Set during episode 8x22 ("My Aim Is True")…

"Flip you for who tells the old man," Danny conceded.

"Heads, I win. Tails, you lose," Jamie replied.

"Hey, wait a minute," Danny caught on as he followed his younger brother. "Alright, fine. I'll call Dad and give him the bad news if you go grab Chinese, then we can meet up back at the house. Sound good?"

"Sure. See you then," Jamie responded.

While getting food for another family meeting, Jamie decided to add an order for Eddie since he wanted to stop by her place afterward and tell her about any new developments. She was not pleased with him for keeping her in the dark about Duwann Wilson until they visited the Escobars for the second time.

After he left his father's house, Jamie called to let Eddie know he was coming over to with her favorite Chinese takeout order.

"Hey Eddie. I'm on my way over to your place with some food to talk about the case. I should be there in about 15 minutes," Jamie told his partner over the phone.

"Um, okay… Sure, that's fine… Kinda out of your way though, isn't it?" Eddie was confused about why her partner would make the trip so out of his way to Kew Gardens, Queens, but she was grateful for any time they spent together, especially when it involved food.

"Yeah, but this is important, and I figured you couldn't say no to food," Jamie replied without missing a beat.

When Jamie arrived, Eddie buzzed him in and opened her door, "Hey, wasn't expecting visitors as you can see, but thanks for thinking of me."

"No problem," Jamie smirked as he handed Eddie the bag of Chinese food.

Jamie walked inside as Eddie closed the door behind him. She was already dressed in her cozy baby blue pajamas; as he moved past her, he noticed a playoff hockey game muted on the television and a Lagunitas IPA on the coffee table.

Eddie offered to grab him a drink from the fridge while she warmed up her food, but Jamie declined. He followed Eddie into the kitchen as she leaned against the counter and watched him grab a glass out of the cabinet to fill with water for himself as if he lived here too. She was anxiously waiting for him to explain why he came over almost out of the blue.

Pondering how much he should tell his partner, Jamie decided to not tell her everything (like the fact that a Reagan could be on the hit list), but he could not leave without saying anything. "We found out that Duwann is holed up in a hotel in Miami and hired a hitman to carry out the attacks, so Baez is working on finding out who it could possibly be now. Danny is taking a flight out of JFK in the morning to arrest Duwann in Miami."

Eddie questioned him, "You came out here with food just to tell me that?"

Jamie smirked, "You should get a good night's sleep because we aren't out of the woods yet unfortunately."

Eddie simply nodded before he continued, "I should go. Enjoy your cozy night in!" Jamie started to walk to the door as Eddie was still surprised by how little he said. She followed him to the door, thanked him again for the food, and locked it behind him.

Eddie returned to the kitchen to get her food and clean up. She went to throw away the bag and found a fortune cookie at the bottom among a few napkins and sauces. Eddie smiled as she pulled the fortune cookie out of the bag.

Eddie unwrapped and broke the cookie to reveal the fortune. "Be prepared to lend a helping hand to a coworker tomorrow," she read to herself and finds it kind of eerie, but then subconsciously adds in Jamie's voice, "…between the sheets."

She laughed to herself as she went to eat her food and finish her beer as the hockey game headed to overtime. Before she turned off the TV to go to bed, she felt that uneasy feeling return, but she figured it was just from consuming the late-night takeout.

Neither Eddie nor Jamie had any clue of the truly life-changing events the next day had in store for them.