Prologue: Start Game.

A/N: Konichiwa, kiddos!

Papa( Stalin) Cancer Boy 9000's back with a new project, this time more permanent than the last.

So hey, was I in a (shitty) uneventful vacation at my friend, Dora's, house in Singapore when fter reading a phenomenal Manhwa called The Gamer, my inspiration has soared. And I truly mean soared. That manga is fucking awesome, and I was happy to see there actually is a DxD/ The Gamer crossover, though it is discontinued.

Han Ji-Han was nice and all but…I wondered what would a normal guy like me REALLY do with a godlike power such as The Gamer. I mean, seriously, I would just pick up fights with badass people, make a shitton of money and bang a lot of b*tches. That's what The Gamer is supposed to be: Humans aren't supposed to be Good when they have ABSOLUTE POWER ^-^

Seriously, I recommend both the Gamer Manhwa (which is kind of a Korean Manga) and the DxD Gamer fanfic. Both the manga and its fanfic spinoff are actually amazing and some of the bets pieces of writing I've ever read.

This is, truly, the most humane of my characters. He'll have defects, failures, problems and will let his power corrupt him as time passes. Not in fully evil way, though, it'll only make him more ruthless…and with bigger appetites for titties.

Deus Ex Machina was a failure, I've met a wall right on the first chapter and couldn't progress too much. With this project, there'll be little chance of that happening.

This will be an OC-centered story, with a first person POV. There will be a massive harem, some genderbents, lemons and cold-ass fights. There will be jokes, satires and all the things I find necessary.

The Prologue will be shorter than the chapters I have planned. Chapters will usually have 10k words and I'll try to publish them monthly (fuck, I have a life too you know?)

Anyhow, let's go on to the reading. I hope you enjoy it.

Papa Wildfurion


Prologue: Start Game.

Disclaimer: I do not own Highschool DxD, nor do I own the Gamer Manhwa or any of the series/anime/movies/comics/games/books cited. I just own this satirical and kind of funny fanfic.

"Winning isn't everything, it's the only thing."-Vince Lombardi.

My Crib, Home, Town of Kuoh, Kanto, Northern Japan, April 1st, 2018, 7:05 AM, Tokyo Time-zone.


During your sleep, your Health and Mana Points have fully recovered. All ailments have been removed and healed.

The Legendary Gamer of Kuoh.

That was the "nickname" my High School colleagues of Kuoh Academy attributed to me, after my reputation made itself known.

The name is Kainashi, Futsunoko Kainashi (正常男甲斐無し- Kainashi Futsunoko) an average teenager, tax payer, and a Japanese student at Kuoh Academy. I'm 17 years old, have no friends, no family, no girlfriend and no job. Last year, my pretty decent grades placed me right behind the smartest girl in the class, Something Shitori, making my classmates erroneously label me as a nerd. Well…I am kind of a nerd, though I barely study half an hour a day.

My biggest and only interest is gaming. Having been playing videogames since I was like…5 or something, I am proud to say that I'm a master gamer. Actually, most of my days are spent in front of a TV or PC screen; I barely sleep two hours a day, and I often skip school just in order to stay home and play. I have no further ambitions, and my biggest dream was to- one day- be able to live inside some sort of game.

Plus, due to the fact I am nearly handicapped because of some rare syndrome I've gotten from my late mother, I (un)luckily get to have a free license to skip as many classes as I wish- mostly because…well, I'm forced to visit the city's Clinics Hospital way too often- while also receiving some nice ¥ 300.000 (about 2.5k dollars) from Government aid in order to avoid dying of starvation.

Talking about starvation, I am proud to say that I've gained some weight this month. After some certain she-devil decided to weekly visit the dark cave of games and anime I call my home, my feeding rate increased a little bit so I'm happy to say that, malnourishment is no longer a problem to me. I mean, I still weight 176 pounds, which, combined with my 7ft of height make me still slender as f*ck, but at least I don't look like a skeleton anymore.

With all that being said, it doesn't take long for one to notice that I had no intentions to leave my bed whatsoever. The previous night had seen some intense gaming, with me playing the entire 007 Legends in one row.

I said had no intentions because of…well, this.

*knock**knock**knock**knock* "Rise and shine, sleeping beauty."

And then, as if it were a norm a screen popped up in front of my very eyes.

-{New Quest!}-

[Rise and shine, Sunshine!]

Description: For reasons unknown, the President of the Student Council has come to fetch you. It's probably because of your infamous reputation as a vagabond last year. Go and impress her, son!

Objectives: Get ready for school in less than three minutes, and walk with the President to school.

Rewards: 120 Exp.; 20 Prestige; Increased relations with the President; Mystery Gift (Item).

Failure: Decreased relations with the President; School life becomes hellish for an entire year.



To be honest, I felt really tempted to just click on the No option. Today was the first day of class at Kuoh Academy, and it seems like the Devil has come all the way here to get me into that tedious introductory class.

"So the f*cker really came huh?", I said to nobody in specific. Quite a quirky habit of mine, developed after years living alone. "The owner's out!", was my response, before I swiftly went back to sleeping like a boss. The seconds of silence that followed gave me a flash of hope that the she-devil that came to force me into torture was really gone before…

*knock**knock**knock* "Kainashi Futsunoko, if you don't open the door, I'm signing you up for mandatory extra classes", This time the girl said with her voice nearly dripping poison.

For some seconds, I wondered if I should just ignore her and go back to a lazy rest. Then I realized that, if I did this, that sly woman would just find ways to bother me even more than she already did. With this in mind, and as calm as one could ever be, I clicked the Yes button, accepting the Quest.

As soon as I did this, a timer made itself visible on the corner of my visual field, counting down from 3 minutes.

Timer: 3:00 min.

"*sigh* Hai, hai." With a sigh, I set my feet on the floor, feeling the freshness that contrasted with the infernal heat of spring. There was no sharp pain, it seems like my femur has, surprisingly, decided to cooperate with me today.

Sparing a swift glance at the wheelchair left at the corner of my room, I rapidly proceeded to change from my plain white pajamas into Kuoh Academy's male uniform, which consists of a fancy black blazer with white accents over a white, long-sleeved dress shirt with a black ribbon on the collar, matching black pants, and brown dress shoes. I basically look like a paler version of slenderman in this sh*t.

Timer: 1:49 min.

I then proceeded to splash my face and my ridiculous raven black hair, which reaches some inches bellow my shoulders, with water before brushing them with my fingers. "I really need to get a haircut", Is what I have to say about this. Yup, surely that's all.

In a span of two minutes, I was more than ready for a long and tedious day at school. As a certain Frank that is extremely Filthy says, High School is one of the few places comparable to Hell. The others were College and North Korea.

Timer: 0:58 min.

With another sigh, I turn the key and pull the doorknob. Only to meet none other than the President of Kuoh Academy's Student Council waiting there.

Sona Shitori has an extremely attractive slim figure, one that adds quite a lot of sensuality to her looks, especially with her jet-black hair being styled in a short bob cut. Her violet eyes reflect the sharp intellect behind them, one that puts even geniuses to shame. Besides all that, her pale skin looks very silky and smooth as well, probably kept this way through some expensive products or something.

"Good to see you listened to me, even if seldom", Sona greeted with a sly grin. "After all, I'm the one who needs to get you to come to school one way or another…"

"Good morning to you too, Sona", I added with a shrug. Since I've enrolled in Kuoh Academy last year, Sona has been the one to pester me the most. Not a surprise, though, seeing how she managed to keep the whole school in line with sort of an iron fist. "Fancy seeing your pretty face here."

-{Quest Complete!}-

[Rise and shine, Sunshine!]

Description: For reasons unknown, the President of the Student Council has come to fetch you. It's probably because of your infamous reputation as a vagabond last year. Go and impress her, son!

Objectives: Get ready to school in less than three minutes and walk with the President to school.

Rewards: 120 exp.; 20 Prestige; Increased relations with the President; Gamer's Handbook (Key Item).

Bonus Item Obtained: Shadow Clone Scroll!

-Shadow Clone Scrool. Type: Learning item. Lvl: 1. Description: A learning scroll from the SHOP that instantly unlocks the Skill "Shadow Clone Technique". May be sold at the SHOP for ¥ 1132750000,00.


Level up! Your level goes up by 1!

Shadow Clone Scroll huh? I'd make sure to take a look at this one later…

"Oh, are you hitting on me again, Kainashi-kun?"

"Sure I am, hottie."

"I see you're as bold as always."

"And you…", I made a pause, turning to look deep into her eyes with my Japanese black orbs. We were currently walking to the Academy, which was about 1 mile from the small Chinese guetto where I live. "…are as sly as ever, woman."

We proceeded to make some small talk on our way to the Academy. As Sona was busy scouting me from home to school, there was no one to greet us at the gates of Kuoh. Not surprising, though, due to how early it was in the morning.

At least I avoided being stared at to death by a bunch of hateful boys- the Academy was girls-only till last year, actually-just because I've got to accompany the school's 3rd most popular girl in the way to Kuoh.

And yes, Sona is THAT popular. She's also the smartest person I've ever met, with her grades being top-notch.

Anyhow, as we got closer, I've got to admit that Kuoh Academy looks truly massive, having a classical Western European design that makes it resemble a French chateau. Indeed, a school for Japan's elite. No wonder why the tuition fees were worth my liver.

And during that entire thing, a single disturbing detail kept bothering me…

Sona Sitri-Lvl: Unknown



Info: Sona Sitri, aka Shitori, is the current heiress of the Sitri Clan, one of the 72 Pillars of Devils. She is the Student Council President's of Kuoh Academy and is shown to be a very strict and intelligent person. She does not take anything lightly. Interests include playing chess and reading.



Opinion of you:?

Your opinion of her: +20

The weird data appeared yet again.

It's been two days since those boxes begun popping up on my visual field, containing numbers like those of video games and with some information about the person I saw.

I sighed, dismissing the popup with a mental command-which seemed to come up automatically on my mind. Don't ask me how I learned it, even I have no idea.

"She's a real Devil huh?", I whispered, having a lone walk to my homeroom, Class 3-A. Sona had to stop by the Student Council Room, so I had this time alone to worry about my lack of worries.

As that she-devil had wakened me up some good time before normal people actually came to class, I casually walked to the bottom of the classroom and took a seat by the window. The irony, the infamous vagabond arrived early at last.

With lots of spare time, I was bored. Usually, I would be able to sate this boredom with video games, or maybe reading some manga or light novel- fortunately I'm not a talkative fellow, so besides Sona, very few of my classmates actually even TALKED to me, giving me plenty of time for my hobbies. And unfortunately, with my games and entertainment left back at my apartment, my boredom turned into a rather…shady direction.


Name: Futsunoko Kainashi (正常男甲斐無し-Kainashi Futsunoko)

Title: "Gamer of Kuoh"

Vital Status: Half-dead

Race: Human/ Job: The Gamer /Class: The Gamer/ Married: No/ Children: None

Lvl: 3/ Exp. to next level: 0/300

HP: 200/200-MP: 510/510

Mana Regen: 1.3% per minute (0.6/min)/ HP Regen: 0.9% per minute (4.59/min)


STR: 9+/ VIT: 9+ */ DEX: 16+/ INT: 46+/ WIS: 13+/ LUK: 9+

Status Points: 15

Money: ¥ 5000

Prestige: 20. Rise: 0 per minute

Opinion of you: -

Your opinion of him: -


-The Gamer. Type: Passive. Lvl: MAX. Description: This character is The Gamer. Effects: Can change races and classes at high enough levels. Can do things most characters can't; Gains exp faster. Able to evolve faster than others. Can Revive* freely. A Gamer works with HP and Mana systems. Character has a special body. Unique Prestige mechanic.

-Gamer's Mind. Type: Passive. Lvl: MAX. Description: Allows the user to calmly and logically think things through. Allows peaceful state of mind. Immunity to psychological mass effect.

-Gamer's Body. Type: Passive. Lvl: MAX. Description: Grants a body that allows for the user to live the real world like a game. Sleeping in a bed restores HP, MP and all mass effects.

-Observe. Type: Active. Lvl: 1. Description: Through continuous observation, a skill to observe objects, situations, and persons was generated, allowing the user to quickly gather information. The higher the skill, the greater the data obtained. At level 1, it tells the target's max HP, max MP, and information.

- Mana Affinity. Type: Passive. Lvl: 1. Description: Technique that allows the user to become more sensitive to mana and handle it better.

- Dish Washing. Type: Passive. Lvl: 3. Description: A technique to wash dishes. With greater mastery, you can clean any dirty spot. 15% increase in dish washing speed.

-Cooking. Type: Passive. Lvl: 4. Description: The skill or activity of preparing food for people to eat. At level 1, it allows the user to cook basic dishes with some problems.

Physical Endurance. Type: Passive. Lvl: 1. Description: The body's durability increases, allowing for less damage taken. 1% decrease in damage taken by attacks.

*Intelligence is 4 times bigger than Stamina- effects: -1Stamina/day.

*Revival Chance Countdown: 9/10.

It's been two days. Two days with screens popping up every time I saw someone, every time I did something. Hell, even if I did something as basic as cooking a screen popped up saying some skill has leveled up. EVERY SINGLE F*CKING TIME.

With a sigh, I decided to summon the Gamer's Handbook by simply willing it to appear in my hand. It was a small book with dark leather cover, that small piece contained an awful lot of information about the popups that took over my visual field.

For some reason, Mana Affinity leveled up as soon as I summoned the Handbook.

You've made a wise decision! +1 WIS



Congratulations! You have awakened the powers of The Gamer -one of the rarest skills ever known- considered to be quite powerful and a 'cheaty' ability, for it gives one the unique opportunity of turning his/her life into a real-time first-person gaming experience.

The Gamer works like this:

-Certain actions in The Gamer's daily life get turned into skills.

-Objects may be turned into items by The Gamer.

-The Gamer's body works like that of a game character.

-After sleep in a bed The Gamer restores HP, MP and all status effects.

-Certain technique books are treated as skill books.

-Allies can be added to form a party.

-This ability can be temporarily extended to others through the use of the party system.

-It can also generate certain items from monsters even if the monsters don't have physical bodies. These items include crafting and healing items. This is considered turning an illusion into reality.

-It also has the effect of making training areas into full battle areas, as well as making a boss mob appear in all instant dungeon.

-Just by looking at some person or thing, The Gamer is automatically informed of its name and level (usually). Using Observe, The Gamer can quantify attributes accurately and without bias.

-EXP points can be gained by defeating enemies (monsters, ability users, etc.) to completing tasks.

-Limitations: The Gamer skill, although very powerful, does have some limitations to it.

.The Gamer may not gain certain skills or techniques until he/she has reached a certain level in certain area.

.The Gamer can't 'absorb' books based on theories.

.The Gamer can't combine abilities that don't mesh together, such as Magic and Psychic powers.

.If stamina (vitality) is more than 4 times lower than The Gamer's intelligence, a deteriorating effect may appear, which takes 1 stamina (Vitality) point every 24 hours.

It was 7:40 AM in Tokyo Time-zone, classes would be starting in twenty minutes or so. People have already start taking their seats, and like the bunch of teenagers they are, soon started with the chatter. Some few spared glances at me, and more than one whisper about "The Gamer of Kuoh" reached my ears.

If only they knew…

Well, if the strange feeling of calmness was not product of the "Gamer's Mind" skill, then my disease's already begun messing with my brain. Since I couldn't get any surprised reactions from Sona "Sitri"-if both the name and the fact that she is a Devil are real, that is- then I suppose insanity isn't the deal.

Whatever, on with the reading while class hasn't begun yet.

Status Window (Status): This is a voice command that brings up a window that shows his/her status (name, class, Health Points (HP), Mana Points (MP), level, attributes, title, money and attribute points).

Attributes that can be increased via points gained from leveling.

-Strength (STR)- Increases physical strength, possibly increases HP regeneration rate as well.

-Vitality (VIT)- Increases HP and stamina.

-Dexterity (DEX)- Increases overall speed and fighting skills.

-Intelligence (INT)- Increases MP, learning speed and memory.

-Wisdom (WIS)- Increases MP regeneration. Possibly increases actual wisdom.

-Magic Resistance increases by 1% every 10 WIS points.

-Mana Regeneration increases by 1% every 10 WIS points.

-Luck (LUK)- Likely increases the chance of rare drops, possibly increases real life luck.

Attributes that can not be directly increased via points gained from leveling:

-Physical resistance- One's resistance to physical attacks.

-Mana (MP)- Mana points, used to cast spells. Some places use it as a power source and a currence (such as the Mirror World.).

-Mana Regeneration (MR)- The rate in which Mana regenerates.

-Magic Resistance: One's resistance to magic attacks.

-Health (HP)- Health points, represents how much health one has. Once someone's HP reaches zero, they die. (Despite its name, it does not consider health problems like sicknesses.) Can be increased by spending points into VIT.

At this point, I had a fair understanding that my life has been turned into some sort of RPG simulator, with me as the lone protagonist. If The Gamer is truly this rare and exclusive, then the reason why the Handbook brands it as "cheaty" is quite obvious. With such power, one could very well become invincible.

For while the skills actually had limited levels, the Gamer's experience gain is supposed to be continuous, as is his STATS' growth. Unique skills and limitless growth. A particularly skilled Gamer could fairly easily begin playing God with such combination.

Now then, the real reason why I stopped with my reading was the following:

A NEW SKILL HAS BEEN UNLOCKED! The skill Sense Danger has been created!






- Sense Danger. Type: Passive. Lvl: 5. Description: A natural survival instinct. It allows the user to sense when something bad might happen. The higher the skill level, the earlier the user can sense danger.

Well, now THAT was something!

So yeah, according to the description, Sense Danger is triggered when The Gamer felt something bad might happen to me. And, for some reason, my instinct told me this "something" was looking at me right now. Right through the window.

It was 7:54, and Kuoh's Queen Bee had finally arrived.

You know that High School girl college guys always dream of meeting (or at least, my acquaintances in college dream of meeting)? Think of that girl, wearing a miniskirt that showed her generous, milky thighs; that girl who wore a sexy school uniform; that girl who had that flawless, milky, white young skin that gives you the itch to take a nibble at her neck. Now, imagine that girl turns out to look like a supermodel.

Congrats! You have now obtained a Rias Gremory! She's one of Kuoh Academy's Two Great Ladies, the school's number-one beauty and possibly the hottest girl I've ever seen. Geez, if I weren't such an edgy bastard I might as well have developed feelings for her like…half of the Academy had.

She is a breathtaking girl about my age, which is 17 years old. Her eyes are of a peculiar greenish blue color, rare even in northern Europeans, and her figure is…well, quite impressive: her curves are veery generous, her legs are long and sexy and her bosom is huge. I mean it, huge. However, her most remarkable feature was her hair…

Long, beautiful crimson hair, so long that it reaches down to her thighs with a single hair strand (known here in Japan as ahoge) sticking out from the top. Her hair also has loose bangs covering her forehead and side bangs framing her face. It looks so silky and smooth…

This is Rias Gremory we are talking about. A girl so mysterious and beautiful that none of the guys in Kuoh Academy even dared trying to hit on her, even the players…

Said girl was looking at me directly in the eyes, smirking as her mischievous greenish blue orbs tried to penetrate my ever dead fish black eyes as if she were trying to read me as she walked towards the Academy's main hall.

"Is that me or her eyes just had a weird reddish glow?"

At distance, I could see her giving me a seductive wink- which I answered by merely raising an eyebrow, Gamer's Mind preventing me from getting flustered- before turning to her best friend, the ever present Akeno Himejima, the sexy Japanese beauty that was Kuoh's other Great Lady.

As the good Gamer I am, I decided to take a glance at the popup box that floated over her head. The result was…well, unexpected.

Rias Gremory-Lvl: Unknown



Info: Rias Gremory, is the current heiress of the Gremory Clan, of the 72 Pillars of Devils. She is Kuoh Academy's most popular girl and the President of the highly exclusive Occult Research Club. She cares deeply for her servants, treating them as family.



Opinion of you:?

Your opinion of her: +10.

What…in the actual…f*ck?

Now Gremory turns out to be a Devil too? Well, at least that explains why the whole Scandinavia story- the people at school like to say she comes from Denmark- always sounded like total bullshit to me.

Another box popped up over Akeno's head, but I voted against checking her up at the moment. I had ENOUGH Devils to worry about for one day. A relaxed way of worrying, of course, as Gamer's Mind made me a cold-ass bastard.

Our eyes met once more before she walked out of my visual field. With a sigh, I stood up and walked out of class, not caring for the curious eyes of my classmates on my back. Stepping onto the Academy's rooftop, I took a standing position by the edge and pulled a cigar from a pocket in my blazer and lit it up with my Mana as lighter.


You've made a wise decision! +1 WIS

You've been quite creative! +INT

"Ah, the taste of the Montecristo…", I mumbled, savoring the heavenly flavor of a Cuban cigar. The tobacco leaves smelled good, and the smoke had quite a pleasuring effect upon my taste buds.

The irony that was me being a smoker truly surpassed all things.

You've strained your body with your actions! +VIT.

Yeah, it wasn't just irony, it was THE irony. Even the Gamer's been trolling me abou t it now.

"It's been two days huh?"

With all of this being far too long to be a dream and far too logic to be insanity, I have no choice but accept my true nature as The Gamer. Gamer's Mind and Gamer's Body managed to explain pretty much all of my actions during those two days, including my ability to walk, my surprisingly cold and logic lines of thought and my learning how to cook and wash dishes quite decently.

"To think my dreams would come true in such way…that's fucking awesome, man."

To be honest, my memories of the whole past week were a nearly complete blur.

I remember having a date with a girl, though the image of her in my head is so blurry that I can only see her beautiful black hair. I remember the taste of her hard nipple in my mouth, her moans of pleasure filling my ears as I took her. I remember a white cat, abandoned on the streets to hunger and disease, and how I took it home and nurtured it. I remember a beautiful woman crying over me, a sharp pain irradiating from my chest area.

And I remember crimson hair, as red as the blood in my hands. It smelled so good…




And then all turns back to darkness till yesterday, when I woke up as The Gamer.

I wonder what would be of me without Gamer's Mind after all this. The memories were…disturbing, to say the least. Combine them with the sudden discovery I've made about the Devils and, well…I'm pretty sure I would be denying everything right away if it weren't for the edgy Gamer's Mind.

"Futsunoko Kainashi, The Gamer…", I said with a devious grin, already thinking of what I would be finally able to do with this power. "By the way, I wonder if…"

One of the abilities I've always seen on RPG characters was that of creating his/her very own skillset. For instance, a combat-oriented character would most likely possess balanced offensive and defensive skills, while a supporter tends to prefer healing and buffing abilities.

And just as I thought about that…

-{New Quest!}-

[Where the Hell are my skills?!]

Description: The Game has restarted, and your character has been revived with the full powers of The Gamer! As a newcomer, you must get to create your own skills in order to succeed in further Quests.

Objectives: Learn a new skill.

Rewards: 1000 exp; ¥17000 (US $150); 50 Prestige; Mystery Gift (Item).



With such a juicy amount of exp as reward, it was pretty obvious I should take it. I didn't even think twice before clicking on the Yes option.

Deciding to finish checking up on the Gamer's Handbook for some useful info, I once more summoned the small book to my hands using a mental command. Having checked the surroundings to confirm whether I was alone or not, I made myself comfortable on the edge of the Academy High School Building's rooftop.

At distance, I could see two boys, a bald ape and a nerd, and one brown-haired girl being chased by a bunch of girls dressed in white kimonos, shinai on their hands as they prepared to beat the trio into pulp. "*laugh* That three have been peeping on the girls of the Kendo Club again", I said to none other than myself, feeling the taste of my Montecristo invading my mouth. "Poor kids."

As the girls finally got to surround them and started with the "punishment", my attention once more returned to the guidelines in hand.

Inventory Window (Inventory): This is a voice command that brings up a window that shows all the items The Gamer has obtained and stored, including the clothes he wears and the weapons he has obtained and equipped. This is seen as a dimensional magic ability.

Skill List Window (Skills): This is a voice command that brings up a window that shows a list of all the skills The Gamer has learned. When the skill icon is selected it shows all the current information of that skill.

Options Window (Options): This is a voice command that brings up the options menu.

'Is that all?' I thought with a deadpan that would have made a certain kouhai of mine quite jealous. "I guess I'll have to learn it by myself then."

But what should I try to do? Some sort of offensive skill? A spell that reinforced my defenses? A healing ability? There were so much things I could do…

And then, it came to me. I could very well try and learn all of this at once, developing various skills consecutively. And the technique that perfectly fit this role was one that I, in fact, was a huge fan of…

With a smirk, I used a voice command to summon my Inventory. There, located in the first box of the Inventory tab, was the learning item I'd gotten as a reward earlier that morning: The Shadow Clone Scroll.

By clicking on the item's icon and dragging it to the edge of the screen, I managed to bring it to the physical world. It was, then, just a short matter of time before Gamer's Body had fully "eaten" the scroll and assimilated the skill it contained into my body.

-{Quest Complete!}-

[Where the Hell are my skills?!]

Description: The Game has restarted, and your character has been revived with the full powers of The Gamer! As a newcomer, you must get to create your own skills in order to succeed in further Quests.

Objectives: Learn a new skill.

Rewards: 1000 exp; ¥17000 (U$ 150,00); 50 Prestige; Mystery Gift (Item).


A NEW SKILL HAS BEEN UNLOCKED! The skill Shadow Clone Technique has been created!

- Shadow Clone Technique. Type: Active. Lvl: 1. Description: This jutsu allows the user to create one or more copies of themselves. The user's MP is evenly divided between themselves and their clones. Shadow clones usually disperse once they are struck hard enough. Once dispersed, the clone's experiences and remaining chakra are transferred back to the user. The shared experiences make shadow clones extremely useful for intelligence gathering.

Level up! Your level goes up by 1! Level up! Your level goes up by 1!

With a smirk, I swiftly formed the Tiger hand seal with my hands. Gamer's Body performing the task in mind flawlessly and, obviously, automatically.

"Sup', boss", Was my shadow clone's greeting. He looked exactly the same as me, even the clothes and voice were equal.

"Sup'", I greeted in the same carefree tone. Despite that, though, I could feel the drain in my MP had been massive. "You and me are the same, we need to train and get stronger to beat the shit out of some people."

"Yes, Boss!", The clone replied with a salute. Which was a quite weird one, as his slender arms were way too long to make that an elegant gesture.

"So, listen, we're going to follow this plan…", I started, sending the Handbook back to the "Inventory"- the storage granted by me by The Gamer. "You and I are going to start training some basic skills. The plan is to reach level 10 in two days, then I'm making more clones to get even more exp."

"Got it, Boss", The clone answered with a grin before- much to my surprise- he jumped over the edge of the rooftop without even thinking twice. I actually thought the f*cker was going to die and his MP would go back to me, but he merely used the Horse hand seal to create a copy of himself when he was barely 2 meters above the ground. The first clone then "died" and dispersed, while the surviving one looked up and gave me a thumbs up.

"That was pretty cool, you know?"

"Yes, I do, Boss!"

"I would be dead if I tried that now, though", I stated with a sigh, watching as the shadow clone discreetly made its way out of the Academy's grounds. I configured him to try and get some new skills, especially the offensive part. "*sigh*I need to get back to class soon…"

Before that, though…

I chose to spend my 15 Status Points on Vitality and Strength. I needed to get stronger, and the daily -1 VIT points due to having 4 times more Intelligence than Vitality was a pretty bad ailment. I grinned, already feeling Gamer's Body remodeling my body structure into one more suitable to my needs.

To be honest, I was starting to like this.

The name is Futsunoko, Futsunoko Kainashi, and I am The Gamer.

Chapter End.

A/N: So hey, did you like it? Tell me on the reviews.

Listening to: Love Story- Taylor Swift.

Doing: Studying and working out, last week before vacation on this hellish Med School.

Status: A bit tired, though in a creative mood.
