I do not own any of the characters from Game of Thrones or A Song of Ice and Fire, or from

Lord of the Rings.

I only own the main character, Daella/Visenya Targaryen, all characters you don't

recognize and the plot of the story.

This is my first Fanfiction so please review and offer feedback.

I apologize now if there are any incorrectly spelt words as I wrote this story without

auto correct.

thanks :)

Prologue: Part One
Four Years before Roberts Rebellion

Oberyn Martell stood on the docks on Sunspear waiting. He had been pacing back and forth there for more than three house since the banner of the black and red three headed dragon was spotted coming over the horizon. The person the ship was carrying was his most beloved friend, though if he had had anything to say about it, she would have been more. There were ten guards waiting with him to greet their visitor. Ever since his sister Elia Martell married the Dragon Prince, Rhaegar Targaryen, and someone would see their banner, they rushed to the docks to await their arrival. Oberyn knew his brother Doran would soon be joining him to welcome their guest to Dorne.
He couldn't help but look at the letter clutched in his hand, a reply to the letter he had sent more than six moons before. He could still remember ever word he had wrote to her.

Dear Daella,
Greetings from the Water Gardens Princess. I know it has been more than six moons since I last wrote to you, however things have been very busy here. Over the last year rumors have reached Dorne about a little dornish girl living in a pleasure house in Oldtown. We may be more relaxed here in Dorne, but abandoning a child is not acceptable. Doran sent me down there to find out the truth. When I arrived and I seen her, I knew.
It was a little dornish girl, about five years old.
The thing I instantly knew was the girl was mine. She shares the same eyes that I do with Elia. When her mother saw me she knew. She knew I would claim the girl as my own. I knew she would grow up safe in Dorne. Her mother disagreed, trying to tell me that she wasn't mine and I couldn't take her. I tossed my spear at her feet and gave her mother the back of my hand across the face, so she began to weep. 'Girl or boy, we fight our battles,' I said, 'but the gods let us choose our weapons.' She picked up my spear and accompanied me back to Dorne.
Her name is Obara and she is five almost six years old. After that I decided it would be a good idea to track down some of my more frequent paramour's, curious. It was a good thing I did, I have two other daughters. Nymeria was born of a Volantis noble woman and is three almost four years old. Last is Tyene, she was born from that septa I was talking to you about, remember? Anyway she's one almost two and doesn't look much like me but for the glint in her eyes. My daughters, bastard or not. I write to you now because I want them to meet you, to know you because I know you would never ever look down on them like many others will.
Come to Dorne. I want to see you and I want you to meet them.
With hope in my heart,

He had only received a reply back three weeks before. His heart had been in his throat when it had been handed to him and it had taken a week of it sitting on his desk before he had even found the courage to pick it up and open it. Not many people's opinions meant much to him but her's was one of his most valued.

It has brought me great pleasure to hear from you again. Things are getting tense here. My Ada burned a man alive yesterday because he had dared to arrive late to court. He forced all of us to watch as the man begged and pleaded for his life, before burning him. Elia was forced into the throne room with us. She was almost sick afterwards and Aerys threatened to burn her alive too, it was only my Naneth Rhaella's intervention that spared her. Rhaegar did nothing.
He has had that look about him again and even though Elia is carrying their first child there has already been talk of them trying for another after, though Naneth thinks it would be dangerous for Elia to try so soon. I heard them arguing about it the night before. I must confess I do not like the way he talks to her or the way he is beginning to look at me.
My Ada had said it is almost time to begin looking for a husband for me. Although there has been talk of making me Rhaegar's second bride. Naneth has put off talk of that with how it would insult Dorne. I hate it. I am not ready to wed.
Enough of my complaining, to answer your letter.
I am proud to hear of what you have done Oberyn. Three daughters? You must be thrilled. King's Landing has even heard of the little dornish girl living in Oldtown, Elia has been ranting and raving about it for the last six moons. I hope you don't mind that I told her who the girl was. She was pleased to know she was an aunt and your uncle Lewyn Martell has expressed congratulations as well as asking how you got around so fast.
My Naneth has agreed with me about the tension running high in the capital and has agreed to let me travel to Dorne for six moons before I have to return. Ada has agreed as well, though I do not know why. Your uncle will accompany me for my visit. Right after I am finished writing this we will depart from the capital. We will be there in a moons time.
Best Wishes,

He had been hard pressed to even put the letter down after reading it. The anger at some of what he had read though had been red hot. He had wanted to rush down to Kings Landing and beat some sense into his good-brother. Elia did not deserve to be treated like dirt, she was a Dornish Princess and that alone demanded respect.

He felt a tug on the edge of his tunic and looked down. His anger fled like water and a small smile came to his face. Obara and Nymeria, his daughters, were standing beside him with their eyes wide looking around. There was more activity going on around him now that he was paying attention again. Doren and his daughter Arianne had joined him, with little Tyene sitting on his brothers lap, along side his brothers Captain of the guard; Areo stood just behind his brother watching their surroundings. He lifted Tyene into his arms, "How are my little ones?" he questioned.

Obara Sand looked around watching, "What's happening Papa?" as people rushed all around as the ship neared the docks. Oberyn smiled, "You see that ship?" he said pointing to the incoming ship with the three headed dragon, Obara and Nymeria nodded, "someone very special is on there. She's a Princess and she'd coming here to see me and meet you." Nymeria's eyes widened, "To see us? How does she know about us Papa?" the little four year old wondered. Oberyn laughed, "She knows about you because I wrote to tell her I had three beautiful daughters, she's very excited to meet you," he whispered as the ship docked.

Obara watched silently, waiting to see the woman papa said was important. Silence seemed to fall around them and when she turned back to the ship, a pretty lady stood there. She had long curly black hair and her eyes were dark purple. She was shorter then papa, petite and looked delicate. She was also smiling at everyone around them. She came off the ship, a man who looked like uncle Doran following her as she came onto the docks. She was greeting Doran when Nymeria shifted slightly to the side to watch her, "She's so pretty," she whispered and Obara nudged her in embarrassment. Nym went cherry red as the adults laughed around them.

Those purple eyes focused on them with a smile and she moved closer to them. "Who are these special girls?" she wondered as she looked Obara and Nymeria up and down. Nym stepped forward with a childish grin, "I'm Nym!" she claimed and stuck her hand out. The princess laughed, "Lady Nym, I'm Daella. It's nice to meet you," she said softly as she accepted her hand and pulled Nym into a hug. Nymeria Sand had never been hugged before, but she though it was nice as she wrapped her arms around the princesses neck and was able to run her hands through her pretty hair.

Obara watched on silently before those eyes focused on her. She didn't understand what she was feeling but she wanted to be hugged too. She spend her first years in the pleasure house and had no idea what affection was. She spent more time alone then she had with her own mother. Without a single word, Daella shifted Nym to one side and opened her other in invitation to Obara. Everyone watched with baited breath, Obara hadn't really connected with anyone since she was brought to the Water Gardens. Except for Oberyn, but he was her father so it was different. Obara moved slowly and wrapped her little arms loosely around the princesses neck unsure how to hug her. However Daella knew what to do and pulled her closer and held her tight. Obara clutched onto her understanding it was allowed and some sweet soft scent drifted to her from the pretty woman making her relax in the princesses arms.

Oberyn watched with a huge smile as Obara and Nymeria greeted his best friend. After a few moments, Daella released them and stood holding their hands. Oberyn moved over to her with Tyene in his arms, "Daella," he breathed her name before sweeping her into his arms with her feet off the ground. She released the girls to grip his shoulders tight before he put her down a hand resting on her waist. She met the eyes of a little blue eyed girl and couldn't help but coo at her. She had wisps of blonde hair on her head and beautiful big blue eyes. The smile she gave Daella showed her dimples and her heart melted as she held her hands out to her. Tyene reached for her as well and curled up with her head on Daella's neck, arm around her back in her hair and the other resting on her chest closing her eyes to sleep as Obara and Nymeria gather close to her sides.

Oberyn felt his heart pound at seeing his daughters with the woman he cared about most other than his sister, the possessiveness that rushed through him, it was dark and dangerous. That was when he knew he would marry no other and would never be okay with her marrying anyone else. Doran watched silently and cursed King Aerys again when he saw how she treated Oberyn's daughters. They may not be hers but she would love them like they were and Oberyn would never father another bastard if he was married to Daella. However, the King had denied the proposal.

Three Years Before Roberts Rebellion

-Warning: Mature content ahead-

Six Moons Later...
Oberyn silently watched from the doorway as Daella hummed a dornish lullaby to his fourth daughter Sarella, who had been dropped at the gates to the Water Gardens three moons before. His other three daughters lay curled together on the bed fighting to keep their eyes open so they had more time. He couldn't blame them. Daella was to return to Kings Landing the next morning and he didn't want her to go. She wanted to though. Her brother Rhaegar was to present her niece to the king after she arrived back and she missed Elia.

He also didn't want her to go because word had come that she would most likely become her brothers second bride. The birth of Rhaenys was hard on Elia, to the point she was on bed rest and it would probably be difficult for her to bare another child. She would travel to Kings Landing but it wasn't looking like they would present their daughter to Dorne. Daella thought she had a way to stay away from marriage but she needed to talk with her Naneth.

That was the biggest surprise.

When Daella had been in Dorne for two moons, they were out in one of the pools all together when Obara, his eldest, asked Daella if she was her mother. The other two girls had looked curious. Daella had had tears in her eyes, and she looked to a teary eyed but happy Oberyn who had nodded and she nodded her head consenting to take on that responsibility. She told them to call her Naneth. Obara asked what it meant and Daella explained that it meant mother in a language she remembered from her life before the one she was living. Doran had been fascinated with the though of reincarnation and asked all kinds of questions.

She spoke of the parents she lost. She spoke of the family she grew up with and how they could use magic. She spoke of wizards. She spoke of the darkness that spread. She spoke of almost losing her future good-sister. She spoke of fourteen members who traveled to save the world. She spoke of the brother she had loved and almost lost. She spoke of him being crowned king and his wedding. She spoke of his many children. She spoke of never marrying. Finally she admitted how she had been rendered barren in the last battle when she was injured. Last she spoke of how her gods, the Valar, offered her another chance in another life to help, protect and have a future. She told how she had woken screaming as an infant and had been surprised.

It explained so much about her, he had thought as he listened.

Sarella finally closed her eyes to sleep. Daella smiled softly and moved her to the cradle that had been brought into the room. Then she moved over to the bed when the newly dubbed Sand Snakes were lying down to sleep. The girls had been sharing a bed since they found of their naneth was leaving soon. Daella kissed each of their heads and then tucked the blanket in around them. Before she could leave Obara opened her eyes to look at her, "Naneth, why are you leaving? Did we do something wrong?" she asked eyes glassy not understanding. He could tell the question made Daella choke up, "Never. You know how your ada loves you and wants you here in Dorne?" she asked. Obara nodded and Daella continued, "While my ada and naneth love me and want me back home in Kings Landing."

Obara released a few tears, something also new. Obara had been so closed off when she came to Dorne, she was now a happy open little girl. "I'll miss you, always" she whispered clutching her hand. Daella wiped away her tears with her thumbs, "This is not goodbye forever. I will see you again, don't even doubt that" she said softly. Obara nodded and then relaxed into the bed. Daella began to hum again and continued until she was sure the girls were sleeping. The she stood from the bed and began to back out of the room still unaware of Oberyn watching her.

Oberyn grabbed her before she backed into him and pulled her out of the room with a hand over her mouth. He released her in the hallway and she spun around angry, her beautiful indigo eyes flashing "Oberyn!" she hissed hand over her heart. The anger made her cheeks flushed and lust shot hot and hard through him. He took a step forward and his dark hungry eyes made Daella take a step back, he followed her. He stalked her until she was pressed against the wall and he was pressed fully against her, "Watching you with our daughters, never fails to make me want you," he whispered gazing at her.

He gazed at her with such intensity she thought she would burst. She didn't get a change to say anything, when his lips met hers, they took what he knew was his. Daella didn't even try to deny him or get away. He was kissing her with such a passion and rendering her helpless when his mouth demolished hers, that she was thankful he was pressing her against the wall. His mouth was demanding, raw, hungry but savoring her all at the same time. He was poisoning her, drugging her with every kiss and touch he gave. He was branding himself into her, it was her pleasure to be branded. It was also making it difficult to remember why they shouldn't be doing this.

She was so focused on his kiss that she was no longer paying attention to his hands until she felt one leg lifted and wrapped around his hip, allowing his hard cock to come into full contact with her. A moan fell from between her lips as he pressed open mouth kisses and nips down her neck, and his hand moved her dress up around her waist and he began to grind his cock against her clit. One of his hands found its way into her hair and the other held her thigh that was wrapped around him. Daella could feel the pulse in her clit pounding through her as Oberyn groaned when her hands found their way into his hair and she put her mouth to his neck.

Their passion was pushed higher knowing that someone could come down the hallways at any moment and see them. Daella was to lost in the pleasure to care now and Oberyn liked the thought of others know what he did to her. How he would be the only one to make her like this. He would kill anyone who ever touched her or saw the raw ecstasy in her face. Who heard the noises she made as his cock rubber her clit. Oberyn wanted everything she was to be his. He wanted her to crave him and only him. He wanted her to remember that even if she had another lover, she would always crave his touch the most. He wanted to brand himself into her for the rest of their lives.

As her pleasure mounted Oberyn let go of her hair and lifted her other leg to wrap around him and bring himself fully flushed against her drenched slit. He wanted all of her. He wrapped his left arm around her back and pulled her away from the support of the wall and began walking towards his chambers, only a few doors away.

Her eyes opened at no longer having support on her back to see Oberyn's eyes had darkened to look like black obsidian, with possession, lust and love reflected in his eyes. She wrapped her arms around his neck and tightened her legs around him, never breaking eye contact as he pushed his door open and she kicked it closed behind him. He lowered her to her feet and then watched, waiting. He would never force her to do anything.

Daella gave a soft smiled before her hands went to the clips that held her dress up. She released them and the gown fell in a puddle at her feet, leaving her bare in the moonlight coming from the windows. Oberyn's eyes ran over her possessively as he circled her after taking off his tunic, looking at her beautiful heavy breasts, slim waist and lithe body. He couldn't help but wonder what she would look like rounded with his child, nursing their child at her breast. With a groan he walked until he was pressed against her back, one arm circling to her stomach where he drew circles with his finger below her belly button. The other came up to cup her breast and run a thumb over her nipple making it pebble.

"Do you have any idea what you do to me?" he whispered in her ear as his hand lowered down running over her nether lips before sinking two fingers inside of her without hesitation. Her head fell back against his chest, "Oberyn," she whimpered as the pleasure spiked again. Daella was thankful he was holding onto her, otherwise she was sure she would have collapsed as her legs shook. Oberyn chuckled, sending shivers down her spine as his hand began to move and his palm grinded against her clit. Moans and whimpers fell continuously from her lips as her hips began to move in rhythm with his hand.

His fingers were deep inside of her, she could feel them touching a special place. Each time his fingers passed it, heat built in her stomach. Oberyn could feel her getting closer, knew she would explode soon, so he ran his tongue down her neck and nipped at the same time he gave a deep thrust of his fingers and pinched her nipple. Her orgasm exploded through her and she came with a loud cry, convulsing in his arms, as ecstasy flooded her body. Oberyn kept thrusting through her orgasm as she clutched the wrist between her legs and the one holding her breast hoping to ground herself.

Oberyn moved her to his bed and laid her down across it, following her down his mouth meeting hers. Daella dug her hands into his head and through his hair as his mouth claimed hers and she knew in that moment, that he had claimed her forever. His hands ran all over her body, clutching, stroking and possessive. Her hands moved from his hair over his shoulders and down his stomach to the edge of his trousers. Oberyn pulled away from her to meet her eyes and as the passion and lust reflected back at each other, they both knew if they went further, nothing would ever be the same again.

Daella took him in, dark hair and eyes, warm dornish skin and a body many would kill to posses, and she knew she wanted him. Even if it was only once. Oberyn must have agreed with her decision because his lips claimed hers hard and fast, his tongue invading her mouth and stars exploded behind her eyes. She slipped her hand into his trousers and was met with his hard cock. She ran her hands down him softly before trying to wrap her fingers his cock and stroking up and down a few times, wondering how he was even going to fit inside of her he was so big. Oberyn couldn't believe how good her fingers felt around his cock as he threw his head back with a groan. He quickly pushed his trousers down and kicked them off, before leaning totally naked over her body.

He paused for a moment to look at her, fingers stroking across her face, "Are you sure?" he asked as he settled between her beautiful thighs. Their skin tones contrasting, him the sun and her the moon. Daella ran a hand through his hair and gave him a gentle kiss, "I've never been more sure of anything," she whispered. Oberyn's eyes flashed and he kissed her greedily, at the same time he entered her with one swift thrust, breaking through her maidenhood and claiming her as his forever. As he broke through her cherry, her nails dragged down his back hard enough to draw blood, but all it did was bring pleasure to Oberyn as he settled balls deep inside of her.

They had no idea that those scratch marks had actually been deep enough to scar. Oberyn himself wouldn't learn that until after she had returned to Kings Landing and one of the men he was sparing with mentioned them. He would always have a physical reminder of what he shared with the Targaryen Princess.

Daella cried out as he claimed her and her eyes watered when he froze above her, trying to adjust to his size. He was so big inside her, she felt like she was being spit in two. At the same time, pleasure was beginning to thrum through her as she felt him tunnel inside her. When her body relaxed, Oberyn's eyes met hers he linked her fingers with his and pushing them over her head and held her as he began to thrust. His blood felt hot it felt like a living flame. He wanted to flip her over onto her stomach and claim her like an animal. To give her the reminder that only he could satisfy her. But he knew she wasn't ready for that and he would never do anything to hurt her.

However, knowing that she might soon be married to her brother, made anger and hurt run through him and his thrusts began harder and harder, until the bed was shaking with his every thrust. Her moans and cries were echoing through out the room and the anger in him burned hotter, he didn't want anyone to ever see her like this. She was his. He let go over her hands and jerked her up into his lap, her eyes still drawn to his and he grabbed her hips dragging her down onto his cock at the same time he thrust up into her warmth. He cries became more frequent and he felt her tighten around him. He thrust his hand up in the hair at the back of her head and tangled it in her hair pulling her head back.

"Whose are you?" he demanded unable to stop himself from hearing her say it.

Daella Targaryen, Princess of the Seven Kingdoms, met his eyes with her pleasure filled purple ones. She knew that if she answered him, she would never be able to marry. Unless it was him. It was in that moment she accepted that she was in love with Oberyn Martell and she wanted to marry him, to spend the rest of her life with him. She wrapped one arm around his shoulder and the other reached up to cup his face as her thumb stroked his cheek. He leaned into her hand as he kept thrusting inside of her.

"I am yours, now and always" she whispered.

Oberyn's eyes flashed with pleasure and victory before he pulled her head back by her hair and leaned down, claiming her nipple with his mouth and suckling hard. The pleasure was too much for her and she exploded with a scream as pleasure pulsed through her. Oberyn thrust hard prolonging her orgasm before finally surrendering to his own. His cock pulsed inside of her and with a hard thrust, he shoved himself into her unprotected womb and exploded, his hot cum filling her and sending her head first into another orgasm.

The fell over panting, sweat coating both their bodies and their breathing heavy throughout the chamber. The exhaustion of the last week finally fell upon them and Oberyn pulled the love of his life to his chest and wrapped an arm around her waist hand resting on her stomach. Daella joined their fingers together before resting her head beside his on the pillow and soon their breathing evened out leading them to a deep sleep.

Unknown to either of them, Prince Lewyn Martell, the uncle of Doran, Elia and Oberyn Martell had seen them in the halls and then followed them to Oberyn's rooms. When he heard their sounds of passion, he couldn't help the smile that crossed his face. He knew Rhaegar and Elia did not love each other. He knew his prince did not care for Elia and wanted his younger sister. He also knew that Daella would never marry her own brother. It had been her greatest fear as a little girl. She always fears she would give birth to a mad child, like Aerys.

The whole Kingsguard knew that Daella loved her family, but she would never agree to the incest between them. She was thankful when their father agreed to the marriage between Elia Martell. She was also thankful that she was the bastard daughter. Aerys may have legitimized her and Rhaella may love her as her daughter, but they all knew, she was not fully a dragon. It was why Rhaegar married Elia in the first place. Now their were rumors about the King giving Daella to Rhaegar as a second wife, he knew that Daella would sooner slit her own throat then allow it to happen.

In revenge against the Targaryen family for their treatment of his niece Elia, Prince Lewyn Martell would never tell a single soul of what he was hearing. He would utter no words to anyone about how the Targaryen Princess gave a Prince of Dorne her maidenhood with no betrothal or marriage between them. He would take this secret to the grave with him. A grave he went to saving his princess.

That night as Lewyn Martell stood guard outside the room housing his Princess, as Doran Martell read another reject letter from the king on marriage between Daella and Oberyn, as the Sand Snakes slept safe in their bed already missing their mother, as Oberyn lay wrapped around the wife of his heart, the gods watched over them cursing the fates. They knew the future ahead of Targaryen and Martell family wouldn't be easy, they also knew they would find happiness eventually. However, the life now growing inside the Princess would be in danger if ever found out about, so they froze the pregnancy. When and if Daella and Oberyn laid together again, it would unfreeze and a child born, if not she would never bare a child.

The next morning goodbyes were hard. Oberyn stood with his daughters and Doran watching as they said goodbye. Obara Sand was the last to hug her mother and she held to her tight knowing she would see her again eventually. "Love you naneth," she whispered before letting go and backing away to stand with Nym and her uncle. Oberyn wrapped his arms tight around her before kissing her forehead, "Now and always?" he whispered. Daella stepped back watching him, indigo eyes holding black viper like eyes, and nodded "now and always," before boarding her ship back to Kings Landing. She didn't know that, soon; everything was going to change.