Hey everyone! Sorry for the wait of this chapter. Been a little busy lately binge watching some shows. Avatar, lets face it everyone who has netflix is watching the heck out of this, as well as a new anime that's quickly becoming one of my favorites.

One Piece.

I started watching it I think a week ago and I'm already invested in the story and characters and I just can't stop watching more.

But don't worry. I'm still dedicated to my stories and work hard to get new chapters up. And while this one isn't to long, I don't see it as a bad thing. Like I said this arc is short itself so it kinda fits and its nice not to have every chapter exceed 10,000 words or get close to that point.

So with all that said, I hope you enjoy!

"Come on! Come on! Where'd she go?!" Zane was currently running through the halls of the sunken temple for one reason and one reason only. Finding the recently awakened daughter of the queen of the Ozra people. About five minutes ago, Zane had met the spirit of Queen Brianna, learned how a demon named Jaakuna created by Zeref completely destroyed this place along with its people. The only exception being Brianna's daughter who the queen but into magical cryostasis in a secret chamber to keep her safe.

And the first thing this girl did…stretching her arm out and wrap it completely around Zane, boop him on the nose, and then ran away wanting to play tag. Zane might have an idea that this girl had absolutely no idea what was going on or what happened to her people and home…

"Ah geez…" Zane nervously said as he kept running. He was going to have a very serious talk with this girl. One he wasn't sure how he was going to give. What was he supposed to say? Hi my names Zane and I regret to inform you that you've been asleep for over 350 years and while you were power napping everyone you knew and loved was slaughtered. Oh, and your kingdom is sunken under a lake.

Well…good rough draft he guessed.

"Wait, I can just sense her energy." Zane stopped running randomly as soon as he realized he could do that. Sometimes he forgets a few of his abilities in moments of stress and needless to say, he was a bit stressed right now what with trying to think of a way to explain how she was the last of her people. But thankfully he managed to get in control of his mind and remembered what he's capable of.

So, putting two fingers to his forehead, Zane closed his eyes and concentrated on any nearby energy signatures. And considering that the only two living people in the temple were him and this girl, finding her energy signature was pretty easy to find but surprisingly farther into the temple that he thought. "She must be faster than I thought." Zane commented out loud before disappearing with a comedic popping sound.

When Zane reappeared, he found himself in yet another one of the hallways of the temple. Something told the monkey tailed boy that there would be a lot of hallways to go through in this temple given the size of it. At least he knows where he needed to go after finding this girl. Brianna said that she sealed Jaakuna in the deepest part of the temple. So pretty much the basement.

But Zane would have to worry about it later. For now, he could sense that the princess was nearby and was quick to look for her…but there was one problem. He couldn't. "Where…is she?" Zane was looking in every single angle for this girl but she was nowhere to be found. Zane could sense that she was right next to him! There were no doors nearby so she wasn't in another room. "Ok, are you invisible or something?" That was literally the only explanation Zane could come up with right now.

However, as Zane was looking around, behind the spikey haired boy was a small table with an ancient looking vase on top of it. The vase about the size of a typical house vase. But from the vase stretched out a white tube with the end of it resembling an eyeball. The eyeball that resembled the eye of the daughter.

Zane suddenly got the feeling of being watched and turned around to face the vase. But the long stretchy eyeball quickly retreated back into the vase before Zane could see it. But that didn't mean Zane was done looking at the vase. When he stared at it, he sensed that the vase had a source of energy coming from it. The energy he originally locked onto. "Wait…" Zane rose a brow as he started to step towards the vase. It was impossible right? No way she could fit in there. But then again, in this world of magic anything was possible.

Plus, he was kinda out of option for where she would be hiding.

So once Zane was in front of the vase, he slowly started to look inside and-

"Hahahaha! You found me!" Suddenly Zane was spooked backwards, hitting his back against the wall, by none other then the daughter of Brianna whose top half was now popping out of the vase and even stretched up a little bit and proceeded to stretch her arm out and poke Zane in the forehead. "Boop! Now you're it!"

"But…wasn't I already it?" Zane questioned as the first thing Betty did when he woke her up was boop his nose and say he was it for tag before running away.

"Huh…I guess I did." The girl said with a ditzy tone as she twisted her left arm in a few loop-de-loops before touching her chin with a finger. But the daughter of the passed queen simply gave a silly smile and sticking her tongue out playfully. "Oh well!"

Zane comedically fell to the floor. This girl really was clueless…in more ways then one. But the daughter simply giggled at Zanes reaction before completely hopping out of the jar and landing in front of the 12-year-old boy, her feet making a quiet squeaking sound in the process, before stretching her neck out so that her face was mere inches away from Zane's own now and looking right into her eyes. "So stranger, what brings you to my humble abode?"

"Um…well…just kinda…passing through." Zane nervously lied. He still just didn't have the heart to tell her both that she was the last of her people left alive after one of Zeref's demons ravished this place and that the reason he was here was to kind…take something that was probably important to her people. So overall this would probably end up being a bad day for her.

"Ooooooooh! Ok!" The girl said with what Zane could assume to her usually cheery tone. This princess just seemed to have and endless amount of energy and didn't stop moving for one second. "So gotta a name? Rude to keep a girl waiting you know~" She said that last part in a bit of flirty tone as suddenly her eyelashes extended a little bit with the princess fluttering them at Zane.

Due to the rather comedic nature in which she asked the question and tone she used, Zane didn't find himself getting flustered and figured the girl was just being goofy again. "I already told ya my names Zane." Zane told Betty as once again it seemed to be something she forgot when she woke up. "But what about yours? You sorta just bolted without even introducing yourself."

"Oh whoopsy doopsy! Sorry about that!" The princess giggled her apologize while lighting hitting the side of her head causing her head to wobble a little bit like a maize ball. "Well Zaney, you can just call me…" The girl then twirled around a bit, almost looking like a top, before she struck a pose and winked. "Betty!"

"Betty huh?" Zane smiled at the girl who tilted her head cutely in response. Zane then held her hand out to the princess and said. "Well its nice to officially meet you Betty."

Instead of giving Zane normal handshake in response, Betty proceeded to extend and wrap both of her arms around Zane and start shaking him up and down rapidly while laughing. "Hehehehe! Its nice to meet you two Zane!" Betty then let go over Zane, her arms retracting to normal length, and giggled as the boy tried to get rid of the dizzy feeling Betty gave him. "Only a few minutes after my nap and I already have a new friend! Oh! We should go find the others!"

"Um…" Zane let out with an anxious expression. "Others…"

"Well yeah!" Betty smiled with a peppy smile. She really had no idea…"Sarah, Bridgette, Davey, June, Hope, Gene, Garroth, Lucas, all my friend!" Zane only felt a pit in his stomach as Betty named all of her friends. Friends that have no doubt perished. Even if they somehow survived Jaakuna no way they were still alive today. "We can all have fun together! Oooo, and ya know, June has been looking for a big strong boy lately. Maybe I could…introduce you two~"

"Uh, yeah, hehe, sounds…sounds good." While Zane did blush a little at the aspect of Betty trying to set him up, that awful feeling in his gut just wouldn't go away. He…he had to tell her. "Look…Betty…I have something I have to tell you."

"Wow, confessing your feelings already?" Betty suddenly let out bluntly causing Zane's eyes to widen in surprise. A flirty smirk then came to Betty's face as the hot pink haired girl as she ran a hand through her pom-pom buns, which quickly snapped back into place in a cartoony fashion, as she suddenly zoomed next to Zane and connected their shoulders and spoke in a voice Zane could best describe as a kind women spoke with in those old black and white lacrima movies. "Moving a bit fast there ain't ya buddy boy? Least take a girl out for a berry boom down at the ole sweet shop wontcha?"

"W-W-What? N-No!" Zane denied as this time Betty did get to him a little as his cheeks turned a shape of light pink. "Betty that isn't what this is about! Everyone you knew…they-"

"Yeah you're right." Betty interrupted Zane as she started starching her forehead and looked around the hallway they were in. "Everyone I know is gone…"

"W…What…" Zane let out as he swore his heart stopped for a second. Betty…Betty knew?! This entire time?! Then why was she acting like nothings happened this whole time?!

"Its kinda weird." Before Zane could say anything, Betty spoke again as she continued to look around. "Usually there are always people walking around doing stuff but I haven't spotted a single person. And I'm pretty sure it isn't church day otherwise mom would have woken me up…"

Zane sighed as the feeling returned to him. Looks like it was just an unintentional bad wording on Betty's part. When she said gone, she didn't mean dead. She just thought that they weren't around right now. "Oooooo! Maybe they're all playing hide and seek!"

"Betty…" Zane struggled to find the words to correctly tell Betty the truth. He wasn't gonna lie to her. She had to know and deserved to know. "That's not what-"

"Come on new friend!" Betty once again interrupted Zane as she took the boys hand in a surprising tight grip and started running through the hallway dragging Zane behind her. Her arm also stretching out and waving around with Zane holding on tight so she doesn't accidently drop him. "Come on! Let's find them! I can't wait for you to meet everyone!"

"W-W-W-W-W-W-W-Woah!" Zane let out as Betty took him for quite the bumpy ride.


Imma buff baby that can dance like a man!

I can shake-ah my fanny, I can shake-ah my can!

I'm a tough tootin' baby, I can punch-ah yo buns!

Punch-ah yo buns, I can punch-ah yo buns!

If you're an evil witch, I will punch you for fun!

Betty sang the funny little song as she and Zane walked through the hallways of the Ozra temple. While Zane simply walked, Betty was doing all sorts of stuff like flips, cart wheels, and even walking on her hands sometimes. As they walked together, Zane did two things. One was Zane taking note of Betty's magical abilities. They were…whacky to say the least. It seemed at first glance that Betty was able to twist, stretch, and turn her body in just about any way from extending her arms, to twisting her body a full 180 degrees to look at Zane, and that's just some of the stuff he saw in the short time they've spent with each other.

Another thing that Zane had tried and have still failed to do was try and spill the beans to Betty. He just had to tell her but every time he tried to, he was either interrupted by Betty or his words just ended up choking him. This was probably the hardest thing he had to do in his life. Telling someone that everyone they knew and loved was dead. This must have been what everyone felt when they tried to tell him Lisanna was dead only for the much more experienced Master Makarov to take over on and tell the news to him.

But Zane was the only one here with Betty. It had to be him.

"Yo Ernie!" Betty called out to more of the people Zane assumed Betty knew centuries ago. "Uncle Ben? Aunt Loris? Lulu? Cousin Cici?" Betty gave a suspicious hum as she looked around with narrowed eyes. "Now where could those rascals get to?"

"Betty I really think you should listen to what I have to say." Zane once again tried to persuade Betty to stand still just for a minute or two so he could give the very bad news. "I just need to shed some light on the situation here."

"Shed some light…" That part of the sentence seemed to catch Betty's attention. Instead of scratching her head or chin, Zane watched as Betty twisted her head around in a complete 360 with her neck becoming all wound up and making the sound that's heard when you turn the key on a wind-up toy. Zane watched and he wasn't sure rather to be impressed her concern as Betty kept twisting her head and neck higher and higher.

"THAT'S IT!" Betty finally released her head and the young Strauss boy watched as Betty's head and neck started spinning at high speeds and lowering back down to its normal height and no longer being twist up as a giant smile came to the hot pinkette's face. "The light ball court!"

"Light ball?" Zane questioned, never hearing that name before. It sounded like some sort of sport but not one the monkey tailed boy came up with. "What's that?"

"Follow me!" Betty excitedly said as she stretched her neck over to Zane before it snapped back to its normal length. "I'll show you!" Betty then stretched her arm over to Zane and wrapped it around his body before taking off. At this point, Zane was used to Betty dragging him around with her stretchy limbs and just let her do her thing.

With Zane in tow, Betty went over to near the end of the hallway and walked through an open doorway that lead to a set of stairs that went down. It didn't take long to reach the door at the bottom and Betty proceeded to use her free hand and place it on the center of the door. Suddenly the symbol of the door glowed and proceeded to open right up without any force needed. Stepping through the door, Zane and Betty found themselves on a pathway that led to…a very long drop.

"Betty, what's this?" Zane asked as when he looked around, he saw that the room had many pathways similar to the ones they were on both far up and down below. And in the very middle of the incredibly large room they were in was an incredibly large pillar that went all the way to the very top all the way down to the very bottom.

"This is the central pillar!" Betty said as she set Zane down on the pathway they were on and stretched her other arm all the way to the pillar so she could touch it. "This is the very center of the temple and you can get just about anywhere in the temple with this! Look!" Going to the very end of the pathway, Betty approached a blue orb and put her hand on top of it.

Zane watched as the orb started to glow due to Betty's touch and soon enough all the symbols carved into the center pillar started as well as it started to rotate. "Ever after over 300 years this still works…" Zane whispered so Betty wouldn't hear. Jenny was right in these people being advanced if their inventions worked after over 3 and a half centuries of inactivity.

After about a minute of turning Zane watched as a pathway came up from all the way at the bottom connected to the pillar. The pathway on the pillar then connected to the pathway the two kids were standing on, a blue orb also attached to the pathway the pillar brought up. "Well don't just stand there silly billy! Come on!"

"I'm coming, I'm coming." Zane reassured the hot pink haired girl as the two of them stepped up onto the extended pathway.

"Hold on!" Betty told Zane with an incredibly peppy grin as she put her hand upon the blue orb on the new pathway. "Up, up, and away! Max speed!"

With Betty's command, the pillar started spinning up at a much higher speed. The 11-year-old girl, technically over 360, and 12-year-old boy laughed and held on tightly to the pathway as it rocketed them up to near the very top of the temple.

"Hahaha! That was great!" Zane laughed, briefly forgetting the morbid news he would have to give Betty as the duo finally stopped at a pathway that led to a door near the very top of the temple. Both kids hair was ruffled up, with Betty's soon suddenly automatically fixing itself, and feeling slightly dizzy after the wild wide.

"Hehehe, knew you'd like it." Betty giggled as she poked Zane's arm. "Now come on! The light ball arena is just past this door!" Betty then started skipping over to the door, her feet making a squeaking sound again with each skip the girl took. Zane simply followed the Ozra princess into the next room with Betty once more opening the door by simply touching it.

However, once they were inside Betty frowned as she saw no one around. Not even any rats could be found or heard. "What…" For the first time Betty's smile left her face as she and Zane examined the empty room. Zane's guess was right as he looked around to see they had entered a sports arena with stands set up for spectators to watch.

The field itself it quite interesting. One both sides of a large field with a rectangle barrier shown by white chalk were giant gongs hanging just outside the field divide. And inside the field another chalk line was dividing the field in half. And on each half were a number of log pillars set up.

"This isn't right." Betty said in a sadden tone as she looked around the area. But no matter how much she looked one thing stood prominent. Not one person in sight. "There's always people here!"

Zane gave Betty a sympathetic look. He knew the reason why there was no one here. He could tell her now since it seemed she wouldn't be interrupting…but seeing that saddened look on her face…it hurt him. He knew that look. It was a look he had plenty of times whenever his deceased aunt came to his mind. And giving her the news when she's like this would just make things worse.

While he was aware there was no possible gentle way to give news like that, the most he could was at least tell her slowly and when she's not already in a negative mind set. So Zane quickly thought of an idea to get Betty's mind else ware then the lack of people here. "So, this light ball game." Zane spoke up, successfully getting Betty's attention. "Whats it like? I've never played it before."

"WHAAAAAAAT?!" Betty gasped loudly as a look of completely disbelief came to her face as he stretched out her neck so that her face was a single inch away from Zane and the young boys eyes widened as Betty's head actually enlarged in size. "YOU'VE NEVER PLAYED LIGHT BALL BEFORE?! NOT EVER, EVER, EVER, EVER, EVER?!"

"Um…can't say I have…" Zane sheepishly admitted to Betty with a sweat drop. "I've even heard of it until today."

"Oh boy howdy you are missing out there pally!" Betty's peppy and cheery smile soon returned as she retracted her neck, her head also returning to normal size, and proceeded to stretch her arms out as well as enlarge her hands.

Zane's eyes widened at this as Betty grabbed him with both of her wands which were now as big as him. He just learning more and more about this girls magic and its capability. Zane didn't protest as Betty carried him all the way on top of a pillar on the right side of the field. Once one, Betty retracted her arms and switched her hands to normal size. Zane watched from the pillar as Betty twirled her legs together and making the lower half of her body resemble a spring.

Betty then pressed down on the ground before her springy body bounced her hair up. The girl uncoiled her legs and preformed a perfect landing on one of the left pillars. "Ok! Here's how it goes!" Betty yelled to Zane as she brought her hands close together and created a pink magic circle. From it, she produced a glowing hot pink heart made of magic. "This is the light ball! And how you play is that both teams try to hit the others gong by smacking the ball to the other side. The balls gets faster and faster every time its hit. Also, you have to stay on the columns. You fall off, your disqualified until the next match."

"I think I get it. Basically just seeing who's got the better reflexes." Zane summarized things with his arms crossed and a grin on his face. "Sounds like my kinda game. How about we go for quick game? First to get a point wins."

"Hmmm…well normally this game is best when it's at least three vs three…" Betty stated as she had a thoughtful expression on her face. But it quickly turned to her usual excited grin as she looked at Zane. "But I guess I can make an exception just this once~ So just the first to score one point?"

Zane nodded in response as he got into a battle-ready pose. "Ready when you are."

"Alright slugger!" Betty smirked as she got into a pitching position and spoke with a sports announcer voice. "Let's see ya hit one my fast ones!" Betty then spun her arm around, her arm actually spinning like a pinwheel, before throwing the ball right towards Zane.

Betty proved to have quite the arm as she threw the magic heart with great speed at the Strauss boy. But despite the speed, it was nothing for Zane as the Strauss boy simply palmed the ball when it got close to him and sent it right back at Betty.

Betty grinned in response, happy to both play and for Zane to be getting into the game, as the ball she just made came back at her at a higher speed. "Coming right back at ya Zane!" Betty then enlarge her fist again and smack the ball right back at the other side of the field. But instead of aiming it back at Zane, Betty aimed above Zane's head, hoping the ball would fly past Zane's head and hit the gong on his side of the field.

"Trying to find my weak spots huh? Well something you should know about me…" Zane explained to Betty before jumping up high where Betty had hit the ball and performing a spin kick and sending the ball make to Betty's side. "I don't have any weak spots!"

Betty gasped as the ball come back over to her side. Like Betty said, each hit caused the ball to go faster and faster than it originally was. But Betty was more then prepared for a difficult game as she stretched her arm to where the ball was heading and sent it back at Zane's of the field.

Zane remained confident as he moved faster then Betty's eyes could see. Betty gained a surprised expression as Zane seemingly teleported right in front of the ball and head butted it back. With his weighted clothing gone from his body, Zane was much stronger and faster with the burden of all that weight.

"Woah!" Betty let out as she extended both of her legs, making her taller, and using one of her long legs after enlarging that legs foot to kick the ball back at the last second. Zane was proving to be challenge for Betty and the game was only a few hits in.

Things quickly escalated as both kids kept hitting the ball to the others side and trying to hit the ball past each other and hit the gong to score the point to win the game. It got so intense that the ball simply looked like a blur each time it was hit. Betty was soon struggling to keep up as sweat came down her head with her limbs now looking all noodle-like due to how much she's been stretching them during this game.

"Take…THIS!" Betty then used all of her strength to hit the ball back. Enlarging both of her hands and bringing both of them together and hit the magic ball to Zane's side, praying to the Ozra Gods that it would strike the gong.

"Heheh, not bad Betty. But I think its time to end this." Zane said with a calm and collected tone as he eyes the ball. Despite it going at an extremely fast pace, Zane's eyes were extremely well trained and he could easily track it. Deciding to show off a bit, Zane braced his body and yelled out. "Kai-o-ken!"

"Kai-o-what?" Betty said as she watched Zane gain a red aura of power around him and, somehow even faster then he already was and was right in front of the ball of magic. Mimicking Betty, Zane brought both of his fist together and gave a powerful strike to the light ball and, with his power doubled by Kai-o-ken, gave the ball and incredibly powerful hit.

Betty couldn't even think to defend and hit the ball back as the ball come back to her side at speeds she couldn't hope to detect.


The light ball hit the gong so hard that it actually ended up penetrating the gong and creating a hole in it.

"Whew, that was a good work out." Zane said with a smirk as the Kai-o-ken disappeared from his body and the monkey tailed boy wiped some sweat off his head. He then floated up into the air and lowered himself down to the ground. "I can see why that sports a favorite of yours that's pretty fun. Should see if I can get some of my guildmates to play this."

"Hehe…man…you're ready good!" Betty said with an excited smile in between breaths as the hot pinkette stretched her legs down to the floor and then lowering the rest of herself down by retracting her legs downward. "You sure you've never played before?"

"Nope, first time." Zane informed Betty as the 11-year-old girl skipped over to him. While Zane really could have gone all out during the game by flying and not risk hitting the ground at all, but that would feel like cheating. He wanted to play nice and fair. "But its like I said, it was a game of reflexes and I got some good ones."

"Hehehe, totally!" Betty giggled out with Zane also giving a smile in response. Betty then took a look at the stands in the giant room they were in hoping to see some people had showed up and had watched her and Zane's little match. But a frown then came to Betty's face as she saw that there was still no one to be seen. "I don't get it…there's always people here playing or watching. What's going on?"

Zane then gave a saddened expression similar to one Betty had and rubbed the back of his head. "Alright Betty, after playing that game I…think its time I tell you something…" Zane took a deep breath as he got ready to explain things. "You see-"

"I mean if people aren't in the light ball arena then they…" Just then Betty's eyes widened as a grin came to Betty's face as the princess snapped her fingers. "Then they are in the throne room! Of course! Duh, mom must be having a meeting today."

"Um, Betty I don't think that-" Zane tried to speak up again but was cut off as Betty grabbed his wrist once again today and started to pull him back towards the door they used to enter the arena in the first place. With Betty opening the door, the two exited the light ball arena and stepped back onto the path way connected to the pillar.

"Come on! Let's go!" Betty quickly hit the blue orb attached to the pathway and the pillar quickly activated and started spiraling down. However, it didn't go super-fast like how Betty made it when they were on their way to the light ball arena and instead went at the normal pace Zane first saw the pillar go at when Betty showed him it. "I can't wait for you to meet everyone! I know they're gonna like you!"

"Um…yeah…" Zane nervously responded as he scratched the back of his head. "But Betty, are you sure that-"

"Aaaaaaand here's we are!" Betty had once again cut off Zane for the who-know-how-many-time as the pillar stopped in the dead center of the temple. Zane's eyes as he looked forward and saw that the pathway led to a completely massive door. It was decorated with gold and jewels and in the very center of the door was a big heart that matched the one on Betty's shirt. "This door leads to my moms throne room! She's the queen so ya know, kind of a big deal. But don't worry she's super nice!"

"Yeah I'm…I'm sure…" Zane quietly muttered, not telling Betty that he already met her mother as the 11-year-old girl happily skipped over to the door.

"Alright! I'll just open this sucker up!" Betty then rubbed her hands together before enlarging both of them to triple their original size and then stretched her arms up and placed her large hands on both sides of the big purple heart.

Zane watched as the heart on the door glowed. Zane felt light shaking coming from the door as it started to open up, releasing a large cloud of dust in the process. Betty coughed a few times from the dust as her hands returned to normal size and she retracted her arms. "Oh boy." Betty said in between her coughs. "Me thinks the maid's been slacking off."

"You could say that…" Zane nervously said as he stepped forward towards Betty. "But Betty, I really have to tell you something."

"Okie Doki Loki!" Betty said with her usual peppy tone before pointing her thumbs through the entrance to the other room. But neither of the kids could see inside due to the large dust cloud. "But before you tell me let just tell everyone about you first! Don't worry, they're gonna love you!"

"Betty wait!" But Zane's words fell on deaf ears as the monkey tailed boy watched as Betty walked into the cloud of dust and presumably into the next room.

"Betty?" Zane called out to as once Betty went inside, he stopped hearing the girl's giggles. "Everything alright?"

"Betty…" Zane was started to get worried now. The dust cloud was still thick and present so he couldn't see inside the room. So Zane thought it was about time to go inside as well as see if things was ok. "Alright Betty, I'm coming in."

Holding his dust as to not breath in dust, Zane proceeded to walk into the cloud in order to enter the throne room of the temple. He still ended up coughing a few times with his eyes sealed shut as he said. "Betty…what's going on?"

"W-W-W-W-What h-h-h-happened h-h-h-here…" Zane's eyes quickly opened and widened as he heard the tone Betty spoke in. She sounded completely horrified and broken.

"Betty whats wro-" But Zane soon looked to where Betty was looking, also taking notice of how much the girl was trembling, and instantly the 12-year-old's mood become somber. "Oh no…" Zane and Betty were both looking at many things this room was filled of…


Oh boy things are really heating up are they?

Also I can't say how much fun it is to finally write Betty. Me and my friend Petrus thought her up awhile ago and I've been really excited to bring her into the story. Just so everyone knows, Betty herself is inspired by Spinel from Steven Univese. And her powers are similar to. To explain, Betty's magic essentially makes her a cartoon character in an anime world. She can manipulate her body in a similar manner to the old rubber hose cartoon characters and she's got cartoon physics, so say if she's crushed instead of dying like most people she would instead by flattened like a pancake or piece of paper and be perfectly fine. And thats just the tip of the ice berg with her.

So remember to fav, follow, and leave a review and stay tuned for the final chapter of this arc...
