Kuroko huffed in annoyance while walking on the sidewalk. Stupid Kagami-kun forget to buy the groceries, again. Honestly, it's not the first time something like this happened. And Kuroko probably wouldn't mind much if only it wasn't freezing cold outside. Once he got to the apartment he shares with his not-so-useful roommate, he's going to Ignite Punch his face. Scratch that, Kuroko is so going to Ignite Punch Kai Kagami-kun. In. The. Face. Stupid Bakagami-kun neglecting his duty just to watch some cheesy movies with Aomine-kun. Hey, they didn't even ask whether he wants to tag along or not!. What kind of friends are they?!

….Well, okay, maybe it's an understatement that they didn't ask him to join them. It is their first date in a few months after all. University has been chewing their asses so much that they can't see each other often. And Kuroko definitely didn't want to be the third wheel. But still! The least they can do is apologize to him for leaving the apartment bare of foods. Kuroko was starving after a tiring day in university, so coming home only to find out that there's nothing to eat definitely dampen his mood even more.

Luckily, Maji Burger was still open. Kuroko honestly didn't have the energy to cook, and buying groceries at this hour –he glance at his phone and wince when the clock on the screen reads 11.12 PM. No wonder it's getting colder- is definitely out of choice. So he settled on buying fast food. And by miracle, aside from the medium cheese burger he bought, he also got Maji Burger's legendary vanilla milkshake. Yum! Screw the cold! Kuroko is so going to devour the magical liquid immediately once he reached home!

Adjusting his plain white parker, Kuroko sped up his steps. Just a couple more blocks, and he'll reach his apartment building. His stomach has been growling non-stop ever since he step out of Maji Burger. He can't wait to lounge in his soft sofa, watching some random program on TV while munching on his late dinner. Plus, the apartment would be all his tonight, since Kagami-kun will surely stay the night at Aomine-kun's place. It's too bad that Kagami-kun didn't go to the same university as Aomine-kun. Surely they'll rent an apartment together instead of Kagami-kun with him and Aomine-kun in university's dormitory. He'd feel bad for them if only he didn't remember that he can't rent an apartment by himself without a roommate. His wallet is not that thick.

Just as he was going to turn in a corner, Kuroko feels a sudden chill went up his spine. He glances around warily, just to be safe. Kuroko is, by all means, not very strong. At least not physically. If he somehow run into some criminals, burglars or something, he's not sure he can fight them all alone. Usually going out at night is not a problem for him, but recently he felt more and more wary of going outside by himself. Kuroko is not a scaredy cat, mind you. It just that, lately he feels like he was….being watched? Yeah, something like that. Maybe he was just paranoid. Maybe he shouldn't read too many horror novels. Shrugging his shoulders, Kuroko continues his walk. He concludes that the previous chill he felt was because of the cold night wind. Ugh, he better hurry up.

Akashi watches him.

Trotting so cutely on the barren roads, that beautiful, beautiful baby blue that had captured his attention since long, long time ago.

Kuroko Tetsuya.

Glorious, gorgeous Tetsuya.

Oh how Akashi longed to wrap his arms around that petite waist, to run his fingers in that smooth fluffy baby blue Tetsuya called as hair, to sink his teeth into that perfect porcelain skin until he drew blood, to mark him, to cage him somewhere where no one can see Tetsuya BUT HIM.

Akashi wants him so much that it hurts, so damn hurt to only be able to watch him from afar.

Watching is not enough.

Not anymore.

He has been watching him for god know how long.

Akashi can't wait anymore, don't want to wait anymore.

Soon, Tetsuya will be his.

HIS. And no one else's.

And Akashi will make sure of that.

After all, Akashi Seijuurou is absolute.

No one can deny him of what he desires.

No one.

Not even Tetsuya himself.

Should there be anyone who dares to block his path

He will kill them.

With a smirk, Akashi starts his car engine and skillfully maneuvered his car towards the Akashi mansion.

Just a little bit more, and Tetsuya will be completely his.

Because he always won, therefore he always right.