A/N: Hey guys! This is my first fan-fiction and I would really appreciate it of y'all could leave some constructive feedback!
Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters
Harry Potter was sick of the summer holidays. It had only been three days, and five arguments had already broken out at number four, Privet Drive. The arguments were mostly over little things, like Harry's messy hair, but of course Uncle Vernon and Aunt Petunia would pounce on any opportunity to criticise Harry.
Harry lay on his bed after another exhausting day of doing nothing except listening to his uncle and aunt continuously jabber on about how much easier their lives would be without Harry. Suddenly he heard a sharp tap on the window. Harry looked over and saw that it was his snowy owl, Hedwig, with a letter attached to her leg.
Excitedly, Harry ran to the window and pulled it open with so much enthusiasm he nearly knocked Hedwig off the windowsill. He took the letter off Hedwig's leg and tossed her an owl treat. Hedwig gave a thankful hoot and flew off to her cage for a nap.
Harry opened the letter, he immediately recognised the messy scrawl of his best friend Ron Weasley. Harry's mood improved significantly as he skimmed through the letter.
Guess what? Mum said you could come and stay the summer at the Burrow! Professor Dumbledore will come and pick you up. Hermione's here too, she's boring us all to death with NEWT revision. Anyway, Dumbledore's sent a note to the muggles and he'll collect you in three days.
See ya,
Harry's grin grew as he finished reading Ron's letter and began tossing things into his school trunk. A whole summer without the Dursleys! Even the prospect of Voldemort rising again wasn't enough to dim his spirits. When he finished packing his trunk, Harry plopped back onto his bed and fell into a blissfully dreamless sleep.
The next morning, Harry entered the dining room with a newfound spring in his step. He found the Dursleys already sitting around the dining table, watching the morning news.
"About time, boy!" snarled Uncle Vernon as soon as he spotted Harry. "Wipe that smile off your face."
Dudley took that opportunity to grab a piece of bacon off Uncle Vernon's plate.
Harry asked with a grin, "Have you received Professor Dumbledore's letter yet?"
Uncle Vernon nodded curtly, his many chins wobbling.
"So can I go? To the Burrow?"
"I suppose so, if that school thinks you should," Uncle Vernon said with an exaggerated sigh.
Harry was so elated he felt as if he could float all the way to heaven. Until, that is, Uncle Vernon gave him a long list of chores to complete before he could leave.
Wanting to enjoy his good mood for a little longer, Harry decided to go for a walk. He had walked for about five minutes when he saw a strange little man wearing an orange t-shirt limping towards him. Harry made to turn away, but the man grabbed him by the arm.
"Hold up there, cupcake," the man said with an American accent, "you smell funny."
"Gee, thanks," mumbled Harry.
"No, no," the man explained, "you smell like a half-blood, but different, somehow."
Harry was getting confused. The man was obviously a wizard, if he knew about half-bloods. But if he was a wizard, why didn't he know who Harry was? Harry didn't want to brag or anything, but he was pretty much the most famous wizard in the world. Most wizards could recognise Harry at first glance, especially after that Daily Prophet article was released. But this man didn't seem to have any clue about who Harry was.
"Eh, I'll take you up to camp anyway," the man told Harry. "The name's Gleeson. Gleeson Hedge. What's your name?"
"I'm Harry Potter," Harry replied hesitantly, getting more befuddled by the second. The man, Gleeson, didn't show any signs of recognising Harry's name, and Harry was beginning to doubt that the man was even a wizard.
"Let's go, munchkin! We don't have much time!" Gleeson exclaimed.
"Wait a sec, where exactly are you taking me?" Harry was becoming suspicious. Why would someone who just met Harry want to take him to some… camp? Unless Gleeson was actually a Death Eater, here on his master Lord Voldemort's command. Yes, that seemed likely. Harry started to slowly back away from Gleeson.
"Hey! Where do you think you're going?" Gleeson spotted Harry before he could get away. "We need to get to camp!"
"Um… I think you might have mistaken me for someone else…" Harry struggled to keep his nerves at bay.
"Nope, you're the only one around here who smells like a half-blood," Gleeson said. He snapped his fingers and a wind chariot pulled by two phantom horses appeared next to them. "Now let's go to camp."
Harry eyed the chariot nervously. The thing looked like a flimsy paper box made of wispy white things. The horses looked like they were made of storm clouds, with lightning flashing their eyes. Harry has never seen magic like this, and Gleeson did it all without a wand!
Gleeson spotted the terrified expression in Harry's eyes and seemed to realise that he needed to explain everything.
"Listen up, kid," Gleeson began. "You are a demigod, which means that you're half human, half Greek god. I am a satyr. My job is to find demigods like you and bring you to a safe place; Camp Half-Blood."
Harry felt more confused that ever. Demigods? Satyrs? Camp Half-Blood? Was this all an elaborate ploy to capture him and bring him to Voldemort? No, somehow Harry could tell that Gleeson was telling the truth. But…
"I'm a wizard, not a demigod!" Harry exclaimed. "I already go to a wizard school, I don't need to go to your camp."
Gleeson snorted, "Sure, call yourself a wizard if you want, but you still have to come with me. What are you, sixteen? I'm surprised you've managed to survive this long on you own. Usually half-bloods get attacked by monsters and die if they're not bought to camp."
And with that, he pulled Harry onto the chariot and they zoomed into the sky.
Well, that's the first chapter done! please review if you enjoyed it!