The Avengers team eventually joined back up with Thor and met the newly-created Vision who thoroughly surprised the Asgardian, as well as everyone else, when he proved that he was worthy by being able to lift and use Mjolnir. In the process, the team also realized that the Maximoff twins were not evil enemies...just really misguided teenagers. Therefore, they all joined forces and the battle against Ultron took them to Sokovia. It was there that somehow, through a series of improbable events, Clint found himself alone with Wanda. However, since she was no longer attempting to fight against him, he could finally see that she was just a scared young girl. In fact, he realized for the first time that she was probably about the same age that his wife had been when she was captured and tortured before she fought in the Battle of Hogwarts.

His heart went out to the Maximoff girl at that thought, but it did not change the fact that he needed to go back out into the city and fight, as well. He needed all of it to be over so he could get back to Hermione. Therefore, he summoned up the best motivational "None of this makes sense" speech that he could give at the moment…and he was grateful that it seemed to work for her, anyway. He could not help but to think that Hermione would be proud of him…and of the young enhanced girl, as well. In fact, when all of this was over…if they all made it…he had a feeling that Hermione would see the same parallels that he had…and take the young woman under her wing - and probably her brother, too. Clint sighed at the thought of the cocky Pietro in his home; but he also knew that the twins could have no better mentor than his wife. Therefore, maybe that was exactly what they all needed…and he could only hope that they had a chance to find out.

He soon had actual confirmation of his wife's feelings, however, when Fury showed up. Not only did the former SHIELD Director surprise them all with the acquisition of a Helicarrier, but when the transport pods touched down to load the evacuees, the Avengers soon realized that they were already full of people. They were not just any people, either. Clint immediately recognized the abundance of redheads in the group…and the lively-haired woman who led them out. Hermione and her magical friends had arrived to help!

"H…How?" Clint stammered as his wife suddenly found him and rushed into his arms to kiss him passionately. However, before she could answer, they were suddenly joined by a group of curious witches.

"Oh, Merlin! Hermione, he is gorgeous! No wonder you kept him a secret…just look at those arms!" said a witch of obvious Indian descent. Hermione just grinned and pulled him closer.

"Thanks, Padma. The rest of him is pretty great, too - so I think I'll keep him!" she answered proudly.

"Padma? Your assistant? She knows about me now?" a confused Clint asked as the group of witches that surrounded them giggled despite the serious situation.

"I'll explain later," his wife replied as she kissed him again. "However, I left Percy in charge back at the Ministry. If we don't hurry, he will have all of the paper clips and sticky notes organized by size and color by the time we get back."

"Oooh, I am going to tell Deputy Minister Weasley that you said that," Padma said laughingly, since they all knew how exacting Percy could be.

"Hush it, you," the Minister of Magic exclaimed as she continued to smile and hold her husband close. "Or I will make you his assistant! Right now, though, we have bigger things to worry about. We have a planet to save!"

With those sobering words, they focused on the task at hand. Clint and Hermione were separated again since the majority of the magical contingency found themselves focused on guarding the core that kept the city in the air by using every blasting spell they knew. Therefore, along with the unique styles of Iron Man and Wanda Maximoff, their Confringo, Reducto, and Bombardo spells effectively destroyed the drones. Meanwhile, the non-powered Avengers and Pietro found that they could focus on the evacuation of the Sokovian people while Vision, Thor, and the Hulk fought off the rest of the drones that were left in the city.

After a long hard fight, the Avengers and their magical friends were victorious in the end. However, it came with a price. Even though all of the witches and wizards were accounted for, Bruce and the Hulk were missing in action…and young Pietro Maximoff had lost his life while shielding Clint and the boy whom he had rescued.

As soon as she found out what had happened at the other side of the battle, Hermione came to the emotional aid of the enhanced girl whose brother had died to save her husband. She also enlisted the help of the only other person she knew who understood what it was like to lose a twin: George Weasley. Ginny also insisted on helping - especially since the girl was about the same age that she had been when she lost Fred. Plus, with a newborn at home, her mothering instincts were at full force...and she was more than willing to lavish some of it on Wanda. Meanwhile, after the dust had settled, the majority of the magical contingency apparated or portkeyed back home to England. Before they left, however, Clint was surprised and gratified by the number of them who came to speak with him. They simply wanted to introduce themselves and say hello, to welcome him to the wizarding world, to praise his wife, and/or to thank him for protecting the world as an Avenger. Hermione watched all of this proudly and knew that she no longer had to worry about Clint being known to the magical world. After most of the well-wishers had left, the extended Weasley family (with the exception of Arthur and Molly who had stayed behind at the Burrow with all of the grandchildren) went to visit Charlie in nearby Romania while George elected to return to the Barton farm with Harry and Ginny – especially since the young bereaved Wanda was going to be there, as well. He knew first-hand that the devastated girl was going to need all the support that she could get.

Therefore, those who were left with magic side-apparated with the Avengers straight back to the farm while Fury and his people took care of the rest of the evacuation. Once they arrived back at their sanctuary, Hermione and Clint immediately installed Wanda, who had clung to Clint in her grief all the way back, into one of the comfortable guest rooms upstairs. Ginny and George stayed with her…and to their surprise, Vision insisted on remaining with the girl, as well. Hermione looked at Clint for guidance with that one – especially since she had only heard bits of information about how he had been created by Ultron. Clint just shrugged his acquiescence, however, when Wanda insisted that she wanted him to stay, as well.

He then went and checked in with Nat to make sure that she was alright – especially since his wife had opened his eyes as to how she really felt about Bruce. However, Natasha had pulled up her Black Widow persona and insisted that she was fine. He knew that his best friend was not telling him the whole truth, but he also knew that she was tough and resilient. Therefore, he temporarily left her with the others while he pulled his wife into their own room. He felt that he had waited long enough to hear her story.

"What happened at the trial? How did you end up in Sokovia?" he asked, in between his wife's loving, but desperate, kisses. After all, she knew that she would have lost him if it had not been for Pietro's sacrifice. However, after she was finally reassured that he was still in one piece and not full of bullet-holes, she finally relaxed enough to pull him down on the bed with her to tell him the sequence of events that led to his being outed as her husband to the rest of the wizarding world.

"As you know, the Wizengamot does not work like the American justice system…Thank Merlin! It could have been dragged out for years, otherwise. At any rate, the trial was basically over before it began. Malfoy knew that he did not stand a chance for getting out of what he did to the actual Minister of Magic – especially since she was not just any anonymous Mudblood anymore." Hermione spoke of herself and the slur without emotion, just a sense of extreme weariness from the abundance of emotional and physical stress that she had recently experienced. "Therefore, he did not even say anything or show any emotion while the list of offenses was read. It wasn't until my medical report was brought up, and the loss of pregnancy was mentioned…" here she had to pause to mentally shore up her ragged emotions while her husband held her closely. After just a moment, however, she was able to pat his cheek affectionately to show that she was okay before she continued. "Well, it was then that the shite hit the fan…as you like to say."

"Most people were understandably shocked…until it became obvious that others like Harry, Kingsley, and the Weasleys already knew. Then, Malfoy started laughing and making loud accusations that Harry was the father. Even though that would not have been the worst sexual scandal to ever hit the wizarding world, I just could not allow people to believe that. It would not have been fair to us…or Harry and Ginny…nor would I allow the death of our baby to be used as the punchline for a joke. Therefore, I am afraid that I just snapped…and I outed your existence. I announced to everyone that I did not have time for such nonsense and lies because my husband, Hawkeye the Avenger, was out risking his life to save the world again - just like he and the rest of the team had in NY…and that he needed my help."

"That wiped the smirk right off of Malfoy's face…especially when Kingsley and Harry, two of the most respected men in the wizarding world, confirmed the truth of it all. I've told you before that even though the wizarding world tends to be isolated, everyone still knows about the Avengers and the Battle against the Chitauri. You guys have many fans in the magical world. Therefore, despite the shock that the news caused, it was obvious that many of them were quite impressed, as well. At any rate, there were no laws against me having a secret marriage…After all, I made sure of that before I went into office!"

"Therefore, the attention turned back to the trial. It ended rather quickly after that and Malfoy was hauled off to Azkaban. I immediately took my leave and went to my office to contact Nick, who told me about what was going down in Sokovia. Before I could leave the building, however, not only were Harry, the Weasleys, and Kingsley waiting for me…but so were most of the rest of the Wizengamot and their families, as well as other workers from across the Ministry. The news had traveled fast…and everyone wanted to help. Therefore, I briefed them, we met up with Nick, and…well…you know the rest."

After her explanation, Clint held his wife close and counted his blessings. He was so grateful that they had both made it back from Sokovia and that they could now achieve some closure with the Malfoy situation. He also knew that they were very lucky to have so many friends, both magical and not, that were there for them when it really counted.

He also realized that his hopes for a quiet retirement were probably not going to happen…at least not for a while. Even though he still intended to step back from full-time Avenging (despite the fact that they both knew that he would always make himself available when he was really needed), he also knew that he would go with Nat when she inevitably went to look for Bruce. Plus, there was a young woman upstairs who would need both emotional support to get her through her grief, as well as training to help control her enhanced abilities. He also had the feeling that he would be involved in the wizarding world a lot more now that everyone knew that he was the Minister's husband. Rather than just visits to the Burrow and Grimmauld Place, he would probably now be obligated to attend political events, balls, etc… at least until Hermione's term ended...and then they could start to build their own little family.

Therefore, his quiet retirement was probably going to be anything but peaceful. However, he could worry about all of that later. First, he had a promise to keep to his wife…and a sunroom floor to finish.