Chapter 1- Prologue

"Your betrayal on your friend will always be remembered! It'll leave a permanent scar on you! Forever and ever!"

This sentence always whispers itself into my ears whenever I'm alone. Constantly reminding me of the truth. The truth I wanted to seal away forever. It haunts me in my sleep, when I'm doing work, or even when I'm just playing around. Whenever I hear it, an image appears in my head. The picture of a boy lying next to me, motionless. No...the image of a dead boy lying next to me with severed arms and legs. His name is Joe. He was my friend. We lived, played, and studied together. Our relationship was almost as close is mine, and Gon's from three years ago.

You might ask, "Why does this particular image pop into my head when I hear that whisper?"

The answer is simple: I killed him… He died because of my hesitation to save him. I was scared I might die as well if I rescued him. I left my friend to die because of my false evaluation of my own skills.

My greatest fear has been realized…"One day down the line, you'll leave your friend to die."

Look at me now. Living in an abandoned old shack in the slum of a city. My silver literally reflects the moonlight because of all the grease on it. I make a living by stealing and pickpocketing, abusing my powerful Nen Transmutation power. I'm the lowest of the low…

How nice would it be, if I can just leave this broken, cruel world, and restart in a brand new world? A world where nobody will know me, not even family or friends. I'll get the chance to restart my life anew. Throw away my past, and start over!

It is then, right after I said those words, everything around me starts to fade away, and disappear. I reach out with my hand and shouts. However, nobody's there to witness it. Nobody will care if I disappeared, in fact, I might be doing this world a favor…My eyes start to shut together, and before I know it, I fall onto the ground.

-I wake up a day after that, on a quiet, mysterious meadow.