Of Atonement And Salvation: The End Times

Chapter 12

Last Light Upon The Western Shore

Written by S. J. Kandil

(Thavan Vanamar / Location – Grozen Capital / – Time – 11/20/19)

Shrouded in Zenara's robes I stepped away from the protective walls and safety of the Death Treader. There was a time when those metallic barriers restricted my state of mind and served as a prison. Now, as I bear witness to thousands of judgmental red and black eyes scrutinizing my every move, I feel the weight of my actions tear apart my resolve and instill in me the need to cover myself from their oppressive gaze. God, what I wouldn't give to hide within that sanctuary for but an eternity.

But wait, was this how I interpreted it as a saw it or was this but a fabrication of my mind ready for reprisal? Behind their curious furry faces there loomed no judgment. Was it curiosity or sadness that I betrayed their trust?

Without preparation, it felt like a bolt of lightning struck me from where I stood. Those few who I came to know from the missions we embarked upon arrived and brightened at the sight of my return.

Ziv, Neeshi, Teeshna and Varron all came before me. The lashing tongue was but a figment of my imagination. No such thing should come to pass. I was embraced by hugs and a sense of camaraderie I knew not on the surface world. Their glow they exhibited and knowing how relieved they were upon learning I was alive, warmed this cold vessel.

Was I so blinded in my hope that there was a place for me from my past that I had not seen there were those here and now who placed my well-being as their priority all along? Was I diametrically opposed to another species or was it my own hate that separated me from them?

Ziv pulled me from my battle within my mind when he spoke, "Next time you choose to leave, Thavan, we depart with you yes-yes?" He looked expectantly at me and I knew right then what he'd ask.

"Ziv, you have my permission." His large eyes brightened and the big behemoth of a skaven scooped me into his arms and hugged the life out of me. I yelped, losing Zenara's robes in the scuffle.

"He's right." Answered Neeshi. "The pack never abandons family-kin."

"Never." Assured Teeshna.

I smiled reassuringly at Ziv as he placed me on level ground, knowing in secret I'd need someone to realign my spinal cord after that endeavor.

Varron whom I lied to the most appeared no less relieved than the others. His hand came down upon my shoulder and he smiled. "What am I gonna do without yah, Thavan? God's know Ziv and I wouldn't be the same without your presence at the tavern. 'Sides, I think you owe it to yourself for a rematch after I beat you at drinking, eh?"

What I'd looked for all along was right in front of me. Had I only seen it sooner.

# # # #

(Thavan Vanamar / Location – Unknown)

The orb above me simmered through a blackened sky down upon my flesh. The moon was as the color in my veins and the black clouds heightened the piercing crimson glow it bestowed. All around me dead trees were upturned or rotting away. Their hollow shells embodied this barren land before me. A thick stew-like mix of sludge and red stained my feet below in the muck.

Though I do not recall this place I am currently residing within, I do know I have been here before. A sudden sign of clairvoyance you might ask? I am not the one to ask. And I've probably never been the one to ask. I must say I do tire even now as I take but a scant few steps across this desolate plane. A thirst rises from deep within the pits of my stomach, a hunger so fierce I find myself compelled to waltz across this eerie bog in search of water to quench this need.

I walked and walked and although the scenery changed, I must ask, had it really? This sludge continued to taint the heels of my boots and slow my movements. The trees came and went only to be replaced by more of the same drab, dead branches stripped of their leaves. The clouds above had lazily swayed through the sky onto some distant horizon far beyond my reach, yet something felt out of place.

Every so often an empty manor decimated from years of neglect would present itself a curious looksee that sheltered no answers. The hollow remains of a ruin introduced nothing of value and so, I continued on.

Crows cawed in the distance and a howl unlike any animal I have ever discerned screeched on the horizon. Its hideous shriek froze the blood in my veins and I searched for the source to which no visible answer came to fruition.

Resting atop of a hill was an old cathedral rotting from years of neglect and decay. From the distance I immediately discerned the roof housing a bell-tower - or the remains that is. The bell and the majority of the decrepit steeple caved in, leaving a great hole in the heart of the cathedral, like an old wound forever scarring this dead structure. The old rusted gate surrounding the remains bent inward or burrowed deep beneath the muck of this sludge that seemed to go on for an endless eternity.

I made the short trek toward its vantage point so I might glean some tidbit of information to aid me in my journey across this bizarre world. The gate leading to the cathedral creaked open as a gust of wind forced the old wall free from its rusted confines. The groaning whine it exhaled upon release of its rusted prison bothered me with some innate fear hiding beneath the surface. It was so lonely here.

Just as I thought those words in my head a crow landed beside the gate. Its black eyes peered through me like burning rays of light. The curious bird craned its neck from side to side then pruned its feathers for unwanted aberrations that affected its flight.

It cawed at me as I walked past the gate and looked at the cathedral proper. Its caw dragged on and on and switched over to sharp rattles and clicks. Was it, was it laughing at me? Through the distinct bird-like sounds there was an almost human-like quality to it. Was it even a bird?

I paused and looked away from that animal to the cathedral. The main entrance was supported by two doors. The primary one was closed shut and boarded up. The secondary lay smashed in, as if welcoming me to whatever might be inside.

What was inside might I ask? Up the stairwell I trudged. Broken stones, chipped and damaged from what I suspected to be combat scars, marred the once grand and majestic building. As I turned and faced the pathway from where I began, from this vantage there proved no certain answer I might discern. Far below the hill a great plain stretched for miles on end. Red ground and a crimson moon saturated the earth in bloody colors. The black clouds choked the light from this world. It was as if I was in perpetual twilight, just out of the reach of the sun. The path I followed held many questions and fewer answers. And so, with that notion on my mind, I turned and faced the interior.

As I popped my head through the door, I saw beams of light shine down into the desolate temple. Dust and other small particles glimmered through the rays from the collapse of the bell-tower. It smashed through the center of the cathedral where the alter once laid. Its home was now a circular crater where the bell lay shattered into multiple fragments. The wreckage and the entire interior for that matter were long since past the point of repair. The groaning, creaking of boards and the foundation assured me at any day now, this entire structure would surrender and it'd meet its end, same as the tower.

With no concern for myself, I traipsed through the dilapidated remains of a place that felt all too familiar. To the edge of the crater I found myself looking down at the hole in the chapel. Pews and holy scriptures had also met their end in that unsightly calamity that befell this immaculate building.

Beyond the hole there shimmered the glint of something reflecting light at the end of the cathedral. Finding myself drawn to the shiny substance, I circled around the devastation. At the other end I pulled myself up past the damaged stairs and onto the highest point of the place of worship. Even this part of the temple hadn't fared well from the collapse of the roof. Debris and part of the ceiling smashed in at the outer reaches of the collapse. Nothing was safe.

There it was: A painting of some sort was the culprit that drew me to this point. Walking toward it I found myself gazing at the object curiously with a craned head. For several seconds my face had not changed. As realization corrected curiosity, I had changed. Well, that can't be, can it? The figure in the painting was me. There I stood with an empty, soulless face gazing back at myself with eyes deader than witnessing oneself dead at their own funeral. Around me were other men with their faces clawed out. It was just me...It was always just me.

A looming sense of dread and isolation eclipsed all things around me. No longer had I felt comfortable within the confines of this abandoned temple. The weight of seclusion and loneliness constricted against my lungs until the act of breathing felt nigh impossible. I wanted out of here and away from this place.

I sprinted for the outside until I burst through and gasped for air. Oxygen filled my lungs as the light grew a little brighter. It was killing me! I swear! Standing with my back to that dead structure, I breathed with ease as I looked down upon the earth stretching forever. Where had Zenara and my compatriots gone to? Why do I feel this aching pain in my core? Why does it gnaw at my psyche so dear?

Gods, there came that thirst again. What I wouldn't do for a droplet of that life-giving fluid to grace my tongue with its cold, refreshing, flavor. Shower me in water! Drown me in the tides of life! Smother me till I cannot gorge any longer!

What in Sigmar's mercy was I rambling on about? Oh...I don't know...I-I can't remember. What did I say? What a peculiar oddity. Onward I must go, to eternity...

Minutes gave way to hours and hours beget days but nothing changed. It was all the same. I walked and I walked till all before me was naught but a distant memory.

Sludge and mush gradually gave way to puddles of fluid. The further on I walked, the waters took hold. I prodded my way onward till I was waste deep in this reddish fluid. Turning on my heels there was no landmass anymore. My muscles grew numb to the warm, tender embrace of the crimson fluid. I wanted to dive face first into that warmth but there wasn't enough. I needed more! More! More!

For God knows how long, I waded through the sticky substance. Lost and no aim in sight I gazed at the ground and motioned forward, shambling and slipping through the muck and grime. This continued till I looked upward and stopped dead in my tracks. Carelessness nearly guaranteed a quick end. Stretching out before me was a great divide and I stood upon the precipice to the bottom of a gaping scar on the land. The split in the earth stretched as far as the eyes could see. There was nothing beyond. No land or opposite side I might somehow find myself on. The plateau gave way to this...

Below my eyes wandered. A sea of salted blood covered the planet from where I stood and far beyond the curvature of this world. The edge glowed a lighter hue but the further away from land it darkened and deepened like the dark colors deep within veins.

I turned back and looked for my point of origin. There was nothing, only another drop off and limited land to traverse. Hadn't I started elsewhere? Wasn't there land here? I can't remember. And I guess, I don't care anymore.

Beyond reason and understanding, with arms wide open, I stepped from the precipice and plummeted to the chasm below. The wind whipped against my cape as my world faded and melted to the collapse of all I had ever known. All that mattered rested in that ocean.

Thousands of feet came and went until my skin touched the fluid. Was it magic that slowed my fall? My head submerged into the bloody liquids. The lack of sight, and muffled sound subdued this aching form. No air filled my lungs as I drowned in this sea of blood. I'd stay there forever in the safety of the waters as I submerged to the benthic depths.

Freed from the shackles of my life, I faded into obscurity. Above, the light of the world twinkled in these black waters. So far down now. There was no return. Bound to this watery grave, it wasn't what I craved but it's what I'd get.

I stayed like that in an eternal slumber until my senses erupted when something brushed against my leg. I woke. Eyes ripped back and unbeknownst to myself there was another single orb the size of my head staring in my eyes with an unblinking gaze and a slit for a black pupil. In the watery pits of this abyssal grave, nobody heard me scream. Air pockets blew through the water when out of the red abyss a sucker launched from the fluid. Puckering, it closed shut and speared my shoulder-blade, impaling me and sending me through the dark depths of the warming red fluids. We spiraled through the darkness as my senses and comprehension of where I was, was a blur. Launched and beaten through the black, I was spun out and into the sky, like a breaching whale.

I screamed, choking on the bloody colors. Only now had the realization of the need to breathe came to me. I was deprived of oxygen and flailing through the air. This only served to debilitate me further.

Instinctively, I reached for my pistol and to my worst fears, I felt, I was weaponless. Where had it gone! It was already too late. The creature flung me through the air and in turn freed itself of my skin sheath. Bone cracked against the sudden and violent release. I wheezed for oxygen in my lungs. The horrifying assault nearly drove me to a state of unconsciousness.

To my surprise, I had not fallen into the bloody void once more but instead landed on solid ground. I made impact on the slushy surface, away from the embrace of those warm, running waters, I tried to free myself from this imprisonment and yet my legs failed me. I could not stand.

Beyond my field of view behind me the sound of something emerged from the waters edge. Fluids dripped back into the bloody ocean as more flesh and mass ripped through the watery barrier. It coughed a horrible bloody moan and gurgled in excitement as I felt its eyes focus on me. The blood in my veins froze and I panicked. In vain I tried my damnedest to crawl from its ominous presence. Each second that ticked by it grew closer and so too had its hunger heightened. A wet, and sloppy slosh beat into my eardrums as its horrid feet dug through the muck and sharp inhales emitted from its watery lungs. It moaned an orgasmic trill, vibrating the fluids deep within its throat.

I reached out with extended fingers and dug into the firmament. Pulling myself forward, its haggard breaths grew louder and louder. There was no escape.

I flipped myself over when its long and emaciated hand extended with dagger-like claws reached for my leg. Molted greyish-brown flesh sloughed off of impossibly long limbs with tentacles snaking from its back with eyes and suckers on each end.

Its head – if one could even call it that, appeared to be reminiscent of the female anatomy. A slit down its face echoed that of a vaginal opening. Long serrated teeth, touched with a hint of blood quivered open and closed at the sight of my flailing form. The hood, where its clit resided, was a red slit for an eye. It pulsed and throbbed at the sight of my terror, staring in wanton hunger. The grotesque mouth widened and pulsed, hungering to pull myself into its quivering, cum spewing, orgasming maw.

Its caustic breath emanated against my face as slime drooled from the gap of skin and hot sticky fluids pooling against my face. I closed my eyes and prayed. I prayed this nightmare would end. Was it even a nightmare? Or was I trapped in hell?

All grew silent. The heat of its breath faded. and it felt as if everything had come to pass and my prayers were answered. How long had I sat there and shivered on the ground? Was it minutes or perhaps hours? I don't even want to begin to guess. All I knew, is I was scared beyond recollection.

Clamped shut I trembled when a hand reached out for my cheek, cupping the flesh, I recoiled. It had not been dissuaded by my action. Instead, it reached again and pulled me forward. And there it was again, that damned unending thirst. I craved water so greatly and intensely that the need to sate my thirst mattered above all else.

As if sensing my need this figure pulled me forward. The sound of running water and the crisp flowing instilled in me a sense of urgency. A basin pressed against my lips. Cold water brushed against my mouth. With closed eyes my lips opened and in an instant it exploded with the sweet, fulfilling flavor of fresh water. I suckled at the source like a baby desperate for mothers milk. Nothing else concerned me as I drove into this sensation and accepted what must happen if I am to remove this horrid feeling from the pit of my stomach. It was only water after all. And then, this would all end. I knew it.

From the stream of life I did what compelled me all along. This was my purpose. I needed this and nothing would stop me. Accepting what must be done, I dove in deeper, lapping at the bowl for more.

"Taste, eternity." The voice commanded.

What? I stopped right there. It can't be. It can't. Acquiescing to my own demands, mine eyes opened and what was once basin and water was no more an illusion to my mind. The flowing of water was crimson pumping beneath her skin. My mouth was firmly clamped against her neck, as I fed beneath split veins and pumping blood. I pulled from her neck, raving in disbelief as Hiseelia herself snatched me up and made me watch, watch as she stole my humanity out from under me.

In a sea of salted blood we laid atop the water as tens of thousands of corpses lay drained and floating above and below the sea of red. Their outstretched appendages were marred by the bite marks of myself and her.

She laughed, and laughed as I cried out at the visage returning to me from the reflection in the water. It was my face but with glowing crimson eyes and fangs to boot. Through the ripples my reflection bore that of a monster with twisted features, and a maw of fangs. Writhing in agony, I clawed at my own eyes, digging the orbs out from their home and in turn, blinding myself. It was all over. She won. She won. She won. She won. She's taken everything from me and I can't get that voice out of my head. I wailed and wailed until tears expunged no more. She won and all I could hear was her cackling laugh as she stole everything out from under me.

One year later...

(Thavan Vanamar / Location – Thavan's personal quarters / – Time – (11/24/20)

My eyelids peeled back and I bolted upright. Tears flew from their source and ragged breaths left these pained lungs. The warming glow of candlelight called to me from the nightmare I had just faced. The scintillating flutter of light stirred me. It felt like only yesterday had all this begun. And yet the scar running down my wrist to my elbow told otherwise.

Two firm taps on the door roused my waking form. Keys fumbled at the locks as tumblers turned and the frame opened before me. My servant Meeki was there to greet me.

"Master Thavan! The meeting will convene momentarily and you aren't out of bed? Forgive my urgency but you must...your face, you've had another incident haven't you?" She stuttered, expecting a lashing of words or worse.

My mind was on other matters. I overslept. Dammit, Grodmoor won't be happy. When is he though?

"Yes, another." I admitted against my better judgment.

"I'd like it if you refrained from mentioning this to the others. No good will come of it."

"O-of course! You have, no-nothing to worry about, Master Thavan! Your secrets are mine."

"Thavan is sufficient."

She jittered two rapid jolts of her noggin.

"Now, will you help me?"

Upon my request she had not hesitated to come to my beck and call. I sat forward and the exhaustion that had firmly grasped my core merely moments ago all but faded away along with that nightmare. And for good reason too, there's no justifiable point in dwelling on that misery, no matter how close it hits home.

Within my wardrobe she rummaged through my many witch hunter uniforms. The blankets of my bed fell to the side when I planted my feet onto the floor. I yawned and stretched. Bones seemingly popped and my body creaked. Damn, it sucks getting old. Was I though? Zenara claims her magic had an influence on me and extended my life, but by how long and what then? I'll stop myself there. It's too early for this kinda self diagnosis.

Into the next room I strode with only the faintest hint of modesty in the form of undergarments covering my privates. Sitting below the mirror on the counter was a basin filled with fresh water and prepared by none other than my assistant on the previous night. Looking back at myself through the mirror I saw the usual telltale signs of one who lacked any and all forms of sleep. Age might have been extended but the removal of these stress marks and creases failed to make haste and depart from this weary face. Black stubble ran through my white cheeks. Hair edging upon my eyebrows was becoming a nuisance. Fortunately, I may hide it within my witch hunters cap.

"It'd be wise to shave 'fore we depart. I'm already late, might as well make it appear that I at least am concerned with my appearance." I spoke loudly and into the other room.

"And bathe!" She echoed.

Cupping water within my hands I collected the fluids and splashed my face. I stood there and reflected on how she arrived within my life. This skaven is undoubtedly a boon that I opposed initially. Thankfully, I gave her a chance.

As the world continues to slide to the edge of no return, I find myself becoming increasingly unable to or find an inability to function on a basic level. She reigns me in each time.

One would think since that fateful day Zenara and I showed our true colors for one another that I might go to her. She is not only overwhelmed but I cannot find the answer I seek to give her clarity over the very reason why I tend to push all those away that get too close. What am I doing?

Running water like warm raindrops cascaded down upon me and washed those thoughts when I turned the knob and felt the relief flood my core. When had I ever just relaxed? When had I sat back and reflected on what I have done to those around me and that my actions will have consequences? Heh, I guess we never learn and people never change.

Standing there so vulnerable and naked was a reminder to myself that though I have overcome much and accepted the life I was brought into and the deaths of those around me, there are underlying faults where the cracks shine. That goddamned vampire! Just when you think it can't get any worse, somebody else steps in and delivers a deadlier blow.

Flesh and stone connected as a balled fist from myself slammed into the wall. You killed her sister. An eye for an eye. You should be dead. And yet, she spared you. That is a greater outcome than I could have offered her. If this is my life then why does it feel I am already dead? I cry out to God and man and nobody hears these silent screams.

To Seriss I find myself searching as she presents answers no other might bring forth. That terror is a danger to us all. Compelled and drawn to her, I am influenced by this evil. This defining reason is why I have striven so hard to avoid this monster. Her influence over me grows. She knows what I desire and long for. To continue a healthy relationship with the Grozen Empire it is pertinent I keep my distance...but I know, I won't.

Before long I was finished and Meeki continually assisted me every step of the way until she placed my formal attire of black garments upon me. The clothing was accented in blue and red and marked by the Grozen crest on my chest and cape. She in turn also mimicked my color palette. Uniformity was part of parcel of this empire. And that was it, the two of us set off, destined to be late as always.

Every day that passes I find myself fatigued beyond reasoning. A buildup of stress and near constant warfare and the end of days has a way with affecting ones psyche.

We moved with purpose toward the meeting at a brisk pace. Grodmoor's war room is where business and current affairs have been conducted as of late. This included all of those who pledged their allegiance to our side.

My hand ran against my neck. The soft fabric separating skin from skin contact prevented those in attendance from seeing the permanent scar upon my throat. And to think, she'd be there.

Two guards bearing ceremonial armor and carrying Grozen bolt rifles eyed the two of us as we made our approach.

"Go on, Thavan. The meeting has already commenced." The two then collectively gripped each door and pulled them open.

I nodded, then entered.

A chandelier powered by bluestone infused light-bulbs and not the traditional candles of old illuminated the grand and opulent room before us. The massive girth of the light source demanded larger and more imposing support beams lest the great beast from the ceiling above cascaded down and onto the heavy cherry table.

Every single pair of eyes in that damned room all turned to face me. At the head of the table was Grodmoor. His piercing blood-moon gaze never wavered from mine. Was there hostility in his face? No, I think not. He was one of the few who understood my plight.

Joined in Grodmoor's circle were the many skaven masters and lords who pledged their allegiance to his new world order. Kreevan, Sneek, Zenara, Sorn and many other faces I had not recognized had all attended. But they recognized me. Oh yes they did.

Down the rows, Hiseelia, that skeleton bitch with a skin fetish and Neferata herself watched me from afar. Neferata sat crossed legged with a veil draped over her head. She offered only a cursory glance before she returned to her devices. Hiseelia narrowed her eyes and twirled her fingers at me. A slight head bob and a gleaming smile irritated me further. Smug bitch.

Seated at the end and closest to me was a newcomer bearing flags I have never laid eyes upon. In black she concealed her body within. Purple highlights accentuated every detail. The jagged edges resembled something more akin to a prison than something meant to protect.

Long rows of red hair spiraled down her glistening white skin like fresh fallen snow. On first glance I believed her to be a vampire. Something wasn't quite right. An aura surrounded her. It was dark but not reminiscent of the bloodsucking monsters off center of her. It was then I observed the pointy ears. Was she a high elf? No, that's impossible. Not with what transpired in Ulthuan.

An open seat beside Zenara was my destination. Then they'd stop staring. I hoped. That is, until Meeki opened her big mouth.

"My lords." She squeaked. "It is my fault that we were late. Forgive Master Thavan yes-yes?"

Why should she take the fall for my blunder? Unacceptable. I couldn't stomach the thought.

"She's wrong." I sighed. "It was my mistake. Pardon my intrusion. Please, as you were."

"Calm yourself." Reassured Grodmoor with a nod. "We were carrying out formalities. I'd like you to meet our guest at this gathering."

This being in question stared right through me, just like that crow in my dream. Silently, her eyes skimmed over my features and for a moment it appeared she intended to speak directly to me. But that changed as she looked on and whatever thoughts she may harbor were not for me to interpret.

"I am Vera of the Saatiss Leel Clan. I am the leader of those left who claim themselves to be Druchii – or, as you Old Worlders might refer, Dark Elves."

Her strong and commanding voice struck me. The cadence and inflection hinted at an accent from the lands in which she hailed but the manner in how she spoke demanded our attention. She was meticulous in how she pronounced each word and carried herself. How I realized that in a few sentences is beyond me. Perhaps sleep deprivation was the answer? I think not.

"The one who united us on our voyage to the new world and bound us to freedom would unfortunately become our downfall. For you see, Malikath and his mother, Morathi returned to our sacred homeland of Ulthuan which, as you might know, was devastated and war-torn by the concentrated assault led by the four chaos gods. An island blasted by hellfire and decay no longer may resemble the land we called home. Many were coerced by the call to return. It is believed those who harbored his command are no longer among the living. And good riddance might I add." She puffed out her chest in a warlike manner. The deaths of her people whom she believed to be traitors had met their end.

"An assault from the north of Naggaroth tore asunder the heavens and the firmament in which we walked and they abandoned us! They abandoned their own people in his everlasting lust for revenge! But we held firm even as we lost our first line of defense when our watchtowers to the north crumbled one by one. The men of the north fell to our swords. We have faced a great many trials and our people are fractured but under the Saatiss Leel and through my guidance we've overcome these travesties. I am here before you to offer our blades in the service of this great coalition as we have united under one banner."

"That's all well and fine. Yes. What matters to us is the important details; What is the state of your army?" Kreevan sat forward and gripped his glass of whiskey, eyeing the overzealous dark elf as he supped the liquid.

Her cocksure demeanor faltered but only a second when she glanced at the warlord. "The forces of Khorne defined the very term relentless. As with everything that has come before us, we repelled the invaders and smote them to the last bastard from hell ejaculated onto this damned world."

Poetic, might I had. If not a little vulgar. But it gets the point across.

"Every man, woman, and child rallies under my battle cry. Every clan separated by meaningless boundaries and borders all bear my insignia. Our armies are bolstered by human explorers and colonists conscripted into this defiant cry against the forces of chaos whether willing or unwillingly. Through many negotiations I have established treaties with the cold blooded lizardmen from the south who are fighting for their very existence as we speak."

Vera slammed her clenched fist against her chest. The metal on metal impact rattled imposingly in the meeting place. "You desire our pact, Lord Grodmoor, is that not correct? You wish to bolster your numbers with ours and our treaties and the ease of access through our lands and all that, that entails. Then my demands are simple: I require every gun and emplacement you might provide to establish the largest wall ever conceived. Then we might discuss how our combined might shall contend with a bloodthirster I have sealed away. Your ultimate goal is to establish the largest standing army in our worlds history. Then I present to all of thee before me, both skaven, vampire, human and druchii alike – these are the means in which you might find the answers you seek."

A long silence soon eclipsed the room and all those who were focused and attentive now ruminated in their thoughts.

After a long pause and nervous exchanges shared through whispers, Hiskrin had to be the first to speak. "Suitable, yes. Though even with your allegiance, we still require more before our banner. Our armies are few and far between, separated by landmasses both great and wide. What news comes from the other regions? Where is this information? It trickles through the network with no definitive answer." He spat and eyed his shadowy brethren from Eshin, looking for an engagement.

Sneek scooted forward and rose a hand before somebody else might speak and deny him the right to defend himself. "Silence yourself. Do you believe the head of intelligence inept at his task? This meeting shan't be one based around lies and smearing from the one who cannot keep his mouth shut. If you must know, those humans hailing from the east are facing innumerable numbers brought from the north. To slow the tide I have redirected many portals to divert their attention from humanity to the dwarfs. Precognition dictates their species as a whole may experience the greatest extinction second only to the high elves. And that is a price I am willing to pay to ensure our survival. It is no secret I despise dwarfs. Let us enter this new world without them, shall we?"

Sneek cleared his throat and proceeded. "The undead hailing from the sun-swept deserts of the south refuse to accept our hand in peace after we made our bed with the Lahmians." He extended his arm out to Neferata who in turn bowed her head.

"Humanity is another beast to contend with. I shan't foresee an offer of unity. Nevertheless, it is my duty to persuade them. As Vera has stated, Ulthuan will soon be an eternal burial ground of the high elves. This reality is true to us too, need I remind those present? Steal yourselves and consolidate your resources for none of you are safe from the cloak and dagger snuffing every throat in its path."

I know many within this grand empire distrust a no fur such as myself. Sneek actively worked in favor of humanity, though indirectly killing the dwarfs in the process. This was undoubtedly due to my actions on that barren desert floor that fateful day I saved his sons life. I'm not complaining by any means. It just truly surprises me how one action can change everything. And though I know it is wrong, I'd rather see the dwarfs go than my own people.

"Well then," Sneek cleared his throat. "Resign yourself to your post as the warmonger you are and allow those in a position with proper clout to function according to the demands imposed upon us."

Rising in his chair and brandishing a knife, Hiskrin narrowed his eyes and growled a low throaty hiss. "Watch your tongue shadow-dweller or I'll cut it out for you."

"Strong words...strong words. Advance upon me and you'll hit the ground dead 'fore you take one step." Sneek smiled menacingly beneath the cloth mask. Between his fingertips a blade slid. The taste of crimson was soon to flavor the wooden table.

More infighting ensued between the many members of Grozen. Not exactly a great first impression for our possible newest edition. Through all the bravado and might she displayed, this woman was desperate. It's why she's seated among some of the most violent killers, cutthroats, and warriors I have ever laid eyes upon.

"Enough!" Screamed a thunderous roar from the darkest depths of Grodmoor. A slammed fist beat into the table so hard the wood finish chipped. He demanded attention and so shall he have it.

"If civility and proper discourse is incapable amongst the two of you then I shall be forced to have both of you escorted from the premises and you will not return to this council. Are we clear?"

He pivoted between the two. Animosity and anger marred the Grozen Lord fed up with continuous bickering through the ranks. The two begrudgingly nodded and that was that.

"There is another point of contention that has surfaced in our previous gatherings but a proper solution has failed to materialize." Stated Zenara who took a stand.

"Supplies and logistics: How are we to feed tens of millions of soldiers? In the past our skaven slaves would devour each other for sustenance. Grodmoor has outlawed cannibalism. Our slaves are a necessary link to our people as they might tend to the crops and feed our soldiers returning from the front-lines. As more and more species come to the fold, we must face this head on as their nutritional needs must be accounted for."

Some murmured in agreement. The others, simply remained silent.

Vera turned to Zenara. "Naggarond is far from a fertile utopia. The soil is poisoned by ash from volcanoes and lacks nutrients. There are regions though where you may grow a bounty and farm animals too. With Malekith and his hordes of blind followers departed, much of our region is desolate. Help us and you'll have the land you seek."

Her dialogue was much softer this time around. No need to act tough at this moment. She presented a solution immediately.

Neferata cleared her throat. The majority turned. "As many of you know, my daughters have spent the better part of this year culling the lesser clans. We own large swaths of the eastern territories of the empire lost to the Carsteins. Slyvania and much of Stirland is occupied under our realm or those humans in places of power now bow to us offering coin and blood. Come and ye shall have the land you seek. Food is an encumbrance we have no need for. The creatures of the night will protect your people. Be warned: The empire of man may cross over into our territory. Collateral damage is not my responsibility."

Well, that settles that.

Just within hands reach a glass of water sat near me. A need to sate a gnawing thirst tugged at my mind. Gods no, it was just like that dream. I couldn't, I wouldn't resist. I needed it. As I reached for the glass, something wasn't right. My hands...they passed right through such as I had departed from this world and had become a spectral force. A warm and steady stream poured from my left nostril. I tried to breathe yet no air entered these dead lungs. Nobody saw me as I plead with open mouth perpetually frozen in space and time. And then, I was gone.

The whipping winds cascaded down and into me. The black void pulled and I fell for hundreds of thousands of miles into an eternity of stretching, pulling, black watery depths. Contact flung me into a realm of deep blue and violet colors. A swirling vortex tore through the firmament of a hell blasted landscape far below where I stood. It was cold and though I was robed, I shivered in the foreign land. Standing at the edge of the crater leading into the abyss was her. The separation between us was a scant few feet. Her black hair swayed out and flowed as if it were beneath water. A long black dress covered most of her skin. Were it not for the horns sticking through her skull, she looked nearly human.

"It's been nearly one planetary year since you last beckoned me. You have a way with picking the most inopportune time to pull me from the surface world. You know, I have a life to lead and a war to win."

"Our goals intertwine as does thy destiny. You canst alter that which is predetermined." She hissed, craning her face back so the glow of her purple irises might be visible against the darkened sky.

"Cradled in my bosom, I have gone to great lengths to secure a future for you and your people. If those below decipher your little operation, those above whom oppose the Great Four will be slaughtered by their watchdog Archaon The Everchosen. I, like yourself, couldn't have predicted the speed in which they'd descend upon the mortal empires. Causality swings at the speed of sound and we have taken great steps to alleviate the burden this planet shall mete out in the original prophesied timeline. Still," She grinned mischievously. "it's not enough."

"Thavan." She spoke sincerely and turned that instant to face me. "If your people seek to resolve the battle against the bloodthirster, you will die. As myself, it has also become disillusioned with The Great Four. If you but offer your trust under my fold, I shall grant thee the dark elves your compatriots seek."

"And at what cost? Hmm? What is it you seek? Why are you determined to see us claim victory? If the chaos come to an end, you will undoubtedly take the reigns and become our next threat. There is no escaping this cyclical nightmare."

She smiled and broke out into laughter. The over exaggeration was evident in the way she clenched her chest and faked tears. "You couldn't be furthest from the truth. Hast thou not listened to the very utterance of my tongue not once, not twice?"

"I have! Half the time you spout off in old dialects as if you sound more ancient and intelligent than you are perceived and the other fifty percent you're speaking riddles. Even you chaos women confuse me! Need I remind you where you come from Seriss; What your kind will do to those like us is unfathomable? This is your domain."

"Was, you ignoramus!"

"Oh, quick to lash now. Have I touched a nerve?"

The fire in her violet eyes had not tempered from her malevolent glare. Her lips pursed and she contemplated her next action. "The mortal realm is where I wish to reside. For the first time since I was conjured from the immaterial, freewill pulses as that of a beat from a drum in my veins. I might do as I wish and this world shall live if and only if, you harbor my words close to thine heart.

"And what is it you wish for me to hearken?"

"I intend to call upon thee. I offered you guidance on your past and I have come to collect the price we agreed. You shall assist me in personal matters. The time is nigh when they shall come to remove me from the equation."

"And who are they?" I questioned. The cadence in my voice shifted to an honest inquiry. The snide tone and inflection long gone.

As if her voice was carried on the wind, it dragged an airy ethereal-like when she spoke. "Four there were. Four there shall be. We first convened with you the day you single-handedly dispatched the bile troll on your first objective for Grozen. It was I whom snatched you from the world that fateful hour and granted thee the powers to overcome what should have befallen thine allies. Behind the veil it was I who built upon your weaknesses and strengths. Feeding your potential, I empowered you to use the black arts pulsing beneath your skin.

She smiled and reverted her gaze from mine. "Two we were, and two we shall be. Those whom I aligned myself to learned of our intermingling web. Broken from the yolk that enslaved them, they supped the reality of this land; By tasting future sight it was the four who dined in hell and absolved themselves of this travesty."

And so, her gaze found mine once more. "The four were called as follows:

Serisseeiana, The Daughter in Black, Virlisque Son of The Swarm, Skarlorn, Assazion.

Meddling against our own creators, The act of deicide touched our souls. A plan born of many nefarious ends bound us on this path to preserve this world. They intended to remove you from the equation once this comes to a close."

She nodded and gripped my chin with a black gloved hand in which I recoiled. "I can see your indecision, Thavan. Rest assured in knowing it was my selfishness that presented a fork in the road. You are more valuable to me alive and they are no different than those we turned our backs on. And so, I struck a preemptive blow and slain Virlisque, eternally sealing my fate against my kind. They will converge upon us. Together, I have no doubt we will vanquish them. Yet you need guidance over the powers within thine veins. Allow me to train thee. What say you?"

So much to digest and so little time. How am I to trust her? Grodmoor thinks it is a decision that no good might come from. Besides her, who else has truly shown me the way? Who has been nothing but honest whether their plans be nefarious or not...it is her. Must I give her the benefit of the doubt. Is this topic up for negotiation. Listen to myself – justifying these actions is borderline madness. Nevertheless, I have to rely on her if I am to survive their return."

"Do what you must." I muttered.

"Come to me." She beckoned with outstretched hand. "Place thine palm into mine."

Up and down my eyes turned from hers to her hand. A daemon offered itself to me and I...and I wanted to accept her proposal. We'd win this war no matter the cost. And what if that cost abolished me of my humanity? Then I shall be vindicated.

The gap shortened as hesitation turned to acceptance. Our hands intertwined and we became one. Searing hot white light emerged through the gaps of our fingers and palms. Intense pressure eclipsed all of my senses and everything around me faded. This sensation had not caused me any pain yet as I watched the straining in her face I could not say the same for my daemonic acquaintance.

She cringed, sinking a fang deep into her lip. Blood trickled down her cheek when I suggested we stop whatever she was doing.

As if the pits of the chaos realms channeled through her, she exclaimed, "No!"

Deeper and deeper her flesh seemed to meld with mine. Our thoughts, desires and wants all cascaded into one fathomless void. I saw the world fade out from under me and it was only us flying through the pit of no return. And then, Our bond collapsed.

Seriss fell to her knees, separating the connection we once had. The loss was unexplainable but left me longing for it to return. Upon flipping my hand over, I examined her handiwork. Within the palm of my hand glowed a chaos emblem split in two. It was identical in every respect to the tattoo upon her hip.

Looking down, I observed the fatigue in her eyes. She gasped for breath and clenched her chest. Blood dripped from the edge of her lip, staining her black skirt. For a daemon in this instance she eerily resembled a human. Perhaps that resemblance is what convinced me to do this?

Reaching down, I scooped her up underneath her shoulder and supported her weight. Seriss sighed. Bewildered and shocked, she accepted my aid without complaint.

"My gratitude to thee." Her inflection spoke true. She meant what she said.

Seriss snapped her finger. Before us the chaos wastes dissolved into oblivion. Replacing that horrid dimension was what I could only say was a muted setting in comparison.

A roaring flame sparked a beautiful glow coming from the fireplace. Opposite of that shined a welcoming bed lined with blankets and pillows for this world weary traveler.

Her request was simple. "Lay me down."

I did as she asked and aided her by getting her onto the bed. It was only then had I realized the sigil on my hand disappeared behind my flesh.

She, having taken notice, spoke before I might question. "I've imparted a piece of me into thee. The magic that flowest beneath thine veins will multiply to lengths thou hast not yet seen. Fear not, Thavan, I have only implanted the seed in which thou might utilize thine powers to the greatest spectrum. Your weakness of flesh shall not hinder thee. Your humanity shall remain intact as you so desperately crave. You see me as an enemy but it is I who has your intentions here."

She weakly placed her hand over her breast and imitated the pumping of a heart.

"The ritual was a success." She finished.

"If so, then why has it disappeared?"

Seriss' hair splayed out around the bed like black tendrils. She coughed in short bursts and motioned for me to reveal my palm. I did as she instructed, only for her to snatch my hand and pull it to her face.

"This is the means in which you'll subjugate that bloodthirster. With this at your disposal you may come to me at your leisure. It shall be as simple as breathing."

She appeared so calm and confident in this explanation that there was doubt on my part. Could this truly work?

"How might you be so certain of yourself when I have no understanding of what you've done to me?"

She smiled at my ignorance. "Opening thine mind was the necessary course one must take to let flow the power pulsing beneath your veins. This is but a taste of that which you are capable of. A suckle from the teat that'll encapsulate you by the black magic that floods your everything." She crooned. The tone of voice was thick like syrup with a buildup of saliva.

At the edge of the bed I stood. "Where are we?" I pressed.

Her eyes wandered. It appeared as if even for but a moment she must reflect on the matter. "I slaughtered the former beings who took residence over this manner. We're situated back on your home-world."

She pat the bed. "Won't you sit?"

Hesitation surrendered to her request. I placed myself at the edge. It was just out of her reach.

"I ugh, I have to return to the council. It is important I..."

"Shhh." She sat forward, reaching for my neck. Two fingers snuck betwixt the fabric of the cloth barrier and the warmth of my skin. The neck pulsed with blood as I felt lightheaded simply by her touch. I sighed. Why do so many have such a fascination with my scars?

The cloth fell and my skin became visible to the naked eye. She only gazed upon my disfigured neck. No words were uttered when she eyed the damaged flesh where two puncture wounds forever tainted my skin. This feeling differed not even in the slightest from feeling naked. Her piercing gaze could be felt as if I were bare to her eyes.

"If you'd like, I shall smite her for thee – to make her suffer as she made thee." There was feelings of strong hate carried on her words. Her question would garner results. I squirmed beneath my clothing.

There was a place within my heart where emotions festered. It is where I wanted vengeance. Yet, where had vengeance led me? Down a path of pain and misery and a bottle of alcohol to numb the agony coursing through these veins had only proved to me what I might achieve. Was there solace in this path? I know not. Nevertheless, She deserves what's coming to her but I can't bring myself to her nor might I ask that of someone else.

But why? Why? Why? Why? Why? The truth of the matter is, she hadn't killed me and neither do I believe that was ever her intentions. She broke me down and nearly destroyed me, but I got better. No, it can't be that simple. There's that little secret living in the back of my mind, tucked away and forgotten. It gnaws and it claws. I know in secret, there is more to this than I'd admit to anyone.

The truth of the matter is I liked...no, craved the pleasure and control she exhibited over me. If it'd last forever I'd accept such a destiny. In some sick, alternate reality I hoped she'd bear my child. Now what kind of a man does that make me? What kind of an amoral degenerate have a become?

And so, even with Zenara by my side, I keep her at arms length. Disgust, revulsion, perversion, these words all ring true to my clouded mind. So how am I to explain to the one I hold so dear to my heart that I am not certain who I am any longer. It is like my mind went for a walk and never returned.

It is at this moment it dawned on my foggy conscious that Seriss had been here this entire time as I drowned in my own mind. What terror she must have observed on my features was evident by the confusion upon her face. The response was long overdue.

"Refrain yourself from such action unless I request this. Do not, in any way, circumvent what I've demanded of thee."

Her eyebrow raised. A suggestive smirk and a nudge into my ribs was enough for me to realize I have overstayed my welcome.

"I will call for you when the time is right. And you will teach me how to utilize what I have striven to contain. In order to heal the world I must become that which I hate. I sometimes believe death is a preferable alternative to this reality."

My eyes widened and I smiled, looking off into the distance. "Although...if this should end with the chaos realm torn asunder and the death of the four gods, then I think...I think I might embrace the black that tears so dearly at my core."

She winked, licking the pink of her lips. Her hand snatched mine and placed it atop her breast. "Feel the pulse and the interconnect of two hearts. Ask of me and ye shall receive my child. Breathe and I shall be thine air. Hunger and I shall be thine sustenance. Reach and I will be the one to pull thee upward. The dawn of a new age has begun. We will devour their realm." She pressed my hand harder, forcing me to squeeze the full thickness of her breast. My hand could barely contain the heft of her mound as it pressed through my fingertips.

This world and the next collapsed. The smell of sweet perfume wafted through the dead air. There was nothing but silence. Within a black void of twinkling stars we floated together as she sat atop me disrobed and connected to my manhood. Below us the planet I called home was so far off it appeared to be a speck with its two moons orbiting the giant landmass of greens and blues.

Covered in sweat and holding each other as one we cried and her voice touched my mind as whispers flooded my conscious. "Until next time." She moaned cumming against my shaft as the stars aligned and a black hole swallowed us up. We both climaxed in the black void of space itself.

# # # #

Gagging. Choking. Bleeding. Vera watched from a distance at the male human demonstrating a most peculiar disposition. Thavan clawed at his throat and wretched on nonexistent fluids. His eyes bulged against pressure underneath the surface. Blood splattered against the strain from his coughing fit and stained the table in crimson.

"What is the matter with that human and why are all of you sitting there whilst he dies?" She asked what the majority already knew.

Thavan reached for the cup of water when his fit instantly subsided and his hands fell into his lap. The mania had all but subsided. Ragged were his breaths as he regained control.

"I can contain this daemonic problem of yours." He grunted through gritted teeth and lidded eyes, avoiding his orbs from gazing upon hers.

It was as if the mortal and spirit realm collided at once upon him. The experience jarred the poor lad and rightfully so. He is fortunate whether he realizes or not. The mind is a fragile thing yet Thavan's remains with him unto this day.

"Indeed, you can, can you not? It matters not to me who completes the ritual. You will accompany me on my return to Naggaroth and your words will be put to the test."

Vera's position was a precarious one. Leading all remaining dark elves within the known world tasked her with the survival of her species. Her pragmatic and to the point attitude allowed her to focus on the now. Though, that did leave her wide open should this all fail. She needn't bore herself with the details on the why or how. Success was the determining factor behind all this and she saw that the moment she laid eyes on him. It was obvious there hid something inherently wrong with that man. She felt the presence of daemonic energy surrounding him. He was a human yes, but there were dark secrets lurking beneath him of that she knew all too well. This male was an opportunity to rid her of an obstacle damming her path to freedom. And should he fail, another will take his place.

"Grodmoor, might I be privy to the arrival of your forces?" She turned to him and her countenance shifted as well. That face, it was a stonewall.

Grodmoor nodded his head back and forth. Numbers and armaments and calculations all played out in his mind. "The first wave of one million strong will arrive no later than 30 days."

"In time, we shall know." She stood, patting her armor and offered one final parting glance to Thavan before retiring for the eve.

If there was one being within that room worth keeping an eye on it was that human. Under her gaze she'd watch over that peculiar man. Oh yes she would.

# # # #

( Thavan Vanamar / Location – Grozen Capital / – time – 11/24/20)

Draped in black and departing at a brisk pace, I stormed past guards and emissaries – anything just to free oneself of chastising tongues and judgmental eyes. Through the throngs in a sea of fur and beady black and red dots I waded to a destination unknown, only to be thwarted and denied by a voice I knew all too well. Denial presented impossibility. Impossibility provided no escape, no escape from her callous disregard for my privacy. Again, she demanded an answer, except this time I heard every word.

"You promised it was under control."

A statement I indeed promised months ago only to be drugged from the depths, beaten and bloodied by her words. I was but a spec in a crowd of thousands. The gateway leading into the city was so close and now there was only the reality of my situation: It was time. But I wasn't ready. I wasn't ready to submit.

"I don't have time for this lecture." I stammered out.

Past the gates I made a beeline into the city and away from the castle proper.

Zenara gripped my wrist, squeezing hard enough for me to realize what I already knew. "Then make time!" Strained and bitter were her words. Deception wasn't in the cards.

Upon my heels I turned and faced the worried sorceress. Though she may have been scorned by my antics, even now she remained by my side. The cracks that I formed of my own choice wore her down. She grew so very tired of this game.

This is what Hiseelia wanted all along. This moral quandary is tearing our relationship apart. I've broken the fist of a bile troll intending to kill my ally. I've slaughtered hundreds in a coliseum beneath thousands of screaming faces demanding more blood. I've done all this and more but I cannot for the life of me reveal this fear, this hangup that controls my every move.

"What might I do to alleviate your qualms suspended upon me like black clouds? What do you want from me Zenara? Do you and those around me wish to know what an unstable mess I am? Do you wish to hear about the internal war I am facing whilst being influenced by a daemon hellbent on infesting my mind? Would you care to hear about all that I have fought and let go to move on only for that bitch to get the last laugh over me? I cannot and I will not offload this burden onto you or anybody else. I thought she was gone Zenara! I thought I had it under control!"

So cold she was, neither moving nor reacting when I finished. This persisted. Nothing was said, nor had her features altered.

"Thavan..." She sighed and lowered her head. "All I have craved from you is honesty. Since day one I have offered all that you need to accommodate your lifestyle. I don't expect much and I wasn't going to lambaste you in public. You have done that to yourself from your outburst. I realize now that you are in the dark as much as myself and for that, I offer my condolences. I just need you to know you may come to me with anything. There is no judgment from me. And if I must reiterate this one million times over then I will." She smiled and laughed with that beautiful and sweet sounding voice I have come to adore. The anger and frustrations I felt, alleviated once more. She nudged my shoulder and we both smiled together, albeit mine was partially forced.

"Look around you, Thavan. There isn't just a war fighting within your head. Against the wishes of those within the higher echelons within our army, you are allowed to move where you wish, unshackled and unfettered. What if she learns of our whereabouts? Would you willingly jeopardize this entire operation and those around you before your reputation lay tarnished against the deaths of tens of millions? This is not the Grozen Empire you joined when this started. There are many within places of power that do not trust a human and would gladly remove you from the equation were it not for myself and Grodmoor. Listen to me, who are you so keen to impress? This isn't the surface and however your kind conducted themselves above-ground is irrelevant here. We know your loyalty. I know..."

Her hand reached out timidly for the face of the man she grew to love so dear. Still and motionless I stood as her fingertips brushed against my cheek. As this carried out, passerby's scurried to and fro and skaven Storm Patrols armed with bolt rifles moved in formation into the city proper.

My immediate action that precluded her from uttering another word startled the skaven when I scooped her into the air and hugged her tightly.

She immediately reacted and blinked us away from the voices and insanity. Within her overlook of her tower, she brought us here. It was now or never. I couldn't wait any longer.

"Listen...what Hiseelia did to me, it's...I...I don't know if I can attempt to present the relationship you seek. I want to be with you. I want to offer you the world. Intimacy is something I once longed for and now fear. Sex..."

"Shhh. Stop there." She asked of me as she placed her finger on my lips. "Is that what this is all about? You're concerned about intimacy?"

I nodded, averting my gaze from hers.

Her hand gripped my chin and pulled it up and into her face. "Look at me. Since that fateful day I scooped you up into my arms when you were naught but skin and bones I promised I wouldn't let them hurt you anymore. I've failed you. I continually terrorize myself at the horrors you've faced by yourself. I love you, Thavan Vanamar. Whatever that means to you, I know it isn't much but it is true. They say love is blind and perhaps I have become blind to this but I will stand by your side until I part from this world."

"Wait. I am not your charge. It is not you that must explain yourself. It is I who denied you the reciprocation you deserved. For that, I am deeply sorry. The life I have led brought me. It was never your fault, Zenara. All this time I have battled myself internally while you suffered alone. With a clear conscience I can say without a shadow of a doubt, no matter where I go, no matter what I do, I will always come back for you."

Paralyzed by love and lost in her gaze, I reached for her, pulling the skaven I hold so dear into my chest. She nestled into the leather fabric, and sighed contentedly. Her nose twitched, inhaling my scent.

"Promise?" She looked up and into my eyes. The cerulean blue sea-like orbs stared expectantly at me.

"Promise. We will do this." I declared. "I'm going to make this better. And should I lose myself to the hell in my heart, I will..."

"Together." She looked up and at me with her bright blue eyes. The tip of her nose twitched and she pecked my cheek. "We will bring you back together. This isn't a war you have to fight alone any longer."

# # # #

And together they shall be. No longer his mind will be the divider that separated them from the future they both believed in. This chapter of both their lives had finally come to a close. Intertwined in each others arms and lost in each others love is all that mattered in that moment.

But for the fate of the world a new path would befall the skaven of the Grozen Empire. A great and ominous war loomed over the horizon of their homes and their futures. Grodmoor's gamble upon technological advancements bolstered by bluestone shall come front and center at the Battle For Last Light. A leaden sky of gunpowder, blood, and gas would be the epicenter of a frozen hell that awaited them and the hordes of daemons and norscans ripping through the chaos dimension thirsting for the death of this world.

Hey there everybody. I know I am still slow as it gets when it comes to putting these chapters out but they are still coming. Due to this pandemic and having much more free-time, I should be able to churn out chapters left and right, hopefully! I hope the story continues to entertain and keeps you hooked. I am really looking forward to the next couple chapters and seeing what you all think. I can't wait to see this story come together for the grand finale. But that is still a ways off. Thank you for being a fan and stay safe in these crazy times. 3 S. J.