in, Piplup dived into the poop as Pangoro stood guard over Serena, Sylveon helped Serena get a floatie on and Absol rested on a deck chair that had Serena's bag.

Greninja soon joined the dark type to stand guard the stuff as did Pangoro when Ash helped the Kalos girl into the pool. Dawn jumped in and swam with Piplup and Riolu cannonballrd off the highboard with Pikachu soon joining in as both female Pokémon cheered for him. They all had a wonderful time but Piplup smacked into another Piplup, the Pipllup turned and started arguing with it, the other Piplup got bold and blasted Dawn's with Bubble beam, but before things could esculate both Piplups were picked up by their trainers and both asked, "Piplup, what's wrong?"

Dawn looked at a girl wearing a two piece marine blue bikini that showed she had no breast going yet. Dawn's eyes widen seeing an old school mate, the girl recognized Dawn and both said, "Verity/Dawn oh my gosh it's so good to see you again."

The duo Piplup's looked confused at each other and soon a boy with green hair wearing glasses and a lab coat came over and asked, "Verity, what's going on?"

"Hey Dawn, what's all the ruckus" asked Ash from the pool.

The other boy and Verity saw Ash and both said, "Ash!"

"Verity, Sorrel, so happy to see you both" said Ash exiting the pool.

Dawn looked confused and sitting in the food court as the Pokémon ate, Dawn asked, "How do you know them?"

"During the start of my journey Inran into them both while seeing Entei, around that time Brock and Misty had to return to Petalburg and Cerulean gym when their father and sisters were ill, so I journeyed alone for a bit, thus I ran into Verity trying to catch Entei and Sorrel saved us, but soon me and Verity were being chased by a Onix" said Ash.

"Same old Ash" said Dawn and Ash chuckled sheepishly.

"After that he stopped the Onix and soon it started to ran and we ran for shelter and saw a Charmander out in the rain, waiting for it's trainer, but when it's trainer came back it kicked the poor thing into the mud and called it weak and showed signs of being sick" said Verity shocking the girls.

"I grabbed Charmander and ran to find shelter and found Sorrel in a cave who helped heal Charmander, then Entei came in with young Pokémon to get them out of the storm" said Ash.

"Come morning Entei was gone and we split off for a bit till we meet again when Charmander was a Charmeleon" said Sorrel.

"Charmeleon battle his old trainer and his Incineroar, but lost and mocked Charmeleon and me, back than I could take insults, but the guy was serious, and I knew he was" said Ash.

"Yeah, but when he accidentally caused the Rainbow wing of Ho-oh who blessed it to you, the "Rainbow Hero" due to selfish desire Marshadow was tasked to seal the wing, but after Ash's "death" and beating Marshadowafter coming back from limbo, I was surprised by Pikachu power he nearly leveled the entire top portion of Mount Tensei with a blast of electricity that even effected ground types" said Verity.

"Yeah, after that Cross who caused us problems apologized to Charizard who evolved during his second clash with Incineroar, he was reminded why Pokémon and trainers are friends thanks to Ash" said Sorrel.

Soon the trio heard, "Did someone say my name?"

They turned and saw a teen with amidnight Lycanroc wearing a wolf t-shirt, skull print trunks, shell necklace and black boots as his orange hair and brown eyes stood out. Ash chuckled and said, "Just tailing my friends about the Rainbow Wing incident."

The girls waved and Cross said, "So let's have that battle we promised three years ago."

"Sounds good to me, Sorrel, Verity you up to make it a Battle Royal" asked Ash.

The duo nodded and Dawn asked, "Battle Royal?"

"It's a special battle mainly in my home region Alola, four trainers face off against each other the trainer with the most knock outs and Pokémon is the winner" said Cross.

The Sinnoh and Kalos native girl nodded and the party of six traveled to the battle field deck. Along the way the girls told Veritys their adventures with Ash and when Dawn mentioned he dressed as a cheerleader for Ash Verity smirked and said, "Sounds like you wanted more than to just cheer him on."

Dawn turned bright red and she asked Serena to continue her story. Serena told them about how she met Ash when they were young and he helped here all through it and wouldn't leave her side, even helped her coax with her failings. Dawn smiled and said, "That's Ash for you, he knows to never give up even when all seems lost, him saving the regions is proof of that."

"Not to mention, not staying dead" joked Sorrel only to get elbowed by Verity.

"Believe me Sorrel, dying is something I've grown to accustomed to but I won't accept death not until I accomplished my dream and helped my friends accomplished theirs" said Ash making the girls smile.

Cross shook his head and once they entered the field they saw it wrecked and Machoke, Machamp and Medicham fixing it, a Sailor walked over to them and said, "Sorry kids, field closed till we arrive at Melemelee Island, port in Hau'oli City. Ash looked depressed and pouted as he said, "Ah man, I wanted a battle."

Dawn and Serena giggled and the party went to the top deck and sighed feeling the ocean breeze, the guys talked about the battles out of ear shot of the girls. Verity smirked seeing Dawn and Serena take glances at Ash and she said, "You both like Ash, like really like him."

Both girls stuttered trying to say he was a friend, but they failed misreable and Verity giggled and she said, "Hey, it's okay, I'm not teasing or taking Ash from you two, I'm just saying he is a great catch, but means Sorrel are dating."

"Seriously, when" asked Dawn.

"Last year, we meet again in Lavaridge during co-ed bath day and accidentally saw each other, I am kinda disappointed by my looks, but he did I looked better than any model, so we hanged out for a few days and went on a few dates and became a couple" said Verity.

The girls heard the guys laughing at a blushing Sorrel, Verity smiled at her boyfriend having a happy smile on his face and she said, "But when we got mugged and I was bout to be violated fully, he broke free from a sleeper hold and saved me."

"Looks like you have yourself a knight" said Dawn.

Verity nodded and said, "We've been traveling ever since and hardly leave each other's side since that incident."

"Yeah, Ash back before I started my journey I watched him jump off Lumoise tower to save Pikachu, it was very scary, but a Mega Blazekin saved him" said Serena.w

"Ash when I was sucked into a vortex jumped to save me, he would save anyone, Pokémon or people, he's just that kinda person" said Dawn.

Meanwhile Ash told them about how he was the Hero of Truth and commanded Reshiram for a while as the truth of his heart to save others is what Awaken Reshiram. Later that night the Dawn and Serena were brushing their hair and Dawn looked at Serena and frowned a bit, Verity words echoed in her mind, but soon they heard Ash in his room talking onto his rooms phone as he said, "Hello?"

Meanwhile inside Ash's room his eyes widen seeing his father, and he said, "What do you want Dad?"

The word Dad was laced with enough Poison to make a Poison type jealous. The elderly man smirked and said, "Hello son, I see that your still alive."

"Yeah, no thanks to Mom and you not being their to stop it" said Ash.

"True all true, but their is a reason why I called, the Aura Guardian Commission has decided to make you an official Aura Guardian and the league and the government is giving full authority to intervene any situation, a package will be waiting for you in Hau'oli City, Pokémon Center" said the man.

"Anything else" asked Ash.

"Yes, the Queen Ilene has given you the same title as Sir Aaron our ancestors, of Archduke" said the father causing Ash to choke for a second.

"The council had agreed to this since you saved the world dozens of times and you know our laws" said the man.

"How could I, originally Aura Guardian only had three laws, Law one: never use Aura to control humans or Pokémon, Law two: never use Aura to kill unless the foe is to dangerous to be left alive, Law three: protect the balance of humans and Pokémon" replied Ash.

"Now what is the last three" asked his father.

Ash growled and said, "I hate these last three, they are foolish, Law Four: all Aura guardians Earl andabove in nobility must take on wives depending on how important their nobility is, Law Five: all Aura guardians must keep the line of Aura from dying, and the one I hate the most and why I despise you Law Six: Aura guardians most not have more contact with their children after they reached a certain age."

Dawn and Serena gasped hearing this and the man said, "They changed the sixth law as the original sixth has been oblished now the sixth is that all Aura guardians must have one Pokémon who can use aura."

Ash looked at Riolu and the man said, "Ash I know you despise me, but I left in hoping I could obtain some leeway to change that law, it worked though but took a lot longer."

"Whatever, just do what you always did and leave me alone, you ignored me ever since I was little even if back then I thought you were my uncle" he said.

"Very well, but know this Ash, I'll be keeping an eye on you, Team Rocket has been gathering allies and the council has agreed to work with G-man and the rangers" said the man.

Ash nodded and the call ended. Ash sighed and muttered that due to his history he had to take eight or nine wives. Hearing this the girls imagined them being two of them hanging off of Ash and turned bright red as dark perverted fantasies played in their minds and they fainted with nosebleeds ending up sleeping. Unknowingly Ash felt their emotions and sighed knowing he had some serious explaining to do, crawling in bed he watched some Z's and he planned to catch them all.

Chapter is finished and I bet no one was expecting Verity, Cross or Sorrel though. Risa will make an appearance as well soon, but with an Eevee of her own, and Ritchie as well. Anyway why didn't I have Dawn betray him, well I mean other than she looks hot as a cheerleader, I thought having my second top girl with Ash would be good for him. Anyway I have things planned for the story, as well as Selene and Elio appearing with Hau as Elio has a Litten and Selenne has a Poppilo. Now who are those two, well they are the actual given names to Sun and Moon. Also to tell the eevees apart is the males looked normal while the girls have a white heart on their tails. See you all next time and by for now, if I don't make this a oneshot.