He hadn't known it was Prince Thranduil he had been talking to, mostly because he had never actually met or seen the prince himself. Only heard about him, cooked for events he attended - well until about ten minutes ago when he lost his temper and then his job - and so he did not know it was him that was leaning against a tree behind the kitchens tent looking both frustrated and bored.

Galion noticed the way the unknown blond elf looked over at him and winced slightly as if he could guess what had just happened, "That looked unpleasant, may I offer you a drink?" with absolutely no flourish he offered Galion a waterskin.

That almost certainly did not contain water.

"Surprisingly friendly of you." He commented, but took it anyways.

The other elf shrugged, "I'm a friendly person."

It wasn't until after he had taken a huge mouthful of it that he realized it was not wine but something much stronger. He tried valiantly not to cough but failed, and the other elf tried valiantly not to laugh but failed.

"So what happened?"

"Ugh," Galion took another drink from whatever horrible substance that was, "I got excused from a job I didn't want in the first place. My father got it for me because he has absolutely no faith in me or in my ability to accomplish anything. I simply cannot wait to tell him about this."

He chucked the substance back over to the other elf, "It doesn't matter to me, everyone I cooked and served for is rude, boring, and I am glad I no longer have to laugh at their terrible jokes."

The other elf flashed a smile for just a moment, a smile that somehow made him seem more feral and wild than pleasent, "You're right. They are rude, boring and I wish I did not have to go laugh at their terrible jokes, but alas, if I do not you are not going to be the only one with an irate father."

Straightening from the tree he took one last long drink and then tossed the waterskin containing the potential actual potion to Galion, "I think you need this more than I do."

And then with that, he was gone.

He figured out it was Prince Thranduil when a messenger somehow found him hours later with a letter containing the royal seal. And more of that truly horrid but effective drink.


You would be surprised how easy it is to find out the name of the server who got fired in the middle of serving someone. I must admit I had a good laugh when I found out what you said, and so I have a proposition for you: It would seem I am in need of another attendent or helper of sorts and I wish to offer you the position.

At least then you could say you got something out of this day, and away from your father. If the idea of spending so much time with me sounds unideal have another drink, or four.



He knew this choice, his choice would create an impenetrable line between them, he knew that. His father was not very forgiving to begin with, and had long since lost patience with the youngest of his children.

He had told his family weeks ago that he planned to leave with King Oropher and Prince Thranduil. His mother and sister had cried and asked him not to go, but his father had been furious and had even accused him of abandoning his family for a job that he was too irresponsible to have in the first place.

Galion had expected this response, he and Thranduil had planned this day and conversation out very carefully, and he stuck to their plan. Full of love, he kissed his mother and sister goodbye and left without a word to his father.

Nobody came to say goodbye. Not that he was expecting them too, not really.

But sitting atop a horse next to Thranduil, muttering jokes to one another and stifling laughter with forced coughs when Oropher gave them pointed looks was almost enough to make it not matter that they did not come.

The king had told him just a few hours ago how appreciative and glad he was that Galion had decided to come with them, but offered him one last chance to turn back. That's when Galion had mounted his horse.

Lindon was not his home, at least it did not feel like one anymore. The city he had once loved to explore was feeling claustrophobic and tight, he trusted Oropher and Thranduil to shape a new home for him. A better one.


I'll see you all for chapter two!

Would love to hear your thoughts!