chapter 2

Timeskip 7 year

It's been seven years I'm in this world and seven years I've been working as maid in the Saures household. Thou, I wanted to wear a butler outfit, you know becoming the next combat butler.

a lot of things happen in those seven years. that's a lie thou, truth is nothing exciting happened so sorry to get you hopes up if you wanted to read a childhood arc from yours truly

what I did was completely utterly normal. well as normal as one can get in a magical world filled with Monster demon and other whatnot


5 yeard old

Hachiman : what do you mean I have to study with you?

Aria : well... I was thinking of becoming an explorer and discover new things and to do that I need to prepare myself by entering the Alliance Academy

Hachiman : what's this has to do with me studying?

Aria : You are my maid so it's logical for you to tag along with me when I start my exploration, plus if you're ever tired of being my maid the knowledge and skill that you gain can be used to pursue something you'll like

Hachiman : huh... that was considerate of you

Aria : why thank you, I do try my best

Hachiman : now pull the other one, what's the real reason?

Aria : I don't want to be alone so please come with me

Hachiman : see~ is that so hard to admit?

Aria : no, but I still would like to retain a semblance of pride you know

Hachiman : tch, you nobles and your pride

Aria : well excuse me for being a noble

Hachiman : speaking of nobles, how are you going to be an explorer if you're the head of the Saures Family?

Aria : oh, I won't be the one to inherit it. that would be my brother

Hachiman : brother? last I check you don't have a brother

Aria : I do now (smug)

Hachiman : Explain

Aria : fufufu as of three days ago my mother is now pregnant!

Hachiman : 3 days ago huh... I guess your mother had a "god I can't believe I'm still alive sex" with your father

Aria : GAAHH!! I do not need that kind of knowledge!

Hachiman : hehehhe


5 years old

Head maid : Hachiman-san, can you tell what this is?

Hachiman : a pocket on the underside of the skirt

HM : and how many pocket are there?

Hachiman : aa... I lost count on thirty

HM : tell me just why do you think it was a good idea to remodel your uniform?

Hachiman : so I can store stuff that I may or may not use in the future

HM : I will be confiscated this uniform and hope that you will not repeat this incident

Hachiman : first you take away my chance of becoming a combat butler then you take away my knife holding uniform so I can be the next Izayoi

HM : aha, I knew those pockets are oddly shaped

Hachiman : fuck

HM : that reminds me I still need to fix that crude language of yours

Hachiman : Aria ojou-sama save meeeee


6 years old

Aria : that gift of yours is a cheat, seriously you have all the time that you need to answer those test

Hachiman : pot meet kettle bitch, and your gift is more of a cheat then mine

Aria : unlike you who abuse your gift, I refrained from doing so

Hachiman : well... human does tend to face away from the ugly truth

Aria : that sound racist but I can't fault your logic


6 Years old

Annette : Aria, come here and meet your new baby brother

Aria : he is quite cute (giggles)

Hachiman : ... another Kawasaki

Aria : you said something Hachiman?

Hachiman : n-nothing I said nothing!

Aria : here would you like to hold him?

Hachiman : huuuh? I'm just a maid are you sure?

Annette : Chi-chan don't be like that, you saved me and Aria so you're family to me. now, get here and hold him

Hachiman : Chi-chan? who the fu-

Head Maid : ahem...

Hachiman : fudge... I said fudge

HM : (nod)

Hachiman : who the fudge is Chi-chan?

Aria : it's obviously you, and it's much more feminine then your full name so I might start calling you that

Annette : You don't like it?...

Hachiman : guh... no I really like it thanks

Aria : now shut up and hold him

Hachiman : fine... I have to admit this guy is pretty cute (use tail to tickle)

Aria : are you done? it's been 3 minutes now

Hachiman : huh, oh sorry

Aria : actually go ahead and play a little longer with him

Hachiman : hmm...

Annette : thus is some cute shit

HM : Ojou-sama do you need me to reeducate you again

Annette : please no...


7 Years old (location dream scape)

Hachiman : you're probably the Magi person that sent me in this world

Magi : ding! ding! ding! and we have a winner, call me Magi, a researcher, dimensions traveler and collector

Hachiman : I thought someone with the name magi is a magician

Magi : nah~ magic is a tool to me, I don't really consider myself as a magic participate

Hachiman : why the fuck do you call yourself magi!?

Magi : well you see, I us-

Hachiman : if you said something like using a random mechanic to decide your name I'll kick you and trust me I've been working out ever since I decide becoming a maid

Magi : wow... how did you figure that out?

Hachiman : first you decide my gender using a coin then you decide my affinity by using a roulette. it doesn't take a genius to figure out you like random mechanic you fuck! and apologize, apologize to all the people who was given the title of magi through hard work!

Magi : change of subject how's life treating you?

Hachiman : huh? fine I guess

Magi : that's so, well sorry for the late visit I have a few things to settle

Hachiman : I'm not even going to ask since it's probably stupid

Magi : good thing too since it is stupid

Hachiman : how unsurprising

Magi : c'mon Chi-chan don't say that

Hachiman : don't call me that, only family member are authorised to use that nickname and you sir are certainly not

Magi : aww but I made that vessel your using with my own blood so I'm technically a father to you

Hachiman : eeeeewwwww I fell dirty just knowing that

Magi : ouch! it was a joke and that kind of stings. anywho, I'm here to give you something

Hachiman : I hope it's nothing weird

Magi : oh have a little faith in me (snap finger) there

Hachiman : ... ... ... ... you give me a second tail...

Magi : aaaand a second skill

Hachiman : I'm seeing a trend here

Magi : well when you think of a fox yokai you think of the nine tail fox so each tail you gain a new skill. your second one is hammerspace by the way

Hachiman : how stereotypical... speaking of skill seeing as Aria skill seems to have a draw back does mine have one too?

Magi : yep, the time stop makes you uncare about certain things while your hammerspace will make you a hoarder but don't worry since it's been downgraded

Hachiman : is there a reson why it's downgraded?

Magi : sharp, the reason it's downgraded is because your vessel isn't exactly alive seeing as you are a yokai, your more closer to an idea rather then a spirit thou

Hachiman : that explains a few things

Magi : you might want to wake up now see you again! toodle


9 Years old

Hachiman : you know, I don't mind if you use your gift on me to know who I am.

Aria : what makes you brought this up?

Hachiman : let's just say I want to get closer to you.

Aria : well since you offer I might as well know all about you but...

Hachiman : but?

Aria : doing so by using my gift will make our bond shallow, I would like to know Hachiman by his own word rather then relying on my gift.


11 years old

Hachiman : I still can't believe that Christmas exist in this world

Aria : well most if not all the summon heroes really like to celebrate their events

Hachiman : considering they were taken from their home I can't blame them

Aria : how about you?

Hachiman : huh?

Aria : don't you want to go back to your world

Hachiman : even if I did go back there's nothing for me there. and beside I have you here with me

Aria : ...

Hachiman : on the side note, do you think Arian will like the present I give him?

Aria : that depends what did you gave my brother

Hachiman : don't give that look, it's nothing dangerous I swear

Aria : I can only hope so

Hachiman : how about yours?

Aria : it's nice, practical and easy on the eye so I think I'll wear it often

Hachiman : glad you like it


Hachiman :...

Aria : ... you better run

Hachiman : great idea



See, normal, nothing you would expect from an isekai. but let's get towards something more important like today

you may be wondering what's so special about today, well let me tell you today is the day Aria will be meeting with her Fiancé for the first time. as expected of an isekai setting, of course your ojou-sama will be engaged with someone

that means that a snot nose brat will sink his claw in Aria but don't worry! the extraordinary ordinary maid Hachiman will protect you!

who am I kidding, I hope the the bastard is a douche so that I can watch Aria beat the crap out of him.

if you people think that Aria is a hopeless damsel in distress then your dead wrong. she's been upping her combat training and magic studies since the incident

with her affinity results as Fire - B, Water - A, Earth - C, Wind - B, Lightning - D,

and her combat training that consists of using large array of weapon, different type of terrain, and sparing with yours truly she's what you call an All-rounder in this world, a jack-of-all-trades basically

now if only her cooking would improve or at least not turning into an eldrich abomination she'll be perfect! not!

by the way you already know that my affinity of water is average so the result are Water - C. and thanks to my second skill I can store as many weapons as I want, my dream of becoming Izayoi is now complete

my main weapon is a knife and a dagger BTW

currently Aria and I are inside the guest room waiting for the her fiancé and I am now starting to get bored

"Chi-chan, I'm warning you to not cause any trouble " Aria said with a low tone toward me, sheesh tone down a bit girly we're still considered children so it's perfectly justifiable to mess up " If you do our next training session will be more intense "

warning accepted, no trouble making, got it

"ara ara~ to think you have already been smitten when you have not met him, don't tell me all those time we spend together was a lie" I said in mock horror, one of the many few things that I discovered of being a fox yokai is that I was a bit (lot) mischievous.

noticing that she was pinching the bridge of her nose I guess this is enough

"anyway things like this reminds me that being a mere commoner is worth it since we don't have an arranged marriage " Not! I said in a cheerful tone knowing it would grate on her nerve, this remind me when she come back home from her first young noble gathering looking like she was having the worst time of her life

oh wait, she did!

"I have the sudden urge to smack you for a second there" Aria suddenly said looking at me with her finger twitching

I neither confirm nor deny her by staying quiet that way she won't know if I'm lying

just in time the door open and the guest of the hour arrives, he walks in and immediately take a seat opposite of Aria and take a quick look at her then meme

the look he sent was not that of lechery or studying our worth but the look you send to gauge someone threat

I like him already, but don't get your hopes up yet you raijuu you still have a long way to be worthy for Aria

" Name's Alden, Alden Dragonhearts. it's a pleasure to know my Fiancé is also a fellow fighter " he said with a roguish smile with his head held high

I take it back I don't like him