...A magnificent statue of a magician holding a book stands atop the giant monster skull near the remote village of Hage.

The local priest exits his simple rural church when he hears the cry of babies.

...Who could be such a cruel person who abandons their children after taking care of them for at least nine months! They sure are irresponsible.

Right at the porch, two babies are left in a basket.

He carries them inside and starts a fire from a whim of a finger using his magic so that the children can get some warm. As the warmth spreads in the room, the priest wonders who these children might be? Are they brothers? Or not? On of the children has a strange amulet - the dark haired one. He is also very quiet. The bright haired one, on the contrary, seems to be very energetic. The priest takes a more thorough look...Someone went through the trouble of writing their names on their shirt...Asta and Yuno.

"Asta...Yuno...From now on, this place shall be your home!"

...15 years later...In Hage village. Asta and Yuno have grown into fine young men.

The lowly peasants are using their magic to plow the fields. Thanks to magic, the work gets done very fast, so they can gather a great harvest! Somewhere nearby a loud voice can be heard...Across all of the village. It is Asta again, he is...


...Sister Lily, the local nun, is flattered yet annoyed. More flattered, than annoyed, actually. Who knows, if Lily hadn't been a nun, she might have even considered Asta since he seems to be so devoted to her - Lily thinks tha Asta would make a loyal husband.

"Forgive me, Asta, but I am everyone's sister." Sister Lily rejects - if reject is an appropriate word in this situation - Asta's misguided advances.

It seems that Asta does not understand the notion of religious celibate - but who could blame him? He's a simple uneducated rural boy, after all.

"THAT'S NOT ALL!" Asta makes another attempt, trying to make eye-to-eye contact with Sister Lily.

"Well...I apologize, but..."

Asta is a determinated boy. He bows to Lily and yells,


Sister Lily has long since left any thoughts on finding herself a partner in life. She is a nun, after all.

"Well, unfortunately...You see, Asta..."

"I HAVEN'T GIVEN UP YET!" Asta yells as he bows to the ground.

"I really am sorry! ...But my faith-"


Sister Lily sighs and takes out her magic book. As kind as she is, her devotion to the church is her first priority. As a conduit to the saint, she cannot allow herself any selfish pleasures. Even if Asta really wants to. Not that she really took him seriously in the first place. She is a nun, after all. Her destiny is in her faith. And she cannot falter. Asta will grow up and find himself a bunch of new other girls to indulge himself in - Sister Lily is sure of that - that's what the older villagers tell her anyway.

Sister Lily uses her water magic.

"Water Magic - Holy Fist Of Love"

A fist created out of water crashes into Asta...As he is soaked and his face is pushed into the ground.

Sister Lily is concerned if she went too harsh on the poor boy. He is led by noble emotions, after all. She regrets using her magic on him...A better solution would have been explaining why a nun can't marry a man...Next time she will do that instead.

"I, s-sorry, Asta...I didn't really think this through...It was an accident" Sister Lily says as she approaches Asta who is lying down on the ground.

She really should talk to him to get rid of this issue one and for all.

"Listen, Asta. There's a reason why I can't marry you."

"I WON'T GIVE UP-" Asta raises his face from the dirty puddle on the ground. Sister Lily stops his screaming with a touch of her finger to his lips. And starts explaining in a gentle voice.

"Just hear me out. I am a nun. A conduit to the saint. We, the people of the faith, have our...responsibilities. It's really long to explain, but in short, if I were to ever marry you, I would break my oath of faith. I suppose that would make me a sinner. I would be officially excommunicated from the church. Everywhere in our country where there is a church - the priests would know about it. So we wouldn't be able to live here, in this country. People - including foremostly the simple crowd - wouldn't ever leave such a person alone - a person excommunicated from the church - I hope that is something you are able to grasp. I might be even proclaimed a follower of the evil forces - and I don't even want to think what could happen then. Our priest - the one that raised you for 15 years - would start hating me and judge me according to the law. I'm not sure if would be executed, but I would definitely be punished...Is that what you want to happen? Before saying that you won't give up, think over my words well. I'm not just refusing you out of stubbornness...Who knows, if I weren't a nun...No. Still no." Sister Lily said with a serious uncharacteristic expression on her face.

Yuno (who was now tall and handsome) and other children from the orphanage silently listened to Sister Lily standing nearby.

Asta stood in silence for ten seconds-

"I'LL THINK ABOUT IT! BUT I WILL FIND A WAY!" Asta said as he finally gave up and turned around to Yuno. It seems that sometimes an informative coversation can be more effective than constant conflict in changing a person's mind.