Disclaimer: I do not own Marvel; only Rebecca and the world surrounding her.

Welcome to Impulse from the To Build A Home Series!

If you got here before reading my first book, Lithe, go back and read that story first.

If you have already, Welcome to Book 2!

This book will take place from Iron Man 3 to Captain American: The Winter Soldier. We have a lot of things to do in this book and I'm excited to truly play around with Becca and Steve's relationship and add more people to this universe.

Here is a quick synopsis of what to expect of Impulse coming in January of 2019!

There was only a few days left to celebrate a year that everything changed for Becca. In more ways than one. But now her father, Tony, has threatened a terrorist leader and even has so much as given him their home address. Leaving the Father and Daughter to fight for the lives of those closest to them.

Becca begins looking more into her past. She starts uncovering clues and will bring her face to face with a person she thought she'd never meet. While a relationship that she wasn't expecting starts to blossom between herself and Steve.

And Steve had fallen back into action. The super soldier quickly suits up alongside Becca and Natasha in SHIELDs STRIKE unit. While Becca is about to be called in for her new job, she quickly is realizing the role was given to her by the enemy.

Ghosts from everyone's past our starting to make themselves known as the world they live in is crumbling around them. Who's going to burn in the fire and who's going to walk out to tell the tale.

Thank you again for all the support through this process.

Please Review:Follow:Favorite: All that Jazz!